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Now is the Challenge of our discontent, made horrid cess by this son of Peng

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

HAH! I saw this years ago and promptly adopted it as MY religion:



Oh so yer a slacker Wauist eh? That would explain why you are doing such a _lousy job_ of keeping certain irritaunting elements out of our delicate faces and olfactory regions. You stand there, stupidly grinning, toothpaste foaming in your mouth, instead of applying the toilet brush and can of Raid which have been delegated to you for our collective comfort.

XIA you need to learn a thing or two about _aggressively_ responding to threats, and I'm prepared to teach it to you. That means I challenge you set up whatever you like, your favorite, gamiest scenario or QB-profile, and mail it to yours truly where it will be placed on highest priority. If you refuse, with whatever lame excuse, it will only show that you not only lack the strength to serve in official capacity, but also the desire to better yourself.

And to top off your training I'd recommend going to down your local Utah variant of amusement park with a pocketfull of quarters and practice ten rounds of whack-a-mole every day before breakfast, until you can consistently break 30 (even with the DTs).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I saw this years ago and promptly adopted it as MY religion:



Australians need no convincing, we've been Wauists for some time.

Behold our diety


[ 10-05-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Wow! That Mistress Jean is a hot-looking number and right up Mace's alley, except that he just posted a picture of his boyfriend. Life in the Cesspool is so complicated these days.

Well, at least hating Spitlackin' is still easy...

And now, we have young upstart CM Player challenging Chicken Knigget to a real game, not realizing that ole Tailgasser Joe doesn't actually PLAY the game. Much better men like OGSF and even moi many moons ago have tried to root Mr. Tinkles out for battle, but he is dug in tighter than a tick in Leeo's underpants.

Basically, it's hard to corral pure methane swamp gas when it constantly seeks to escape with its foul vapors. Perhaps that is why Joe is so addicted to the Cesspool as a home.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

I love that picture!!!! 1986 was a good year.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Great! Now why don't you quit munchin your cornflakes and send a turn before work!

(ain't it nice having a layed back opp like me)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer:

Great! Now why don't you quit munchin your cornflakes and send a turn before work!

(ain't it nice having a layed back opp like me)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Just trying to figure out how to cross all this empty space you provided me with.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

Berli: An awesome Germanboy scenario I recommend to all called "Defending the Drop Zone". We've alternated body blows and it just keeps getting more fun, for me at least.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

An awesome scenario? Of course it bloody well is, because I bloody well designed it.

Fun? For the poor pixelated paras you keep killing it surely ain't fun, and those are only your troops...

You have gotten the small matter of the title wrong though, which explains a lot about the way you play it, the rest no doubt being explained by your single-digit IQ and your aversion to seeing your reflection in the monitor, which no doubt makes it difficult to concentrate on the action happening there. It is called 'Securing the dropzone', not 'Defending'. Now there is a difference, and let me take you by the arm while I brick it into your dense skull. It means that you have to show dash, resolve, that you have to act with vigour (something I am sure you only manage when looking at www.soldiersinhotpants.XXX.com), boldness and competence. It seems that even one of these would be beyond your capacity, let alone any number of them.

As for the rest of you sorry lot wanting to play it - if I could I would make my scenarios proof against being violated by you foul-smelling bunch of dimwitted low-lifes I swear I would. What Berli finds in you is beyond me. The ragged bunch that finds its end with Bardolph would constitute a more worthy lot of players than you. Collectively you don't have two braincells to rub together, and if one found a new continent populated by the likes of you, total extermination of the inhabitants would be a welcome act. Since you are all a bunch of weenies it would not even make sense to send you down the mines. Cutting sugar-cane while naked is too good a fate for you.

I see all the usual suspects are back here. Good. Maybe you all go get sucked into a wormhole when the thread implodes with the amount of low-intelligence taunting that is going on in here. There's some hope...

Sod off.

Peng - riddle me this. If sig files are for wussies, how come you have one. You are such a disappointment to humanity, troglodites and your family.

Not edited because I don't need to.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram's Ghost:

Somebody pooped in Germanboy's cornflakes.

Listening to too much Falco, Andy?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Falco was a great but misunderstood musician.

Cornflakes are for Weenies.

Only two lines from the great work 'The world according to me' (forthcoming).

What's with this 'let's spell our names in bold so that we can see how often we get mentioned in the MBT' fad anyway?

Not edited because I am smart enough to get it right the first time.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

It means that you have to show dash, resolve, that you have to act with vigour, boldness and competence. It seems that even one of these would be beyond your capacity, let alone any number of them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

However, he seems to be doing fairly well with blind luck

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Cornflakes are for Weenies.


