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The Peng challenge, a thread that will live in infamy

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Just a little update:

Lars as the besotted Schnapps drinkers - 65

Iskander as the Moonshine blinded hillbillys - 35

Lars men ok - 58

Iskander men ok - 2

15 turns of chasing his damn Jumbo around in the dark, what a waste of good booze.

Now that I can sober up a little (after this bottle of course), Mouse's fate is sealed.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

We finally get a physicist to show up and prance around in the cess... and what do we get?

Discussions relating to quantum math?

String theory?

The problem of storing anti-matter once it is created?


Hey! Can't you read? don't you bother to check people's info? I was here in the original incarnation. I posted the 1000th post (not the 1000th response like some little sycophant of Ethan). I slew the original incarnation of the MBT, and I am a physicist (also in Pasadena, CA, but no relation to the mine-dude).

We also covered string theory back in the original, too, at the request of Peng. If you want to talk about storing anti-matter we can deal with it when I get back from vacation. Maybe I'll send you some in the mail and you can figure out how to open the package without annihilating the universe.

And MkIV send me that file back-- I want to finish before I get bled out by mosquitoes.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Goanna has squired Von Shrad<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The Lorak has spoken ... well, it was KINDA like speech, more like a modulated belch but what are ya gonna do ... and Von Shrad is squire to Goanna. I accept the judgement, especially since I offerred only to prevent he whose name shall not be bolded from having another squire in his present, reduced circumstance. I do regret that Goanna is the Knight because, let's be honest here, he doesn't have the best LOS to reality.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

Sigh... I am truly saddened.

We finally get a physicist to show up and prance around in the cess... and what do we get?

Discussions relating to quantum math?

String theory?

The problem of storing anti-matter once it is created?

NO! we get some slack arsed backwards comments about how Bauhaus plays CM.

It is enough to make me weep.

Lorak the loathed<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Lorak, I’ve been prancing hither and yon here for some 8 months now, and did you think to ask me? Noooooo!

Let me tell you a story about how the Universe is going to end.

It’s not! It’s opened ended – no relapse back into a singularity, no big crunch.

But, wait! There’s more (or is that, there's no more)!!

Because it’s opened ended, the stars will eventually age and die, the number of new stars reborn will lessen and lessen, and after a while all stellar matter will eventually be swallowed up by black holes.

Trouble is, black holes decay as well, so eventually they’ll evaporate and all that will be left in the universe is particles.

Now, guess what! Over a long period of time, even stable particles can breakdown into constituents, so the universe over time will be a black void devoid of nothing but stray elementary particles.

So the moral of the story?

All the work you’ve ever done, every effort you’ve made to achieve something will in the long run all be for naught! So the meaning of life is that we all are a bunch of losers!

Oh btw Lorak, you may have also missed the following from a previous post:

Joe Shaw: Draw

Mace: Draw

but what’s the point. It all adds up to nihility eventually.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Goanna has squired Von Shrad<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You know there are parts of the world where that would mean that Guano has done to v.Chad what Mace does to sheep.

Of course this could well be one of them, so let's find out......v.Chad:

- did you enjoy the experience?

- did you feel a better man for it?

- have you been cured of your hickups?

One or more answers of "yes" might indicate that this is such a part of the world!

Oh, and [q)MOUSE{\B] - get a fecking move on - your infantile Prussian drill ground approach is amusing to watch, but the sooner it gets smashed the better!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

Hey! Can't you read? don't you bother to check people's info? I was here in the original incarnation. I posted the 1000th post (not the 1000th response like some little sycophant of Ethan). I slew the original incarnation of the MBT, and I am a physicist (also in Pasadena, CA, but no relation to the mine-dude).

We also covered string theory back in the original, too, at the request of Peng. If you want to talk about storing anti-matter we can deal with it when I get back from vacation. Maybe I'll send you some in the mail and you can figure out how to open the package without annihilating the universe.

