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I met Peng and challenged him and got him drunk and he didn't even has the decency to

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis:

As I suspected Lawyer has bested me. If I am not mistaken he is now the only one with a winning record against me.


Woah there 'lil doggie, back on up theres a spell.

I do firmly recall spanking your spotty little arse until it bled a whiles back.

Do you recall that game in the snow?

You know, the one that I WON?

The game where you artied half your own force before the rest were washed up on the rocky shore of an Uber-Stuken defense where they were slaughtered like the effeminate girly-Elvis' they were?

Aye, I'm sure you do remember.

Yere yest tae sceered tae ardmut aht!


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Hmm, Stuka, now that you mention it, I trashed Elvis in the only game I played against him as well.

So that's another winning record against him.

Do you think his memory is slipping with old age, or is just his adversion to numbering things?


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hehe, probably both, the forgetful, incontenant old foo'.

BTW, whatever happened to the Seanoochian conquest of Australia?

Did he ever actually beat anyone?

Or, ala the 'Operation Sealion' thread, was his proposed invasion of Australia just a ruse to divert attention from some other, even more despicable plan?


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

BTW, whatever happened to the Seanoochian conquest of Australia?

Or, ala the 'Operation Sealion' thread, was his proposed invasion of Australia just a ruse to divert attention from some other, even more despicable plan?<hr></blockquote>

Actually his invasion has commenced - I've noticed him standing in amongst the plants in my front garden for some time now. His little red nose shining in the dark, his green jacket buttoned neatly but clashing somewhat with the red pants he wears...and that pointy hat he wears looks damned silly on him.

Oh wait, that's the garden gnome!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

hehe, probably both, the forgetful, incontenant old foo'.

BTW, whatever happened to the Seanoochian conquest of Australia?

Did he ever actually beat anyone?

Or, ala the 'Operation Sealion' thread, was his proposed invasion of Australia just a ruse to divert attention from some other, even more despicable plan?


This Yojimbo Ronin Knight thinks that Sean is saving his pennies for a visit to beautiful South Carolina to view various collections of civil war memorabialia in a state that never really quit fighting that conflict. I am already making plans to put him up on the floor of my double wide and take him hunting turkey and anything else that should step in front of my 16 gauge, or perhaps my AR15A4. It will be great fun, and well worth the bus ticket. Much better than stinky old Australia.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>This Yojimbo Ronin Knight thinks that Sean is saving his pennies for a visit to beautiful South Carolina to view various collections of civil war memorabialia in a state that never really quit fighting that conflict.<hr></blockquote> WHERE IS BERLI! Damnit, this is what comes of putting inexperienced Knights in charge of Squires. They go swanning off into the blue in a tiff over football and their SQUIRES JUST RUN WILD! As Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread I have to take a hand in this grevious neglect lest Slapdragon end up spoiled rotten ... SO ...

YOU AIN'T NO FECKING KNIGHT Get OVER it ... Berli if you're reading this, the BOOT man, the BOOT!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis:

If either, or both, of you would care to send me a set up file I'm sure i can remedy this situation.<hr></blockquote>

You are now added to my 'pending game' list.

At the time when one of my current games are completed and a slot (s..l..o..t, not s..l..u..t! Sit down Bauhaus) presents itself, you will move up to my 'prepare a setup for him' list. I think this should be within the week.

You are also on my 'number every turn because he really, really, REALLY hates it' list


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis:

If either, or both, of you would care to send me a set up file I'm sure i can remedy this situation.<hr></blockquote>

Thirsty for some more Whoop-ass hmmm?

A while back Germyboy was raving on about a great scenario of his with paratroopers or sumfink. Does anyone recall the name?

I think DaleM or Slappy might have been playing it but as I am nearly half as old as Lawyer, my memory is failing.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

Thirsty for some more Whoop-ass hmmm?

A while back Germyboy was raving on about a great scenario of his with paratroopers or sumfink. Does anyone recall the name?

I think DaleM or Slappy might have been playing it but as I am nearly half as old as Lawyer, my memory is failing.<hr></blockquote>

Half as old, but twice as annoying. Whenever I really want to annoy the assembled gits here, I always think, "What would Stuka do?" I'll be doing that with a flurry of bragging when my super dooper new computer arrives.

Now as to the question sticking to Stuka's hand like "loves labor's lost", I believe the scenario he describes is named "To the Last Man" by the cruel and very sadistic Germanboy. It is available at Der Kessel.

