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To the last Challenge I grapple with thee. From Peng's Heart I stab at thee. Twice.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

There can only be one answer to this. He has proven himself unredeemable. Cast him out<hr></blockquote>

Oh, sorry, a quick amendment. Complete and utter idjits can be cast out on the recommendation of two of the Olde Ones, because it's bloody hard to get all three of us posting at once. For example, my current take on things is that Peng is in some sort of bread catatonia right now, and therefore unable to chime in.

So, if two of the Olde Ones pronounce an individual SUP, then the Justicar shall review, and proclaim. If, perchance, the missing third Olde One should show up, wearing someone else's pants (on backwards) and shouting things about 'due process', and 'where the hell are the lawyers', and claiming to have good reason for reprieving the SSN under consideration, then the process shall be put on hold until a Full Court shall be convened.

Also, should any Lady of the Pool arrive to request an indulgence and consideration of the status of some stupid bastard, the whole 'Pool shall withold (ultimate) judgement and debate it in full.

I don't know. Seems fair. What do you lot think?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Oh, sorry, a quick amendment. Complete and utter idjits can be cast out on the recommendation of two of the Olde Ones, because it's bloody hard to get all three of us posting at once. For example, my current take on things is that Peng is in some sort of bread catatonia right now, and therefore unable to chime in.

So, if two of the Olde Ones pronounce an individual SUP, then the Justicar shall review, and proclaim. If, perchance, the missing third Olde One should show up, wearing someone else's pants (on backwards) and shouting things about 'due process', and 'where the hell are the lawyers', and claiming to have good reason for reprieving the SSN under consideration, then the process shall be put on hold until a Full Court shall be convened.

Also, should any Lady of the Pool arrive to request an indulgence and consideration of the status of some stupid bastard, the whole 'Pool shall withold (ultimate) judgement and debate it in full.

I don't know. Seems fair. What do you lot think?<hr></blockquote>

Point of order!


I believe my (mostly) infallible patron of olde has made up his mind to disembowel this wanker without due process. Therefore, I demand a full court hearing! I myself, though I have no knowledge of law so to speak, propose to defend this little panzy to the fullest of my powers.

He may be rude, crude, crass, lacking in wit, manners, grace, and even intelligence, but he has nonetheless, by his horrid little posts, thrown himself on the mercy of this the MBT!

Now we all know how he wounded fair Seanachai to the quick with his masturbatory quackings, and I think it has caused the g-nomish g-night to see red, and I detect a certain rare and poignant lack of rational thought recently.

Call the stenographers! Strap on the wigs! We must try this vagrant!

[ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Point of order!


I believe my (mostly) infallible patron of olde has made up his mind to disembowel this wanker without due process. Therefore, I demand a full court hearing! I myself, though I have no knowledge of law so to speak, propose to defend this little panzy to the fullest of my powers.

He may be rude, crude, crass, lacking in wit, manners, grace, and even intelligence, but he has nonetheless, by his horrid little posts, thrown himself on the mercy of this the MBT!

Now we all know how he wounded fair Seanachai to the quick with his masturbatory quackings, and I think it has caused the g-nomish g-night to see red, and I detect a certain rare and poignant lack of rational thought recently.

Call the stenographers! Strap on the wigs! We must try this vagrant!

[ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]<hr></blockquote>

Good Christ, what have you been drinking? Cleaning solvent?

Your post was even more bereft of written ability than Iron Chef Sakai's (who we can only assume is the person you were attempting to 'defend').

I'm more than happy to wait (endlessly) for the vote of Peng. Not that he hasn't already dismissed the pillock in question, but I'm gung-ho for an observance of the verities.

But a trial? For this idjit? Only if a Knight of the Peng Challenge Thread requires it will it be...oh, sodding hell.

You're going to request a full trial for this useless little idjit, aren't you, Jason?

Sod all.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

So, if two of the Olde Ones pronounce an individual SUP, then the Justicar shall review, and proclaim. If, perchance, the missing third Olde One should show up, wearing someone else's pants (on backwards) and shouting things about 'due process', and 'where the hell are the lawyers', and claiming to have good reason for reprieving the SSN under consideration, then the process shall be put on hold until a Full Court shall be convened.


mmmm, court reporters? mmmmm.

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Pansy Bleeder, are you insane?

The only court the little, spotty gimp deserves is a kangaroo court.

This is how it goes:

Court officer: "All rise!"

Judge Judy: "Hear ye the case of IronBuns Suckeye. Defense council, proceed"

Defense Council: "In the matter of the Cess V Iron........"

Judge Judy: "GUILTY AS CHARGED!!, PENALTY..... DEATH!!!!!!"

