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It Was the Best of PENG CHALLENGES, It Was the Worst of PENG CHALLENGES

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Okay Kiddies, what with the distasteful turn of events lately to come our way, the Mad Bald One has hiereby decreed that we must start anew. Like a walk along the beach, we must refresh ourselves, look forward, and swallow hard. It is a new day, but an old world, gents, so tighten those bootstraps, and wade back into the slag with the knowledge that the filth has been stirred and is even now settling down to the bottom.

Now, for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, take that as Clue number 1. Take the fact that you are ignored, shunned, and people cross the street to avoid you as Clue number 2. And finally, before Steve Comes to help you solve it, Clue number three is right here:


Okay, did you solve the puzzle? It is this: we do not want you, we do not like you, and we seem to feel a little better when you are not around, so please do us the favor of leaving quietly and quickly by the same route you took to get here.

Failing that, if you simply must stay, then please follow these guidelines. If you don't Peng will once again claim that this is HIS thread and threaten to go home, taking it with him. We all know this is a farce, but it is still a little distasteful, and here in Pengville, we approve above all of TASTE.

That was guideline letter B, you GIT, go read it again. Rule part, the Second, is sound off like ya got a pair. Of what? Why of synapses, ya GIT, sheez. Also, please refer back to the first rule again, maybe right it on the back of your hand or something.

And finally, rule 634.11.2: Challenge someone. Someone specific, not the community, not all evil-doers, not races, classes, creeds, or people of certain persuasions but SPECIFIC MEMBERS of this here communal cesspool.

If any of these guidelines are broken by you, to with "the GIT" or SSN, or scum-sucking-newbie, you will be summarily executed and your body carted away by large-carcass pick-up. If you are a long-standing member and you break these guidelines, you will be pegged as "quaint" or "ccentric" and get an approving pat on the back by our lawyers.

Thank you for your time, now please disregard what may have sounded (inadvertantly for sure!) what an invitation and follow Clue Number 3.

Buh-bye, now!


Oh, by the way, we're taking our challenge to the twin cities of London and Paris, for a rollicking time of quiet depression and hedonistic pleasure!

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Would peoples who have sent me PBEM files and received no response please send them instead to reckoning@mac.com. This means Leeo, and possibly Messrs.The French and MrSpnky. If, on the other hand, you've just been biding your time, kindly get a move on and use my normal address. Has anyone had any recent dealings with armornut? He had just recovered from a period of joblessness, and then he disappeared again.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Would peoples who have sent me PBEM files and received no response please send them instead to reckoning@mac.com. This means Leeo, and possibly Messrs.The French and MrSpnky. If, on the other hand, you've just been biding your time, kindly get a move on and use my normal address. Has anyone had any recent dealings with armornut? He had just recovered from a period of joblessness, and then he disappeared again.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Death on Feldgrau wings will be swooping to seal your fate this evening. May you find comfort in a quick, and painful end. En Garde!

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Due to the timely destruction of our previous home, I'd like to re-iterate my last post there, so as to keep your innocent eyes from seeing the filth which caused that thread its demise:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Dalem that is a bald-faced lie! Why, I would never turn down a good challenge, you GIT! The nerve of you telling me that I turned down your (most likely) wheedling, simpering request for a game. Oh, wait a minute, your not CMPlayer..

You sir, have provoked me, and I consider it a challenge to the Nth degree. I accept, cur, and will shoot one out to ya this even-tide.

Tell me, down to the nitty gritty, would you like a QB or a SCEN? I would kinda like to try some o' Berli's bite-size kibbles. Care for one?

Hey Berli! Could you spare a battlette for the Dalemeister and I?

In other news (let me see if I can speak CMPlayer's "tongue"):

Kind sir, I respect and admire your fortitude in entering this misbegotten place in hopes of spreading your CMPlaying to those in need.

Truly an honor, guv'nor, and I humbly accept the chance to test my mettle against your undeniably GREAT skills as a commander of men, be they pixellated or not.

For you, gentle reader, I would like to partake in a piece of pecan pie: in other words, I will defend myself against your impending assault by means of a slim but select group of gamey Germans. Please expect my set-up in your surely burgeoning mailbox this even-tide as well.

And finally, to even the keel, I speak to Gaeiour. Mr. Swede, I have heckled, cajoled, needled, prodded and probed (ow!) you to get a rise, and hopefully a game, but it all seems to be for naught. Please, sir, I would like to put our rocky past behind us and engage in a bit of battle, but I ned your cooperation. Could you please send me a set-up. perhaps of your favorite scenario? Thanx!

Toodle-oo, gents!


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Sorry to disappoint, you filthy frenchman, ( I went to a concert last night to see the CANADIAN band Bare Naked Ladies and they sang a song called filthy frenchmen, very apt, IMO), anyway, sorry but I happen to be hitched to a woman with very limber toes.

