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If Peng Challenges No One In The Forest, Will He Still Lose?

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Good to see that MrsSqeaker managed to remember the stock standard excuses for lack of intestinal fortitude.

Shame PanzyLitter's just managed a little overflow dribble of partly digested vegetable matter.....

So that makes it 2-zip to me, with only Stuka able to possibley avoid the whitewash. Needless to say I expect it to come up with a sudden hernia, or attack of appendicitis or something as an excuse to leave it 3-0 by dfault!

It's a bit of a shame really - I shall have to tell the outerboards that the real reason for the PONG thread is so here's somewhere for all the little boys and girls t play.

Oh...and Emma - the only gay folk I know are all female....bye darlin'

[ 06-29-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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Let's just back off with the SSNs abuse, will we?

Oh yes, they annoy, are rude, vulgar, lack wit, are not very bright, and to top that post mindless drivel.

But they do serve a purpose...just think how good they make us look in comparison!!!


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Auck!! Your bloody email is busted Stalin! contact me if you dare, I'll send a copy of Rune's evilist, vilest, and one of his biggest yet, Unless you can't handle the humliation of being soundly defeated by a SSN on the field of battle.

If you don't I'll hunt you down and bash in your worthless skull.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan:

Every day I wade through this dungpile of humanity and regret wholeheartedly that BAUHAUS was the only regular I bitchslapped to hell and back. Perhaps ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh Lindan, you simp. Who hasn't done that to me. Had to say that before Berlidid.

Speaking of Satan, you probably won't be seeing him for awhile. He just got his mac back and last I saw, he was straddling the thing like a two dollar whore in a room full of sailors. I think he missed his mac. It will be going in soon for another clean up however, something about the keys sticking together.

And now back to our regular show.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:


Squires are driven to make moon-eyes at bauhaus....


Why on earth would you subject me to be the target of moon-eyes from lowly squires? Boy, I tell ya, I get no respect. None....zip....zero....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bauhaus:

...something about the keys sticking together...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So he and Prawn-o'-sky can trade stories of how best to "gum" up one's keyboard... sounds like one of our LAWYERS should diversify into the bidness of Human Fulfullment... 'course that leaves Pods out.

And how awful too see your...er...you back, early20thCenturyutilitarianartform... does not one of us owe the other a game still?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Johnson-<THC>-:

Auck!! Your bloody email is busted Stalin! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Is not!


contact me if you dare, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No problem - I've got a spare 41' bargge pole.......


I'll send a copy of Rune's evilist, vilest, and one of his biggest yet, Unless you can't handle the humliation of being soundly defeated by a SSN on the field of battle.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

He he he - isn't that sweet! Well sonny you come right up there with all those folk who reckon I'm a teenage!


If you don't I'll hunt you down and bash in

your worthless skull.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And this would worry me how?? I could use a new one - this one's getting old and worn out.

Well it's nice that someone managed a good old fashioned name calling without pointless and oft repeated scatalogical references scattered through it.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander:


POD posting ahead!!!

Avert your eyes lest...

SSN's become a pillar of salt, and

Squires are driven to make moon-eyes at bauhaus....


Then again...this is not such a bad thing...

[edited just slightly 'cause Peng is about to post that I lost to him; since it was a scenario of the damned by Berli there is no shame in this, just another 100,000 years in Purgatory or 25.4 years in Hell (six minutes if accompanyed by an SSN)]

[ 06-29-2001: Message edited by: Iskander ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

There are times when a Pod wishes he were drunk. This is one of those times. I blame ICKY for my condition. ICQing with him and finishing our little nightmare in the snow made me miss closing time at the State Store. (Why, oh why{?!} do they call it a state store when we are a commonwealth? and who's bloody brilliant idea was it to allow the bloody commonwealth to control all the bloody booze? and why the hell is it that you can only buy beer at a distributor BY THE CASE when all you want is a six pack but if you want a six you have to pay an outrageous premium because the only place you can buy a six is from a stinking BAR?! Actual STATES allow supermarkets and stop'n'shops and stuff to sell beer by the six all damn day and they have stores owned and operated by people who want your money where you can buy booze at reasonable prices, but no! NOT HERE! NOT IN Pennsylvania LAND OF GIANTS where no good deed goes unpunished)

