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I Saw a Beast Rise Up Out of the Sea, and Upon His Heads the Name of Peng Challenge

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Forget your Blood Hamster Elvira, what is of greater concern is our game.

With 8 or so turns to go, (I don't count turns because I have a mind of my own), I am observing the build up of your flag rush teams. I trust things are going well in the french camp? Run out of 8" shells have we?

I wave my private parts at your Aunties, and call you an Eeenglishman.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Stuka wrote:

Run out of 8" shells have we?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

He wouldn't be able to tell you the calibre, these things aren't important to him.

My vote is a child-induced mid-life crisis. All those years going with the crowd, all that time wasted being a conformist, not thinking, just doing what everyone says is right.

Presumably his kid was born with a bar code.

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As any father can tell you Elvis is suffering from Sleep-deprevation.

He has deleved into that mystery we solumnly call Fatherhood. With unwitting enthusiasm he volunteered to get up twice a night to feed the noisy kidlet. He now stumbles around like an extra on the movie "Night of the Living Dead," and pretends to post coherently.

A sleep-deprived Elvis is worse that a drunk Peng.

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drival and ****e. That is all you fellows are good for.

I have to show up early for work today.

Go to some damn "dealing with the stress of change" meeting.

come back and read e-mails that make mefill like someone is bashing me in the head with a brick that has "CMMC" written on it.

Find out I have to go to some kind of damn work shop in Charlotte tomarrow.

Then come here and have to read crap about how people want to date good-looking race car drivers.

In the imortal words of Peng I quote:

Peng(23.IV.C.&) Feh!

Lorak the loathed

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>YK2, who was, obviously, not paying attention, asked: BTW...... Does this mean Not Guilty as charged?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>To which the lying scum lawyer wannabe (opps, sorry, bit of redundency there) MrSpkr responded: Of course not. It just means good lawyers, silly woman!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Let's clear the record shall we? Seanachai was adjudged GUILTY AS SIN ... and while the punishment may have been felt less than warranted by the charges ... GUILTY HE IS.

Now on this incarnation of the thread ... Blllleeeeccccchhhhhhh ... I've seen better titles at the Department of Motor Vehicles registration line. As to the content, I really did doubt that ANYONE would be capable of posting 4 pages of drivel worse than the "Great Turn Numbering Debate" ... I was wrong.

For those of you awaiting turns ... deal with it, I'll get to them ... when I get to them. I am currently savoring the victory of JUSTICE as typified by the righteous prosecution of heresy on the part of Seanachai.


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That Puff Boy looks disturbingly like you. And you are very disturbing.


How 'bout sending a turn, YOU GIT!


It was cute until it became an obsession.

The rest of you are just sick, sick stains on the bicycle seat of life.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

Mark4 another follower. Sad. I thought you at least had a mind of your own.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Huh, me? Hell no, this is a rental mind. You don't think I'd bring my own mind into a place like this! It's in the shop, having the Deadmarsh filter replaced.

The subtle, inescapable irony of your replacing "IV" with "4" can't even be missed by this old clunker, though. I know that to you, I'm just mark.zip, and I appreciate the gesture. Yer a helluva Namerican.

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[ <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

What concerns me, Mace, is that you actively sought out that page of fop-boy.

Or is it one of your favourites?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, I didn't seek out that particular URL, it was provided by a fellow CMer who will remain nameless.

I thought that since we were discussing those that were obviously dealt a short hand in life (Curry, Peter Pan, yourself, and almost everyone else here), I'd contribute this one as well, and better yet, associate it with one of the cesspoolers as per Rule 79879.XX.alpha) Taunting though association.

I hope that's cleared up any concerns you had, Stuka.

I might add that these two gentlemen are actually products of the USA. Lawyer also is from the USA. Given Lawyer's healthy Ego and flair for dress style, I wouldn't be surprised if there is a blood-relationship between all 3 of them!


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Fear not Elvis, the blood hamster will be set up on or after my arrival back to Sydney. I realise my post had several numbers in it, but even you should be able to sort out that it takes a short while to travel from Oman to Australia.

IF any or all of those mentioned in my proposal for the setup of the Blood Hamster could sort out some of the details, I will be in contact immediately after my arrival on the 26th (that's Thursday to the numerically challenged).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Forget your Blood Hamster Elvira, what is of greater concern is our game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

awww.. crap.. and me printing out T-shirts and posters everywhere!!! you nob!! I'm sending you my invoice for all the stuff.. and I think Krombacher is going to be pissed off your pulled out of the BLOODHAMSTER MATCH!!

and such a campaign too!!! millions spent!! minutes of work gone!!


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Send me a case of that beer Menschywurst and I'll be your friend.

