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Mac vs Windows

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Just wanted to start with my opinion that this is by far the BEST game I have played on my Mac since the old Ancient Art of War on my 512kE. I do have a question for the guys at BTS. I know you don't publish your sales figures, but could you say the percentage of Mac vs PC buyers. I know you have a commitment to the Mac and I look forward to CM2.

P.S. I play CMBO on my PB1400c with a G3-250 NuPower and 40MB and it works like a champ.

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Given that it was made on a Mac, thats hardly surprising :D . I run several apps that are faster on a "slower" Mhtz Mac than they are on a considerably "faster" Win NT box. (450 G4 16vram, 600 PIII 64vram).

There are no sales figures available, although several conjecture threads have come and gone over the last year. There is likely no way of knowing how many Mac vs Win copies were bought since the CD is dual platform and many of us do run it on both, myself included. I was very pleased that they chose (for good economic reasons, 1 CD either sale) to go this way for this very reason.

Maximus, this is not a challenge nor a time to begin the general flame war you are always hankering for on this subject. ;)

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last time this came up I think someone guessed or there was a hint of a rumour that the figures were something like 4:1

That is 4 PC sales for every Mac Sale

There is only one CD with BOTH pieces of software on it so it is hard o knwo for sure

but I think Mac players make aobut about 20-25% of the total players of CMBO.

But thats just a guess, it may be an edcauted guess because I thought I rememebered reading the 4:1 figure on this board here somewhere posted by some one who I thought knew what they were talking about. I know that's pretty "loose" but thats all I've got smile.gif

-tom w

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It's true that CMBO comes on a dual platform CD (which I agree is a good thing), however,the reason I asked my question is that when you order your CD on the website it asks you to specify a platform when you order, so I was wondering if BTS tracked the number of Mac vs Windows users. I am very pleased about their support for the Mac and look forward to CM2 (hopefully by XMAS so I can ask Santa to bring it!) :D

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kmead:

Maximus, this is not a challenge nor a time to begin the general flame war you are always hankering for on this subject. ;)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh com'on. you know I gotta get in on this. :mad:

I don't know what the ratio is between the two user platforms, but just take a look at the Tech Forum and count the number of threads about "Getting CM to run on a Mac".

I'd say at least 8:1 are about people with Macs having problems getting CM to run without locking up. Tell ya something? It's funny how CM was designed on a Mac, but yet it seems the platform has stability problems if you don't have the correct combination of OS, Game extensions, Sound extensions, etc, etc. Makes ya wonder doesn't it.

Windows may have its own stability problems of its own, but what makes up for it is Microsoft's DirectX API. You see DirectX takes care of all of the hardware and software issues itself. Kinda like a software plug-in-play if you will. DirectX makes sure that your sound and video cards are automatically configured for whatever program you are running. Or actually vice versa. No longer are PC users forced to manually configure their games to their hardware, ie setting IRQs, IO Addresses and DMA channels. Install the game and DirectX takes care of the rest.

I laugh to myself when I see threads on how Mac users have such a hard time getting CM to run without locking up after 10 seconds into the game. For as stable of a game and being designed on a Mac as CM is, kinda makes you wonder why Mac users seem to have most of the problems. So yes, your 500 MHz Mac maybe faster than a PIII-800, so what. At least the PIII-800 doesn't lock up. :rolleyes:

But then again, lets look at this speed benchmark. To me, we're talking the difference between 3DFx cards and Nvidia cards. Yes the 3Dfx cards (Voodoo 3 family and under) were faster, but their image quality sucked. Nvidia cards (TNT2 and under) were slower, but they had better image quality and could display all of those "special" features that CM required for full effects like Fog & Transpariencies. That's the way I look at the speed difference between Macs and Windows. With Mac's limited Graphic File capacity, Mac users are generally limited to low-res mods or very few hi-res mods. With Window's BMP folder, it doesn't matter how big that folder gets. So as long as you have a good video card and a decent CPU and memory, CM will run just fine and look pretty too. So sure CM will run faster on a Mac will a majority of low-res textures installed. So what's your point? Load up a Mac with a bunch of hi-res textures and let's just see how fast it runs.

So which one is better? I'm not sure. But I'd buy a PC before I'd take a Mac as a gift. tongue.gifsmile.gif

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THAT'S IT. Somebody lock this, NOW. If anyone in the entire world REALLY has to reopen the extremely tiresome Mac vs PC debate, this forum is most certainly not the place for it.

If anyone else posts to this thread, except to ridicule the content, I will come around to their house and beat them over the head with a kipper.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

If anyone else posts to this thread, except to ridicule the content, I will come around to their house and beat them over the head with a kipper.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well said!

I like your technique of convincing people.


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but I like kippers!

Hi Matt!

Hi Kwazydawg

Steve, how good to see you!

I went and counted the problems from the last 20 days, of 34 issues of the type Dave mentions, 24 were Win (@70%) 10 were Mac (@30). If 25% of sales are Mac then Macs are over represented in problems, so I guess Maximus is right, Macs are pieces of schtoot. By the way, the resolution to the problems are very similar for both platforms. On a Mac a simpleton such as I can answer the questions, for the PC Schrullenhaft dives, and I mean deep, into helping those in the Win area (he also is excellent at answering the Mac questions). He deserves a big hand. Thanks.

Post edited by me to delete poorly thought through typing.

[ 04-18-2001: Message edited by: kmead ]

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WOW its a flame war! :D

In light of the mac...

I have a mac and run as many Hi-Res mods as I want. In fact just to let my PC brothers know, the mac runs Hi-Res mods quite well. I run on a G4 400 agp 16mb Ati card and CM runs great. I run with alot of Hi-Res mods, like alot from Tiger and krawzydawg, and DD's and mauguas. All great stuff all hi-res, runs pretty smooth. Oh and I have had only one freeze, lock-up so far.

I just wish BTS would carbonize CM because OS X is rockin!

[ 04-18-2001: Message edited by: Panther131 ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus:

I laugh to myself when I see threads on how Mac users have such a hard time getting CM to run without locking up after 10 seconds into the game. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And we all laugh at you because your a d*ck who can't leave well enough alone.

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Alright, please lets stop this now. No need to stir the fire. I apologize for adding to the possibility in my first post.


No more posts on this subject.

Many thanks for your assistance.

Karl Mead

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RIGHT! It's kippers at dawn for the lot of ye!

Maximus wrote:

> Oh com'on. you know I gotta get in on this.

Like we also know you're a clueless drone whose sole function in life could be reproduced by a simple script along the lines of:

see "Mac"

say "Ha ha, Macs are rubbish"

or "Well, the results of my thorough performance evaluation process (where I spend five seconds imagining how CM will run on a Mac) lead me to believe that Macs are rubbish"

Anyone else who posts here will be molested with the operating system CD of their choice.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

THAT'S IT. Somebody lock this, NOW.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Agreed. Flame wars were fun when I was doing the BBS thing back in the early 80's. They're just lame and boring these days.

Lock it up. As one of the admins said the other day, "Nothing to see here, move along..."

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The cats away....

Well if its any consolation, at least Maxi is off doing something else which is more enjoyable, now that he has stirred the nest. :D

[ 04-18-2001: Message edited by: kmead ]

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