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It Was the Best of PENG CHALLENGES, It Was the Worst of PENG CHALLENGES

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I am knackered, having spent several days marching around Edinburgh and not sleeping much. It is the Edinburgh Festival, that time of the year when the city is swamped with Japanese, Americans, Russians, Polish and probably every other nationality in the world, in addition to the usual majority of English and Australians. These are not to be confused with the Kurdish asylum seekers, who we deport to Glasgow to play Dodge The Bottles And Knives with the neds.

I have been to see some fine Polish comrades from Theatre Provisorium, a top Aussie feller called Mark Little, a cool American dude called Rich Fulcher, some more American dudes from the Reduced Shakespeare Company, and some splended English chaps including former Dr Who, Sylvester McCoy. I shall soon be seeing several more English chaps and American dudes, the latter from LAByrinth and Boom Chicago.

I missed the opportunity to see some singing Swedes who get naked, but there is one show in particular, performed by a nubile young Englishwoman without any clothes on called Ursula Martinez (the woman not the clothes), which I intend not to see because it might corrupt my sensibilities.

What this all means is that any turns I send at the moment will display the tactical competence of a tired, cross-eyed llama, as opposed to my usual standard of energetic, cross-eyed llama.

And Germany should have won the war, because then the trains might run on time.

And I've worked out why Elvis uses DeclanMac for his e-mail moniker. Sounds like an unhealthy obsession to me.

If Rich Fulcher ever puts on a show near you, go see it. His current one is called Mom, I'm Not A Lawyer, so he should already have a few interested parties in the world-renowned Peng Thread.

PS. You all suck, but you don't need me to tell you that. Aussies get mild dispensation for Mark Little, aka Joe Mangel from Neighbours.

PPS. I'm typing and I can't shut up. I could save someone the cost of a few monkeys.

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Boo hoo, my computer is broken.

I am here on my daughters measly old pentium 233, with no graphics card, and hence no Combat Mission. It won't support my high speed cable modem, so I am forced to use this crappy compuserve I made the mistake of signing up for 2 years ago. (And they offered me four hundred dollars -- I thought it was a bargain, sheesh...)

Needless to say, my computer troubles are enough to keep me offline for a few days. My computer is packed up and ready to ship off to someone who claims he can fix it. But I fear the golden days are setting.

Back soon!

Sorry for the frownies, but drastic times call for drastic emoticons.

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That reminds me, the repair people have had my old monitor for the past few weeks. Months. Maybe I should call up and ask whether they've fixed it yet, or at least how much they made from tightening the screw that was causing the problem and then selling it as new on the black market.

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Oh, one last thing before I spend a few days in Real life: I blame jd for my computer crash. I was doing a set-up for some GODAWFUL big scenario -- on the order of divisional strength, 100 sq. Km or something, when my computer suddenly said "Screw it."

My only condolence is knowing that I will never actually have to PLAY that horror.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Now, lad, I've summed up the human condition for yet another of you Aussie idjits. I'm going to have to start charging for this pretty soon. I'll take as my payment for elucidating the most basic principals in the Universe either a fair set-up, and your ultimate destruction, or the lyrics of a bloody good sing-song.

[ 08-14-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ummm while I hate you all I would never inflict my singing voice on even my direst enemy. I will therefore get around to sending you a setup sometime, as for fair I didn't think Canadians did that.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

*uncovers ears*

Did I miss something?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Emma! Emma!

I'm protecting your honour - think of me as a standby Pawbroon, except I'm standing a lot further away, and I have an Aussie accent not French, and my countrymen fought in his country but not vice-versa.

But my French isn't too bad..I can even say 'ou est le bureau du poste', but not much else because I was more infatuated by the females in my class rather than paying attention to the French teacher. Why I can still remember dropping my pen so that I could look up....

But I digress, I wont mention to you that Joe Shaw said a rude word as that would be dobbing that would!

In fact I would challenge him to a duel, but because we are dueling at the moment the point is Moot!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

Well, now that mouse is incommunicado for a few days I suggest that we finish up this thread and start a new one before he reappears.

We might even want to leave Peng out of the title of the next one so he can't find it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't think that will work. I understand his parents tried the same thing when he was twelve, but he found them again anyway.

