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Guest Big Time Software

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Guest Big Time Software

Combat Mission version 1.1, featuring live Internet play, is officially ready!

Click to download the Windows or Macintosh version.

If you previously downloaded any of our public betas, you should delete them all. They will not be compatible with the real v1.1.

In case you're wondering what's new in v1.1, here's the list:

* TCP/IP play has been implemented (i.e. "live" Internet play). The game can also run as a "spawn", meaning that you do not need the CD-ROM in the drive, but you will be restricted to joining TCP/IP games only.

* If both sides have global morale below 15%, a battle will end immediately with an enforced cease-fire.

* Quick Battles:

- Ratio of attacker to defender points has been reduced slightly for Attack and Assault scenarios.

- Fortifications are cheaper to purchase.

- Automatic unit purchaser does a better job of using up (nearly) all available points.

- Force proportion limits modified slightly (main change is that attackers have a higher limit on support points than before).

* Armored vehicles are smarter about rotating their hulls to bring their main weapons to bear faster, however vehicles rotate 'in place' more slowly now.

* Vehicles in hunt mode are more likely to stop moving in order to engage "lesser" enemy vehicles than before.

* Allied tanks and guns are more likely to fire tungsten rounds when available.

* Infantry TacAI is less likely to seek cover when it would require moving closer to the enemy to reach that cover. Also, infantry (sometimes) retreats from buildings being blasted by heavy weapons that are in danger of collapse.

* Fixed a bug that incorrectly counted the number of knocked out vehicles and crewmember casualties during Operations.

* A bug that incorrectly identified (or failed to identify) vehicles as hull-down when the mouse was pointing at them has been fixed.

* Forward Observers no longer cancel a bombardment on a building that is blasted to rubble (though any other unit using area fire still does).

* Enemy units targeting an ambush marker are no longer displayed as doing so.

* Vehicle top speed over open ground reduced somewhat, especially for jeeps. And all wheeled vehicles are slightly more likely to bog down in bad terrain.

* Vehicles, especially those with only a few crewmen, have greater difficulty spotting enemies when moving. The difficulty is proportional to speed and ruggedness of terrain.

* Vehicles can more readily spot other vehicles at greater ranges (3000+ m) in clear weather with clear line of sight.

* Vehicle sound contacts are not shown rotating their turrets.

* When faced with a threat, unarmored vehicles will sometimes seek shelter at a new destination chosen by the TacAI even when ordered to move fast or in reverse.

* Fixed a bug that caused tanks to 'fear' pillboxes even when they were out of its firing arc.

* Hull down display when drawing LOS line also indicates "bow MG blocked" when appropriate.

* Mortars gain target acquisition a bit more slowly now, and their point values have been lowered slightly. They are also somewhat less effective at hitting vehicles.

* Gunnery accuracy equations modified slightly to permit greater accuracy at point-blank ranges.

* Fixed a bug that prevented Churchill AVREs from killing a pillbox form the side.

* Vehicles which are targeting ambush markers, and are directly hit by anything other than small-arms fire, will cancel their ambush orders and react to the attack normally.

* Crews that bail from a knocked out vehicle have "low" ammo and are often panicked or worse.

* Fixed a bug that caused events happening past the normal 60 seconds of action sometimes to be "undone" by rewinding and fast-forwarding past them.

* Fixed a bug that caused the battle number not to advance when both players in an operation agreed to a cease fire.

* Fixed a bug that often caused airplanes not to show up in Operations.

* Rough terrain tiles now abut so that they block vehicular traffic along shared edges.

* A letter 'c' after the armor slope display indicates that a vehicle has a curved gun mantlet, so the actual slope can vary depending on where the shell strikes. (Example: Panther tank).

* Fixed a bug that allowed game saves to be done before the battle was even underway.

* Passengers no longer immediately jump off a vehicle that bogs down unless the vehicle becomes permanently immobilized.

* You can no longer trace line of sight (LOS) from a Target Reference Point (TRP) during setup.

* Vehicles which use up their last round of ammunition are quicker to cancel targeting.

* TacAI does a better job weighing the importance of hull-down status when choosing targets.

* Fixed a TacAI bug in the logic that causes vehicles use the coaxial MG instead of the main gun (to conserve ammo when the MG is nearly as effective anyway). The bug sometimes made the vehicle switch to the coaxial MG when it should not have.

* Forward Observers' targets are never shown to the enemy, even in action playback.

* Bug fix for group-moves of mixed tanks and infantry, to ensure that FAST/RUN and MOVE orders are carried out appropriately.

* Pillboxes:

- Acquire targets a bit faster than other guns (it's assumed that they've pre-ranged to landmarks).

- Carry a little more 'weight' when calculating the new position of the front lines in operations.

* Bug fix that makes the 'setup' between campaign battles work out the same no matter how many times you reload the play-by-email file.

* Bug fix so operations don't have empty white (Allied) or black (Axis) setup zones.

* Bug fix: passengers disembarking out of sight of the enemy are no longer 'seen' as doing so by the enemy. A spot marker does not appear for the disembarked unit.

* Fixed a bug that made vehicles moving in reverse immune to bogging down or striking minefields.