And MkIV send me that file back-- I want to finish before I get bled out by mosquitoes.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Er, Chrisl, lad, I can't help but notice that both you and the egregious Claymore are self-described 'physicists', and both living in Pasadena, CA. Is this some sort of disturbing cult phenomena, or have we yet another goddamn Cesspooler with Multiple Personality Disorder (supposedly statistically rare, or even non-existent, but every time you take a look around another psychotic murder, socially challenged teenager, or pissant fool with their eye on a book contract is waving a fistful of personalities at the camera and trying out different voices and a glassy stare).

Perhaps you two have just taken a time-share together for the physicing season?

I must say, I look somewhat askance at the coincidence. Screen names that begin with 'C', physicists, Pasadena, CA (a place no right minded individual would choose to live-in, and certainly wouldn't admit to), both players of CM.

Of course, many of your posts have had some slight merit, while Claymore is still working through issues concerning Mum and how she used to dress him when he was a little lad, and the rages his Da' would throw when he came home and found him prancing about the living room.

As for his rather shockingly dismissive remarks regarding another man's religion; well, I forgive him. I quite understand, as I'm often filled with nostalgia for the days when me and mine used to throw Christians to the beasts in the coliseum (rather like involving them in a posting exchange with Shandorf these days, but less painful, and the animals were better spoken).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Er, Chrisl, lad, ... animals were better spoken).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I sense a great disturbance in the CessPool, as if a million 'poolers had broken wind simultaneously and then suddenly stopped ... couldn't be that though ... CessPoolers wouldn't have stopped. Did you lads hear something?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

Ditto, although rather than "interesting" I would choose the phrase, "A perfect weekend"

...Heaven is indeed close when drinking French wine and eating French food, and all that's just a plus when you consider the real reason for my visit.

Paris, needless to say that's where I was.

Not quite Heaven?

Lets just say you couldn't get any closer.

Unless of course you consider the company.


(Edited to say Welcome Back Meeks)


Well, now, it could be just a bit closer to heaven, Emma, as it could have involved me coming over (at a decently late hour of the morning, say, around 10 AM or there abouts), to find you and The French still snogging and giggling, and bounced into the flat calling "Cheerio, Emma! Holla, Marcel! Enough of that, you two, it's time to come down to the car, as we're leaving for Brittany and the Celtic Music Festival! I've brought crusty rolls, cheese, white wine, and a quick plate of oysters for Pawbroon!"

You see, I was always meant to be the cheerful, boisterous, slightly demented friend of the Couple In Love, who, in his heart of hearts, longed for the lady, but was simply too much the Good Fellow to ever get the girl or come between the people he loved. So I get to sing all the most humourous numbers, and have most of the funniest and most pithy lines, while you two get to be in love, and be happy, and, of course, get to have all the sex.

On the other hand, there is always the chance that you'll have a lovely friend who's quite smitten with Marcel, but dissapointed because of his utter inability to see anyone but you, and, somewhere around turn 27 in a Quick Battle, will suddenly become aware of the previously ignored romantic potential of the laughing and jesting idjit that she's been ignoring for most of the game, and suddenly look deep into my eyes, and, just as the Final Battle Statistics come up, and we all swing into the last big number, will fall for me like a ton of bricks. However, the whole thing will end before I actually get some, but at least the wine was bloody good, and no one can say I didn't have a lot of fun with the humourous songs about love, friendship, and the well-placed Artillery Piece (with a raised eyebrow and smirk over the play on words, and involve myself and Bauhaus singing a back and forth piece, but Bauhaus hasn't even a sniff of a chance of getting a girl, and is merely there for humourous effect).

[ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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If there were a million poolers, and if they did stop...wouldn't that be a blessing and not in much of a disguise either?

Joe I think the great disturbance you feel is just last night's chillie marking it's passage. It's probably the best thing you have to offer the world, so feel free not to bother us again until it has passed.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Well, now, ... the play on words).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> There it is again, almost as if someone who was ONCE important to us wishes to communicate but, due to some dire circumstance is unable to. Perhaps if that entity were eligible to be bolded ...


