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Crouching Tiger, Hidden Peng Challenge

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Bugger. No turns out tonight, as I cannot get my email, nor figure out why not. Will have to contact my ISP during their normal 'customer service' hours, from 3 PM to 3:30 PM, weekdays.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Unlikely story.. he most likely saw the last films of his games and discovered he was loosing most or all of them and now does not want to send the return file in hopes people think he has "technical" problems.

you sir, after I'm finished wittling your troops down to a smooth polished ball and draw out our battle like the Great 1734 War on the Muka Muka Island where the West Muka tribe was fighting the other East Muka tribe, after arguing their tribal name was better then the gits on the east side of the island*. I want to knicker your ego with a home made "Berli Battle".

*rumor has it, that the war was really started in a bar fight over a game of Cripple Mr. Onion.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Everett my dear chap, would you like to identify the white substance covering the persons pictured? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

David old boy, the two on the left are Danish, like Lars, so it could be just about anything your imagination is likely to think up.

[ 08-30-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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It is a matter of RECORD here in the CessPool that I care nothing for wins and losses and that I spit upon those who fancy themselves as competent at CM (you know who you are). HOWEVER, when gross deceit is perpetrated upon the body of the CessPool I MUST SPEAK OUT!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As much as I loath Peng, still must I defend him. What Joe fails to mention is that he started with an entire armored column against one (yes, one... as in singular) infantry platoon, and a 75mm infantry gun.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now here we see the violence inherent in the system, the "Armored Column" Berli refers to consisted of Daimlers, MG Scout Cars and Carriers! Now I don't know about YOU, but the fact that a few vehicles have a few silly millimeters of armor does not an "Armored Column" make. Further, he "neglects" to mention that said "Armored Column" had to traverse a road every inch of which was covered by the previously mentioned 75mm IG ... fish in a barrel Berli, fish in a barrel. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>He was right that the star was that gun (raped him but good). Then the first round of reinforcements arrive... he gets more tanks (in a beautiful elevated position) while I get a few more, tired infantry. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Ah here we go again, "more tanks" indeed, first my most evil opponent, refer to lesson ONE ... AC's <> TANKS, second the "beautiful elevated position" was elevated all right ... it was ON TOP OF A BLOODY PLATEAU! There was no way off the damned thing, therefore no way to use tactical movement and it was so muddy that one of my TANKS bogged to immobility on the first turn. As to those TANKS ... Shermans if you please, it's not like the PANTHER you got shortly after. And your poor tired infantry wasn't NEARLY as tired as mine who STARTED the game tired, then had to cross and river and rough terrain. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It continues much like this for the entire game. Peng can hardly be faulted for Shaw's clear lack of tactical talent.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> First, I think that blaming Peng for ANYTHING is fair game and since I had no chance to USE tactics I dispute that my talent for them was tested. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>[ figured I needed to edit to get Joe's dander up]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh is it again? Damn, I TOLD the barber to trim it more closely.

Then, to make matters worse, Mark IV chimed in, and displayed HIS lack of ... well pretty much everything: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Still struggling with the TRP concept, I see. Is there a remedial Combat Mission class we could enroll old Joe in? This is the worst case of Artillery Deficit Disorder I've seen in a while. The notion of an IG targeting a TRP is positively... Deadmar-tian.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now look Mark IV I shouldn't HAVE to explain this to you but since you are about as subtle as a ... well, a Mark IV I guess, I'll make an exception. OF COURSE you can't use TRPs with an IG, EVERYONE knows that ... well maybe not Stuka who's still struggling with the concept of pressing GO when he's ready to STOP the turn. It was CLEARLY a literary device to show that the IG had the bloody road boresighted. I do despair at times, there is no appreciation of irony here, there is no humor, there is no ART ... where DID Art go anyway, he was a pretty promising SSN.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I do despair at times, there is no appreciation of irony here, there is no humor, there is no ART ... where DID Art go anyway, he was a pretty promising SSN.