No, really I will, I mean it this time.

Just because those other times I drank all your beer, smoked your stash, kicked your cat and crashed your wifes car on the way to the reeperbahn doesn't mean I'm not prepared to forgive you for something you may or may not have done once and will offer you the dove of peace as long as there is a case of beer in it for me.

You can't say fairer than that.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

How isthe construction of my Blood Hamster match with Lizardboy going? I haven't heard a word since I agreed.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Step two involves you and Goanna deciding who will play the Allies and who the Axis...

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I will chose the Allies. I am sure Lizardboy will have no problem with this. He seems to prefer being German in his games against me.

Now back to the issue that is really important to me. The useless numbering of files.

First, my issue is not that I can't number or figure out the system you use. I understand the systems perfectly well. I just don't understand why there needs to be a system. My issues are with cluttered PBEM files and having to spend time deleting the files every week or two. Files that don't need to be there in the first place.

Mr. 5308 if it nessesary for you to number files in order for your PBEM program to work then you are the first person to provide a good reason for numbering (however if it was me I would check out the one that Hiram/Phillygirl used because that wasn't needed so it might be a better program). Aside from that not a single one of you can provide a single good reason for the cluttering so I am going to assume you are all in agreement with me and my logic finally got through your numb skulls. This issue will never die with me.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan:

MENSCH are you out of your mind offering KROMBACHER to this scum!?!

They all deserve HANSA or even Binding Export at the best!


Besser als Henninger. I drank plenty of Binding during my servitude in F.a.M., though I held out for Licher Pils when I could get it. That was before the apfelwein kick...

The Outer Board has finally gone stark raving mad, and this is the only safe place to be. We will hide your bier in our kellers for you, until this all blows over.

True to form, Wildman has stuck me with the frogs in a shooting gallery. He must be taught that tanks die too quickly in CM!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Now back to the issue that is really important to me. The useless numbering of files.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now back to the issue that is really important to me. The useless numbering of files issue is ... well ... useless to me. I will NEVER play Elvis if there is a benevolent God and if there isn't then I STILL won't play him because I won't play ANYONE who is as anal and compulsive about such a stupid issue. Since Elvis seems to be the only one who actually cares one way or the other ... I'm safe. Elvis, remember lad, the first step is admitting that you have a problem.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

So,Emma, you didn't take a look at his 'how to pick up chicks' video then?

I did, and one question comes to mind: is that nasty chest rash of his causing him some grief?

Now from one extreme to the other, here is another Bright spark, no doubt a CMer keen in trying out a few new uniform mods.


ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL now that's what I call funny, I love the way he pays so much attention to the little details, matching socks, sooooooooooo sickly cute.

His daywear has got to be the best though, I mean can you just imagine walking down the street and bumping into this guy???

Rofllllllllllllll hysterical this is soooooooo so funny, and now the question is can anyone top this?

I am totally hooked and ready for more.

Now I am off to mail Peter and suggest a little matching eye shadow and a touch of lip gloss would do wonders for him.

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Hey joey you SUCK you prepubescent puss pile, your incessant ramblings are tiresome in the extreme. All we ever see in your posts is "I'm not gonna play this guy or that guy or anyone, I am a mighty Kinniget and as such am worthless"

Do you actually play the game or do you just come here to demonstrate your gross ineptitude at the suggestion of some shyster of a shrink? Begone with you laddy, your despotic drivel is falling on deaf ears. For Christ sake Croda plays more and is undoubtedly better than you.

The file numbering debate is graduate level education and headliner entertainment compared to your paltry offerings of offal. Show some grit son, post an update or two, but first you'll actually have to start a gam. If you ask real nice I'm sure some scum-deprived newbie will show you how. (Deprived because as I have proven in the past there are no SSN's because joey has SUCKED the place clean.)

Mace and I have gotten past the setup phase and troops are actually moving.

Leo is about to pay for bringing his armor out early.

Agua actually sent TWO turns!!! The shock from this probably caused me to screw something up. Undoubtedly this is part of his evil plan.

Speedbump I seem to recall some time ago you invited me to the field of dishonor. If this invitation is still good I have a setup I will send when you say the word.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DekeFentle:

Agua actually sent TWO turns!!! The shock from this probably caused me to screw something up. Undoubtedly this is part of his evil plan.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, careful planning was getting me nowhere. I can get just as nowhere much more quickly by thinking much less. It's fun to click the mouse and stuff.

Speaking of which, check your inbox and then SEND ME A FECKIN' TURN!.

(Killing and dying in other games, too, hate you all, especially the innummerate Elvis, whose monomaniacal, tedious rants are becoming reminiscent of PanzerLeader's early days.)

Agua Perdido

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