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As Lawyer with the complicated Italianate title I can't be bothered to look up right now will shortly indicate close on the heels of the posts of MrYllr and this "Lard" person, I am on quite the winning streak.

Of course, it depends on what the meaning of "is"... er, sorry, "winning" is. To be precise, for me it is having a time normally associate with what one might call "good." This is not so much good as opposed to evil but more good as opposed to bad. Were I to desire a "bad" time, I would stay at work and design hideous new beds that would ensure none of you ever get a "good" night's sleep again. As it is, however, I bolt that place at 1630 each day for a bottle, Thread and CD. Except for a certain game mentioned to a certain Confessor with a certain vowel-challenged person, this has worked out pretty well for the last six months; pegging out on the third point of the Preamble to a certain Document of us 'Mucans, as it were.

So, my point is not what you think it is not. Nor is it that either. It is in fact that I have had a rousing good game with Lard and Lawyer, enjoying myself as much as one should with someone of the same sex and/or gender without perferating any of the Torah. Wins? Losses? Sure, whatever. Just like the game with my once Lord and Master, jd, who, with all the Zen in the world, still can't manage to get his boys to squeeze off a shot. While I'll be a tad more sophiticated than the Lawyer's version of the Red Chinese crossing the Yalu, the results will be the same. And in all these cases herein mentioned, my point shall be thus:


Scribe thusly: I am having a wonderful time, and no longer care a fig for my win/loss record! You may keep track of what anyone else posts about me, but while I shall belittle my losses and belittle my wins (although in a self-satisfied, smug manner), you shall not post any of mine! Whether a record like Jshandorf's or Meeks, we are dangerously close to losing sight of what our kononia (and you knew I'd get around to that) is all about and turning into another damned Ladder.

All that being said, I have sent Snort-a-ki' the return setup of the Rune-Berli madness. He has not returned it and is likely surrendering. Perhaps instead of my Squire we should make him our new Piss-Boy?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

We also covered string theory back in the original, too, at the request of Peng. If you want to talk about storing anti-matter we can deal with it when I get back from vacation. Maybe I'll send you some in the mail and you can figure out how to open the package without annihilating the universe.


OH! Sending me anti-matter in the mail. My goodness. I believe if you could imagine a way to store it in an envelope, and keep it stable through a postal trip, you'd be looking at a nobel. Not wandering around here waiting for someone one to point out what a total waste of bandwidth you are. Now, if you are thinking of a larger package that could actualy hold the sample, maybe held in the center of two oppisite magnegtic fields that intersect and create a nuetral zone in the center of the container... we might have something. Of course you'd have to figure out a decent power supply to keep it stablized ect...

like you said, room for discussion upon your return. Maybe we can even dwell into hyper-dimensions also.


while I find your view of the universe interesting. I have to point out that you are only taking into account the diminsions that we are aware of.(there could be as many as 10 or 12).

Also you have to factor in the black mass that that is there but is hard to measure or observe.

Reguardless. If you look closly at the genises theroy, there is the posibility that energy in enough quntity, collided under the right circumstace might infact create matter and anti-matter. So a universe with out matter, but still containing energy is not really dead.... but enough of this. I am at work and not close enough to any alcohol to carry one a good debate.


Joe Shaw-draw

Lorak the loathed

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf

Two conscript squads my ass...alternate whineing rationalisation and chest beating bluster from the closet Frenchman blah blah..I am...utterly uninspiring...flat and boring...a canned piece of crap..smelly..."The Lamest..." etc etc

Piss off,

Monsewer Jefferey<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Damme me, off station victualling in Gibraltar and the Frenchman attempts to run the blockade. Thankfully Mister Spkr was alert and with a couple of well aimed broadsides sent him scurrying back into Toulon like the cowardly French he aspires to be.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by the South Seas Parrot

You know there are parts of the world where that would mean that Guano... squawk...insipid innuendo... squawk<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Whomsoever let that damme parrot sneak aboard should be taken to task. The Cap'n should detail someone to teach it to speak, the constant squawking of the same old tune is making the crew mutinuous.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:


Peng Could I possible hold more pity for man and his tactics. He is the only opponent I shake my head in sadness as I target his exposed infantry with my spotters. Tis a sad, sad thing.

