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I Saw a Beast Rise Up Out of the Sea, and Upon His Heads the Name of Peng Challenge

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You gits in here are entirely responsible for this Tiger flamefest thing.

If that demented dwarf Shaw hadn't persecuted Seanachi this would never have happened.

Having been made unwelcome in here he had to find some other outlet for his longwinded ramblings.

It stands to reason that such obscure and obtuse prose should be interpreted as a subtle and viscious campaign of insult by those not endowed with skin with warthog pretentions ie Tiger and his attractive cheerleader Rommel 22. Now our CM "community" (asylum being a more appropriate designation IMO) has cast out one of it's favoured sons

Furthermore this juvenile Knights thingy you have going in here has clearly backfired. Rather than constraining Aitken's viscious demeanour he has taken upon himself to form a knightly order, the Missionaries of the Sacred and Inviolable Combat, riding forth at every opportunity to "do battle" with the "demented", the "questioners" and the "disbelievers". As with all religous fanatics, his interpretation of the "holy word" has it's own idiosyncratic bent, any deviation bringing a viscious assault; bereft of reason and without concern for the reputation of the victim.

Shame upon you all. This Peng thread thing is really a mistake. It is the proper place for the unsubtle, the crude and the puerile (ie Stalin's Organ- the archetypal kiwi git). The irony is that there are far more worthy recipients for the subtle assasin and the viscious parody outside.

Now our CM "community" (asylum being a more appropriate designation IMO) has cast out one of it's favoured sons. "Tiger, we love you, please come back" is the cry heard across the forum far and wide, with few variations apart from the occasional: "Meanies out!". As thread after thread spawn endlessly with the same plaintive cry I say: you people have a lot to answer.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

We also have two new pictures posted on page 5 at the cesspool site. Speedbump and Mr.Spkr<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

MrSpkr is the little dude wrapped up in the blanky, right?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Game updates:

Everyone I am playing I am losing too.


Well since we've just started our next game, Lorak, please be so kind as to send me a Surrender. No need to waste each other's time.


[ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Buzzsaw:

Now I see from Lorak’s Cesspool page that you actually have a worse record than Elvis. Your only remarkable achievement is the sheer quantity of games you have played (apparently with a total disregard for the quality of those games). I would be happy to help you chalk another one up in the loss column. Lets have at it, you dimwit.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wonderful job of research you did there... too bad you haven't a clue. Feel free to contact me when you get one

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox:

Now our CM "community" (asylum being a more appropriate designation IMO) has cast out one of it's favoured sons. "Tiger, we love you, please come back" is the cry heard across the forum far and wide, with few variations apart from the occasional: <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oi! Put your pirate's outfit on when you next come in here, otherwise we'll confuse you for some SSN.

As for your comment that Tiger was cast out, a bit of truth-stretching there....Tiger left of his own accord!

Now stop trying to apportion blame, bad Simon Fox, naughty Simon Fox!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

As for your comment that Tiger was cast out, a bit of truth-stretching there....Tiger left of his own accord!


Semantics Mace, mere semantics, subtlety not being your forte. Just seizing upon the general tone of paranoia and taking some creative liberties with it for dramatic effect. Would "driven out" be more to your liking. Anyway that priest bloke said it was the fault of you filthy demented lot, so there.

[ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: Simon Fox ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox:

Anyway that priest bloke said it was the fault of you filthy demented lot, so there.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

FILTHY!!!!! I'll have you know I shower daily!!!!...err...except Saturdays.

As far as demented, guess you got me there. ;)


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox:

Semantics Mace, mere semantics, subtlety not being your forte. Just seizing upon the general tone of paranoia and taking some creative liberties with it for dramatic effect. Would "driven out" be more to your liking. Anyway that priest bloke said it was the fault of you filthy demented lot, so there.

[ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: Simon Fox ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Whats sad about the whole thing is that I don't know why Priest hates us so much. I played the guy in a CPX battle and invited him to the pool long, long ago. Told him the truth about the players here and how they are fairin thier games(chuckle,snort,chuckle).

He showed up hung around awhile HELL! He is still listed as a squire under Meeks and he compleated one game. Of course he lost...maybe that was the problem.

