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If Peng Challenges No One In The Forest, Will He Still Lose?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

You described an "Ardenne" style map,


No, I described a scenario where German armour would be attacking Americans in the Ardennes in Dec 1944.....but read on....


which to my knowledge was a heavily forested and rather hilly patch of real estate..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Indeed - some bits of it are.. Some are not.


Imagine my surprise to find you have selected moderate trees and moderate hills!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I can't possibly imagine your surprise, because that's what I told you the settings were by e-mail.


Tish and posh lad, this smacks of "SSN gaminess!"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This smacks of Kay-nig-it kowardice.

No matter......when your master shouts, you bark, I know the drill. Better luck getting a spine in your next incarnation old boy.

So there you have it folks - 3-0 to moi, due to rampant cowardice on the part of the old-time pengvillans.


Ergo, it is time for 'No more Mister Nice Stuka, and your file has been used for 'other purposes'.

You see I've had a spot of tummy trouble and have found your file to be both soft, resilient and thoroughly absorbing.

Thanks heaps.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No problem old chap - I always like to help out the disabled as best I can, especially with the more important parts of their lives.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Sir MKIV, may I borrow your best Dachshund rifle?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You need a rifle?? Good grief, down here we don't waste bullets, we let our children wring their necks!

Anyway - as I was about to say before I was so quietly interrupted, the reason it was merely moderate trees and hill was so as not to afford you yet another excuse for having your arse handed to you.

But since you used my file to hand your arse to yourself I feel that the job was adequately done anyway.

Anyway - Jonah Lomu's just run about 15 yards with half the French team hanging off him, so I'm going to go watch the other massacre.

This one no longer interests me tonight.

Oo - oo - oo...he's just scored under the posts - 30th test try. Nice to see him having a good game, since they are so few and far between here! That makes it 30-12 to the good guys.

Nighty-nites girls and.......well, girls.

Oops, and Doug Howlet's just scored his 8th try....in 7 tests...at least 1 in each, that's a new All Black record for tries in successive tests from debut. 37-12

[important facts added and another stubbie deleted - **** it took me 3 goes to find the "edit" button...]

[ 06-30-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. JohnsonIf all sheep had wings what would you do? Move onto (hehehe onto) Kangeroos?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh <giggle>!

You made me laugh! I really needed a good chuckle this weekend! No wait, that was a convulsion! Damn,I always get the two confused.

Now Mr Jonny Boy, let me pass on my great wisdom before I depart for bed.

As a bird went flying by,

it dropped a message from the sky!

As I wiped it from my eye,

"thanks be that sheep can't fly"

There's a message in there for all of us. Probably some little lesson like "you suck" or "low-life loser" ( the triple l ), but a lesson none-the-less!

btw it's Kangaroo (repeat after me):

Kangaroo -

Spelt: K.x.w.t.t.l.p.u.y.t


Thankewe, and guten nacht!


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Ah, me. Yet another thread. I didn't have the energy or the inclination to contribute when I first saw it's inception. Like turds stacking up in the litter box, the Mutha Beautiful Thread grows and grows. We still have our Prima Donna's that say "I don't like this thread, I'll wait for the next one". Like this is a friggen bus system we have. Well, I'm not giving up my seat when you want to sit down. You can sit on the driver's lap.

Here are some things that suck in no specific order: Rt 295 This God awful highway makes me want to arm myself with something of the 76MM caliber variety and clear the friggen way to work. It’s like a big parking lot that moves sometimes.

Fireworks fans also go into my "you suck" list this week. It took us an hour and a half to leave Philadelphia last night. There were fireworks (good show) after the game and every Tom, Dick and *Elvis was there. They should have a plan to let the decent God-fearing people exit the den of pollution. South Philly is a maze of factories and parking lots. We drove past a Fish Factory and I earned myself a bruised chin from my precious love. (May the golden dew of the early morning mist accompany her footsteps)

I'm also a bit bitter about the search function (Aaargh, I can't think, they are having an abomination of a parade outside of my window and are qualifying themselves as candidates for bludgeoning and evisceration) I wanted to gather some of my verbal gems from my H Sedai days and the search function is next to useless.

Here is what happens when a man of severely limited intellect gets a job supervising too many people with estrogen. He forgets his home phone and spends entirely too much time looking at hindquarters and busts to get anything done. The owners of the body parts are constantly chattering and bemoaning every small slight that comes their way. (real or imagined) I struggle with my own Estrogen machine but she is only one person. I can help solve her problems with some of that Slap & Tickle . That is not an option for the Fallopian Friends who must call out sick if their horoscope promises a new love interest. So, when I get home, I can barely remember my home phone and CM turns are entirely beyond me. I could just click "Go", but I would be wondering if the "Go" button will be here tomorrow or will call out because one of it's kids came down with Diphtheria or Typhus.

If you spent some time reading this and wonder if you suck, then you probably do. Sorry.


*Let it be known that our Elvis was not seen there. Any and all references to Elvis made by Phillies Phan, his family, his girlfriend, his pets, and associates are not about the venerable Elvis, King of South Philly unless specifically stated.

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chrisl has agreed to provide the venue. MrSenileTea has agreed to be the victim.

The MBT will have life again.

The rivers will run green with bile.