So this is all Iskander's fauilt that I am bereft of booze and the only way I can buy some beer at this hour is to go to the Own Lee Place and pay twice as much as I should for six cans (CANS! FEH!) of Yeungling Lager. {Oh sure I could get bottles, If I BOUGHT BLOODY BUD or MILLER STINKING LITE GAAAAAAAAAH!} But this smelly old bar only has frigging cans of the only beer they sell that matters.


Now, not that winning and losing are at all the point of this whole excercise, but there is the whole "lost to Peng" stigma attached to a loss to me, which should count for something. Somewhere. And right now I should be singing the Seanachai victory song in a loud and proud voice and with cotton briefs on my head "Ya di puckity! RUM DING TROO! Ni Ni Ni Yawlooo!" But no. Instead I am nursing a hot ember of rage at being sober because of ISKANDER. I should be nursing a cold beer or a lovely gin and tonic or a nice Wild Turkey Manhattan instead of sitting here stone cold sober and ENRAGED!

Bask in the warm glow of victory? NO PENG! YOU MAY NOT! You must sit here and bang out several paragraphs of ire - not at the gamey cheating ways of a slimey opponent - no. You must rave about the ravages of sobriety and the tremors it brings.



LOOOORAK! {bloody pointy eared wank}

Lorak, Scribe it so if you please,

The Army of Peng - a humiliating minor victory and a lasting hatred for Berli for creating the scenario

The boozing bastard ICKY Glorious minor loss and now a new moniker.

Henceforth let Iskander be known as

"ASTERISKANDER" so that everyone, everywhere will recognize the mark of a LOSS TO PENG!


edited due to extreme sobriety

[ 06-29-2001: Message edited by: MrPeng ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

I wouldn't take too much notice of what I think Dalem... Cos I also think PL is indeed Seanachiacoochiecoo, and Col Sanders is my own fair PawBroon....I'm pretty sure Croda and Meeks are in here somewhere as well..

And not forgetting PENG, He is also........

Awwwww ****....

Time for my medication now......<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Dear and beautiful Lady, should I ever actually enter this Thread under another guise, it would not be as the somewhat besotted and irony impaired figure cut by Panzer Leader. I work with the lad, that I do. Should I ever decide to take on another 'persona', I will personally email you the secret of my 'other' identity, so that you won't have to contemplate a horror as great as the one you've just proposed.

Now, I must bathe. In alcohol. The very concept of inhabiting the same personal locus as Panzer Leader has disturbed me beyond words.

Squire to me he may be, but any closer identification should not be made, even in jest.

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Lean close, you clotudinous lumps of Cess dross. I used to like CM. And CM liked me. I was no master of the game (though I could upon occasion coax it to wear handcuffs and a leather hood), but I enjoyed its sweet pleasures, its unfolding wonder, and that sublime anticipation of contacting and grappling one's enemies.

However, a slow and steady change has occured, and for good reason: Rivers. As slow and steady as their flow to the sea, so has been the erosion of my joy in CM, and the erosion is of such a magnitude that I fear I may soon become a CM oxbow lake.

It started with a flash flood, as harpooner(whatever in the name of Berli's Lair has happened to him?) and I embarked on a little whirlpool of pixelated death created by chrisl (also AWOL?).

However, I am now playing a Rune creation involving a river crossing against that Aitken fellow. So far, it's just smoke, artillery, and Bofors. Things will soon change, and the river that I must cross will run red from the digital blood of my brave Uber-wadin'-floating-schturm-troopen. Did I say I hate rivers?

Then, on another rematch resulting from a draw with Mister Speaker(whaddya think about all them vowels, eh boy?), the Lord of Despair and Pain, Sir Berli inflicts another river upon me, but this one must be crossed over a single bridge. In a heavy downpour. At night. BAH! Did I say I hate rivers?