I have played this particular scenario "game" mostly to the end with David Aitken, but he has turned very weird lately, and apparently has disappeared completely. Some of you may remember his love/hate with CM and the MBT when he said he was leaving for good. Then, of course, being a Brit and all, he started the MBT as soon as he said he was a goner a few threads back.

Well, the young snip (21 and going to college) has not shown himself since October 15, and the school master in England is inquiring about him. Meanwhile, our ordeal is stuck in limbo.

But let me say that it is a VERY painful scenario, with little to offer and much frustration and wonderment why people would voluntarily submit to it. Well, I did it at the private recommendation of the very Stuka who struts before us once again, and is now shown to be a purveyor of pain. I think he belongs with Hanns at the S/M club in Minneapolis that Seanachai and his Gang of Old Ones frequent.

As to Germanboy, I just think he is Hitler's evil offspring getting revenge upon the rest of us in the name of Teutonic "accuracy".

Play "To the Last Man" at your own risk, and expect to be raving mad when it ever finishes. Not that I expect to finish anytime soon with the departed David A., but it remains in my game files. Who knows... Croda came back....

[ 11-04-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis:

As I suspected Lawyer has bested me. If I am not mistaken he is now the only one with a winning record against me.<hr></blockquote>

I would like to <big>REFUTE</big> said claim, as I have bested you 2 out of the three times we met, ya Wanker! The first time we met, you wrested a victory from me. The second time, you auto-surrendered. The last time, in that Wild Bill meeting engagement in the city, I kicked the crap out of you also.

[mutter]Jeesh, you quit checking in on the MBT for a day or two, and folks start getting delusins of grandeur[/mutter]

Not to mention that the sap known as Lawyer will be counting his lucky stars if he manages to default to a draw against me. The poofta.

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DID SEANACHAI DIE FOR NOTHING? Okay technically he didn't actually DIE but we had a trial didn't we? And punishment was meted out wasn't it? But apparently SOME here are incapable of learning the lessons passed on. But fear not lads and lasses the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread is ON THE CASE and EVER VIGILANT! We even, strictly in our enforcement role you understand, roam the outerboard at times. Imagine our surpise to find the following: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Hey Auswarrior, all the cool Aussies, (with the exception of Mace) hang out in the Peng thread. Don your thickest skin and come for a splash in the 'pool. We'll see what stuff your'e made of there.....<hr></blockquote> YES ... we find a KNIGHT of the CESSPOOL actually recruiting an SSN. And not just any old SSN but the rankest of newbies, one that has yet to receive the game! And don't get me started on that name of his, it just cries out for alteration doesn't it?

And who is the malfactor in our midst, the asp in our bosom (OH FOR GAWD'S SAKE Bauhaus) the Balrog in our woodpile? Non other than ... Stuka! That's right Stuka ... j'accuse!

MrSpkr you might want to dust off the articles and specifications submitted to the JURY and the questions typed by the STENOGRAPHERS in the case of the CessPool vs. Seanachai ... unless Stuka confesses and throws himself on the mercy of the CessPool I fear that ... WE GO TO TRIAL!

And furthermore ... Cool Aussies? ... give me a break.


[ 11-04-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

when my super dooper new computer arrives.<hr></blockquote>

Perhaps said new computer will also provide you with a new, worthwhile personality(and I'm as confident of that as I am that pigs will break the sound barrier), Hmmm?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo:

Not to mention that the sap known as Lawyer will be counting his lucky stars if he manages to default to a draw against me. T<hr></blockquote>

Leeo is such a loser. No, make that Leeo is a LOSER. His biggest hope in the world is to get a DRAW against the Lawyer. What a pillock!

Play to WIN, ya git. And don't whine when ya don't.

Jeez, a Lawyer's work is never done...

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

unless Stuka confesses and throws himself on the mercy of the CessPool I fear that ... WE GO TO TRIAL!


I confess alright.

I confess to the strengthening of the bloodline of the 'pool with more Uber-Aussie goodness.

I mean, just take a look around here will you?

Gone are the days of fine, noble tradition and distinct class barriers.

Take a look at the dross that is parking their tootsies under the dinner table these days.

Shonin-jumbo self proclaimed squires...... *shudder* Football fans.....and namby-pamby Cesspool dinner parties are de riguer lately.

When was the last time Berli and Seanachai got to pin a newbies arms behind his back while OGSF and Elvis took turns at putting the 'boot' in? All the while Peng is ratting through their belongings for valuables?

You can't tell me can you?

This place is in distinct danger of 'going soft' and I for one will do something about it.

Lets look at this Auswarrior character shall we?

(XI) An Aussie for sure, so the potential for an upstanding, low-down, gamey although curiosly ruggedly handsome comrade is there.