If "Cornflakes are for weenies", then it must be a staple for you. Pardon me as I state the obvious. The sad fact remains that my posts are usually so very boring that I must bold other's names so they may mistakenly read a line or two. I've never thought of it as a fad though. Its more like little bookmarks of interest for the consumer. Andy, please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Why? Because I care.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer:

I suppose I could find it in me to grovel in front of this image if everyone else did. Has he performed any miracles?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bloody Oath!

He's brought the Ashes home from blighty, and led the Australian Cricket Team to numerous victories!

We are like maggots to his greatness, Lawyer more so.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Blah blah blah

Peng - riddle me this. If sig files are for wussies, how come you have one. You are such a disappointment to humanity, troglodites and your family.

Not edited because I don't need to.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Uh, Not sure there GB, seemed funny when I made it my sig file - a little self deprication, a little tweak at the numbnut who complained about sig files, a little irony for the dim...that sort of thing. But if you have read my latest posts you would see that my sig file now consists of the only important thing Seanachai has ever written.

And as for being a disappointment to my family, I have no IDEA how my mother could have gotten in contact with you unless she was rifling through my email addresses last time she visited. She is ALWAYS bad mouthing me to others. It is one of her more annoying traits, that and the extra tentacle.

I reserve the right to edit this if I find that I have spelled something wrong after I click on the 'Add Reply' button, or if my UBB code is farkled up. So there.

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I hate waking up in the morning ... oh it's better than the alternative I suppose but it still means that I have to wade through the newest (and often rankest) deposits before they have a chance to settle to the bottom. Look at the leavings from THIS morning for example:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>CM Player (who the hell made HIM a Squire ... oh ... Marlow, that explains a lot) did me the HONOR of challenging me: XIA you need to learn a thing or two about _aggressively_ responding to threats, and I'm prepared to teach it to you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> FIRST, CM Player, you'll note that I do YOU the honor of spelling and bolding your name (not that you deserve it but there are the forms to be observed). I note further that YOU do NOT do the same for me. May I suggest that you mend your ways lad. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>That means I challenge you set up whatever you like, your favorite, gamiest scenario or QB-profile, and mail it to yours truly where it will be placed on highest priority. If you refuse, with whatever lame excuse, it will only show that you not only

lack the strength to serve in official capacity, but also the desire to better yourself.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh this DOES grow tiresome ... look lad, I'm the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread ... not to mention the CessPool Drain Commissioner, and my time is just a BIT busy right now dealing with the incursions of SSNs and the backsliding of Knights, Squires and Serfs. (I tried to deal with YOU for example but Lorak is FAR too kindly and allowed you in anyway ... there's no accounting for taste).

Most recently, you MAY recall if your short term memory has returned after your most recent Huffing episode ... I DO hope the new batch of plastic model cement cut down on the complications, I dealt with the problems caused by SlopDraggin' being admitted. I TRIED to warn the MBT, perhaps NOW they'll listen.

However, never let it be said that Joe Shaw is lacking in compassion (I AM of course, but never let it be SAID). Your challenge I find to be in the improper format, correct it and I'll take your request under advisment. I find this new lack of respect unsettling.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Needless to say, Lawyer found cause to post on THIS issue, as if it had anything to do with HIM: And now, we have young upstart CM Player challenging Chicken Knigget to a real game, not realizing that ole Tailgasser Joe doesn't actually PLAY the game. Much better men like OGSF and even moi many moons ago have tried to root Mr. Tinkles out for battle, but he is dug in tighter than a tick in Leeo's underpants.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Upstarts indeed, Lawyer (you see, CM Player I even bold and spell HIS name, HIS for the love of Gawd, I am resolute in my campaign for respect), as I said, I TRIED to keep HIS KIND out of here but one can only do what one can do. For your information (do TRY to take notes or something, it IS annoying to keep repeating this) I have more than a dozen games going now with CessPool members. I refused to accept the challenge of OGSF BASED UPON his improper challenge. I even provided him with the proper format but, being something of a Highland Heathen (say, that's rather good) he was unable to comprehend it and persisted in gnawing on his shield and whacking his sporron with his sword ... looked as if he enjoyed it though, and was unable to properly challenge me. YOU however, have NEVER challenged me to a game. Oh you've made THREATS to do so, but the actuality has never come about. So now Lawyer, (Note that I spell and bold your name EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE NOT A KNIGHT BUT MERELY CONSIGLIORI), slink back to your reams of government regulations and find some that are clear so that you can provide the necessary obfuscation.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Finally, my it's been busy, Germanboy dropped in to question the Traditions of the CessPool from which HE'S been absent for many months now: What's wih this 'let's spell our names in bold so that we can see how often we get mentioned in the MBT' fad anyway?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It is Germanboy, a mark of respect for those who have reached the rank of Knight or Squire in the Peng Challenge Thread. Granted, individually they don't deserve more than the back of your hand ... or my hand, take your pick, but the CessPool DOES deserve that respect. Further it makes it ever so much easier to read the thread, I had to read ALL of our post for example and damned dull work it was too. Had you bolded names I could have skipped through the flotsam and determined that I wasn't mentioned and therefore it wasn't worth reading. Now ... don't you have the enviornment to protect or something? If you're going to BE here, then BE here ... otherwise SOD OFF!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Buzzsaw:

