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Why can't someone real start the Peng Challenge Thread?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>This is why my experience suggests that there are an infinite number of realities. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

...and in every single one of them, you're a fecking loon. Pull your head out of your navel, you mad scot wannabe.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leeo:

...and in every single one of them, you're a fecking loon. Pull your head out of your navel, you mad scot wannabe.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As tha' so, laddie? Ye're a shiney patch orn a wooley cows tail, an' ye? Af'n mah wee span'l dog cam aintae mah hoose wi tha laks o' yoo ain at's mooth, Ah'd nail at's laift front paw tae tha linoleum an' gi' at a warrrm enema wi' tha wee woman's cake frostin' sait. Thain Ah'd run aroond tha room laddie, whistlin' fer mah wee doggie sae she'd bae swingin' her gushin' rump aboot ain a circle tryin' tae keep oop wi' mae. An whain she'd complaitley sahroonded ye wi' tha putraid effluence o' her enemated bowels, Ah'd smack her aboot tha haid an scream "drorp at!!". Ye'd bae sae dizzy fraim tha spinnin', tha baist ye kid do wud bae tae crawl oot o' tha circle ain ye stankin' hands an' feet. An' didnae thank ye'd noo slip ain fall fla' orn ye shtyupid face mon.



Edited cos Ah feckin' care, mon!

[ 10-14-2001: Message edited by: OGSF ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MacOberGruppenBloodyStompinRevisionistSicFeuhrerBastardABCDJimmy:

Ah thank at's verry nice. Whaddaye feed at?


Oh, right. Like that's what you said. Now you're going to claim that your evil twin did it, or the wee spaniel was walking on the keyboard. This one, and the quickly edited one on the next page. Maybe eddy's in the space-time continuum again, mucking about with things, and in one of your alternate realities, you're a boring philospopher, while in the one we usually see around here you're a boring scot wannabe.

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Sir OGSF, you are a revisionist, sheep shagging, bagpipe fondling piece of crrrrrap, rolled in faux tartan. You obviously tend to perverted fantasies involving bestiality. I bet many pets have gone missing in your neighborhood, what? Your mug(if I had a dog with a face like yours, I'd shave his butt and teach him to walk backwards) is featured prominently on the SPCA's most wanted posters. You are a bane to mammals, reptiles, arthropods and prokaryotes. I've thrown away shoes after having stepped in better than the likes of you.

You, you, <big>BIG SPENDER!</big>

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leeo:

Sir OGSF, you are a revisionist...blather, blather...if I had a dog with a face like yours, I'd shave his butt and teach him to walk backwards..blather, snorkle, blather...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yoo talkin' tae mae, Jimmy? Arre ye talkin' TAE MAE?? Ravisionast as at?? Ye sae tha' as af at's a *bad* thang! Ye grout stain.

An af'n mah wee span'l ha' a face lak your's Jimmy, Ah'd bash at ain wi' a shovel!

Ye cheap bastaarrrd...


Aidited tae feed chrisl's neurosis...

[ 10-14-2001: Message edited by: OGSF ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:

Yoo talkin' tae mae, Jimmy? MacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCDJimmy<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And who exactly is this Jimmy bloke you keep pining on about, hmm? An adolescent crush who spurned you after giving you a glimpse up his kilt? Your first kiss, perhaps? You have a preternatural fixation on this Jimmy fella. Yeah, I'm lookin' at YOU, you tartan fluffing, sporran sucking England neighbor wannabe! I've seen haggis with more stomach than you, laddie. Ya poot.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:

Yoo talkin' tae mae, Jimmy? Arre ye talkin' TAE MAE?? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And replied to by Leeo:

Yeah, I'm lookin' at YOU.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Di ye notice anythan particularly shtyupid aboot tha above response? At's alreeght, tak ye teem - Ah'm guessin' at's a struggle fer ye.

Saind mah a setoop ye pillock.


Aidited cos chrisl rhymes wi' gristle

[ 10-14-2001: Message edited by: OGSF ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Yeah, I'm lookin' at YOU, you tartan fluffing, sporran sucking England neighbor wannabe!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now, now Leeo, if I'm to champion the cause of proper challenges then I must be consistent. The above, while clearly TRUE, was just not ... ON. Try this:

Sir OGSF, you have impugned my sacred honor with your words, Sir, and I demand satisfaction upon the field of honor (or honour if you prefer). As the challenged party you have the choice of weapons (i.e. setup conditions and/or scenario). Sir XXXX shall act for me as my second and shall call upon your second to establish the terms of the conflict ... you tartan fluffing, sporran sucking England neighbor wannabe! Now see! Wasn't that much better? Oh ... you should actually CHOOSE a second and name them ... SAYING Sir XXXX will just make you look foolish.

No, no, it's the least I could do.


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Scene: The windswept Danish shore. OK, it's just a bare stage because we're cheap, but let's just use our imaginations, shall we?