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A wise man once said, "Gamey is as Gamey Does" ... oh wait, that was ME. In any case I have the duty to report to the CessPool that one Australian, Mace to be specific, has engaged in the most unseemly and gamey behavior of all. The attached screenshot provides conclusive proof that he ... well, look a the screenshot first:


Note that MY MG crew is captured and IS BEING FORCED AT GUNPOINT TO LEAD HIS ATTACK UPON A HOUSE OCCUPIED BY MY FORCES! Trust an Australian to resort to such disreputable and dishonorable tactics. For shame Mace.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Emma! Emma!

I'm protecting your honour - think of me as a standby Pawbroon, except I'm standing a lot further away, and I have an Aussie accent not French, and my countrymen fought in his country but not vice-versa.

But my French isn't too bad..I can even say 'ou est le bureau du poste', but not much else because I was more infatuated by the females in my class rather than paying attention to the French teacher. Why I can still remember dropping my pen so that I could look up....

But I digress, I wont mention to you that Joe Shaw said a rude word as that would be dobbing that would!

In fact I would challenge him to a duel, but because we are dueling at the moment the point is Moot!


Mace! Mace!

Thanks for protecting my honour, it's a shame there aren't more of your type around these days..

But thanks anyway your chivalry is appreciated Sir Knighttttttttttt.

[ 08-16-2001: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I propose that Jar O' Dish be given the "rank" of Serf.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'd second that. Wadrice seems to mee the qualifications for serf - he has half a brain and is occasionally amusing.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As an SSN he seems less ... offensive ... than most and is certainly FAR less offensive than, say, Failed Marshal.


Again, Joe Shaw feels it is necessary to state the bloody obvious. In his next announcement, I predict he will note that the sky is *-blue-* and that therapy to correct his predilection with the Mormon wives could put some lucky p-shrink's kids through college.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Note that MY MG crew is captured and IS BEING FORCED AT GUNPOINT TO LEAD HIS ATTACK UPON A HOUSE OCCUPIED BY MY FORCES! Trust an Australian to resort to such disreputable and dishonorable tactics. For shame Mace.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That is incorrect, the weather as indicated in the graphic, was snowy.

Concerned as I always am by the wellbeing of my POWs I decided to place him in the nearest dry building for his comfort.

He thanked me from rescuing him from the command of that tyrant (ie you), and then in his eagerness ran to it to make himself comfortable, while thankful that he at least was now under the command of someone who cared.

It is you SIR!!! who decided to spring an ambush from said building soon afterwards, resulting in this one POW becoming caught in crossfire, and overjoyed that he was wearing khaki colored trousers (don't want certain fear-induced stains showing up).

I sleep well at night, happy that I have at least brought joy to one little pixelated warrior POW. Do you?


btw I noticed that you had www.derkessel.com host your happy snappy, I would have accused you of brainwashing Mensch, but we all realise what that would imply!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

And that you are obviously an idiot<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Did I hear a something from the peanut gallery?

Hey there mister 15.7 point average in the tourney, you should be careful who you call an idiot. My dog has better command of his bowels than you have of your digital men.


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Oh geez, it sounds like shandorf is trying to impress Mace's sheep again.

{edited because some people tend to get offended too easily, Not YOU, of course, we would NEVER imply YOU would get offended too easily; no sirree bob - we wouldn't do that because that would be, well, WRONG}

[ 08-16-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Lorak! A well earned victory against that arch enemy and ungrateful former squire, Iskander Whose pungent AAR reads <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You're a goddam walking advertisement for that game-end randomizer.....bitch.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> and my equally pith reply <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Excuse me, Mr Gamey run a crew member to jump in front of a Tiger to

"distract" it. Mr Run a lone zook crew to do the same and Mr Gamey run my last squad onto the VL (before mine retaliated and did the same) I had at least a platons worth , you a single onderstrenght squad.

Neener, neener you LOST<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

jd - Win

Iskandy - Loss

[ 08-15-2001: Message edited by: jd ]

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Whoa, wait a Buffalo minute (slightly stouter than a NY minute, but definitely still of the Northern strain as far as minutes go). I get it [slap forehead]. Jar O' Dis, Wardice, Jar o dicks. They all refer to Juardis. Which means....

*cartwheels* *flips* *high fives all around* a rank SERF!!!!!


WTH does a serf do and why are they rank?! Do they bring out the dead and not wash afterwards? Polish the boots of the big and fearsome Keeenights? Shovel the ****e out of the stables and then thank the lawds profusely? Suck up, bow down, kiss ash?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

Anyway, I third his nomination into serfdom. He may yet make something of his life.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sorry, and you are?

Just leave your ballot paper on the desk and we'll make sure it's dealt with when you leave!


Has he left yet?


*Rips up paper and throws it in the bin*


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