* When placing cursor over an unidentified enemy infantry unit, your tank will be shown as "hull down" (if it is hull down) just in *case* the enemy unit is an antitank unit.

* AI is less likely to fire off-map artillery smoke missions when overall visibility is poor.

* M3A1 Halftrack, M3A1 Scout Car, and M5A1 Halftrack are not forced to remain buttoned up after suffering only one crew casualty.

* Split squads rejoin when within 10m of one another, not 15m as before.

* Fixed bug so you cannot get TRP bonus when adjusting fire, unless you are within 20m of TRP (was 100m due to bug).

* Vehicles can only do a 'hide' order if they do not currently have movement orders.

* Popup menus are not obscured by text-input fields.

* Fixed a bug that sometimes slightly overloaded tank ammo between battles in operations.

* Texture fix on Stuart V.

* Fixed it so sound contacts right on the edge of listening range don't flutter in and out of contact, which made them 'bounce around'.

* If the user enters illegal characters in the name of a saved game, they are converted to spaces, avoiding an error in Windows or MacOS.

* Fixed a bug that sometimes made target selection "jump" very quickly between different targets.

* Fixed a bug that caused the TacAI sometimes not to regard foxholes as "sufficient" cover.

* Fixed a bug that sometimes caused vehicles to stop on the map edge instead of exiting.

* Data changes:

- MG Jeep cannot carry passengers.

- PzIV silhouette reduced.

- Firefly's turret rotation speed is medium. Point value is reduced before September 1944 to reflect that no High Explosive (HE) ammo is carried.

- 17pdr gun no longer has shatter-prone armor-piercing ammo (so penetration is increased).

- Marder III armor changed.

- Sherman Jumbo's speed and some armor values lowered.

- Muzzle velocity slightly lowered on some German vehicle-mounted 75mm guns.

- HEAT/Shaped-charge penetration values changed for some German weapons: 75mm howitzer, 75mm recoilless, 75mm L/24, 105mm howitzer, 105mm recoilless, 150mm gun, 150mm infantry gun

- More AT guns, PIATs, and carriers added to British infantry battalion TO&E.

- Vehicle point values adjusted slightly.

- British M5 Halftrack added.

- Puppchen is available on all dates.

- British Carriers now have smoke mortars.

- British rifle battalion may have MG platoon attached or not.

- Polish may use the Cromwell, but not the Stuart, Sherman II/IIA/IIC, or Sherman III tanks.

- Canadians may not use Sherman II/IIA/IIC or Churchill (exc. Crocodile) tanks.

- M3A1 Scout Car and Humber Scout Cars are able to cross hedges.

[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 01-10-2001).]

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Guest Madmatt

As this is an official release you no longer need to email me with your bug reports. Just use the Forum as before for bug sightings, comments and reports (if any).


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Guest Madmatt

One more tidbit is that the Mac version also comes bundled with those hard to find new OpenGl drivers for ATI cards!

If you have a G3/G4/iMac and have a problem seeing text on the screen then go ahead and install these drivers to fix this problem!!!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>* Fixed a bug that made vehicles moving in reverse immune to bogging down or striking minefields<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Does this mean that AI will no longer drive tanks backwards (in wet, snow conditions) towards the enemy?

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I imagine y'all must feel great...and more than a little relieved. It's sort of the culmination of everything, as far as CM1 goes. So I offer my warm and heartfelt congratulations on the accomplishment of your goals. You promised Internet play, and you delivered. Well done. Don't forget to take some well deserved time off.



CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/

so many games...so little time

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

- Sherman Jumbo's speed and some armor values lowered.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Um, I just looked at the Jumbo in 1.1. Its speed and armor are still the same as before.


You've never heard music until you've heard the bleating of a gut-shot cesspooler. -Mark IV

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I've just spent 12 hours working all night (UK Time) and i've not long got in and i thought i would have a quick check on the board to see what was going on before hitting the sack. Then i find out that V1.1 is out!!. So, sod going to bed! i'm off to play Moon's new 16 Battle Op on an all-day CM slug-fest with the latest version.

So, Thanks once again BTS for keeping me awake, when i really should be getting some shut-eye!. smile.gif


COMBAT MISSIONS - CM News, Supplies & Resources


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

Combat Mission version 1.1, featuring live Internet play, is officially ready!


Thank you guys. Excellent work!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If you previously downloaded any of our public betas, you should delete them all. They will not be compatible with the real v1.1.


Could you specify what you mean by delete? Do you mean just the executable or some other files as well?

The set of improvements and bug fixes is just great, but I'd like to report one "side effect".


* Also, infantry (sometimes) retreats from buildings being blasted by heavy weapons that are in danger of collapse.


I assume that this was already present in the last beta, because it caused a weird situation in one of my games. My infantry units were under heavy weapons fire in a building, and as specified above, decided to retreat when the building was severely damaged. However, there were two things that made this decision unrealistic:

1. The units had to retreat over an open field, and there were three Tigers at one end of this field just waiting for someone to blow up.

2. There were at least two friendly buildings next to the damaged building.

So in reality no platoon leader in his right mind would have told his units to retreat to their death, but would have ordered them to move to the next building.

Does my argumentation make sense? Is there anything that could be done to improve the situation?

Finally, thank you once more for all the excellent work you've done smile.gif

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