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If I Said You Had a Beautiful Peng Challenge Would You Hold It Against Me?

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I think you maay be aware that I do not care one way or the other about the whole Knight and squire thing: if you persist in bringing class into the thing I will persist in insisting that we change over to a subcontinental caste system, where garbage pickers like the unbolded and lowercase pl are in the "untouchable" caste. You know the one that is so lowly and scumly that NO one of any standing whatsoever will even look at the grimey bugger?

So give up your titular ways and see the new day of Castes. I think we can allow the Justicariate to convene and generate sufficiently arcane and complex rules for to weed out the swine and elevate the other swine to sublime heights of sublimity.

Then again, this is the sort of thing that happens when you have martinis for dinner.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng:


I think you maay be aware that I do not care one way or the other about the whole Knight and squire thing: if you persist in bringing class into the thing I will persist in insisting that we change over to a subcontinental caste system, where garbage pickers like the unbolded and lowercase pl are in the "untouchable" caste. You know the one that is so lowly and scumly that NO one of any standing whatsoever will even look at the grimey bugger?

So give up your titular ways and see the new day of Castes.<hr></blockquote>

A title is a title is a title, you anarcho-syndicalist.

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Wrongo! Hosebag. Can you imagine if The Sun Also Rises was called Yo Yo YO! ME an da Homies We be Runnin wid da Bulls and Gettin Faced an Stuff? or if Star Wars was called Space Balls or if The Lord of the Rings was called Two Fat Guys and a Cricket Bat? I bet you can you rotten little weasle swine. I bet you just can. Sicko.

Anyway. It seems to me that titles are not interchangeable as our idiot mook drooling pal Moriarity has suggested. A squire is a squire perhaps but what of the Esquire Hmm? bet that throws a wretched monkey into things eh? And what of the lowly Kanigget? Well? I don't know.

This is what comes of having nothing to eat but beer. Let that be a lesson to you all. DO NOT under any circumstances have nothing but martinis for dinner, and then skip breakfast entirely and move right into the all beer all the time lunch. No good can come from it. I swear. No wait, I affirm. I don't swear - at least not around the children, and since I am an atheist I have no UberSoul thingy to which to swear.

Anyway, the point of the whole thing is that titles matter, or something. And if they do then it is high time we got rid of them and went titless. Well maybe not. Now I am confused.

OK as you were. Nothing to see here.


edited because of my diet

[ 12-15-2001: Message edited by: MrPeng ]

[ 12-15-2001: Message edited by: MrPeng ]</p>

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First ... and second too come to think of it, the day that Panzer Leader is annoited a Seniour Knight is the day the CessPool will dry up, be filled in with stones and rubbish, the members banished to horrible places (Australia or Minnesota most likely) and the very memory of the M.B.T. be relegated to legend.

Furthermore, I call on Panzer Leader to keep his bloody grammatical opinions to himself: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> After all, I WAS here since... (or comma - your choice) <hr></blockquote> Let's be having no cross-postings HERE lad ... let that of the outerboard remain in the outerboard.

This crisis of titles is all Seanachai's doing ... big surprise right. It was his "or whenever we damn well feel like it..." line that started the whole thing. I tell you friends, he's a heretic and will have the entire structure of the CessPool in disarray before he's done, wait and see if he doesn't.

You're just all damn lucky that you have someone of my discernment and vigilance as Justicar ... can't imagine how bad things would be if it weren't for me.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Yeah, um, if there's a slot still open, I wouldn't mind holding one of those Senior positions. After all, I WAS here since... (or comma - your choice) whenever the 4800 series was. Around the last patch I guess.

By the way, who the FECK is Patch and is she hot?<hr></blockquote>

You are an idiot.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Andreas:

I need two of you tossers for a top-secret Byte Battle™ project. Have to be able to TCP each other.<hr></blockquote>

I got the file so we only need one of you friendly type whatnots.

That would be a TCP against me...

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Sad New Cesspoolers!

Your old Uncle Stukey has fallen in battle.

After a long line of victories stretching back before the time the Justicarate joined me in Seniour Kniggetthood, I have been bested.

Step forward ObergruberStupidFuhreur and receive your Kniggetts Cross with Bay leaves, spoons and zirconias.

