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I met Peng and challenged him and got him drunk and he didn't even has the decency to

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(*) The title is grammatically incorrect.

(23) The title is incomplete.

(u) Even if the above weren't true it doesn't say a THING about Peng puking.

(gross) There are no rules (yes Elvis WE know them, but the SSNs DON'T).

In short ... Wanker!


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Assuming that this is our new home, I must post the following:

Now we all know that winning and losing is not the important thing in the pool. However, I must point out one exception.

{Ahem} Mr. Spnkr, you may be beating me like a redheaded stepchild in CM, but your sooners have gone down to defeat at the hands of my beloved Cornhuskers! Thppppptttttt!!!

Cornhuskers 9-0, ranked #1 in the nation! {BCS}


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Speedbump:

Your Loosers have gone down to defeat at the hands of my beloved Cornhuskers! Thppppptttttt!!!

Cornhuskers 9-0, ranked #1 in the nation! {BCS}


Now that is good news, just because it will P.O. MrSpkr

{edited due to malicious laughter}

[ 10-27-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Speedbump:

{Ahem} Mr. Spnkr, you may be beating me like a redheaded stepchild in CM, but your sooners have gone down to defeat at the hands of my beloved Cornhuskers! Thppppptttttt!!!

Cornhuskers 9-0, ranked #1 in the nation! {BCS}


True enough. The teams both played admirably. Most stats were identical. Surprisingly, Oklahoma's offense statistically outperformed Nebraska. The real difference was the kicking game. Nebraska had the edge in field position off the kicking game throughout the day.

Oh yes, having our QB injured on that green rags and plywood surface you call a playing field didn't help. [serious] considering how many have been injured on that stuff this year, shouldn't Nebraska seriously consider replacing it?[/serious]

However, I have always maintained that we could lose this game so long as we win against Nebraska in Irving in December. Oklahoma's strength of schedule can pull us right back into the hunt for a National Championship IF we win the rest of our games and take the Big 12 Championship. (since we will have beaten Texas, Nebraska once, and Texas A & M -- outside of Oklahoma, Nebraska has a very weak schedule this year, espeically since Notre Dame and Kansas State's seasons have gone into the toilet). This is particularly true if Miami loses a game.

In any event, I suspect the game in Irving will be different. If I am correct, Nebraska will play in the Fiesta, Orange or Sugar Bowls this year, and OU will go to Pasadena to beat the crap out of Miami. Don't book your flight to California just yet.

And please, don't stop dying in our PBEM on MY account - go ahead and bleed on out, really, feel free.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lars:

Now that is good news, just because it will P.O. MrSpkr<hr></blockquote>

Lars, Lars, Lars. Your comments are amusing. I don't expect you to understand this, but, while a loss is indeed disappointing, my beloved Sooners are not out of the National Title hunt by any means (particularly since Virginia Tech lost today). All we have to do is win out, then beat Nebraska down here in God's country in the Big 12 Championship.

Of course, I wouldn't expect you to know much about football championships. You are, after all, from a state within that useless pimple of a conference, the Big Ten (an interesting name, as an examination of the teams and their records suggests that only one of the schools, Michigan, actually HAS a college football team -- the rest appear to be Pop Warner league rejects and geeks who couldn't cut the physical requirements for the marching band).

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

snipped due to excess football grogism

snipped again due to excess football grogism


I'm sorry MrSpkr, you have mistaken me for someone who actually cares.

I only was pointing out that, much like CM, it's not whether you win or lose, or even how you play the game, as long as I get to rub salt in your wounds, MrSpkr.

Oh, and before I forget.



{hehe, whew}

(edited for more of you know what)

[ 10-27-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:


That's the que for Mace

Love the abomination of a title btw Elvis, you've really surpassed our previous title abominations!

Boy, I betcha the Just-a-car is annoyed.


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I'm in San Fran now.

escaped LA (ho ho). And stinky boring dull horrible Irvine. The white-business-shirt-clad armpit of the US.

