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Poor customer service, poor communications.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Grey Fox:

Learn this lesson well. Never criticize BTS

on this site.It just isn't done without immediate and voluminous rebuttal by a sycophantic chorus. By the way I do agree the game is superb and worth the wait-but don't criticize.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You can say pretty much whatever you want on this site, and if your skin is thick enough you can even get a chuckle out of some of the responses you get.

If there is sycophancy in the board, it is a fruitless activity, as I am unaware of any advantage that can be gained by fawning over BTS.

The ardent support for CM and the people who produce it is not the mere croaking of toadies. People really like this game, and are not shy about telling you about it. If, for example, I voice an opinion to the effect that it would be cool if the game gave out decorations to units that did well in a battle (I think it would be cool), and I get blasted by grogs who find my preference completely silly and an obvious indication of my mental age being about five, and they holler about how it would ruin the serious business of moving little electronic army men around on my monitor, I don't let it spoil my day. Truth be told, I rather enjoy it.

It is sad to hear about an unhappy customer, because I selfishly want BTS to keep cranking out games like CM, and folks have to buy it to make that possible. I can only say that my purchases were handled well, and that the one E-mail I sent got a reply that was satisfactory. I can't speak for BTS, but I am confident that if it is possible for them to satisfy a customer, they try to do just that.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Originally posted by Doug Beman

Remember, this is a 2-man (well, more now working CM:BB but 2 men developed CM) company, so their overhead consists of research materials, imported beer, and oil for the Weasel. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Good one. I laughed out loud to that.

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A piece of advice, corn55, if you do see CM available at a warez site.

Report it by e-mail to BTS/Madmatt (you needn't mention it here). You may not think it a big deal, given that CMBO released over a year ago. But it's still piracy of some one else's hard work, made all the harder in that CM was updated multiple times up to version 1.12. What warez vendor out there put similar quality support into CMBO?

If enough of these warez sites get away with it, so to then post illegal copies of the next CM sequel (CMBB), then it could cut too deep into BTS revenues. Then ergo, end of the line. No further updates or sequels , no "CM II" game engine rebuild, nada. Do we want that?

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For what it's worth...I've actually paid for this game three times...I've purchased it for me and bought two more games as gifts.

I find it strange that you've actually received a response from BTS (refer to Madmax's post) and you've "failed" to reference this in your "complaint".

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

How do you really feel, Simon?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Well Mr Spkr I have a vision in my minds eye. Picture this if you will:

A plush corporate suite. Within Matt reclines on a luxurious leather chair. A sycophantic flunkey is gently polishing his hairless pate, another feeds him grapes by hand while a third trims his toenails.

Occasionally he rises and lumbers over to a computer and gleefully deletes another bunch of emails.

Suddenly, a door slams


In walks Steve and Matt's demeanour quickly changes from relaxed arrogance to obsequious subservience

"Matt, our latest review of your work has shown that you replied to a whining thread on the Forum. Whatever possessed you to do such a thing?"

Matt responds in a wheedling tone

"I'm sorry Steve, I don't know what came over me. It won't happen again, I promise"

As he turns and walks out, Steve says:

"Well don't. Otherwise we'll have to send you off for reeducation again. Just lock 'em up, nothing more!"

As the door closes behind Steve, Matt turns on the flunkeys with a mad gleam in his eye......

[ 08-16-2001: Message edited by: Simon Fox ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by corn55:

Ordered CM a few days ago. All I received was the automated message saying that the order has been received.

I live in Ohio, and assumed it would be here by now.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

OK, let me get this straight. You said you ordered it a few days ago which just happened to be Tuesday the 14th as Madmatt has already mentioned. Then today is the 16th. That's two days apart. Let me just tell you this. Even if BTS shipped your copy the second they recieved your on-line order, the U.S. Postal Service doesn't even work THAT fast.

Even Amazon.com doesn't even work that fast. A typical on-line order takes anywhere from 3-5 days from even the time they ship the order. I mean that's standard. I take it you have never ordered anything on-line before?

When I order something from Amazon.com, the shipment usually goes out the next or following day. Then going out by UPS usually, it takes at least 3 days. So all together it takes at least 5 days. So I'd suggest you just chill out.

Bitching and complaining about your order not being there 2 days after you placed the order is not very bright. I used to work for a postal service and I know the route a "package" has to take to get to a private residence. First it gets shipped to the first major distribution center near the sender. That may get accomplished the first day depending on when the order was sent out of the warehouse. Then it will then get shipped to the distribution center nearest the receiver. That may take a day or two depending if it goes by air or train, etc. Then it must go to the head post office for your region. Then it must go to your local post office and then to you. All this takes, like I said, 3-5 days.

