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How will you use your SturmTiger?

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In a recent interview found at gamespot, Charles says that BTS plans to include the SturmTiger in Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin. That's great news for fans of rare vehicles and what-if scenarios. But how does one use a SturmTiger to best advantage? Considering that it takes 8-10 minutes to reload the 380mm rocket, it would be vulnerable to a quick counter by a speedy adversary. So, how will you use your SturmTiger?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Heidman:

What a useless piece of scrap in a tactical game.


I agree and I won't use it. Here's several issues to consider.

1.) Slow ROF.

2.) For it's cost, considering rarity and all, you'll probably be able to get several other AFVs or a company of infantry with panzerschrecks tossed in.

3.) I wonder how well they'll hold up against a couple of 500 pound bombs? They can't be very fast when they do move.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scooter:

I agree and I won't use it. Here's several issues to consider.

1.) Slow ROF.

2.) For it's cost, considering rarity and all, you'll probably be able to get several other AFVs or a company of infantry with panzerschrecks tossed in.

3.) I wonder how well they'll hold up against a couple of 500 pound bombs? They can't be very fast when they do move.


I'll third the motion. Short of a few experimental scenarios, I doubt I will ever be able to justify the expense.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I can't think of any rare vehicle I would put the SturmTiger in front of as far as desireability.

What a useless piece of scrap in a tactical game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Who let Scrooge in? ;) Sure, in hyper-realistic scenarios it wouldn't normally play a part, but why not experiment with it just for fun? Part of CM's appeal is the ability to play out hypothetical engagements and experiment with all the different units and learn how best to employ them, realism be damned (temporarily).

Btw, why would the Sturmtiger be useless tactically? Obliterating buildings with a single shot could be quite useful in many circumstances.

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Guest Babra

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Heidman:

What a useless piece of scrap in a tactical game.


You spelled "crap" wrong ;)

I like the Zamboni idea. But then again, Zamboni's are actually useful, so maybe it won't work.

In one way I'm annoyed that valuable time is being spent to include this thing. On the other hand I'm glad because then all the little wannabe stormtroopers are going to get a rude shock when they find out their dream uberpanzer is nothing more than a hopped-up garbage truck.

I won't be too alarmed to meet them on the battlefield since they are never going to destroy more than one Russkie vehicle if they hit.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Babra:

I won't be too alarmed to meet them on the battlefield since they are never going to destroy more than one Russkie vehicle if they hit.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

hehe...be careful Babra...it was reported that one SturmTiger took out 3 shermans in one single shot. :D

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I won't be too alarmed to meet them on the battlefield since they are never going to destroy more than one Russkie vehicle if they hit.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't think anyone with at least a passing knowledge of WWII AFV's is under any delusion that the Sturmtiger was some kind of Panzerjäger.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>On the other hand I'm glad because then all the little wannabe stormtroopers are going to get a rude shock when they find out their dream uberpanzer is nothing more than a hopped-up garbage truck.


You can want to experiment with different vehicles without erroneously believing them to be all-powerful. Not everyone interested in obscure AFV's is some deluded ignoramus.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Babra:

In one way I'm annoyed that valuable time is being spent to include this thing.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah...interesting that a vehicle that has a ROF of one round per ten or so minutes is being modeled.

It could be a fun vehicle though thats for sure. I don't see how effective it will be in QB's but it could be fun to find out. Now...just how big does a 380mm blast create? :D

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stacheldraht:

You can want to experiment with different vehicles without erroneously believing them to be all-powerful. Not everyone interested in obscure AFV's is some deluded ignoramus.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Good point Stacheldraht, I agree with you whole heartedly. :D

It will be interesting to say the least. :D

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Babra:

I won't be too alarmed to meet them on the battlefield since they are never going to destroy more than one Russkie vehicle if they hit.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah, now the fun begins. I doubt if a good use of a SturmTiger is to knock out opposing vehicles. Although one lurking in cover might get off a lucky shot and take out a platoon of enemy tanks.

IMHO, the SturmTiger's real value will be in scaring the enemy out of an important position. How long are you willing to sit in a tactically important building/bunker while staring down the tube of a 380mm rocket launcher?

And for those that think a fast rush at this beast while it's reloading will score a quick kill; consider the possibility that it may have an escort. ;)

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There's a strong precedent for including relatively obscure vehicles in CM. Look at the Wirbelwind (86 produced), Ostwind (43), Puma (101), Lynx (104), etc. (Figures from Chamberlain and Doyle)

No need to break a fine tradition that has provided great entertainment to many players.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stacheldraht:

Btw, why would the Sturmtiger be useless tactically? Obliterating buildings with a single shot could be quite useful in many circumstances.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It'll take two or three shots to annihilate a building.

1) Turn 1 of 40 Fire, Miss! But you took out your lead panzergrenedier platoon!

2) Turn 25 of 40 Fire, Miss! But you scored a direct hit on a Russian sheep farm 3km's away!

3) Turn 40 of 40 Fire, Hit! Building explodes into kindling. Congratulations smile.gif

Narf Narf!

[ 06-19-2001: Message edited by: FFE ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stacheldraht:

There's a strong precedent for including relatively obscure vehicles in CM. Look at the Wirbelwind (86 produced), Ostwind (43), Puma (101), Lynx (104), etc. (Figures from Chamberlain and Doyle)

No need to break a fine tradition that has provided great entertainment to many players.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Damn! Where' s that Maus!!! :D

Couldn't resist! :D

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And for those that think a fast rush at this beast while it's reloading will score a quick kill; consider the possibility that it may have an escort. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Exactly. When using a Königstiger or Jagdtiger, do you leave its flanks undefended?

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Hey, speaking of the Lynx. What in hell is it? There must have been hundreds of PzII's laying around if not thousands, so what is different about the lynx than the rest of the PzII's.

As for all the sour-pusses who complain about the sturmtiger. For one, I seriously doubt anyone (especially with historical ratings on) would buy one in a QB, and for scenarios -- they might be fun and cool in "what-ifs". There's nothing wrong with including rare or even questionable units, so why all the complaints?

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