Rosencrantz: flips a coin Heads!

Guildenstern: Why do you keep doing that?

R: Heads!...Doing what?

G: Flipping that coin. We have far more important problems at the moment.

R: Heads!...Like what?

G: We're not on the List.

R: Heads!...List?

G: Yes, the List!

R: Heads!...And we're not on it?

G: Exactly!

R: Heads!...Which list is that?

G: The Peng Challenge Thread Reading List!

R: Heads!...They can read?

G: Yes!

R: Heads!...And they have a reading list!

G: Yes!!!

R: Heads!...And we're not on it?


R: stops flipping the coin. A shocked look passes over his face You realize how serious this is?

G: Of course I do. That's why I've been trying to get it through your thick skull for the last 10 minutes...

R: I thought it was five.

G: Alright five.

R: But what's five minutes between friends? Anyway, this is a serious situation.

G: You're telling me.

R: Yes. I am telling you.

G: That was rhetorical. I was telling you.

R: So you were. Pray continue

G: I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation.

R: No one understands gravity yet. It the Earth is spherical, why don't we go spinning off into the Void?

G: Will you please focus on our situation for a minute.

R: Down from one to five, I see.

G: Forget about that. If we are not on the Peng Challenge Reading List, then those poor, benighted, pustulent, malodorous, coprophagous scum-sucking newbies will have missed out on the century's greatest exposition of the absurd flip-side to all tragic investigations of comedy, the role of the theater in society and existence it self.

R: You mean the last century's.

G: Will you please focus on the point.

R: Oh, the point is much worse than you make it out to be.

G: How now, serious?

R: We are, after all, engaged in a debate on the nature of reality. Yet we know that the arbiters of reality are the Kniggets and Old Ones of the 'Pool, the Mutha Beautiful Thread that Will Always Be There. If they ignore US, if they deny our existence, then can we be said to exist at all? I would say that for us there is no more urgent calling then to be placed at the very top of the List, or near it anyway. The alternative is too awful to contemplate.

G: The rest is silence...

R: Quite so...Heads!

[ 10-14-2001: Message edited by: Hakko Ichiu ]

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Ethan - that made me smile. Thanks. I noticed you had to edit it. Too bad you are a pillock too then.

I find the ****fight between OGSF and the other dork vaguely amusing. Some nice taunting, and the Scots brogue is just funny. Other than that, I could not give a flyin' monkey's about what you pisspoor taunters get up to.

2 out of 10 for effort.

[not edited today because I am an Über-spelling German]

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Okay ladies, this is just to inform you that I've got one of my little scrappers ready for any of you nards that would like something 3'rd party for a challenge in the 600-800 point range.

It's a situation I've wanted to play for some time with light infantry (FJs vs British infantry) in a rural area with a number of farms, and where the plentiful stone walls are the dominant feature of the terrain. There's something Ur-army about forming a firing line behind a wall, laying down cover fire and watching the next squad bound forward. There are some vehicles thrown into the mix to keep it from bogging down all too much in infantry.

It's a ME at a stretch of road which must be kept open/blocked depending on which side yer on. I've enjoyed it quite a lot against the AI and it seems to have replay value.

That's all I had to say. It's available if anyone's interested. G'night to you all, ya carrion munchers.

[ 10-14-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

I've been contributing nothing here longer than you have.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Rarely a truer word writetn!


That's why I'm a mighty Kinigget of the MBT, and you're just you.


Now you se this is hte bit that puzzles me - I've yet to encounter a "mighty" Kinigget - they all seem to roll over and ask to have their bellies scratched.

So to me the term "Kinigit" just means another useless loser (smiles sweetly)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

So to me the term "Kinigit" just means another useless loser (smiles sweetly)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

*Wheels ACME Justicar of the MBT, Joe Shaw in on trolley. Wrestles him into a corner of the room, plugs the power cable into a powerpoint, then desposits a nickle into the slot*

Ok, Justicar, you have just witnessed a disparaging remark about the backbone of the MBT, we band of the few, we mightly stalwarts of all that is anti-grog, we...*blathers on for half-an hour*...and we the mighty band of warrior Kniggits.

Such comments are the most heinious of crimes and we await your just decision - something about putting his eyes out would be nice, or perhaps we can arrange for Sir OGSF to flash this nasty, nasty man a glance of just what is under that kilt *shudders*.


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And thre you have it - another whining petulant performance by a "Kaynighit" of the pool.

Instead of standing up, taking it like a man (yes I know he isn't one, but he could at lease try!), he scampers off to the corner, cringes behind Sir Aphabet Castle's skirt and asks someone else to fight his battles for him.

And this life form is the backbone of the pool?

No wonder the place is so spineless!!

