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Have you no Challenge, Peng? At long last, have you left no Challenge?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

Mace as hopin' Ah've fergotten hais rash acceptaince o' mah challainge last week...noo setoop yet.


I hav noo fooorgoootin - Mensch, tha wee sasinach, is still ta pr'dus us a wee gem of a gam, Jimmae.

Tha' is ifn he can get he wee hedd oot of tha porridj!


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Aeim here!

But Aeim gone the minute a fecking cockroach comes in and stayz more then 4 posts.

I hope your bloody happy Joe, and yes you are loosing in our battle... why? you sux! who taught you to go in the woods without your Davie Crochet in your pants!! beginers!

Mace is taking his time like me in our wee battle! We both blame mud, the wife and Hemiroids on the slowness.

Berli the smelly guy who's hair migrated from his top to grow out of his nose to represent a beard is a wee gamey bastage! flame throwed my lads that would have made Kernal Manders happy.

Seanachai could only dream of ever beating me, it appears he will pull another "DRAW" with me soon unless he does somefink silly like tries to rush the flag like he normaly does in our games.

OFGDBASTARD is just that.. gamey nob managed to pop my tanks like a Nympho in a Slaughter House.. I'm actually doing something I rarely do and that is pull my forces OUT!! so he has no glory in forcing my lads to sing Beer Hall songs while eating Bratwurst and shave their womens underarms!!

uh any other games? no? forgot you? good!!

ps... I'm only here as long as the riff raff stay out!


[ 11-12-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]</p>

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All right you lot. It works like this: After throwing tons of hardware at my machine problems over the last few weeks, we have determined that it is either a power issue or the most insidious and nasty virus ever. We're betting on a known power problem and are trying to isolate a particular circuit in the house that might be fluxing it all up. Anyway, I have, contrary to most of your wishes, neither been squashed by a 16 ton weight nor sent to a work colony on the dead sea bottoms of Barsoom. I have some of your turns and I may even be able to return some of them this very eve. So there.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by mensch:

Aeim here!

ps... I'm only here as long as the riff raff stay out!<hr></blockquote>

Capital! That leaves uh. Well. Steady on there old chap, are you sure you are not referring to the Insignificant Utter Bastards? Known as SSN's?

Didn't we hire that Utahrian to keep those blokes in line? So that we didn't have to waste bullets?

But I see that he is busy prosecuting the bad Mr Morningstar.

I'm sure none of us wish him (or anyone else) well.

Anyway, I sent you, old menschy-me-boy, a file and I hope you choke on it, wot-wot, trying to take advantage of me just because I'm Panzerly Challenged at the moment. Why back in my Panzerlied days we would drive around all over Poland. Heini at the wheel, Schparky behind the gun, Dino among the shells ...

Ahem. Anyway, the remains of your last attempt at a flanking maneouver still brings a smile to my face. One of my finer ambushes I must admit, second only to every and any turn I've ever played against Mark IV of course.

And why doesn't Hakko Ichiu enjoy those lovely messages from our friends in the former Eastern Bloc countries, sending us messages of love, hope and strange url's, we ask ourselves. Why?

All mankinds (not womankinds) greatest inventions has evolved from our two basic and chief interests, killing people and watching nude wimmen.

Think about that.

Now stop it. Yes you too Mr Utahrian.

[ 11-12-2001: Message edited by: Geier ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Geier:

And why doesn't Hakko Ichiu enjoy those lovely messages from our friends in the former Eastern Bloc countries, sending us messages of love, hope and strange url's, we ask ourselves. Why?

All mankinds (not womankinds) greatest inventions has evolved from our two basic and chief interests, killing people and watching nude wimmen.


When it comes to watching nude women, there are two types of men, those who pay for the privilege and those who don't. I prefer to remain in the latter category. As to wimmen, wimmin, wymyn, wombyn, et al., no thank you; although I do make an exception for grrrls, if of legal age.

And why do you moan, beg, and plead like the prison bride you are for turn files to which you do not reply? I know, everything's slower up there in meatball land now that you are under 14 meters of ice, but still. Pry that reindeer-urine margarita out of your frozen fingers and send me a turn.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

I know, everything's slower up there in meatball land now that you are under 14 meters of ice, but still.<hr></blockquote>

Yeah, but the computers run like rats on crack covered with vaseline.

Turn sent. May your tungsten turn out to be tinfoil.

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OK, o.k., I've got to do it...

Sir OGSF is a gamey, keyhole shooting, kill-sack making, reserve-utilizing, attrit-tionist bastige, and I spit on him in frustration.

"For he hath placed a mighty, yea, spectacular, spank-down upon the forces of Leeo." I did, with malice aforethought, send my troops to (eventually) certain doom. I mean, jeesh! You'd think a Humber traveling at close to 70 clicks an hour would be impervious to multiple penterations. Why, my S.O. is impervious at only 4 K.P.H.. I really need to practice. However, the mad aussie (non-capitalized with previous intent) and I suffered equal losses in mortars and guns.

