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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer:

Who, or should I say, what the feck are you, oh 'Marlow'? Is that a contraction of 'Marshmallow'? Or are you a relative of your namesake, Marlowe: Steamboat Willie of the Congo? Or are you just something inrupted by dyspepsia into my afternoon nap?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As much as I hate to admit it Jo you may be right. This CMplayer is indeed to green to be a Squire. Not only does he not know the traditions and history of the 'Pool, but he is obviously not well read. Anyone with half a brain knows that Charlie Marlow's name is spelled without an "E" at the end.

Sir Lorak, it is with great sadness, that I throw this one back to the SSN wading septic tank.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer:

Who, or should I say, what the feck are you, oh 'Marlow'? Is that a contraction of 'Marshmallow'? Or are you a relative of your namesake, Marlowe: Steamboat Willie of the Congo? Or are you just something inrupted by dyspepsia into my afternoon nap?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

SSN's are so cute before their eyes open.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

HELLOOOOOO?! Did the turnip truck just drop you off or did you get weaned from your mothers bosom at too early an age? Do you not GET what is going on?!?!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

o i'm so solly..pls forgive...my mistake..

Um, sir, please say me what is going on? and

also what does newbie mean I heard it all

the time what is it?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer:

o i'm so solly..pls forgive...my mistake..

Um, sir, please say me what is going on? and

also what does newbie mean I heard it all

the time what is it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Crap! Now you've got him hitting return again! He was almost used to the auto-line-end feature these high-fangled computers are equipped with. What a set back...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Maybe he doesn't like golf?


Golf is for old people, old people like


Old people like Joe with emphasema, pot bellies, yellow crooked teeth and sweaty jowel flaps.

Rancid, decrepid octogenarians with liver spots, flatulence, shiney bald heads and personal hygiene problems, like Joe.

Virile young roosters, unlike Joe, indulge in more youthful pastimes, NOT Golf.

Anyway, Golf courses should be motocross tracks.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump:

Well check your inbox you long-haired, soon-to-be Minnesotan!


Which inbox? The one with turns in it from Berli and a non-pooler, but none from anyone else? That mailbox?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Golf is for old people, old people like Joe. {snipped a great deal of boring personal attacks that Stuka will remember one day, oh yes, he will remember}<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Old people, like Tiger Woods, Sergio Garcia and David Duval.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Virile young roosters, unlike Joe, indulge in more youthful pastimes, NOT Golf.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> True, but my marble shooting skills have deteriorated with the years so ...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Anyway, Golf courses should be motocross tracks.p<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Motocross eh ... THAT explains a lot ... did anyone ever explain WHY you should wear a helmet?


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Lard you must be the dumbest person to have ever posted in this pool, even more so than the other Texans infesting it. If it weren't for your utter lack of a brain and your Texican heritage, you would have noticed that I not only sent you the feckin turn the day I returned from New Mexico and have never received it back, but I have been harassing your retarded old fool of a kanigget. And what have you done to stop/insult/mock me? Nothing. Pshaw, your squire is clearly an idiot, rather like you.

[edited because I felt like it.]

[ 08-30-2001: Message edited by: panzerwerfer42 ]

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Righto Grandpappy Shaw, you and me is fix'in fer a showdown.

Yesseree bob, weeza gonna hev arselves a gunfight.

Its high noon in the cesspool corral and them tumbelweeds are a'blowin.

I'va hitched ma hoss up to the olde saloon and my trigger fingers a'itchin.

I've got Elvira's and Seanoochy Antelope Kebab's ears on ma belt an I figure with yer droopy ole earlobes I ken whittle marself a right purty tobaccy pouch.

Name yer poison yar varmint, I'ma rattlin mar spurs at ya!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Panty Waister 00 apparently has something he's TRYING to say: ... but I have been harassing your retarded old fool of a kanigget. And what have you done to

stop/insult/mock me? Nothing. Pshaw, your squire is clearly an idiot, rather like you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ohhhh, isn't that just CUTE! This SSN THINKS he's been insulting me ... kind of like the little kitten that lurks behind the sofa and pounces on you as you pass ... get away, get away you, you, carnivore, you raptor, you vicious hunter you ... hehehe. As if I'D need a squire to handle the likes of HIM.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Sir Stuka found it necessary to actually challenge me: Name yer poison yar varmint, I'ma rattlin mar spurs at ya!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh I'm sorry, did you get the impression that I was taking your name in vain to get a game with you? Sorry, my mistake ... I was taking your name in vain because it DESERVES it. If you feel that your honor has been besmirched (yeah right, like that COULD happen) feel free to pick one of the Byte Battles, set it up and ship it off. I haven't played any of them.


[ 08-30-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Kindly hold still for a 'mo there Joe.

The undertaker needs to measure you up for your coffin.

Stop yer quivering old fella, ya can't be that a'feared of me already. Oh sorry, thats just the alzheimers, please carry on.

I'll do the honoUrs and whip up a byte battle and send it via that new fangled electric mail. I realise that you old timers are more comfortable with the pony express or carrier pidgeon but there you have it.

Now off to bed with you. Matron will be along to strap you in shortly.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars:

Lars – A feckin, stinkin, humiliating DRAW!

Stalin’s Organ – A grateful, satisfying, relieved, DRAW!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's true - I am relieved - but it's so much better than being a constipated whiner like Dripping boy!