Come on Sir Raid - I dare you to pretend you have intestinal fortitude, a spinal column, or even just an infitesimally small spark of will power - do something for yourself for a change......and I don't mean THAT!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

*Wheels ACME Justicar of the MBT, Joe Shaw in on trolley. Wrestles him into a corner of the room, plugs the power cable into a powerpoint, then desposits a nickle into the slot*

Ok, Justicar, you have just witnessed a disparaging remark about the backbone of the MBT, we band of the few, we mightly stalwarts of all that is anti-grog, we...*blathers on for half-an hour*...and we the mighty band of warrior Kniggits.

Such comments are the most heinious of crimes and we await your just decision - something about putting his eyes out would be nice, or perhaps we can arrange for Sir OGSF to flash this nasty, nasty man a glance of just what is under that kilt *shudders*.


We are sorry but you must deposit an additional $5,398.00 in quarters in order to complete this appeal ... Just kidding, just kidding. Now, what's this all about then? Stalled In Oregon? YOU'RE worried about disrespect from HIM? He's a crummy Serf Mace, and a particularly unappealing one judging from the fact that he's had four games AS A SERF and ... hello ... is STILL a serf. But ... let's see what we can see here ... <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Rarely a truer word writetn! ...Now you se this is hte bit that puzzles me <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hmmmm, can't spell (how many times have you seen "see" and "the" misspelled?), can't edit, what's the good of him I wonder?

You know, Mace, I believe that we have an anomoly on our hands. The "Serf" concept was initiated in order to provide a pool of likely lads to be taken to squire. Usually they don't STAY a serf very long but in this case ...

I'm reminded of the particularly unattractive waif left at the orphanage who is passed over time and again in favor of children who do not offend ALL of the five senses at the same time. More time passes, more rejections and finally the State is saddled with this overgrown, obnoxious oaf with the appetite of a horse, the bowel emissions of a cow and the native wit of an oyster. Job training is out of the question, for one thing his skill set is highly limited and anyway it's my understanding that the mob isn't hiring right now.

What's to be done? An appropriate punishment ... it seems to me ... is that YOU would take him to squire! I DO feel that his game record should be reset to zero in that case ... let's face it ... he needs a LOT of work.

My he IS a malodorous little snot isn't he?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

And thre you have it - another whining petulant performance by a "Kaynighit" of the pool.


Yes, the Joe Shaw cloning of Mace is finally apparent. All tedious and useless forms are more than triplicate in their bureaucratic world, which would make the Indian fakirs and British bureaucrat wannabees envious with what has been accomplished in that evil netherworld between stankin' Oz and Utah. God Save Us!

Truly it is written -- Joe Shaw and Mace have become one and the same. May our minds grant us alchol oblivion to save our sensibilities. Only Donny and Marie will live to tell the tale.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally fluttered down into the pool on Josephine's Shawl:

Hmmmm, can't spell (how many times have you seen "see" and "the" misspelled?), can't edit, what's the good of him I wonder?

You know, Mace, I believe that we have an anomoly on our hands. The "Serf" concept was initiated in order to provide a pool of likely lads to be taken to squire. Usually they don't STAY a serf very long but in this case ...


Ah, well there you probably assume that your concepts and thoughts are of some value....or that I somehow care about them.... or some other such ridiculous notion.

Now that I've pointed out the mistake in what laughingly passes for a thought process for you, there's no further excuse for your continued inanity.

So do be a good little snotling and ooze back to some corner where I don't have to scrape you off my boot any more.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

....Now that I've pointed out the mistake in what laughingly passes for a thought process <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The Justicar's thought processes may be laughable, but they are still thought processes, and thus indicative of a certain amount of grey matter.

For example, If a surgeon was to make a small opening into Justicar Joe Shaw's Skull, Joe would bleed.

I suspect if the same was done to you my Serfy friend, the resulting inrush of air into the, for want of a better word, 'brain' cavity would probably drop the external air pressure by some substantial amount, and leave many of the surgery team woozy for lack of Air.

As for Lawyer's little contribution to the discussion. I would suggest Lawyer that the words 'mutate' or 'metamorphose' are perhaps more suitable than 'cloning'.

But your confusion is understandable, I realise that the biological and physical sciences are a bit overwhelming for those in the legal profession. I mean, the only mathematics a Lawyer needs to know is how to add up the bill.


[ 10-14-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

The Justicar's thought processes may be laughable, but they are still thought processes, and thus indicative of a certain amount of grey matter.


Oh dear - much as it pains em to admit it I feel that Lawyer may well be correct.

Urgh...yuk - that tasted horrible!

But no matter, for you see Flyspray somethign that passes for thought is not thought - but merely the local, inadequate, substitute.

The cloning theory gains credence, spurred by the remarkable similarity in lack of cogent thought patterns between the 2 snotlings.

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Hey hated ones!

Have been having PC issues. Caused some email burps and couldn't play CM (horrors!).

But new HDD installed and ready to go - now I just have to test CM on my new setup and turns will go out shorly after that.

So contrary to the wishes of some of my opponents, no harm befell me, thanks for asking.


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