Like night and day, like Paris and London, like the theme of this weeks thread, I nominate Pawbroon to be our mascot for the filthy french, with his hedonistic abandon he exemplifies "...the best of times..."

And for "...the worst of times..." I do believe that Mr. Dame Achin truly holds all those qualities that make the English such a drab lot. He is brisk, he is under a cloud of discontent, he draws into himself all the warmth around him and solidifies it into a little ball of whit-hot hatred into the center of his being. Yes, he is truly the epitome of the Englishman.

Why, I would challenge him, but watching his tommies run for the hills, abandoning their guns and fallen comrades is too depressing to watch in our current game. Sorry Achin' but there will be no Dunkirk this time around!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

Isn't it gamey to allow Sancho Leader to start a Thread if it wasn't towed to the Forum by virtue of Aitken's Rule of Things dats be Towed-Limbered-Hitched?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, ya' see here, Paw, that ol' Pee Ell takes the view that this har is the FEB, so we're doin' that "boundin' o'erwatch" thang, unlike It'sAchen' who insists that we're just toolin' along like we're back home goin' to the movies. So, while the Holy Mutha Thread can be in some surprising postions, it cain't be dug in.

Got that, C.E.S.M.? 'Course, 'sides all that he is a gamey bee-atch; "cain't win on the defence" and all that thar shinola....

Y'all come back now, hear?

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PL said:

Dalem that is a bald-faced lie! Why, I would never turn down a good challenge, you GIT! The nerve of you telling me that I turned down your (most likely) wheedling, simpering request for a game. Oh, wait a minute, your not CMPlayer..

You sir, have provoked me, and I consider it a challenge to the Nth degree. I accept, cur, and will shoot one out to ya this even-tide.

Tell me, down to the nitty gritty, would you like a QB or a SCEN? I would kinda like to try some o' Berli's bite-size kibbles. Care for one?

Hey Berli! Could you spare a battlette for the Dalemeister and I?


I am all in favor of another small scenario, I tend to prefer them in fact. PLease don't pick the one with all the snow and the bunkers pointing the wrong way - that one kinda rubbed me the wrong way.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>This thread, such as it is, is hereby blessed by the bald one.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bah! A mere squire, and Panzer Leader at that starting a new thread? Have you taken leave of your senses MadMatt? ... okay strike that last. {Sigh} Since YOU seem to have control of the board I suppose we must resign ourselves to the ignominity of it all, but ... well ... dash it all.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Thanks, b-but if I lose are you going

to m-make f-f-f-f-fun of me?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Of course not ... we'll make fun of you win OR lose ... here, let me start ... yours is probably the most uninspired handle since ... well ... mine or David Aiken, and at least OURS only apply to people with the same names, whereas yours applies to everyone here ... except for Dame YK2, Lady of the Pool.

AND, SSNs should note the following rules addendum since Panzer Leader did such a disreputable job of the rules:

Rule 34.6/3/a.iii amended: Should you choose to challenge someone here, and please don't feel under any obligation to do so, in fact you should feel an obligation to SOD OFF at the earliest opportunity, but IF you do kindly refrain from challenging Old Ones, Seniour Knights, Knights in Ordinary, Juniour Knights ... in fact everyone EXCEPT fellow SSNs or a squire that some particularly annoyed Knight has thrown your way.


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This from the thread about the ancient board crash resurrected by Maxipad. These quotes are about a year apart, but that's not the point.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>tss wrote:

Of course I don't know anything about this BBS software, but if the programmers encoded the message identifiers using signed 16-bit integers, then the wraparound point is at 32767 messages...

- Tommi

• • • • •

Colonel_Deadmarsh wrote:

Well who doesn't know this..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Pfff!! This coming from Colonel Ten Year Olds Who Have Spent The Past Two Years Locked In The Lavatory Know More About Combat Mission And The Second World War Than Me Deadmarsh??

Tommi's comment was very informative as far as I'm concerned – for someone like Deadmarsh to brush it of is a bit of an insult.

Rant over... you are now returned to your regular programme of mud-flinging.

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Oh CMplayer, my boy, rest easy. Though I would never claim to be as wise as my liege, good Sir Seanachai has managed to give me some instruction in the art of social interaction. For you CMplayer, (may I call you CM no that's gay, we need a new moniker my little buddy. There you go, how about "My buddy" those cuddly little dolls made for (gak) boys back in the 80's when men temporarily weren't afraid to let there sensitive new-age side show) uh, where was I My Buddy?