Seems to me Sir Joe, that the scenario you are describing is an artfully crafted hazing scenario. While I was raised in the era of Jabo!, it seems to me like its days may be behind it. By your description, a few "artful" changes may make this scenario the new entry-level scenario for SSNs!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The loyal and trustworthy former squire Speedbump opined that: Seems to me Sir Joe, that the scenario you are describing is an artfully crafted hazing scenario. While I was raised in the era of Jabo!, it seems to me like its days may be behind it. By your description, a few "artful" changes may make this scenario the new entry-level scenario for SSNs!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sir Speedbump, an interesting theory but one with which I must take issue. First I deny that Peng is CAPABLE of creating anything artful, second he is simply not clever enough to have the concept of a hazing scenario occur to him.

As to Jabo!, be VERY careful lad, you are terribly close to blasphemy. Jabo! IS a work of art on many levels, not least of which is it's length of only 10 turns. Can you imagine having to play and actually plot turns against some SSN swine for MORE than 10 turns? And besides ... it's just so damned PRETTY with all those explosions {sniff} ... now see what you've done, you've gotten me all emotional again.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

As to Jabo!, be VERY careful lad, you are terribly close to blasphemy. Jabo! IS a work of art on many levels, not least of which is it's length of only 10 turns. Can you imagine having to play and actually plot turns against some SSN swine for MORE than 10 turns? And besides ... it's just so damned PRETTY with all those explosions {sniff} ... now see what you've done, you've gotten me all emotional again.


Good Sir Joe, please do not misunderstand. Jabo! will clearly go down in the annals (somebody tie up Bauhaus!) of the MBT. It should still be used when a kannigit is cornered into playing a SSN. (In fact, my humble suggestion is to add a couple of 14" spotters!) However, as the move is to force Squires into playing SSN's, we should expect a little more effort on their part. As such, aiming a boresighted IG shouldn't stress them overmuch...


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And now for some Game Updates:


Has gone missing. The turn is in your other mailbox, Geier, really.


”Arty Fest ‘45” is underway. Not much to report after the first turn. Except that even with a TRP Juardis can make rockets land on his side of the river.


Still is down the hill stepping on landmines and shooting broken pillbox crews. Someday he will realize the victory flags are on top of the hill in “Crodaburg”.

Stinky Winky:

Is up on top of the hill, I hates him. But, this is a good thing, as we can now push him off.


Has walked into the first of many ambushes. He has advanced about 80 feet in ”A Long and Bloody Mile”. Only 5200 feet to go, Gilligan!

As regards to the photo, Gilligan, it certianly isn’t beer foam. No right thinking Dane would let alcohol go to waste like that. As MrSpkr said, it could be soap, which is why you didn’t recognize it.


Sent one more turn in ”Jabo!” after a month long hiatus. The carnage must have been to much for his fragile ego as he hasn’t been heard from since. And it’s artful carnage too, certianly more artfull than "Crodaburg".

And finally, Lorak, oh Lorak!

Please scribe thusly in the Tome of Shame.

Lars – A feckin, stinkin, humiliating DRAW!

Stalin’s Organ – A grateful, satisfying, relieved, DRAW!

In my defense I must point out that this was a night battle, visibilty was 96 meters, and the damn computer gave me three 81mm mortars and a feckin mortar halftrack. Of course, mine survived the battle, but I wish I had had them all shot like Stinky managed to do with his six mortar teams, I would feel better.

In other news, I just heard on the radio that all school children in France must now carry “bully” insurance. It’s only a matter of time before German exchange students drive premiums through the roof.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump:

Keep me out of your sick outerboard conversations you...you...you Grog!



SEND ME A SETUP SO I CAN, in my righteous might, KICK YOUR . . . what's that?

I'm already playing a PBEM against Speedbump?


How am I doing? What's that? You say if he runs any faster, I'll burn out the tank engines chasing him?


Never mind.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

How am I doing? What's that? You say if he runs any faster, I'll burn out the tank engines chasing him?


Never mind.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, an incredibly complex and brilliant strategy of misdirection!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump:

Actually, an incredibly complex and brilliant strategy of misdirection!


Yes, I know. If you run much farther, you'll go off my maps. How am I supposed to kill you if you leave the map?