Anyway we didn't treat him any diffrent than we treat a small piece of wyrm ****e like you Simon.

If you can't take the ribbing, and realize that it is all in good fun. Then leave. But to blame us for your lack of humor is just in bad taste.

Lorak the loathed

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I'm alive!

It was a long and tediuos trip, including a spelunking journey into the dark and dank recesses of DOS drivers, but I am back and better than ever, with 18 gigs of free space to fill!

Would everyone please send me your latest turns. Or send a set-up. I am taking a one time offer to accept all setups I get before midnight. I needa play!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If that demented dwarf Shaw hadn't persecuted Seanachi this would never have happened.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Prosecuted damnit, not persecuted. You PERSECUTE someone who is innocent, I PROSECUTED Seanachai and won a conviction for crimes HE COMMITTED.

And what were those crimes? Mainly ... HELLO ... going to the outerboards! So you see, we of the CessPool, you filthy (two can play at THAT game) little SSN, POLICE OUR OWN! Now slink back to the outerboards and talk about SMG squads and the latest freaking MUD mod, we don't like YOUR KIND in here, boyo.


p.s. Besides, my pitiful little P3 450 and 16 meg video card can't run Tiger's mods too well so it's not an issue for ME and therefore is unimportant to the rest of the world.

[ 07-26-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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I have no intention of addressing Lorak's twitterings directly. But as a professional agitator and disdainer of the overweening (Shaw being a prime example of an overweening buzzing gnat) I offer these thoughts. Take for example Loraks statement:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Anyway we didn't treat him any diffrent than we treat a small piece of wyrm ****e like you Simon. If you can't take the ribbing, and realize that it is all in good fun. Then leave. But to blame us for your lack of humor is just in bad taste. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is a perfect example of why people have to tighten up their prose.

If you read it in one light it appears that Lorak is making a general statement about the dangers of entering the cesspool if you are a sook.

Yet in another light it can be read as implying that I am a tasteless and humourless sook, clearly designed to belittle and insult, but of course not having the desired effect either way.

Clearly this message can be interpreted in a variety of manners, yet with a little more care the message could have been phrased in a manner to remove any doubt that I was the recipient of the insult.

Edited to remove any possible ambiguity.

[ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: Simon Fox ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox:

You gits in here are entirely responsible for this Tiger flamefest thing... If that demented dwarf Shaw hadn't persecuted Seanachi this would never have happened... Now our CM "community" (asylum being a more appropriate designation IMO) has cast out one of it's favoured sons... Furthermore this juvenile Knights thingy you have going in here has clearly backfired... "Meanies out!". As thread after thread spawn endlessly with the same plaintive cry I say: you people have a lot to answer.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

F**k 'em. Christ, I thought I was a sycophant. Never heard so much pompous girley caterwauling in my life, not on this BBS, nosireebob.

Aitken was merely being Aitken. What did they expect, the poor sod would suddenly change his spots and demand flying Calliopes and VB-scripted Move orders? Red flag to a known bull, that.

I submit that anyone who can be driven from a board by Aitken could be driven from a naked, nubile, mildly drunk co-ed in a dripping wet t-shirt and tight unbuttoned cut-offs, by a rabbit. I further submit that the board profits more from this analogy than Mr. Aitken, that it was deliberate, willful, and malicious, and that it would not surprise me to see him sign off forever, after being thus singularly abused.

You have gotten a few things right, notably the eyewitness thumbnail of Shaw. Otherwise it's a load of blather, we're innocent, and anyway it was justified. We weren't even there and we acted in self-defense and at least one of us (mensch) is insane.

Please go back to darting out from under the furniture to bite the ankles of the righteous on the Outer Board. Keep it up, and you'll end up here like the rest of us, in containment, some day. I've half a mind to quit forever over this. Unfortunately, the other half went back to the rental agency after the turn-numbering thinkfest. Got charged a clean-up fee, too.

Edited to clarify the difference between "potentially" naked and "kinetically" naked and ameliorate any disturbing conflicts in the imagery above, said imagery being the sole property of Mark IV, Inc., and its subsidiaries.

[ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: Mark IV ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>But as a professional agitator and disdainer of the overweening (a category

seemingly made for that buzzing nat, Shaw)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'd defend Lorak but (a) what's the point and (B) I'm the Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True CessPool and it wouldn't be appropriate.

Let me deny categorically that I'm a professional agitator ... I'm just a gifted amateur. And I have NEVER disdained the overweening, I merely pity you for example.

Finally, while I make it practice NOT to correct spelling errors, it's perfectly obvious that you are unaware that the insect you refer to should be spelled GNAT. Consider this a public service brought to you by your friends in The One The True CessPool.

Now sod off.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox:

I have no intention .....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

An' tha's noo all ye missin', ye bumpy spined, toad lipped, weepin' buttock blister. Sae, some wee bugger decides tae run haim tae Mummy, eh, an' ye think we gi' a flyin' ****e who's fault at as? An ye squat doon tae imitate gonadic ponderosity an' shuffle ye gimpy wah ain here tae annoonce ye bat's piddle o' an opinion aboot wha tae lay tha blame? Wha didnye fold ye hairy ears forrard o'oer ye face an' blow ye nose till ye haid caves an? At laist ye'd bae vaguely amusin' thain, anstaid o' a vacuous dispoiler o' breathable air.

Ah hate ye more an' Ah hate a stankin' Panther's "weak spot" - festerin' ****e o' a game feature tha' as.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox:

Shame upon you all. This Peng thread thing is really a mistake. It is the proper place for the unsubtle, the crude and the puerile (ie Stalin's Organ- the archetypal kiwi git). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Why Simon, you little sweetie! I didn't realise you liked me so much!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox:

(Shaw being a prime example of an overweening buzzing gnat) I offer these thoughts. Take for example Loraks statement:


Come now, Tailgunner Joe, Persecutor and Projector of The One The True CessPool, it may well be that the pseudo-pommie Simon Fox was referring to your tendency to natter, thereby rendering you a nat ... sans king cole, of course. Perchance you remember the phrase "nattering nabobs of negativism" ... well you get the picture. T'is a sad, sad thing to watch the downfall, demise and probably ultimate ruin (unless stern corrective measures are taken) of one held in such esteem as is possible in the CessPool. Doubtless you are unaware of the slow workings of demise but the signs are there, Mark IV has seen them, I believe. The dead giveaway was all that mucking about at the bottom of the 'Pool with Whuppin' Boy. Post after post engaging in bad repartee with one so beneath your station in Cess. What sort of behavior is that for a Kanigget of the 'Pool? I ask you. Then, the paranoia that struck out of the blue. Evidenced by the blathering on about lists, conspiracies, subversion, perversion, aversion, inversion, etc. ad nauseum. I submit these quotes from your recent posts:


just remember that I've got spies everywhere. The Committee on UnCessPudlian Practices NEVER RESTS

I wanted to strike a little fear into the hearts of the SECRET supporters of the Outerboarders and SSNs, you know who you are ... and SO DO I!

And you still might for calling me paranoid, you're just like everyone else, all of you are out to get me, following me, taping my phone calls, substituting pod people for my family, WELL YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH IT.


Perhaps a bit of readjustment is in order. Is there a doctor in the 'Pool? Failing that, where is the Keeper of The Brick?

[ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Perhaps a bit of readjustment is in order. Is there a doctor in the 'Pool?

Failing that, where is the Keeper of The Brick?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Readjustment! You dare to suggest that I, Sir Joe Shaw, Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True CessPool am in need of readjustment? It is true that my back HAS been acting up of late, and perhaps a nice massage WOULD help ... perhaps one of the Trial Stenographers is a practicing chiropractor?

As to a "Doctor" in the pool, hell we barely have professionals here, witness Lawyer, jd, and MrSpkr as the best we could do for LEGAL representation.

And threatening with the BRICK now is it? Hmmmm, let me look at my LIST again ... Moriarty eh ... hmmmmm.

Sir Joe Shaw, Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True CessPool

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox:

I have no intention of addressing Lorak's twitterings directly. But as a professional agitator and disdainer of the overweening (Shaw being a prime example of an overweening buzzing gnat) I offer these thoughts. Take for example Loraks statement:

This is a perfect example of why people have to tighten up their prose.

