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Crouching Tiger, Hidden Peng Challenge

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Updates? We don't need no stinking updates!!

But in case we really do....

chrisl I'm sure he thinks he is safe in his holes but my Greentruppen are going to run up and jackboot him down into the molten outer core of this planet. See if they don't!

Berli is defending Germanboy's burning little town with aplomb. I hate aplomb and have tanks he hasn't managed to blow up yet, so he will be crushed in short order. Hopefully before this byte-battle is over. I recommend it - it's yummy.

terence and I are playing one of those overly-clever types of 'balanced' scenarios where each side gets roughly the same forces appearing at roughly diametrically-opposed portions of the map. If I were a real commander I would have pulled back and called for a wing of B-17s to take care of him by now. Since I'm not, CHARGE!!!

Marlow is defending a wee bit of bocage in yet another byte battle. This one will be over soon and we will have a perfectly-balanced record - 1-1-1 for each of us.

OGSF is defending a rather more extensive piece of bocage in Sunken Lane. He is gadding about on my flanks saying "Loo' ah MAH laddie, loo' ah MAH!! Ah'm an yoor blewdy flahnks, Ah am, an yoor flahnks!". None of this is distracting me from pulverizing his line of dug-in weenies.

Panzer Leader: well, we're playtesting a scenario of his. If it goes my way I'll be very noble and let everyone know I crushed him but request that it not be recorded since it is a playtest. If he wins I'll howl and screech and demand that all knowledge of the game be stricken from everyones' memory (you can do that, right Berli?

Sir Speedbump & I are continuing a game we started about eight years ago. We were clipping along and he had to put the brakes on due to ahem, Real Wife issues. Oops, I meant "Real Life", not "Real Wife": I wouldn't want to imply that he knuckled under to - I mean rather that he gave in - or, well...

Lawyer and I are conducting an experiment to see what happens when a 200mm ricket lands directly on top of a Sherman III turret. He's got the rickets, and I've got one less Sherman, I can tell you that much.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:


I wouldn't want to imply that he knuckled under to - I mean rather that he gave in - or, well...


Good Sir dalem, while you were so eloquently skewering my marital relationship, you failed to mention to the readership that your weakly defending Ami's are knuckling under to the advance of my ubertruppen!


[edited due to UBB-madness]

[ 08-29-2001: Message edited by: Speedbump ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>That does it, me and Mensch are gonna gate crash that BBQ, swipe the spare ribs and all your beer, wave our thingeys at your sisters and laugh. Laugh! Do you hear me? Laugh!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> To be followed immediately by further hysterical laughter from the sisters. Damn I can't BELIEVE that no one picked THAT easy grounder up. Do I have to do EVERYTHING around here?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Did I mention I think I have an evil twin?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No but anything would be an improvement. Now admittedly my loyal and trustworthy former squire Speedbump did make an attempt but as I was not consulted it wasn't ... well, nice try Speedbump.

And yes I am grumpy this morning, I didn't sleep well, had a headache and a sore throat when I woke up AND there weren't any Frosted Flakes.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Then, and only then, they would invite you to the next family holiday. Me Mum already wants to know when Berli's coming up to the Cities, and would like him to stop by a family barbecue. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Looks like the labor day plan is now out of the question. Perhaps later... and if anyone shows up to steal the beer, they will be leaving n a body bag

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

... shove a live ferret up my bum ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Look here wizened one, we aren't interested in what you did on your summer vacation. Save that kind of talk for your People Evacuating Tiny Animals support group.

And watch your language. There is the fair Emma in the neighborhood, although she does like the French, or at least one of them, which does count for something, although I'm not quite sure which way that particular fact should tip the scales...

Anyhoo, sorry to hear that you're okay...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Reports of my death, were, apparently, not exagerated enough.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Nor true enough, you annoyingly-still-alive git. You try your drunken antics at the National Zoo instead of some podunk midwestern menagerie, and the rats'll eat ya without waiting for the pandas to tenderize ya first. Don't you owe me a setup? Long-winded bastard, harangue thyself!

As to the rest of my viciously gamey opponents (and I'm referring the smell, here, although the "tactics" have a similar odor), you'll all have to wait. I stand indicted of Breaking and Entering into the Housing Market, and unless I can bribe an inspector to get me out of it, I'm looking at 30 years of fixed-rate labor, with supervised weekend-release at the DIY store and time off for good prepayment. No turns until Friday.

Agua Perdido

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Due to sudden health issues within my family, CM will have to take a back seat *gasp!* for a week or two. Hopefully I will get back to dying lots at your various nefarious hands in short order. Until such a time, turns to those with wich I am currently grappling will be sporadic at best.

Berli, we may want to wait a bit to start whatever our test shall be. But I will be the Champion of Defeat(and I'm fully aware of what that means).

Just hold close to your cold hearts that I hate you all.

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Lorak oh Lorak ... {knock, knock} hello ... anybody home?

Opps sorry to wake you, lovely robe though, that shade of pink sets off your eyes and I think the fuzzy slippers are a nice touch.

Be it known that Berli, through absolutely NO ability of his own, has managed to defeat me ... (that pause was inserted to allow for the gasps of disbelief that will sweep through the 'pool) ... in a scenario (if you want to call it a scenario, more like a drunken nightmare) devised by Peng.