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FWIW, it seems like Combat Mission's following is largely composed of older (20+ up to retirees), fairly well-educated WWII nuts (many with military experience), with WAY too much time on their hands to post lengthy replies on this forum explaining why a) they're right, and B) you're wrong. (Rexford comes to mind... ;) )

BTW, you'll know when you're no longer a newbie when you laugh at that last bit.

Welcome aboard. You'll find the investment well worth your time, and I'm sure there are lots of folks on the board who'd love to teach you tactics the hard way. :D

[ 08-17-2001: Message edited by: redeker ]

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Corn, I have the utmost of faith in the duo, Charles Moylan Steve Grammont (and baldy one!) that you will receive your copy...

Why? Many moon's ago, I ordered (from South Africa) this obscure piece of software called Combat Mission. Not a major wargamer, but disliking the mouse twitch crowd games (though I still think TA was the zenith for RTS in the 1990's) that favours the fastest mouse in town over brains, I waited a month+ for the package to arrive.

I informed Steve/Matt, they promptly assumed the package was lost in the post, and re-send another copy. The 1st copy made a detour via Madagaskar(!), and within the space of few days I received both copies in the darkest of Africa, transit time being 2 weeks for the 2nd consignment (I have paid for one only)

This is called going beyond the call of customer care (I have replied to BTS's kindness/good service with some vino)

So have some faith friend, the package WILL arrive...


Charl Theron

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by redeker:

FWIW, it seems like Combat Mission's following is largely composed of older (20+ up to retirees), fairly well-educated WWII nuts (many with military experience), with WAY too much time on their hands to post lengthy replies on this forum explaining why a) they're right, and B) you're wrong. (Rexford comes to mind... ;) )<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Buahaha almost made me change my sig with this one smile.gif

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OK, well I guess Corn that you've been "told" and you get the picture.

Now back to the game which you will soon have...If you have any questions you should try finding an answer via the search function on the top right of this page. Also after the initial fun of all those new toys download some of the community produced mods that greatly enhance the look and feel of the game. There are also heaps of scenrios to get too.

Then once you've got the hang of it vs the AI start playing against the rest of us via email or online.

Let us know if how it goes.



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Shall we speculate what'd happen if BTS included a phone # with their disc?

Either they'd be flooded with calls from folks who can't get the game to work on their Mac Plus. Or - more likely - they'd be bombarded with calls from 16 year olds boys in 'goth' makeup who know better than BTS how best to run the company... or how to build the software... or how to package the product... or construct the website... etc., etc., etc.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Spook:

A piece of advice, corn55, if you do see CM available at a warez site.

Report it by e-mail to BTS/Madmatt (you needn't mention it here). You may not think it a big deal, given that CMBO released over a year ago. But it's still piracy of some one else's hard work, made all the harder in that CM was updated multiple times up to version 1.12. What warez vendor out there put similar quality support into CMBO?

If enough of these warez sites get away with it, so to then post illegal copies of the next CM sequel (CMBB), then it could cut too deep into BTS revenues. Then ergo, end of the line. No further updates or sequels , no "CM II" game engine rebuild, nada. Do we want that?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Besides, WareZ people are scum who I wouldn't trust near my computer with a 20 meter SCSI cable. Some of my idiot students (idiots because of their actions, most of my students are not idiots) downloaded a pack of wareZ games. The games gave their computer 9 major destructive viruses including "spin up" (a wonderful hardware level virus that causes your harddrive to constantly seek back and forth writing and getting single bits of data from all over the disk until it dies) The combination toasted their computer with their term paper on it.

I took pity on them (they told me an e-mail attachment from a classmate crashed their computer) and fixed their computers, but when I recovered the drive, I found out exactly where they got the virus payload from.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BloodyBucket:

If there is sycophancy in the board, it is a fruitless activity, as I am unaware of any advantage that can be gained by fawning over BTS.


I agree totally. Sycophany is completely unnecessary for a company as perfect, infallible, divine, and worthy of worship as the great BTS.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MikeyD:

Shall we speculate what'd happen if BTS included a phone # with their disc?


They'd get one call - from JasonC, and the line would forevermore be busy.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars:

They'd get one call - from JasonC, and the line would forevermore be busy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hehe...he came to mind yesterday in the flurry of the scripted auto-complaint letters. The grammar, vocabulary, and bloated, circular arguments sounded a bit familiar. ;) (J/K Jason!)

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Okay okay, getting off track here guys.

The original concern (and a valid one as are any customer issues) has been answered and there is no need to boil the guy alive.

Corn, all things being equal you should anticipate the game arriving by the end of next week. If it doesn't for some reason, give it an additional week to pop up (these things do happen from time to time) and then email me if it still doesn't show.

Whoever had the brother that was waiting 3 weeks, have them email me with their order details please and I will check on this for you.

Thanks guys!


p.s. I am going to close up this thread so my message doesnt get lost in the sea of replies from some of the Board Elders (or is that bored?!?) ;)

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