My first ever autosurrender..*hangs head in shame*...in a nasty 'Ker Dessel' battle gamily rigged in favour of my opponent by the official cesspool bastiche, the lovely Andreas.

Now, no scenario names in order to protect the innocent, BUT...what complete and utter fiend would give the Germans a jagdpanther in a snowy, mountainous village other than another bloody German?

On the bright side, OGSF had Brit paras and with Kitty's face mods, my they were handsome chaps!

In other reports:

Seanachai is dying by the numbers and by turn 30 of 30 has failed to capture any VLs. Nope, not one. Not even the teensy, weensey little swastika flag sewn onto the collar of the company dachshund, Colin.

Elvis is loosing armour as fast as a Minnescrotian cheerleader loses her knickers in another Andreasian abombination, 'Last man standing'. Poor innocent germans are trying to make their way home in time for christams through a devastated, burning city while nasty Canuckian chaps poke their heads up now and then to shoot them in the butt.

Joe Shaw, feh! No good will come of flawed glacis armour Tigers getting pinged by Stuarts. (or sumfink) But I'm not dead yet, lots of nassssty pointy things await him.

Goanna is yet to return his first move. (I anticipate a surrender on turn one)

Mace has not even returned the setup and so I take that as another surrender (I didn't know Mace was Italian? Man, those guys can surrender quick!)

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

Mace has not even returned the setup and so I take that as another surrender (I didn't know Mace was Italian? Man, those guys can surrender quick!)<hr></blockquote>

Not so fast, my gull-winged friend! While you are wallowing in self-pitty and loathing as a result of your loss, I shall send the setup to take advantage of the situation!

Yes, I can be that cruel!



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> mrspkr:

Goanna having lost a couple of companies of men, two or three halftracks, a pair of tanks and the battalion dachsund is now sending waves of halftracks in gamey victory flag rushes. Frankly, I'm running out of targets for my artilery. He will lose this one, and badly.<hr></blockquote>

Isn't it interesting how FOW, too much crack during law school and being from Texas can combine to provide such an interesting, but disturbingly skewed, picture of the world? While I currently (and from approximately turn 2) hold 1 uber VL so tightly that all colour has drained from the flag, two VLs (an unter and an uber are currently at contest. Losses are, in fact, almost identical and while I move methodically toward securing the remaining VLs, he is driving around a TD like the crazed redneck he is on the way to a hootenanny. This one's in the bag or I ain't the ÜberLizard.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Stuka:

(@3) Women who claim to 'love watching sports' must be treated as spies until they demonstrate knowledge of the game and the ability to drink beer.<hr></blockquote>

Yes, well we've all been sucked into that ploy at least once haven't we. A return file of 'splodey things is currently speeding its way to you from the Gulf where it's going to be {look of shock} 30 degrees and sunny today. Yes, though I promised not to do so again anytime soon, I am currently at residence again in Oman, correcting the work of some British academic (and boy don't we love putting the poms straight) who couldn't quite get that low level employees don't actually want a tertiary education in risk management in order to do their jobs correctly. Oh well, I will be home in time for the second test and will have enough dosh to keep me in beer and crisps through the end of the series.

Now then. Moriarty you insufferable pillock. If you weren't such an efficient little clerk of the MBT I'd have your guts for garters. Imagine the nerve of the conniving little sod to take advantage of the fact that I would be en route to the money pot and unable to respond in order to suggest a modification of my status based on the acts of some other SUP that I have never recognised, responded to or braked for as a pedestrian. Send me a setup for satisfaction, you useless gutter-snipe, or its nothing but Berli's borscht for you until springtime. Stinking southern Wisconsinites.

[ 12-15-2001: Message edited by: Goanna ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Goanna whined:

I'm winning! Really I am! Pay attention to me! I'm winning, I say, I'm winning!<hr></blockquote>

Nearly equal losses? Tosser.I've lost a tank and a field kitchen. Your visible losses (and that's not counting my uber artillery's kills) equal at least half a division of panzergrenadiers.

Put down the crackpipe and send me the turn.

[ 12-16-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna:

...and will have enough dosh to keep me in beer and crisps through the end of the series.



I am loathe to say this, but it seems like a little of that Pom academic has rubbed off on you.


[ 12-16-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>

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