(b-(9)) A self confessed 'Army Officer'. Yehahh!!, not only a grog, but a 'professional' grog. Hoo-boy! the potential for newbie cruelty beggars description.

So there you have it. On the one hand we have a promising comrade of good lineage and on the other, a prime target for an unfeeling, brutal gang-beating.

Sir Just-A-Skateboard, your charges are unfounded and I call upon you to take this matter no further.

I am guilty of serving the betterment of the MTB and no more.

If you are seeking someone to pick on, I have this freshly shaved chinchilla here and I think he likes you. [No Bauhaus!, this ones Joes, we'll rustle something up for you later. Now SIT DOWN!]

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Leeo ... His biggest hope in the world is to get a DRAW against the Lawyer<hr></blockquote>

Pardon, but I was under the mistaken assumption that someone with a name like Lawyer would be able to read words in a sequential manner, thereby drawing meaning from them. Go back and read my post again, ya git. Go on, we'll wait. Don't be ashamed that your lips must move as you read it. (Hmm,Hmmmm,Hmm) Ok? Notice, I said that YOU'D be lucky if you were able to squeak out a draw. Which implies that you can only be a non-loser through sheer luck.

Uppity lawyers.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Speedy:

From the horses' mouth.<hr></blockquote> Well Speedy it was certainly from ONE end of the horse. The Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread IS awfully busy right now so we'll leave it up to the members of the CessPool. Shall we have a full formal trial (TRIAL = JURORS = STENOGRAPHERS) or shall we simply sentence Stuka to playtest the latest Ker Dessel* scenario, But It's a Dry Heat? I leave it to the Knights of the CessPool (KNIGHTS Slapdragon ... of which you Ain't one).

*Ker Dessel - When you want to play CM in the worst way


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Chinese Chickens – 6, little imported foreign basturds.

Lars – A long effing stomp through the cattails.

On the plus side, I did get to tick off a few deer hunters. And a rabbit, I unquestionably ruined a rabbit’s day. Looks like the niece’s will be having Hausenpfeffer for Easter, hehe.

Turns will go out this evening after the medicinal Bourbon takes effect on my poor aching knees. Expect my usual tactical brilliance. Or not.

Hey, at least I’ll be having a good time.

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It's Monday. My computer is still broke, but not as broke as it used to be. To compensate, I spent an hour this morning fixing my @#$@&! "windows registry file" on my work computer, which had somehow mysteriously bollixed itself up over the weekend. I hate Windows. But not as much as I hate all of you.


Updates? Are you insane? I spent two hours last night terminating my SCSI chain (with extreme prejudice) and you think I have time to play CM?!

Well, I did send a turn to Terence, but only because he's an almost-non-'Pooler, so I hate him slightly less than I hate all of you. We're still playing Panzer Leader's Guns of Crodaburg (or whatever it's called), and he's started dropping smoke on his own lines. I'd be less unimpressed if it weren't an area that was out of my LOS anyway... I'm just waiting for him to walk the smoke barrage forward to follow his advance and forget to kit 'k'...

Okay, I also sent a turn to Seanachai, because I felt sorry for him after seeing the pictures Berli put up. And because he's been subject to a week's worth of Disneyfication, so I figured he could use some of the old ultra-violence. This game looks like it might actually be an interesting replay of our last game (except totally different), so I'm sure something will go horribly wrong right off.

Then I sent turn one to Lars of a game whose setup I thought would be funny, but which has turned out to be anything but. I expect the wailing and gnashing of teeth to begin shortly.

Okay, and I finally returned stevetherat's move because I want to see more human wave assaults. That's my gimmick, you copy-cat bastard!

No turns for jdmorse or Joe Shaw, the former for saddling me with Canadians, the latter for not saddling up some stenographers.

Agua Perdido

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Speedy:

Oooooohhhh, oooooohhh I vote for STENOGRAPHERS.<hr></blockquote>

I don't think any are running in this weekend's federal election.

{Posted just to remind my fellow countrymen that it's Melbourne Cup Day, and I get a holiday and they don't unless they live in Victoria)


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace:

{Posted just to remind my fellow countrymen that it's Melbourne Cup Day, and I get a holiday and they don't unless they live in Victoria)



I heard on triple JJJ this morning that there will be animal rights protesters at the Melbourne cup today because apparantly racehorses can suffer from stomach ulcers!

Bloody favouritism!

I don't see many protesters 'round my office these days.

Stink'in horses, they should shave the lot and parade them through the streets like fraternising frenchwomen.

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