OK, OK, Sir OGSF garnered a major victory as the axis. I really wish I could list some relevant mitigating factors, but I'll have to let him give you those excuses after I kick the fight out of him in our impending re-match.

Ya (in the words of our immortal Elvis, who still hasn't acknowledged that I've kicked the effluence out of him in our past 2 encounters) big <big>Wankers!</big>

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The general wishes to challange the many fools who live amongst the cess, and slime of this here pool, to a game of dominance. Pick your champion and bring him to me, in a game. Should I win, I will become your king! Should I loose: death. You dicide your fate; Me as your monarch, or no more of me at all.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB:

You dicide your fate; Me as your monarch, or no more of me at all.<hr></blockquote>

Where did this breeze flapping at my ankles come from? Someone leave the door opened again?!!!


PS Bloody upstart...challenge another SSN first, or a squire, repeat until we think your worthy of attention. Maybe, then maybe you might be deemed worthy of a game!

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Oh Great Lords of the Cesspool is this where you unchain Fionn Kelly and have him lay waste upon this Lard Greased M(onty's) B(uttcrack) or is that akin to killing ants with a tactical nuclear weapon? If I may be so bold I ask that one of greater stature send a suitable setup to "learn" this Monty's Buttcrack in the bitter ways of the 'Cess. If I am not too presumptuous in making a prediction the only crown Monty's Buttcrack will be wearing is the red ring of his arsehole atop his head when I am finished.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

An Lawyer, ye soppy daft twit, Ah'm lookin' at yoo, Jimmy!


Hey, Jim-Boy! I'm talkin' back to YOU!

Can you say Jee-am?? That's the ghetto way to say it, so that's the American way to say it plain fer all to see.

And I'm sayin' yer a skirt-wearin', spaniel-smellin', nosehair-braidin', Seanachai fondlin', Rocky Mountain Hi-Boy John Denver lovin' piss-ant wearing ARGYLE SOCKS!

Ya prance around doin' the High Jig just so you can show off yer underpants to Pre-teen Boyz with Big Zits at the MALL! Or is that matted hairy arse yer showin' another attempt to sell "cashmere products" to Stupid Americans?

Oh, and ya cook fries at McDonald's just so you can suck the old grease off the filter when Habib isn't looking. Ya eat Kentucky Fried Rat so you have an excuse for all the dark soiled stains people see on yer white suit (without yer havin' to "splain" the difference between the ones on yer shirt and the ones on yer filthy crotch).

In other words, Yer simply MACE without the excuse of being brain damaged from eating over-aged roadkill!

Ya Rat Bastard!

So Jim, I hear yer cry of shame. And I stand ready to administer a sound thrashing of Unwavering Justice at the Hands of the Law to yer wooool-a-gig, guano sucking self. Expect a set-up later this week, after I've had time to puke out the horror of typin' yer surly sour address on my innocent computer.

Now go lick yer spaniel's butt

[ 11-12-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hanns:

Oh Great Lords of the Cesspool is this where you unchain Fionn Kelly and have him lay waste upon this Lard Greased M(onty's) B(uttcrack) or is that akin to killing ants with a tactical nuclear weapon? If I may be so bold I ask that one of greater stature send a suitable setup to "learn" this Monty's Buttcrack in the bitter ways of the 'Cess. If I am not too presumptuous in making a prediction the only crown Monty's Buttcrack will be wearing is the red ring of his arsehole atop his head when I am finished.


I'll take him! Wrap him up with a pretty pink bow and send him to 223 Downing Street.

Got a new Squire!

Oh, joking by the way.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB:


You all laugh, but really you know your days are numbered! I will rule the cess! You pond scuma re no match for my divine crushing blow!<hr></blockquote>

As <big>IF</big> we give an outer-boarder's ass. Ya Pillock.

{edited to give the temporary illusion that we did give a ****e about this tosser}

[ 11-12-2001: Message edited by: Leeo ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB:


You all laugh, but really you know your days are numbered! I will rule the cess! You pond scuma re no match for my divine crushing blow!<hr></blockquote>


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB:


You all laugh, but really you know your days are numbered! I will rule the cess! You pond scuma re no match for my divine crushing blow!<hr></blockquote>

My gods, this is just too, too sad.

Perhaps we should hold a Telathon or something. I mean, how many times can you just look away?

Gentlemen, I think we've just found the poster child for clueless SSNs.

[ 11-13-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB:


You all laugh, but really you know your days are numbered! I will rule the cess! You pond scuma re no match for my divine crushing blow!<hr></blockquote>

Sean, the guy is a complete poltroon, but he has a few danglies, and at least he does not harp on about bren tripods welded to king tigers or somefink.