Now I'm in San Fran which seems to be the hippy-dressed armpit of the US hehe ;)

It seems San Fran (while interesting) is living proof you shouldn't let hippies concentrate in one area and mate. There are SO many freaks around here. Peng and Elvis would fit right in.


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Rule 1: No Poufters

Rule 2: i don't want to catch anybody not drinking

Rule 3: No Poufters

Rule 4: No maltreating the abos - if there's anybody watching

rule 5: No Pouftas

rule 6: there is NOOOOOO rule six

rule 7: No poufters

Right that concludes the reading of the rules, Bruce: Padre! a prayer.

Oh lord we beseech thee. Amen!

Crack tubes!

What's new Bruce going to be teaching?

etc etc etc

Actually here are the rules as a public service to SSNs not that they deserve it:

Ahem: Depart a lot now or we make castinets out of your testicles already!

XII. This is the Peng Ladder Whereby rank order is judged by on 2 specific qualitites:

4. The groginess of posts &

b. How many games you have won and by the most points &

11. how much you drank last night in that TCP/IP game and if you got sick on your shoes or not.

42. We don't like you, never have never will and would prefer it if you would just go away. Really.

34. If you are still here and still reading this it means that you are a complete idiot and should go away. Really.

iv. If you are still still here and have decided that you would like to play a game of CM against someone, by all means ask, but there are certain ways in which to ask and certain individuals whom you may ask, thusly:

4. Pick ONE person

$3 say very nasty things about that person, but DO TRY to make it personal. Berating the groups the person may be identified with is a sure way to get hissed off the thread. For example, racist, sexist and religious insults are not tolerated because basically they aren't funny to erudite, well read or otherwise clever people who have read things other than the backs of cereal boxes and can form complex sentences and stuff.

56. AARs are a MUST for a scum sucking newbie like you. They can be nothing but lies and filled with rambling diatribes against BTS and the horror of the innacuarcy of the Mantlet thingy on the KT in february of 1945, but they MUST conform to the rules setforth herein. Or they can be true to life. You make the call.

Finally, go away. We don't like you. Unless of course you are funny. Funny looking, funny talking, funny writing: whatever, just make us laugh. Your sole purpose for being here is our entertainment.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng:

Rule 1: No Poufters


Just a bid of Aussie culture (oxymoron?) for ya, Peng!.

It's No Pooftas.


{edited because I forgot to bold...oh the shame!}

[ 10-27-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace:

Just a bid of Aussie culture (oxymoron?) for ya, Peng!.

It's No Pooftas.


{edited because I forgot to bold...oh the shame!}

[ 10-27-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]<hr></blockquote>

Dammit dammit dammit!

That was my first choice, but I changed it to the wrong way. Dammit. Correction Noted Macey

edited because I am much dumber than I look.

[ 10-27-2001: Message edited by: MrPeng ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

True enough. The teams both played admirably. Most stats were identical. Surprisingly, Oklahoma's offense statistically outperformed Nebraska. The real difference was the kicking game. Nebraska had the edge in field position off the kicking game throughout the day.


Don't forget the silly turnovers. No, no don't forget those interceptions.


Oh yes, having our QB injured on that green rags and plywood surface you call a playing field didn't help. [serious] considering how many have been injured on that stuff this year, shouldn't Nebraska seriously consider replacing it?[/serious]<hr></blockquote>

Actually that turf was laid down last year. It is actually 8 inch long blades of 'grass' filled in with 6 inches of shredded rubber material. It is actually much closer to natural grass than traditional astroturf.


However, I have always maintained that we could lose this game so long as we win against Nebraska in Irving in December. Oklahoma's strength of schedule can pull us right back into the hunt for a National Championship IF we win the rest of our games and take the Big 12 Championship. (since we will have beaten Texas, Nebraska once, and Texas A & M -- outside of Oklahoma, Nebraska has a very weak schedule this year, espeically since Notre Dame and Kansas State's seasons have gone into the toilet). This is particularly true if Miami loses a game.<hr></blockquote>

Actually, if you look at the components to the BCS, Nebraska has one of the stronger strength of schedule ratings in the top 10.