Turning tail and running like a dog. Pretty funny to see a King Tiger run like that when it sees a couple of infantry squads. You are a yellow-bellied, Crodaberg-hiding bastiche. I will root you out.


What’s even funnier is you failing to mention the pile of tanks right behind them.

Wanna hear another good one?

Lorak, scribe thusly in the tome of shame.

Lars – Autosurrender (BTS, fix or do somefink)

Stalin’s Organ – Gamey, Cheatin, Win

Which puts you waaaaaaaaay behind schedule, Buzz.

And Hanns, where’s my RSVP? Mistress Jean looks like she could use a Key Lime Martini or two.

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Joe, still the verbose old self I see. You must feel better now that you have passed this constirpated post of yours.

Now did nobody tell you that this whole 'justiciar' business is just an invention to make you feel wanted? A bit like giving the old folks something to do so that they do not die of boredom? If it was not for this, you would be reduced to sitting in the corner, smelling foul and drooling. This way at least you only smell foul and drool.

Take a leave out of Lost Water's book - short, sharp, smart, and even a whiff of funnyness about it. While in your case, all there is is the whiff.

Regarding me being here, I do as I please.

Regarding this whole Knight/whatever business, I thought that when Elijah left you would have gotten rid of it as well. Shows how smart you lot are. Now go, get your felt shoes, and a blanket. Winter will be here soon.

Peng oh Peng... There was so much of a promise about you... And look what you have become...

Not edited because I like to show off how much smarter I am than you lot.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

An awesome scenario? Of course it bloody well is, because I bloody well designed it.

Fun? For the poor pixelated paras you keep killing it surely ain't fun, and those are only your troops...


O boo hoo hoo! I'd pay more attention to your drooling inanities if I wasn't too busy pounding Berli's losers into the ground like feldgrau circus tent pegs. Berli himself went out of his way a few turns ago to tell me what I 'should' or 'should not' have been doing. What was that, Berli?

--- excellently-crafted sarcastic lambasting of Berli's play/luck deleted here because of spoilers rightly pointed out by Germanboy. It sang though, gents, it really sang... ---


Got any more advice for me, guys?

[ 10-05-2001: Message edited by: dalem ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

O boo hoo hoo! I'd pay more attention to your drooling inanities if I wasn't too busy pounding Berli losers into the ground like feldgrau circus tent pegs.

Irrelevant drivel deleted<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

LUCK - here, I spell it L.U.C.K.

As in LUCKy bastard, or LUCKed out. Geddit.

Anyway, thanks to the spoilers it is now assured that noone here will want to play it. Good.

Then again, it probably was not Berli's finest performance either ;)

BTW - liked the tent peg remark. Was that yours or did your big sister write it out for you? Careful with them Crayons.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Take a leave out of Lost Water's book - short, sharp, smart, and even a whiff of funnyness about it. While in your case, all there is is the whiff.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> As to the component of humor, yes we are ALL aware of the great contributions to the world of comedy made by Germans. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Regarding me being here, I do as I please.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sadly, we've noted that tendency on your part. To be honest, however, we would have you back in the fold, you provide that necessary bit of pomposity that's so fun to (sit down Bauhaus ... no, not yet, I'm being proactive, oh and cover your ears as well) prick. But you simply MUST keep up, Germanboy we can't take the time to provide a summary each time you decide to drop by. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Regarding this whole Knight/whatever business, I thought that when Elijah left you would have gotten rid of it as well. Shows how smart you lot are. Now go, get your felt shoes, and a blanket. Winter will be here soon.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, the CessPool HAS improved since you left ... hmmmm, I wonder if perhaps there might be a cause/effect relationship there? Thanks for the reminder about winter, you are TOO kind.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Peng oh Peng... There was so much of a promise about you... And look what you have become...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well in the case of Peng that's quite true, what's your point? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Not edited because I like to show off how much smarter I am than you lot.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> But apparently not smart enough to know that it should be "take a LEAF", not leave ... however you should feel free to LEAVE at any time.


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