Next time I may see if Failed Marshall has a scenario I can try, couldn't be worse than one by Peng. I do give Berli credit though, he didn't change the initial setup ... he obviously knew a GOOD THING when he saw it.

The clear star of the scenario was the ELITE 75mmm IG with 5000 rounds and TRPs down every inch of the road I had to travel down. Okay, TECHNICALLY it might not have been THAT good but the effect was the same. I bear no ill will to Berli, he just took what he was given and ran with it ... Peng, on the other hand ...

And speaking of Peng, I know, I know, we'd all rather not but still, WHERE is the battle Peng? Oh I know, you CLAIM that you sent your troops to Mensch but knowing Mensch to be a competent person and knowning you to be ... well, YOU, I have my doubts.

Anyway, mark it so Lorak:

Berli: VICTORY by default

Joe Shaw: DEFEAT by Peng ... I mean after all, it was HIS fault.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Reports of my death, were, apparently, not exagerated enough.

Now, while I trust that my sense of humour..." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Its Humor!!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The whole was motivated by over a week without turns to opponents, long absence from this wonderfully pestilential place, and a general dropping out of sight that, I felt, could not be answered except by humour, even if bad humour.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Try going 6 months without returning turns and its still Humor!!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As for Emma, well, I would sooner shove a live ferret up my bum than cause her even a moments discomfort or concern.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Don't you usually offer to do that for a large order of fries?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>In any case, Cesspool, Oh my Cesspool, I'm back, and alive.

There, there, try and contain yourselves. Oh, you were. Carry on, then.


Old One, and Knight of the Woeful Sense of Humour<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Glad to see you up and about.

[ 08-29-2001: Message edited by: Hiram's Ghost ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Orginally posted by Seanacoochie:

As for Emma, well, I would sooner shove a live ferret up my bum than cause her even a moments discomfort or concern.


Awwwwwwwwww you would do that for me?

Hmmmmmmm you're either kinky or just a plain old fashioned Knigggggggght, then again as someone already suggested you could be French. :eek:

Great to hear you are alive and kicking.....

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Orginally posted by Herr Oberst:

And watch your language. There is the fair Emma in the neighborhood.


Don't mind me........

As someone once so rightly Quoted...

"If you're gonna play with the wolves, then you gotta run with the pack"

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Orginally posted by Hiram:

Its Humor!!


Nope..... it's HumoUr tongue.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars:

What I want to know is why can’t my machinegun team run faster as the ammo is used up, it’s a simple question of airspeed velocity, dammit!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Is that an African or European machinegun team?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Berli: VICTORY by default

Joe Shaw: DEFEAT by Peng ... I mean after all, it was HIS fault.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As much as I loath Peng, still must I defend him. What Joe fails to mention is that he started with an entire armored column against one (yes, one... as in singular) infantry platoon, and a 75mm infantry gun. He was right that the star was that gun (raped him but good). Then the first round of reinforcements arrive... he gets more tanks (in a beautiful elevated position) while I get a few more, tired infantry. It continues much like this for the entire game. Peng can hardly be faulted for Shaw's clear lack of tactical talent.

[ figured I needed to edit to get Joe's dander up]

[ 08-29-2001: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

The clear star of the scenario was the ELITE 75mmm IG with 5000 rounds and TRPs down every inch of the road I had to travel down. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Still struggling with the TRP concept, I see. Is there a remedial Combat Mission class we could enroll old Joe in? This is the worst case of Artillery Deficit Disorder I've seen in a while. The notion of an IG targeting a TRP is positively... Deadmar-tian.

Please edit your post so that I can spare some contempt for the many deserving others. Such as the suddenly quiet Geier... that Jabo was heading toward his board edge, and that last 500 pounder may have struck him just above the chitlins. I certainly hope so. I am enjoying the Marder roast as well, courtesy of the Killer Death Sherman from Hell. Run away, run away!

Seanachai has decided to oppose my entire attacking reinforced Crack Ranger Marine battalion with a single MG, and sadly, was doing fairly well with it the last I looked. I liked him better when he was dead.

The awful Pod was taking cheap shots at an unarmed man in a Byte Battle, and then hid like an ankle-biting floor-snuffling dust mite. He will be found, punished, fined, shot, and gored by antelopes while his rats are forced to watch.

All other non-pudlian types are dying lots but who cares?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Just as I suspected! A yappy little dog... tucks tail and runs when it sees the teeth of the mastiff its been barking at<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Really, you allow yourself too much credit, oh Evil-as-a-Wilted-Rose. Tis merely that the yappy dog realizes there are more important things at the moment than watching the old, toothless mastiff haul himself up and repeatedly lunge to the end of the chain. Hope your neck heals soon, and I'll get my teeth into you when circumstances allow. Now dawdle off back to your hobby of frightening toddlers.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Some guys who really know how to relax after a hard day's fighting in Bosnia.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Everett my dear chap, would you like to identify the white substance covering the persons pictured? You don't have to tell us if you think we wouldn't want to know.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Everett my dear chap, would you like to identify the white substance covering the persons pictured? You don't have to tell us if you think we wouldn't want to know.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think that's what happens when you wear tight jeans too much. They have stuff that clears it up after a while though.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Everett my dear chap, would you like to identify the white substance covering the persons pictured? You don't have to tell us if you think we wouldn't want to know.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think that's called 'soap', David. You Euro-types should try it sometime. Or perhaps soap IS something you would rather not know about . . .

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