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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Tim Homewood:

In the FAQ that it talks about guarding POWs. This isn't dealt with at all in the manual. Do you really have to guard them, and march them off the board?<hr></blockquote>

If you don't guard them, they will be freed again. They don't need a tough guard, though.

You can move them off your edge of the map (but no other edges) and get the points for the prisoners as if you was still sitting on them.


I did notice in one game that a surrendered german unit started taking aim at one of my units.


If they become free again, they fight. They have no firearms, but a seven-man crew without firearms may overwhelm a previously broken half-squad with low ammo.

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Thanks redwolf.

Do you, or anyone else, have any good tactics for causing enemy to surrender, since I gather you get more points for prisoners.

I've tried surrounding units but they still seem to want to fight to the death. I'm always playing as the Allies (usually Brits) so it could be something to do with that germanic suicidal tendency ;)

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Tim Homewood:

Do you, or anyone else, have any good tactics for causing enemy to surrender, since I gather you get more points for prisoners.

I've tried surrounding units but they still seem to want to fight to the death. I'm always playing as the Allies (usually Brits) so it could be something to do with that germanic suicidal tendency ;) <hr></blockquote>

Good question. I think surrounding is important for it, but doesn't do it. Low global morale obviously helps.

I think it is worthwhile to try to surround a vehicles or crew-served weapon before knocking it out, the crew will then surrender. Obviously easier said than done.

I never made up my mind how CMBO really computes this, I think that it might play an important role how far away the next significant friendly unit is, maybe even a big unit with good morale is required.

All of these situations are hard to produce deliberately, so I never modified my movement to raise my prisoner quote.

As very interesting topic, though, it is obviously a big advantage if you are good at getting prisoners. Knock out a 81mm mortar, capture the crew and get 98 points out of it! Who cares about flags anymore?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by jshandorf:

They will only "un-surrender" if a friendly unit comes near them.<hr></blockquote>

Not quite true - in a recent battle, I captured a number of crews and detailed them to move back to a reserve area guarded by a PIAT crew with no ammo. I did not assign an escort for the prisoners, but merely directed them to walk back the 250m to the holding area.

Three turns later, the game ended. When I went back and looked at individual units, I noted that most of the German units I had captured still showed 'captured' on their Unit Status; however, one unit all alone (away from my units and the bad guys) registered as 'unarmed' with 0 ammo -- not 'captured'. Apparently, they reverted to enemy usage shortly after capture because I failed to put a guard on them (the nearest enemy unit was a captured HQ 170m away, then a squad 250m away and 80m in front of my lines).

First time I've seen that happen, but it can occur.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by WineCape:


Don't we need you to finish your games in the WINECAPE Tourney instead of you posting here? :rolleyes: <hr></blockquote>

True enough - but as I am at WORK not HOME, it is difficult.

Seriously, the only one I am concerned about is with Sledge. Rob and I are almost done - I am waiting on him to return a file -- and Fangorn and I are moving right along - jsut a few turns left there as well. I should finish with Fangorn this weekend, and am gonna just ask Rob for a ceasefire in place on our game to end the bloody devil.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by redwolf:

As very interesting topic, though, it is obviously a big advantage if you are good at getting prisoners. Knock out a 81mm mortar, capture the crew and get 98 points out of it! Who cares about flags anymore?<hr></blockquote>

Gamey! That sucks!

Would be greate to have "no prisoners" options.

No prisoners - no headache.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MyNameW:

Gamey! That sucks!

Would be greate to have "no prisoners" options.

No prisoners - no headache.<hr></blockquote>

Actually while it is a bit extreme for the mortars, this is good (gameplay-fun wise) for vehicle crews.

Your opponent uses vehicles crews behind your lines? Great, get them, fat points. Without the high-point crews the game would see a lot more crew action, so I think overall we are better off the way it is.

Make sure you protect your mortars. A battery of three mortars and a Company headquerter overrun and half of them captured is very bad news. And it would be in real life as well.

In real life, if you was asking for a bunch of mortars and intend to have them used for direct fire or very near enemy positions, you would usually hear "hey, let me introduce you to sergant foobar. He will be the forward observer for the mortars battery, which we will happily give you. Behind our lines, of course.". In CMBO it isn't really different, to play safe, take the forward observer. If you carry the mortars and their valuable crews to the map, then you better protect them. Calculate not only whether the purchanse points are worth the on-map mortars, but also the risk. Also see the points thread running right now, a 30-point quick forward observer can be better to have on-map in case of trouble than your potentially several hundred points on-map battery, which is extremly slow when feeling.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by redwolf:


Your opponent uses vehicles crews behind your lines? Great, get them, fat points. Without the high-point crews the game would see a lot more crew action, so I think overall we are better off the way it is.


That is fixed in v1.12.

Crews from KO tanks are not good in spotting any more and are often panicked.

Also would be great to increase command delay.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MyNameW:

Would be greate to have "no prisoners" options.<hr></blockquote>

This reminds me of an occasion quite a few years back when a player wrote to The General asking for a rules clarification for the game Tobruk. He asked if it was okay to shoot prisoners for the points.

The designer replied, "No! Good lord!"

My personal opinion is that there should be some code written into the game so that if a player deliberately targets a prisoner, the game is automatically forfeit. This would simulate being placed under arrest and court martialed for a war crime.



[ 10-26-2001: Message edited by: Michael emrys ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Michael emrys:

My personal opinion is that there should be some code written into the game so that if a player deliberately targets a prisoner, the game is automatically forfeit. This would simulate being placed under arrest and court martialed for a war crime.


Unfortunately it would be unrealistic. An officer whose men wade into the meatgrinder for him won't ask too many questions about what happened to prisoners.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MyNameW:

That is fixed in v1.12.

Crews from KO tanks are not good in spotting any more and are often panicked.

Also would be great to increase command delay.<hr></blockquote>

Try it out in hotseat, drive a tank behind a sight-blocking thing like a ridge, knock it out and watch what amount of information is still delivered to the Borg cube. At least after a few turns.

They are still useful as spotters, much less so than mortar crews, of course. But since they are worth many points, especially when captured, the issue is balanced, IMHO.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Bluefish:

Originally posted by CMplayer:

If you don't want to have to guard them, march them into barbed wire and then area-fire them with a flamethrower. That usually takes care of the problem

Or march them upstairs in a badly damaged building then collapse it!<hr></blockquote>

[adding certain names to list of war criminals]

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I usually do try to get prisoners either off-map or at least somewhere behind my front-line, maybe jogging along with a mortar or two (since neither mortars nor prisoners can RUN).

I tell myself "it's just to tidy up the battlefield, de-clutter things and make giving my own orders easier." But the real reason is I don't feel right when prisoners get cut to pieces in a crossfire.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Richard Morgan:

CM player, Bluefish:

Isn't that a violation of both the Geneva and Hague conventions???!!


Until the Red Cross registers them as prisoners, the captors can do whatever they want to the prisoners with impunity. That just how things were done in WWII. Sorry if that bothers you. It bothers me too.

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heh, once the computer playing the germans captured a LMG of mine. halfway through the next turn the closest german squad opens up and kills the remaining crewmembers. The crew had their hands up and showed captured on the status bar.

AI=One Gammey Bastid tongue.gif

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