I know, a river represents the arteries of the earth, and gives life. However, my encounters with river all seem to have a feel to them that is akin to a Jose Phillip Farmer novel written while he was on meth and 'shrooms. Did I say I hate rivers?

In my tussle with jd(which is blissfully absent of rivers), I stopped his initial freeway dash into the town, and am now merely awaiting him to provide more targets.

So, were you worthy of notice, I'd have a little fugue of hate and vehemence for each and every one of you, but I really can't be bothered. I'm off to camp (read "drink beer") for six days and five nights, as near as possible to where there are no rivers. I'd really like to wish all you fellow Merkuns a happy fourth, but when you really get right down to it, I just don't give a dam. Unless you're a river.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bauhaus:

Speaking of Satan, you probably won't be seeing him for awhile. He just got his mac back <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Berli's on a Mac? A kinship suspected and then dismissed (bloody zip files), and suddenly the Universe seems a better place.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leeo:

...(though I could upon occasion coax it to wear handcuffs and a leather hood)...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oddly enough, that's kinda what the Father Confessor and I are chatting about right now... you sick bastard.

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Alright, then, it's time for a dose (however brief, and not to use a terminology that probably causes Shandorf some discomfort) of Reality.

There are Seniour Knights, the Elders of the 'Pool (You didn't know? You weren't told? You don't know who they are? Of course not, you aren't one. No one cares about your pain and confusion). There are Knights. There are Squires. There are various Honorifics, and Invested Positions. There are Serfs, Piss-boys, and SSNs.

But there are also the Old Ones. Mocked and belittled, derided and abused, and reviled as any member of this Thread may be, but they retain certain rights, perogatives, and powers.

I invoke one now.

No Knight of the Eternal Peng Challenge Thread is to accept a game from Stalin's Organ. There will be no baseless accusations of pusillanimity made here against those who simply want to see standards maintained (such as they are). Nor should any Squire, unless set to it by their sponsor (or a large group of drunken yahoos chanting for blood. As I said, we have our standards).

I find Mark IV's requirement that Mr. Johnson and Stalin's Organ meet on the Field of Honour (careful where you step, it is, after all, our Field of Honour you're being offered) to decide the welcome they shall receive here.

They have been made an offer beyond their station. Rune himself (you f'ing sod, one more of your scenarios and I swear that Hell may gape, scratch itself, and mutter about its little aches and pains without holding any horror for me) has offered them a scenario upon which glory may be gained, and many sins excused in the playing thereof.

That is what they are given. They play, stand, go, or are ignored by their choice.

Shall we allow the pain, agony and fortitude of individuals like the much worthier Capt. Foobar and Roborat to go unmarked (christ, how I laughed at the thought they actually tried to play through that goddamn thing of Berli's. They're heroes, both of them. Thicker than rocks banged together, but one must admire their determination), by allowing unwashed puddles of spit to dictate their own conditions, having ignored every opportunity to become members of the community?

I think not. Will they, nil they, the choice is theirs. No further notice be made of them until we hear their decisions.

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Listen to this. You started this whole bloody god awful mess and I hate you for it. The depth of my hate for you goes well beyond any circle of hell that berli could devise. You and this thread are the cause of most of the misery in my life (well there is the wife and kids. They are the cause of most of the misery in my life - by the way I am a firm believer in the right to an abortion of a fetus up to the 17th or 18th year, but I digress...)

where was I? dammit Seanachai Gods but you are an irritating thing. I was going to go to great lengths to describe in detail my loathing for you and but then I got off and the wife tangent and now that I have begun to contemplate creeping into the master bedroom with a carving knife and a log chain ...I cant think of anything mean to say to you!

Oh this night is just one of the worst ever.

First I win against Asteriskander, then I have to spend friday night sober and now this...this... oh whats the damn phrase...


now this writer's block has me all farkled up.