And Lardo is definitely humiliated - which is nothing bad if you think about it a little!


In my defense I must point out that this was a night battle, visibilty was 96 meters, and the damn computer gave me three 81mm mortars and a feckin mortar halftrack. Of course, mine survived the battle, but I wish I had had them all shot like Stinky managed to do with his six mortar teams, I would feel better.


Ha ha ha - it would have been better if you had actually fired a shot with them too!! Half a battery of mortars with a company HQ to spot for them and Lardo uses exactly 0 rounds!

I reckon the gamey bastiche knew he wasn't any good and had his excuses planned out in advance!

He fails to mention that we were also drawn in the Tanks Bogged stakes: 1 each

A/C's KO'd stakes: 3 each

But he was well ahead in the Gamey last turn flag rush stakes: 1 of crews, AT teams and shot-up SMG squads to none!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

Ha ha ha - it would have been better if you had actually fired a shot with them too!! Half a battery of mortars with a company HQ to spot for them and Lardo uses exactly 0 rounds!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If you had given me a target I could have done something with them. Unfortunately, you killed everything off by marching them in front of a machinegun nest and two tanks before I could get them lined up.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I reckon the gamey bastiche knew he wasn't any good and had his excuses planned out in advance!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well of course I did.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>He fails to mention that we were also drawn in the Tanks Bogged stakes: 1 each

A/C's KO'd stakes: 3 each<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What part of draw didn't you understand?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>But he was well ahead in the Gamey last turn flag rush stakes: 1 of crews, AT teams and shot-up SMG squads to none![/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Because I had something left to charge with and you didn't.

And poopoowiper4/2, my machine says sent, but I shall wing it off your addled pate one more time.

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Just one question. Who the HELL designed this scenario!? I'll have his nads (yes, NADS) strung together, tied to a stick, and used as numbchucks. I'll hunt the sadistic little twit down, tie him to a chair, and force him to watch 36 hours of Teletubbies. This ain't no freakin' scenario, this is murder.

Now, on to my so called tactical genius of an opponent. You think you're big stuff now that you're lobbing Volkswagens at me don't ya? DON'T YA! A hole the size of Texas just opened up below a platoon. A GREEN Platoon you sadistic SOB scenario designer. They didn't take more than 4 steps, OK, maybe 5, before they-died-a-lot.

And just WTH ARE MY ELITE FO'S doing?! NOT a DAMNED thing! ELITE DAMNIT, YOU'RE ELITE! FIRE already! What the HELL are you waiting for? More Volkswagens?! I think my TRPs are defective and for that I blame my opponents KINNIGET. Defective TRPs, ****e for brains FOs, and futilistic scenario designers. And did I mention lately that sig lines suck!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And just WTH ARE MY ELITE FO'S doing?! NOT a DAMNED thing! ELITE DAMNIT, YOU'RE ELITE! FIRE already! What the HELL are you waiting for? More Volkswagens?! I think my TRPs are defective and for that I blame my opponents KINNIGET. Defective TRPs, ****e for brains FOs, and futilistic scenario designers. And did I mention lately that sig lines suck!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah pity MrSpkr it would appear that MY squire, the loyal and trustworthy Lars, is handling Arty Fest '45 just a BIT better than your entry, the brand spanking new squire Juardis. I do NOT, of course, refer to the action in the game, but rather to his aplomb and panache no matter the outcome.

I would have HOPED that Juardis would have tumbled BY NOW to the fact that Arty Fest '45 was a joint venture (no, Stuka not THAT kind of joint ... no, Bauhaus nor that kind either) between MrSpkr and myself. Therefore when he denigrates the designer he denigrates his own liege ... it's not been a good day for Juardis, I see more Boot in his future.

As to the problem young Juardis has with his FO's ... perhaps they don't have a good LOS to the TRPs?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

As to the problem young Juardis has with his FO's ... perhaps they don't have a good LOS to the TRPs?


Yes, thats it Joesie, never let logic stand in the way of a good hallucination.

And I'll thank you not to mention my good name and Sir Bauhaus in the same sentence. I feel somehow tainted now and have a need to go shower.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

Which inbox? The one with turns in it from Berli and a non-pooler, but none from anyone else? That mailbox?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sneaky, slipped a turn into my inbox without my looking. Why this type of system "skills" explains how you are able to beat me...wait have you beat me yet?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Yes, thats it Joesie, never let logic stand in the way of a good hallucination. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Stuka you idiot ... man that just kind of ... goes together doesn't it? Stuka you idiot, got a nice right to it. I don't know what your last name is but you might think of changing it. Anyway, you've either been baking in the sun too long or just not paying attention or you'd get the point to my comment. Seeing as how it's YOU, though, I won't waste my time explaining.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And I'll thank you not to mention my good name and Sir Bauhaus in the same sentence. I feel somehow tainted now and have a need to go shower.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah good, my work here is done ... for now.


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Joe, you must forgive young Juardis, he is terribly excitable. Maybe I shouldn't have put so many amphetamines in his breakfast cereal . . . but I digress.

Juardis, you need to overcome your fahrvergnungenophobia, spread your platoons out so you don't Die-So-Much, and fire back. And don't worry about Shaw - you can see he is still hung up on the TRP"S>

What's that? Upset? Me? With you? No lad, merely disappointed. I had expected better . . . but consistency will come, I guess. Now, Berli said something about a warm room for you, check in with him.

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