If you read it in one light it appears that Lorak is making a general statement about the dangers of entering the cesspool if you are a sook.

Yet in another light it can be read as implying that I am a tasteless and humourless sook, clearly designed to belittle and insult, but of course not having the desired effect either way.

Clearly this message can be interpreted in a variety of manners, yet with a little more care the message could have been phrased in a manner to remove any doubt that I was the recipient of the insult.

Edited to remove any possible ambiguity.

[ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: Simon Fox ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I wish to address the 'Pool.

The poster Simon Fox, hereafter referred to as 'Simon Fox' is a deeply satirical, bent, and annoying Aussie who is too clever by half, and enjoys a bargee.

That is to say, while not necessarily a friend of the Peng Challenge Thread, he hates it no more than he hates anything else, and, perhaps, has even a soft spot for the Thread, while maintaining a deep-seated hatred for everyone in it.


Ahem, that is, witness the fact that Mr. Fox, and I call him thus advisedly, shows up to taunt us here on our horrible ways. And he does so in a snide and humourous way.

Now, normally speaking, when the useless and insecure bollocks from the Outer Boards show up here to attack us, they do so in a decidedly raving, stupid, and non-humourous manner.

Monsieur Fox, on the other hand, showed up and was pointedly vicious and mostly coherent. He lost some points for being rather too pointed, and not snide enough.

Now, when a satirical bastard shows up here, and goes to great lengths to put a sharp stick into everyone reading, and isn't some sort of Outer Board Avenging Angel, but just playing at it, I say there's only one punishment that fits the crime of Snideness and Insitigation.

I say, we make the Ozzie bastard a Knight.

Serve the stand-offish swine right, I say.

Besides that, it'll annoy the Kiwis, and they haven't exactly sent us their best and brightest, lately, now have they?

[ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

I submit that anyone who can be driven from a board by Aitken could be driven from a naked, nubile, mildly drunk co-ed in a dripping wet t-shirt and tight unbuttoned cut-offs, by a rabbit.


It depends on the rabbit really.

Are we talking that nasty piece of work from "Search for the Holy Grail"?

A knight could soil his armour just by looking at that monster.

And before anyone jumps to conclusions, Simon Fox is a West Australian and therefore bears no resemblence to a real Aussie.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars:

Alright then you smelly Swede (redundant, I know), I expect a setup in my inbox when I get back.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Expect all you want you danish outcast, I'll not waste my time with the likes of an SSN for anything less than a Really Big photo of either:

1. Anything flown by a Jasta 5 pilot (Mai preferably, Konnecke or Rumey are alright) or

2. A Pfalz DIIIa or DXII or

3. A Spad VII or XIII

And since they are coming to take you away ha ha, I might go for anything newly created by the 'orrible Germanboy should you be able to comply instead. I've got enough of takers on Into the East already and frankly Lasse you aren't worthy of watching that scenario, even less to play it.

Run off and may your pilot do a roll before you put on the safety belt.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I'm alive!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

well not realy just because the bactiria is alive on your corpse does not mean your ALIVE.. heck Yeast is also alive but you don't hear it screaming "look at me!! *bounce bounce* I'M ALIVE!" no... besides at least with yeast one can make bread and beer (the later being the most important).. with you my sir I would guess we could youse your "live'ness" to feed the cess garden or somefink.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

And before anyone jumps to conclusions, Simon Fox is a West Australian and therefore bears no resemblence to a real Aussie. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'd like to offer my support regarding Stuka's comments about Western Australians.

The reason we have the outback is to separate the dinky-di true-blue Aussies of the East Coast (yes, even the Queenslanders...with some reservations) from the Western Australians.

But then again, Simon still does reside on the greatest land mass of this planet.

Australia, Australia, Australia

We love you!


Crack another tube!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Now, normally speaking…

[ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai because he's a worry wort and tight arse about his image and spellink]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

since when does Sanacho speak normaly?? I'mma confused, jeez even OFSDFTL speaks clearer and better then this dupe!!

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excuse me,

what does ssn[/b mean, i heard

it all the time. What is it?



[ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

[ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

[ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

[ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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