If anyone has a particularly unpleasant thing to play please send it my way so I can beat Seanachai over the head with it. This Challenge aint over boyo. Not by a long shot.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

by the way I am a firm believer in the right to an abortion of a fetus up to the 17th or 18th year<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I would like a slight amendment to that rule:

108) the right to abort off-spring and/or wives at any age, or

xx) installation at birth of on/off switches, with automatic shut down enabled if jaws are flapping more than 1 minute, or


the ability for off-spring to gain employment and move out-of-home at time of birth (yes I know they're a bit young, but just think of what dandy paperweights they could make).

I also believe alcoholic beverages should be free!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

No Knight of the Eternal Peng Challenge Thread is to accept a game from Stalin's Organ. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah...thank you Senilebaby, so I can expect Gravid Itchin's by the enxt return e-mail.

Shame really - it was looking liek an interesting game, with his gamey Sherman II ubertanks vs my hordes of German brave defenders of the Fatherland.


I find Mark IV's requirement that Mr. Johnson and Stalin's Organ meet on the Field of Honour (careful where you step, it is, after all, our Field of Honour you're being offered) to decide the welcome they shall receive here. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Could you please finish the sentence? You find the requirement what?? And people had the Gaul* to accuse me of not writing English!! Sheesh

*-cryptic reference to the French Rugby team to get massacred by the All Blacks tonight.


They have been made an offer beyond their station. Rune himself (you f'ing sod, one more of your scenarios and I swear that Hell may gape, scratch itself, and mutter about its little aches and pains without holding any horror for me) has offered them a scenario upon which glory may be gained, and many sins excused in the playing thereof. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


You mean that pitiful excuse for toe jam actually sent me that lovely looking little stroll in the park at your behest? He DID WHAT HE WAS TOLD???

Good grief - is there no sense of shame here? What wil hte pool come to if the bright future as represented by SSN's, Git's and other assorted centres of excellence start actually taking notice of old farts with nothing better to do than collect garbage runoff to wash their hair in??

Oh well....it's started already, so despite my monumental lack of concern for anything posted here I do feel honour bound to han Mr Johnson his accompanying parts on a platter.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

If anyone has a particularly unpleasant thing to play please send it my way so I can beat Seanachai over the head with it. This Challenge aint over boyo. Not by a long shot.


I've whipped up a few vile ones that have driven people (and other sorry creatures) from the pool. I could send you one of those or whip up another. There's Event Horizon, that drove my own squire to madness (well, I think it's meeks taking back his computer that made him mad, but lets pretend it was the scenario for the moment, shall we.) with its bizarre reinforcements. You have to play it to understand the true horror, and I'm afraid to even look at it.

There's also Juno, that was custom made for that Canadian Dorosh, and Oleeomargarine, I believe. That might be a good one for you to play, with Sneezy's love of canucks and their funny spelling. I might have to modify it to make it slightly less horrific, but only slightly. It's a historically named scenario, but I didn't bother doing any research for it, other than to verify that it was the correct beach for the canadians to die on.

Let me know if you'd like one of those, or a custom horror that would make Rune gouge his own eyes out.

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A barren heath, on the edge of a shadowy wasteland

Thunder. Enter three figures. One is indeterminate, shrouded in smoke, with eyes of flame. One is sour and judgemental, arms crossed on chest (and one hand seems to be clutching an almost empty bottle of Jameson's). One is a vague, smiling, unkempt old man from whom seems to be proceeding the lyrics "Oh, you New York girls, can you dance the polka?"


Where hast thou been, Old One?


Killing swine.


Which one?


Does it matter?


Not for our purposes, no. We are here met, our will to make known.


The bottle you gave me's empty. I thought we were going to meet in a pub.


Christ on a crutch, Peng, you have no sense of occassion. produces a green glass bottle from under his tattered clothes Thank God I stopped at the State Store on the way here.


Now, by this bottle of whiskey

clearly upraised, and drained by me

is the Wasteland made glorious,

and all my futures made victorious.

They that have my defeat sought,

by this amber fluid, I hold them naught

I will drain it dry as hay

Sleep shall I not by night nor day

Until in the beds they've made

Their hollow boasts at last are laid.