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You realize, do you not, that with each whine and whimper and simper and mewl, you make my life ever more happy and complete. I am fairly hovering over the earth with joy, or perhaps its just from all the hot air you are spewing about your pathetic loss in the game. Either way, I am a happy Pod, and you are not.


edited because I am floating above my desk making it hard to type

[ 08-30-2001: Message edited by: MrPeng ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>PShaw! You realize, do you not, that with each whine and whimper and simper and mewl, you make my life ever more happy and complete. I am fairly hovering over the earth with joy, or perhaps its just from all the hot air you are spewing about your pathetic loss in the game. Either way, I am a happy Pod, and you are not Peng<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And there you have it, admission from the evildoer himself. Note that I don't claim that he RIGGED the scenario, just that he's incapable of creating a GOOD scenario. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>edited because I am floating above my desk making it hard to type<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And you accuse ME of excessive gaseousness (is that a word ... well it should be if it isn't).

But let's get to the core issue shall we? Mensch, the slimy, misbegotten swine known as Peng has CLAIMED that he has sent all necessary information to you so that you can complete our scenario and I can show the world what a worthless, disgusting, noisome and ill-conceived piece of ****E Peng really is. I'm betting ... that he DIDN'T. So, has he or hasn't he, inquiring minds want to know!


{edited to correct the impression that Mensch is a slimy, misbegotten swine ... he IS of course, but not in THIS context}

[ 08-30-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

{edited to correct the impression that Mensch is a slimy, misbegotten swine ... he IS of course, but not in THIS context}<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

aw.. yer mak'n mae blush lyke a virgain countray gal. Ai feel awl getty now... tee hee.

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Signature lines SUCK!

They are for the lazy. They espouse nothing that is socially redeemable, remotely funny, or even heroically dastardly. In a short period of time, the whole thought will have been lost anyway since no one reads the damn things and one can't be bothered to remember what it referred to to begin with. As Peng hates smilies, I hate SIGNATURES. I mean, that sig you have had since last freakin November, is it still applicable? Who knows, who cares. Since it shows up every time someone posts, am I to assume the sig applies at all times? I got it, why doesn't BTS give us instant siggies so we don't even have to take the time to put one together to begin with. Here's an instant siggie - You ALL suck!. True.

Some sigs are longer than the posts themselves. What does that tell you of the post? That the freakin' sig is a better read?! Or that the post probably shouldn't have been made to begin with since there is clearly nothing of importance in it (the post that is)? If sigs are worthless, bandwidth consuming, afterthoughts of someones ego, (and they are), then a post shorter than that is even more worthless, bandwidth consuming, afterthoughts of someones ego (and it is).

Some would argue that sigs are a persons inalienable right to differentiate one clump of cesspool matter from another. Others would argue that sigs are a personal expression of free will deigned to reveal some inner truth about the boob who has it. Yet still others consider them funny, as if the only worthwhile contribution they have to the pool is their sig. {I really don't have anything to say at moment, but I'll post because my sig is funny and I like reading it...for the billionth time!} Bullocks, balderdash, and poppycock!

Sigs Suck!

[ 08-30-2001: Message edited by: Juardis ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

Ogga! Oook! Mugga! OOh OOOH!

[ 08-30-2001: OOK! OGGH! edited by: Juardis ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think what he is trying to say is that he doesn't like our sigs lads? Interesting organism that has wondered in the cess.

Anyone have a fireball on hand? no? hmm well ok someone step on this cockroach then.

as for a responce to this monkey.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Newly minted squire Juardis chose to take us to task: Signature lines SUCK! They are for the lazy. They espouse nothing that is socially redeemable, remotely funny, or even heroically dastardly.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> {sigh} And this, MrSpkr is what happens when squires have too much time on their hands. You have to keep them busy or they start THINKING and heaven only knows what can happen then. Clearly young Juardis got up on the wrong side of the tick infested, filthy, rotten straw stuffed mattress cover he's been using for a bed and ... well you see the result. I'm thinking of writing a book on the subject of handling squires, no one has done it nearly as well as I have.


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