I am not saying that the King bit is anything but noise, but some non old one should challenge the idiot. He does, after all, have a decent member number, and although he is likely a pimply faced turd surfing porn with his mom's 486, he deserves at least the respect you would give a dog turn on the bottom of your boot. In other words, someone should scrape the punk off.

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Seanachai, how long can you hide behind the giuse of insult? You ramble on, "SSN this" and "SSN that" One day you will have to except that you are not the monarch of this pool. I am your king! Bow before me as, I am god! I am LGMB kign of kings! Look before my empire and weap!!! tongue.gif

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

My gods, this is just too, too sad.

Perhaps we should hold a Telathon or something. I mean, how many times can you just look away?

Gentlemen, I think we've just found the poster child for clueless SSNs. ]<hr></blockquote> Oh I say, good idea Seanachai, I think that with the inherent (if unproven) talent within this group we can devise a boffo campaign that will leave them weeping in the aisles. Perhaps something along these lines:

Fashionably shaky camera shot of computer monitor with the M.B.T. displayed. Yellow postit notes line the edge of the monitor with advisories such as "Woods=Good, Open=Bad", "FRONT of Tank to enemy", "Press GO to Continue" and "PENG is in Peng Thread". Camera pulls back to reveal a pimply, overweight, dull looking creature with drool sliming his lower lip and chin. A look of furious concentration spoils the otherwise peaceful aspect of a lad well and truly berift of wit. A pleasing, well-modulated adult voice (much like that of Joe Shaw) intones a voice over ... "Lord General MB would like to be known as a Combat Mission player of distinction. Specificially he would choose to join the select of the Peng Challenge Thread, but there are some things in this life that just can't be. Is he to continue in his vain and hopeless quest? Is it too late to turn his leisure time to activities that fall within his grasp?

We of the SSN Recovery Association don't think so. Will you join with us in turning this sad spectacle ..." Camera catches Lord General MB with forefinger inserted in nostril up to the second joint ... " into a lad who can join the {Teenaged Boys Who Want Chicks To Take Off Panties Online Thread} without fear of undue embarrassment. Send your checks today to:

SSN Recovery Fund

P.O. Box 644

Omigosh, NB, Z34457-99

Remember ... Stupidity is DUMB!"


[ 11-13-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB:


Seanachai, how long can you hide behind the giuse of insult? You ramble on, "SSN this" and "SSN that" One day you will have to except that you are not the monarch of this pool. I am your king! Bow before me as, I am god! I am LGMB kign of kings! Look before my empire and weap!!! tongue.gif <hr></blockquote>And for the second installment of our campaign we could issue a print ad:

Photo of original post by Lord General MB

"We of the SSN Recovery Assoc. believe that it is through OUR efforts that these pathetic and sad posts can be turned to useful and informative posts. Not to the M.B.T., of course, but perhaps to the Pro Tiddlewinks Comments Thread. How do we do it? We hire only the best copywriters and editors to point out the grevious deficiencies in SSN posts and offer suggestions for correction. Take this example:

Seanachai, how long can you hide behind the giuse of insult? It's GUISE ... I have no idea what a Giuse is.

You ramble on, "SSN this" and "SSN that" One day you will have to except that you are not the monarch of this pool. It's ACCEPT, not Except.

I am your king! Bow before me as, I am god!The comma is incorrect

I am LGMB kign of kings! It's KING, not Kign ... however you DID get it right ONCE, well done.

Look before my empire and weap!!! The correct reference would be "Look UPON my empire ... and of course it's WEEP, not Weap.

By utilizing the techniques of postive and negative reinforment, we can turn Lord General MB from his chosen path and to one where he will be able to post something such as the following to the above mentioned thread ... no doubt wowing the other participants.

I perfer to filp the RED tittlewank wiht my thum.

Don't let another day go by, send your generous contribution to:

SSN Recovery Fund

P.O. Box 644

blah blah blah

Remember ... Stupidity is DUMB!


[ 11-13-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB:


Seanachai, how long can you hide behind the giuse of insult? You ramble on, "SSN this" and "SSN that" One day you will have to except that you are not the monarch of this pool. I am your king! Bow before me as, I am god! I am LGMB kign of kings! Look before my empire and weap!!! tongue.gif <hr></blockquote>

Sumteems Ah looks an' wonders, an' sumteems Ah jus' looks.

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Okay, when will one of you pillocks, oops I mean highly esteemed, defenders of all that is 'Cess Kniggety pillocks send me a setup to crush this SSN with? How can I ever advance to Senior SSN without a feckin' setup with which to stomp this Lard General with? C'mon, throw me a bone or somefink! Hey, that'd be a swank name for a setup. I think I'll send Lard Guzzler a setup by this name. Feh, wankers.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB:

I am your king! Bow before me as, I am god! I am LGMB kign of kings! Look before my empire and weap!!!<hr></blockquote>

And your empire, that will be where?

Oh I see, a legend in your own backyard. Well, you would be if the earthworms weren't offering competition.

Oh well, keep on trying


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