Piss off,


Emphasis added to expose a swine for a swine.

This from the feller what set up the game with the "1 tree on the whole damn map parameter" It is a sad sad thing when such a brilliant player has to stoop so low to get a cheap win. SHAME! SHAME on you, Shaggy!


Feh. I shall say "Feh!" to you again. Feh!

Three "fehs" for Shaggy.

Peng, saying "feh!" again.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

... Also you have to factor in the black mass that that is there but is hard to measure or observe...

Lorak the loathed<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Is this some Satanas thing that Berli put you up to or is this another example from the US Government that I owe the Universe a fecking dollar for "keeping it down"?!?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Originally posted by Stuka :

Not so much of the strutting going on at the moment Von Scabs.

The latest Stuken Aussie outback/motorcycling adventure went a little haywire yesterday, culminating in a high speed/low altitude coming together with Terra Firma Australis.


Oh Please do go on. I want to hear every bone-crushing detail. Every cuss word spewed, every 'help mommy' uttered.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Result: Fractured right clavical. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Enough about the bike and the fancy parts you broke on it, how about you?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> originally posted by some git who calls herself Mensch ;


Sod off you Gamey making basta'. The only reason that explains my present condition in the hell you call the NSSB 2, is that you have me matched up against the co-authors of Gamey Tricks For Dummies . How else can you explain my complete humiliation? Inept leadership? I think not. Since I am only now leaving the stables where us, uh hum, former Piss-Boys dwell, and the fact that the walls to the knights keep are a little to tall to scale, I challenge your squire (whomever that poor s.o.b. is) to my first Squire Deathmatch (is that allowed?) . I am going to beat him so hard his uterus will forever be tilted. Tell me his name! Don't make me get my big brother Goanna and have him shake it out of you like a crying infant.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Herr Eggbert said:

And here I find two Kaniggets rendering more of the same childish bickering going on between goanna and Joe Shaw over who claims von Schrad as Squire. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You know, I have that effect on people. My first day at he new job they wanted to make me the boss. I still don't know why I got fired? I didn't do ANYTHING!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> A challenge map! Constructed by Berli of course. With the biggest LOSER taking on von Schrad as Squirrel. Forget your tactics, forget your planning. He who loses the mostest the fastest before the autosurrender is the weiner. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I thought that was a grand idea at one time, but that was way back when I was a lowly serf without direction. { takes a deep breath and sticks out chest } Now that I am a squire I find that comment utterly repulsive in a way that had me sprawled around the toilet in the fetal position for an hour. (I assure you it wasn't the week old ham sandwich I had found in the car and enjoyed at lunch) You Sir Oberst will be my last stepping stone in the Shraddy's old grand topplement scheme. And this time no DAISY PICKING GREEN TROOPS!

I would like to take this time to thank the people who made this all possible. First off Goanna , for whom was responsible to give me a hand up. How could I ever do anything to cause his demise? Leave him in the 'bad part of town' after dark on welfare Wednesday when he goes to pay for gas? Not me. And to Joe Shaw who still wanted me after all my faults, if only to use me as his CM punch toy and cast me aside like I was some worthless tech stock. I hate him not so much. And lastly and certainly least Sir Sean-a-woot who taught me how to hate. The lessons being taught to my virtual troops in our current game have brought my hate capacity to new heights and for that I thank you and only wish you the best. { grits teeth }

I realized that I don't hate you guys any more. I don't hate you any less either.

von shrad

[ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: von shrad ]

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As we all can see, the cumulative effects of the DEVIL ALCHOHOL have cause dear Iskander to admit we had a small battle and he had a huge loss. Thus, it is proven again, DON'T MESS WITH THE LAWYER. Bless the children.

