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"If you can taste the difference between caviar on a cracker and ketchup on a Kit-Kat while blindfolded, you have not had enough aquavit to be ready for lutefisk." (stolen from some web page about lutefisk)

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*** allied soldier looking at a signpost ***

"Hey, does somebody know what's "ACHTUNG MINEN!" means?"


*** german soldier looking at the sky ***

"Hey fellows, look! Finally one of OUR planes" (June '44, Normandy)



Klotzen, nicht kleckern!

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Originally posted by The Commissar:

"Would this brilliant plan require us to climb out of our trenches and walk slowly towards the enemy, sir?"

Stole it from someone's sig file a while back. Sorry, pal smile.gif

Which was "stolen" from the Blackadder series set during WW I. The quote was from Blackadder himself (Rowan Atkinson) in response to yet another one of Baldricks "cunning plans".

I don't know whether you Yanks can get to see the Blackadder series but the first one set during medievel times & the last one in WW I were probably the funniest and highly recommended! (BTW, "Yanks is not meant to be offensive but simply quicker to type than Americans... mind you, with the addendum I've just defeated my original purpose confused.gif )


Jim R.

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Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

I don't know whether you Yanks can get to see the Blackadder series but the first one set during medievel times & the last one in WW I were probably the funniest and highly recommended!

It comes on some PBS stations, I love the show myself. Never got into Mr. Bean, but Black Adder is great. Nothing better than a black, sarcastic sense of humor. smile.gif


Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.

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Kanonier Reichmann wrote:

The quote was from Blackadder himself (Rowan Atkinson) in response to yet another one of Baldricks "cunning plans".

No, it was Field Marshall Haig's brilliant tactical plan that was relayed by General Melchett.

The full quote:

Melchett: Good man. Now, Field Marshal Haig has formulated a brilliant new tactical plan to ensure final victory in the field.

Blackadder: Now, would this brilliant plan involve us climbing out of our trenches and walking slowly towards the enemy sir?

Darling: How can you possibly know that Blackadder? It's classified information.

Blackadder: It's the same plan that we used last time, and the seventeen times before that.

Melchett: E-E-Exactly! And that is what so brilliant about it! We will catch the watchful Hun totally off guard! Doing precisely what we have done eighteen times before is exactly the last thing they'll expect us to do this time! There is however one small problem.

Blackadder: That everyone always gets slaughtered the first ten seconds.

Melchett: That's right! And Field Marshal Haig is worried that this may be depressing the men a tadge. So, he's looking to find a way to cheer them up.

- Tommi

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Originally posted by tss:

Blackadder: Now, would this brilliant plan involve us climbing out of our trenches and walking slowly towards the enemy sir?

Darling: How can you possibly know that Blackadder? It's classified information.

Blackadder: It's the same plan that we used last time, and the seventeen times before that.

Blackadder IV was the best of the series.

Lt Percy: "I don't understand why you always want to get out of the 'big push' Captain Blackadder... after all you're a decorated hero!!"

Blackadder: "It was all fine and dandy in the old days fighting tribesmen with pointed sticks... it's quite a bit different facing a hundred thousand Germans with machineguns!!"

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Kanonier Reichmann Black Adder RULES!!!

How about

Your Failure is now complete!

(Darth Vader a few minutes before he dies and the Death Star goes BOOM again)


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb

-Kryton of Red Dwarf

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"Bear tracks? You idiot, anyone can see those are moose tracks."


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

The Last Defense- Mods, Scenarios, and more!

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