In any event, I suspect the game in Irving will be different. If I am correct, Nebraska will play in the Fiesta, Orange or Sugar Bowls this year, and OU will go to Pasadena to beat the crap out of Miami. Don't book your flight to California just yet.<hr></blockquote>

Oh, I am not, but neither should you. You did get some help today from the Orangemen and the Cardinal, but I don't see Miami losing and Florida may have a stronger schedule.

That's all from football {yes the only kind of football - American - that really matters} central, now the rest of you can play in traffic.


{Edited because of the Berli-spawn UBB}

{Double spawn}

[ 10-27-2001: Message edited by: Speedbump ]

[ 10-27-2001: Message edited by: Speedbump ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng:

Justicar! Point of order please. I don't recall this being the "College Football Pissing Contest" thread.

Go Princeton Tigers! WOOT!

Go Temple Owls! Huzzah!

Go JoePa! Icky Icky Icky f'tang!


Peng<hr></blockquote>Quite right Peng, quite right. While the odd mention of such things is acceptable (we do speak of "thingies" after all) it's simply not proper to dwell on such unpleasant subjects. Mention it, once, then the rebuttal from the offended party and for Gawd's Sake DROP IT! Further such rowdy behavior will have the most severe of consequences. Specifically you'll be required to explain AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL to the CessPool ... none of us wants THAT to happen now do we?

Oh ... it occurs to the Justicariate that this might be interpreted by our Australian friends as an invitation to expound on this ... thing. WE DON'T WANT TO KNOW. For an American football fan to be forced to explain Australian Rules Football would require that they actually WATCH a match ... and then have to explain scores like:

East Elbow Wart: 45 17

North Farthing Bellows: 23 22 ... not to mention those odd chaps in the white zoot suits who point their fingers at various incomprehensible times.

Now THAT is a punishment.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng:

Go Princeton Tigers! WOOT!

Go Temple Owls! Huzzah!

Go JoePa! Icky Icky Icky f'tang!


Go ducks, and best of all;

<big>GO BEAVERS!</big>

Really, when you get right down to it, who can't root for a good Beaver now and then?

Sooners and Cornhuskers my arse! They sound like a prison film.

I'm sure we can all get behind a good Beaver when the opportunity arises!

{edited because I got all excited rooting for the BEAVERS!}

[ 10-27-2001: Message edited by: Leeo ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

explain AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL <hr></blockquote>

Aerial Ping Pong!!!

Jeeeeezzzzzzzzz, even Australians don't like AFL!. That's for Victorians only! and we all know that they are not true Aussies!.

Almost as bad as bloody Tasmanians!!.

Rugby League is the only True football code!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stixx:

Aerial Ping Pong!!!

Jeeeeezzzzzzzzz, even Australians don't like AFL!. That's for Victorians only! and we all know that they are not true Aussies!.

Almost as bad as bloody Tasmanians!!.

Rugby League is the only True football code!<hr></blockquote>

What would you know? I mean you are from Queensland!!!!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo:

{edited because I got all excited rooting for the BEAVERS!}


In Australia, Rooting has different Connotations!

You may consider rewording your statement.

Mace (who is currently ...sooo... wacked!!!)

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace:

In Australia, Rooting has different Connotations!

You may consider rewording your statement.


For our dimmer antipodeans, perhaps I should explain; by Rooting, I mean "to noisily applaud or encourage...;to wish succes or or lend support..." All of this to Beavers! What could be better than that? Who doesn't wish for Beaver success in their personal life? Let's face it, you Aussies are just plain daft if you can't appreciate a victorious Beaver now and then.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo:

perhaps I should explain; by Rooting, I mean "to noisily applaud or encourage...;to wish succes or or lend support..." All of this to Beavers! What could be better than that? Who doesn't wish for Beaver success in their personal life? Let's face it, you Aussies are just plain daft if you can't appreciate a victorious Beaver now and then.<hr></blockquote>

Well, in Australia, Rooting is an act of procreation, and I must admit some fun!

As for Beaver, no comment.


{edited for spelling mistakes)

[ 10-28-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>

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