Weary shall be all their posts

as hollow drums their endless boasts

Until that day that 'Lost to Peng',

Be followed quick with 'Yes, again.'

The other two exchange stunned glances


That was just Jameson's, wasn't it?


I didn't put anything else in it,

if that's what you mean.

Drum within


A drum, a drum!

Shandorf doth come.


The Old Ones, hand in hand,

In the Wasteland, make a stand,

Thus do go about, about

Thrice to thine and thrice to mine

And thrice again, to make up nine.

Peace! the charm's wound up.

Enter Shandorf and Panzer Leader


So then I said, 'Hell, I can kick his ass. Damn right!

Panzer Leader

How the hell do you put up with yourself? You're an annoying, shallow, boasting sack of...

glancing up, after an empty 16 oz. draught can of Guinness bounces off his thick head, he sees the Three Figures

But what is this to which my eyes aspire

So august and so wild in their attire,

That look not like the inhabitants of earth,

And yet are on't? Live you? or are you aught

That git may question? You seem to understand me,

Which I must deem some miracle of irony

Given that as thick as two short planks be I

That one atop the other doth lie.

That such as thee my discourse follow

given that my head's quite hollow

I take as sign that I am not rejected

and that even my idiocy shall be accepted.


Shut the help up, you SSN, I was talking!


All hail, Shandorf! hail to thee, champion of the Peng Challenge Thread!


All hail, Shandorf, hail to thee, warrior of the Winecap Invitiational!


All...hell, is that Shandorf? I need a drink.

Panzer Leader

I can't believe this! They're choosing you to represent the goddamn Peng Challenge Thread?! They wouldn't even let me start the next incarnation, and they let an awful lump of ****e like you represent the Cesspool?! There are no gods! Why, I'm going to...






Oh hell. Panzer Leader?

Panzer Leader

...demand that something be - yes?


Shut the hail up.


Hot damn! Does this mean I get the Cesspool nod to fight in the tournament?!


That happy lot is yours,

though we bear it ill!


Berli and Shandorf, that shall be kings hereafter!

Hell! I need a drink.

Panzer Leader

Stay, you figures of glory, tell me more!

How that Shandorf, low and brutish

Shall the Thread Eternal, most revered

don armor for, and fight upon the lists

It stands not within the prospect of belief,

and I accept it not, nor shall persuaded be

until to me you tell, by what right, of power

or of glory, the feckless churl claims precedence

and gains the countenance of such as thee?

Speak, I charge you.

The Two Figures glance sideways at Seanachai


Panzer Leader said that?


Oh hell no, he's not capable. I wrote that for him. Needed a bit of the theatrical moment there...it's hard, most of them are so bloody dim. I just couldn't let him go on with his usual 'here! Wait! That's not fair! I hate him, he's dumb!' sort of enjoinder. He's not such a bad lad, actually, just misguided.


I thirst! Where are we supposed to be next?


Let me see...Oh dear.




Back in the Wasteland, dealing with the whole 'John Thomas' issue.


The two wankers? Bring it on.

[ 06-30-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Well folks, it has started.

Both Field mouseschalls have deployed their hamstertruppen on the sloppy wet mashlands of the Netherlands and have prepared to battle. Stalin and his peace loving communist/capitalist pigs have started marching towards my Elite Swine catapults and elven crossbowmen.

Which scum sucking newbie to be humilated the most will soon be discovered.

All hail the mutha beautiful thread.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:


You mean that pitiful excuse for toe jam actually sent me that lovely looking little stroll in the park at your behest? He DID WHAT HE WAS TOLD???<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Previously, I had thought better of the Board's Kiwis. I am hard put to decide what, amidst this rather vague annoyance, Stalin's Organ is saying. If you are speaking of Rune, then no, he comes not nor departs at my behest. For that matter, neither does anyone else, you utterly dim little pillock. Rune moves upon the face of the waters like a Darkness. Not in an interesting and special way like Berli, mind you, but in a way quite outside the comprehension of piddlers like yourself.