Edited due to prolonged exposure to non-alcoholic beverages.

[ 06-30-2001: Message edited by: MrPeng ]

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O' in all that is HOLY, do not let that foul scoundrel force the battle "Juno" on you. Not only is it a travesty of a-historocity, but it is also a hideously bleak landscape with the most boring, repetitive action I've ever beheld, to boot.

The game is little more than:

Germans: Line up on the cliff, 1500 meters away from the coast and begin shooting. Open file, hit go, minimize, send file.

Canadians: Walk throutgh 1500 meters of flat, empty ground while your numbers slowly diminish.

The grand finale of the game consists of three furious turns at the end, where German gun crews battle viciously on the ridge with Canadian HQ units. Everyone is low on ammo and broken, the flags are forgotten, and it really becomes nothing more than hitting GO without even watching the movie just to get to the end of this unholy battle.

It is worth surrendering on turn 1 for the Canadians, since that would give them the best score of the game. Even if scores and victories are not your forte and you are in it for the joy of slaughter, than it would be best to just plot all moves straight up the coast and fast forward to turn 57 for the epic battle of the crews vs. HQs.

Heed my words and avoid this bad joke like the plague. I have had sexually transmitted diseases with more fun than this.

[ 06-30-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]

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Juno was intended to be rather unpleasant. The ground wasn't entirely flat-- it did have some contours to it that could provide a spot of cover here and there.

I've sent a modified version of Event Horizon to Peng, who will be playing the Germans. Seniletea will be Brits, rather than Canucks, because the Canucks don't have enough diversity of forces for my nefarious purposes. Because this scenario is for Old Ones of the pool, rather than SSNs, It's almost balanced, and I even playtested about halfway through (and made a few minor tweaks). I think it's a bit tougher for the brits than the germs, since against the AI I actually had to pay attention to what I was doing, but it's not a Juno or a Crodaburg. It actually starts out pretty normal, and only turns hideously ugly about halfway through.

Here's the revised version of the briefing that both players got:

It's some time after D-Day, and the allies have been pushing rapidly across Europe. The Germans are backed up against the Rhein in many places, and are desperate for a few victories. German scientists in the laboratories at Schweinente have developed a secret weapon called the Vortex Machine that could completely turn the tide of the war. It hasn't been field tested, but the full scale tests are only weeks, or even days away. Allied intelligence has figured out that something is going on that could be very bad for the allied war effort, but don't have details on what it does. British forces have been assigned to push as quickly as possible to the town where the labs are located, and take the device. They've pushed all the way up to a tributary of the Rhein, but have yet to establish a bridgehead--a small force has reached the bridge, and all available forces are being sent as quickly as possible for support.

(I almost forgot to add: It does have an obscene number of points per side, but the map is small enough that there's never that many alive at one time.)

[ 06-30-2001: Message edited by: chrisl ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phillies Phan:

I could just click "Go", but I would be wondering if the "Go" button will be here tomorrow <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Phan, the Go button will always be there for you!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

<big>NEWS FLASH!!!</big>

Road Warrior has been remastered and is available on DVD!!!!!! Drop what you are doing, rush to Best Buy and get this! Perhaps the best movie ever, definitely the best to come up from Down Under. Plus, it's only $15 American! Woot!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Is it still dubbed like a bad porno?

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Pengalina made monkey grunts that sounded like:

Listen you earless mook. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "BAD PORNO."


Two words: Herschel Savage. HAH! Made you look!

--dammit, I hate when people like panties are correct. My aging and diseased brain saw "Mad Max" where he had clearly had his nurse type "Road Warrior".


[ 06-30-2001: Message edited by: dalem ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phillies Phan:

Ah, me. Yet another thread. I didn't have the energy or the inclination to contribute when I first saw it's inception. Like turds stacking up in the litter box, the Mutha Beautiful Thread grows and grows. We still have our Prima Donna's that say "I don't like this thread, I'll wait for the next one". Like this is a friggen bus system we have. Well, I'm not giving up my seat when you want to sit down. You can sit on the driver's lap.

Here are some things that suck in no specific order: Rt 295 This God awful highway makes me want to arm myself with something of the 76MM caliber variety and clear the friggen way to work. It’s like a big parking lot that moves sometimes.

*Let it be known that our Elvis was not seen there. Any and all references to Elvis made by Phillies Phan, his family, his girlfriend, his pets, and associates are not about the venerable Elvis, King of South Philly unless specifically stated.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

GOD ALL_FREAKING_MIGHTY AND_ALL_KNOWING_!!! Could you be ANY more boring!???!!!??????

I dont want to hear about those 76mm turds in the litter box cause we all know they are yours. As for the highwayszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

I have been to philly. And no way am I returning (extradition included). City of motherly lovers. Almost got my ass kicked by a transvestite while waiting for a bus.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Username:

I have been to philly. And no way am I returning (extradition included). City of motherly lovers. Almost got my ass kicked by a transvestite while waiting for a bus.



Oh man, that was you? If I'd a known that I wouldn't have minded you ripping me on the trick.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Johnson-<THC>-:

Ron Jermey is very bad Porno.


If you think The Hedgehog (honorary Knight, I should think) is bad porn, then you don't understand porn.

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