Ahh yes, social interaction. Let's take some one like Stalin's Organ for example. Him, you need to whack with a big stick, starve, chain, and beat in order to teach. While a more tender soul like yourself, My Buddy, should be rewarded with sweet-meats and dainties. Both courses of instruction will lead to the same place, i.e. a hardened soul, a tough exterior, a knowledge of the dark side and how best to beat (or join!) it, but the paths leading to this final destination, or enlightenment are many and various.

I do not claim to be the one to show you the light of enlightenment, being a mere squirrel, but your kanigget, should you ever reach such summits of accomplishment, will take you under his wing with a care to providing you whatever "learning' you need.

In the meantime, I have little to offer you but a good game of CM, a few "attaboys" and maybe a chuck on the shoulder or two. The rest My Buddy is up to you.

If I could trouble you to make at least a few comments in your quest for enlightenment, I would suggest the following:

A.) Let's stop the grovelling. It is just plain sickening to see you dragging your tongue in the cess like that. We have SPECIFIC feeding times, all scum-sucking must be AUTHORIZED!

2.) What's with the tag-line?

Finally.) Okay, I didn't think you needed to be told this, but we do not allow smileys in our thread. These dismembered heads have no place rolling around between our legs and down the stairs {{clump-clump-clump}} and into the infernal pit {{bloop!}} where eels like Stalin's Organ can feast on them. Just not kosher.

Iota.) You seem to have a problem with line-breaks. Our words expand to fill the size of every page, regardles of monitor size or resolution. Unlike the type-writers of yorre (okay, I've still got an Underwood!) it doesn't {{Ding!}} and then you hit a hard return. Just keep on typing away my boy, the computer will worry about line breaks.

Thanks for listening, My Buddy, and I hope this little tasty sweets will help you on your LONG journey. As for my winning, though I recently won a HUGE victory, actually more a triumph, against jdMorse while on defense, I have LOST many more than I've won. By the moniker you have chosen for yourself, it would seem you have all that is required to beat me in a game. I will however, make fun of you for your stupidity, insipidness, and general slothful appearance, but this has nothing whatever to do with your wins or losses. File coming tonight My Buddy!

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The Peng Challenge threads are the A movies of this board.

This spin off is a B grade movie, but it is a Peng Challenge and thus I must appear, as the viewing public and my many fans demand (not to mention the big fat royalty cheque coming my way shortly)!


[ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Are you men/women or a you...? (umm too obvious)

I propose a right royal cesspool joust, the winner of which will be declared Chapter commander for a period yet to be determined!

Some points (like the ones on your heads):

ii) I will administer it (hence I am exempt),

X.X) Lorak will publish the results

4.6) the competition will be by knockout

alpha) opposing players will be determined by my administrative staff (my two daughters who of course quite intelligent and attractive because they come from good stock, me!!)

twelve) Scenarios will be developed for this purpose, those involved in scenario development will be exempt.

XVI) Participants must have at least one record of combat on Lorak's tombe.

2.7.8a) Any SSN or Serf who wins the overall tourney will be kiniggitted

because we all dont want a smug SSN/Serf, but we can tolerate smug Kiniggits.

That's it! What say you all?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Are you suggesting a Cesspool tourney or somfink?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hmmmmm, a TOURNEY eh? With a prize no less, very interesting. Quick MrSpkr I think it's time for an executive council meeting of the Committee on UnCessPudlian Practices! By Gawd, well root these subversive bastiches out yet, so we will.

Sir Joe Shaw, Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True CessPool

[ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Mace, you anti-pod-ian, just what the feck is your fecking point?!? Even if you try to bribe us with crappy wine (and I'm game for that, but nevermind), this is very, very OUTERBOARD of you, and haven't we had out fill of that recently?

Pat your lovely daughters on the head -- perhaps they'll be working for my daughter someday -- and come to grips that you're only at your best when in a queue at the bank with a sheep in front of you (apologies, not deserved, to A.D. Clay).

And bite me, at your lesuire!

[msg preemtively edited due to French gin; amazing they got one damned thing right!]

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I've heard from places that canno't be named that you desire to rid the world of Aussie CMers (In CM anyway tongue.gif)

Well you still have a few Mountains yet to conquer mate. Me being one of them. Thats right, I challenge you.

I may turn out to be more of a foothill then a Mountain but.......

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Oh fer fugs sake!!!! (notice the clever use of phonetic spelling here).

I'm sorry, I must have confused the members of the MBT with a fuedal order of Kinnigets where a tourney was frequently used for entertainment (something about decapitation and limb loss to draw the babes)!

The majority has spoken! Shame that the majority are perhaps a few bob short of a quid, and collectively have less IQ than a moronic maggot.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I think it's time for an executive council meeting of the Committee on UnCessPudlian Practices<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I am not a Communist!!!

Whoops, sorry! Wrong witch-hunt. tongue.gif


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