Now, as to that EVIL DEVIL Elvis who shows up only to taunt innocent victims, I will admit that I gave in after 10 weeks of hell to his endless self-congratulations about just being there and happening to win. He is truly the evil brains behind Peng, who is certainly demented and causes much damage, but does not have the EVIL of Elvis.

Did I mention that Elvis SELLS CARS?? Nuff said.

BTW, Seanachai, if you have time to pervert logic and common sense by posting your stupid ****e here, SEND ME THE NEXT TURN in the battle you are losing. Otherwise, I shall be forced to assinnate Gordon Lightfoot, and end Life as you know it, which is really no life at all.

My only regret is that I cannot properly express my hate for you all because I must now spend my own time doing it.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

There it is again, almost as if someone who was ONCE important to us wishes to communicate but, due to some dire circumstance is unable to. Perhaps if that entity were eligible to be bolded ...




I would challenge you to a game, but we're already playing a game. And I'm not waiting on Peng, the Father Confessor's judgement, because the man's damn busy, completely daft, and is sending me emails that seem to indicate that we have to play some ungodly number of games to lay to rest my supposed apostasy (as though I were not, in fact, the greatest proponent and enforcer of tradition and orthodoxy on the Thread)!

I CALL FOR A TRIAL! THAT'S ROIGHT, YOU LOT OF SHIFTY FERRETS! A TRIAL! A TRIAL BY LAW BY MY PEERS! (What the hell good is a trial by combat when that's all we bloody well do here?)


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy:

You have it in the garage!!!!

My God how unaustralian of you, it should be in the loungeroom.


It was in the loungeroom when I gave it to myself for Christmas last year.

Damned thing took 6 rolls of paper to wrap up too!

And while it was a little big to fit under the tree, parking next to the tree was good enough.

Some folk thought it was a bit wierd to spend that sort of money on a new bike 10 days before Xmas and not ride it, but like a fine wine, I believed the anticipation added to the overall experience.

On the other hand, maybe it was just wierd.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:



Then you may have mine oh least noble of an ignoble band of fekless wannabe's.

For it is true that you shall be unbolded, and this means that even I be emboldened enough to say unto thee that thou art a knave, a twit even, and thouroughly deserving of unemboldenment unto the max, and quite a lot even as well.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:


I say: Guilty as hell! Hang the bloody lot of 'em! (But SEND ME A FECKIN' TURN first, while I work on my excuse to avoid Cesspool jury duty.)

Agua Perdido

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I CALL FOR A TRIAL! THAT'S ROIGHT, YOU LOT OF SHIFTY FERRETS! A TRIAL! A TRIAL BY LAW BY MY PEERS! (What the hell good is a trial by combat when that's all we bloody well do here?)


YOUR ENDLESS INNUENDOS AND EMBOLDEN MY NAME AGAIN!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And you shall have your trial you vile heretic. I shall take upon myself the role of Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True CessPool. You may, of course, retain counsel for your {snicker} defense, if you can find the legal representation you need Joe stands aside to avoid the rush from Lawyer, jd and MrSpkr.

Lorak may choose to preside or he may appoint another as judge. The jury, needless to say, shall be twelve True Knights of the CessPool ... or as many as we can find sober at a given moment. I suggest that Lorak appoint these as well.

I shall produce evidence and present a case that will leave you exposed (sit down Bauhaus ... well, yes, I suppose that AFTER he is convicted then perhaps) as the hypocritical heretic you are.

Let justice prevail.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

yah, with the dismantled carby sitting on a piece of newspaper, on the dining table!


Carby? Carby?! I'll have you know, you ignoramus, that the mighty steed sports a Sarem fuel injection system.

Sarem EFI technology is used in F1 car racing and therefore has the pedigree to be used on Triumph m/cycles.

Carbys are for dorks.


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Internal Server error my arse! The fix is in, and when I tried to answer Lawyer as the bastard deserved, my beautifully reasoned and well stated text was nowhere to be found!

[ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

[ 07-16-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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