If, instead, and I take it as more likely, you are refering to Mr. Johnson (who has been here before, albeit briefly, and did not accrue enough recognition to be accepted in his last jaunt), then he did not respond at my behest (nice use of the the archaic, I'll give you that), because he had posted his response before my rather heavy-handed fiat had been advanced.

What he did, actually, was respond to a Challenge, as conceived and phrased by a Seniour Knight of the Peng Challenge Thread (there's One revealed, anyone keeping score?), and showing the willingness to strive to belong to the community, however horrible it might be, and to undertake, in all honour, the challenge presented to him as a means of doing so.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

Good grief - is there no sense of shame here? What wil hte pool come to if the bright future as represented by SSN's, Git's and other assorted centres of excellence start actually taking notice of old farts with nothing better to do than collect garbage runoff to wash their hair in??

Oh well....it's started already, so despite my monumental lack of concern for anything posted here I do feel honour bound to han Mr Johnson his accompanying parts on a platter.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, in the end, you showed at least a willingness to walk the path of acceptance.

Sense of shame? In bales and bundles, lad. But no shame in maintaining some standards of participation. Rank arrogance is as vulgar as fawning servility.

Games can be gotten anywhere. Dominance is sought by the emotionally needy. Those who post here, come to play, and play.

Two paths we maintain here. The Game, most perfect, and apt to the hand of a warrior by which joy and resolution may be achieved. The Peng Challenge Thread, most imperfect and sublime, by which a puckish delight in the game may be achieved, at some expense to one's opponents, both real and potential.

If you've come to just display your little all, and have no interest in the folk here, then go elsewhere. There are ladders and opponent finders, and bears, oh my!

If you'd like to find Real, Awful, Honourable, and Vile individuals to exchange turns and emails, as well as taunts, boasts, and, ultimately, understanding with, then you've come to the right place. Otherwise, well, there's a place in Hell for you. But we've connections there, you see, and it'll be the cheap seats.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:


Listen to this. You started this whole bloody god awful mess and I hate you for it. The depth of my hate for you goes well beyond any circle of hell that berli could devise...


If anyone has a particularly unpleasant thing to play please send it my way so I can beat Seanachai over the head with it. This Challenge aint over boyo. Not by a long shot.



Peng, I feel your pain. Well, not actually, but I like to take out the videos of it and watch them when I'm simply incapable of sending more turns.

Nothing has given me more pleasure...okay, let's re-think that. Very few things, other than a certain amount of Serious Substance Abuse; several women; the poetry of Yeats, James Tate, and Lawrence Ferlinghetti; a number of novels by individuals like Alexandre Dumas, Rostand, Terry Pratchett, Michael Malone, Graham Swift, and the Icelandic Sagas, as well as some of Pawbroon's more effusive and enigmatic posts, have given me as much pleasure as having challenged your Vile and Worthless Self to a PBEM, and all the horror that's followed there upon.

When the Great Scorer comes to write against my name, he shall make a symbol to indicate: Lost to Peng.

And are we not all, all, lost to Peng? Adrift in an ocean of idiocy, we have drifted upon this foreign shore, until, like Miranda we exclaim:

O brave new world,

That has such people in't!

Of course, she rather liked the newcomers she encountered, whereas we hate and despise all that come here. Yet they remain our own, and we have, at last, come home.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

that makes it 2-zip to me, with only Stuka able to possibley avoid the whitewash. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I am a kindly and benevolent kniggett and deigned only to look at your set up.

You described an "Ardenne" style map, which to my knowledge was a heavily forested and rather hilly patch of real estate.

Imagine my surprise to find you have selected moderate trees and moderate hills!

Tish and posh lad, this smacks of "SSN gaminess!"

Ergo, it is time for 'No more Mister Nice Stuka, and your file has been used for 'other purposes'.

You see I've had a spot of tummy trouble and have found your file to be both soft, resilient and thoroughly absorbing.

Thanks heaps.

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