You see how simple it is? And really, it is far more than the little confectionary shipping handler deserves so in fact, we are being such nice fellows in even letting him get this far. It must be christmas or sumfink.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Oh, for Go...er, well , for the sake of consensus, Berli, how say you of my proposal<hr></blockquote>

Here's my counter proposal... let Shaw decide unless the wayward Peng arrives... hmmm, this might work. We let Shaw stand in for missing Olde Ones

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(knock, knock)

Oh, yeah, get yer Gerbiiiils 'ere.... 'amsters voles and mice.... lots of luuurrrvly rodents.... (come on me nice and kindly Knights of Wafflelot?) ...got yer hamsters, got yer gerbils.... get 'em on the stick... oh, yeah, tasty snack in court.... 'amsters on a stick

.... Special offer... keyboard keys... got yer keyboard keys? Got yer , and yer :, lots of lurvly bbbbbbbs, and yer CAPS LOCK.... and yer SHIFT

... brain... need a brain?.... got a load of brains.... got yer mystic brain, got yer jester brain, got yer monkish brain.... er, er, got yer (giggle)... Knight's brain.... er.... (BWHHHHWABWABWABWAHBWABWABWABWA).... (dropped)

(aside: bloody useless 'ere in Wafflelot with their "oh so kindly courtly , luvvy-duvvy-oooh-I-smite-thee-in-the-face-with-me-ladies-hankey. Fops! By the relics of St Yeknod, bleedin customers.... ain't a clue, lot of 'em, mincing around with their "Sirs" and "Olde Ones"... bleedin' drain on yer artisan and peasants... couldn't smack a comatosed dragon)

..... 'amsters, lots of lurrrvly 'amsters on a stick


[ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]</p>

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On another note, I must say I do prefer a Cabernat Sauvignon/Merlot blend over a straight Merlot.

Granted the merlot offers a softer, rounder grape over the coarser 'Cab Sav' but I feel that relying on the Merlot alone looses somewhat of the body and character of the wine.

So what to do?

Plunder the oak tannins of a Cabernat Sauvignon while the taste buds recoil from the citric acid or fall challengless into the soft, yielding feather mattress of the summer berry tinged Merlot?

Such are the quandries faced daily in the lives of the aristocracy and it behooves me to share a leetle insight into this 'battlefield of the intelligentsia' for you, my Kameraden.

Now, obviously a nice middle Italian 'Valpolicella' does set off wonderfully the tensile aromas of a perky Edam or Gouda cheese, but it is the bread that completes the trilogy. No 'loaf of fine sliced white thanks mate' here, oh no, no, no, my freinds. A loaf must be broken to offer the virtue of character to complement the wine and the cheese.

Of course, no bread would dare see the light of day among such exalted company without its 'soldier at arms', the sundried tomatoe. Just a little mind, not too much, as we are complementing the cheese, not overpowering it.

But all things in balance, the wine must not be quaffed. What is the rush? We have all evening and as the sun falls lower in the sky over the grounds of the villa and the shadows gradually grow longer, the searing heat of the early afternoon falls gradually to the warm, blanketing humidity of early evening.

Relaxed in his chair, a Kniggett can savour the sharpness of a quality cheese, tainted ever just so by the pungent tomatoe, carried delicately in the bosom of the freshly cracked loaf, and enjoy to the full the refreshment of palate offered by the Vino.

A fine red will comfort its carer and punish its abuser so beware, and tread lightly upon its hallowed halls as even the most wary of travellers may fall fowl of the Sirens call.

Stealing two bottles of red from a restaraunt in Rome before a party back at the hotel is definitely not on, especially if any form of sightseeing is to be considered over the course of the next day.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

At's noo often Ah wid spare tha braith tae sae thas aboot a SSN, but Ah leek tha cut o' AhGiADonkeyOopMahBum's jib!

(twang) eh?

Rameends mae o' tha Daffy Duck carrtoon where's tha wee twit as made oop as a minstrel ain Robin Hood's forest...trippin' o'er haes lute. Stamp on a Bulge-eyed-rat's bladder fer mae, bu' Ah blew snot oot mah nose whain Ah saw tha'!

Och, afore Ah fergait - Croda, widye noo pull ye foreskin o'er ye haid an' whistle us a tune laddie?


By the hooves of St Yeknod, a Scoooot! Clan McTavish, methinks? Surely, ye jest? A Scoot appreciating music and posey? Na, 'aving me on!

(strum, strum)

Oh, if you will, me Knightly-skirt-wearing Jock...


... though its wasted....


... but, oh, it is ART


... and I suppose it might calm the savage brute


There be a Knight of Northern fame

A Knight no one can blame


The beast did bite 'n claw and flame

And Haggis was its name


... totally wasted, ho-hum (sigh)


[ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]</p>

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Iron Chef

Yeh, this pit is niether room nor pool.. but the smell suggests the lower latrines and urinals of the Wafflelot Castle complex... a place for aged, hackneyed retrobates... the dispossed, retard unter-Knights.... pity 'em Iron Chef, for they hath chosen the ladies cubicles to do unclean and loathsome things...

... no sport here (topples Knight off chair), no spine (twists the whiskers of another)... no semblance of brain activity (bangs on helmet) that could find the battle... lest take to arms and win glory. No Iron Chef, this be a rag-bag, pig-bladders-full bunch of scrotum low-life wasters, the most unclean and morally degenerate of crawling, inept sloaths one could ever manage to find, should they peep out into rays of the day's sun (pinches crest and shield of Berlichtingen, Seanachai and Panzer Leader). Copp, this, Iron Chef, try 'em on for size! (hee, hee)


[ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

You, on the other hand, showed just how self-aggrandizing an ego you are toting around<hr></blockquote>

Not at all old boy. Would have much rather used your fine visage to make my point, but you seem to be one of those chaps who didn't have the yarbles to give Lorak a real picture

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Originally posted by GOANNA


But on to weightier issues, Bard. With your current belittlement at the hands of yet another Australian, how goes the quest to "Crush all Australians". I would think it high time you pronounce us all, as a creed, the crunchiest of all opponents!. Or, would you care for another go at me, Don Quixote?


Sir Goanna, It goes well for us Oustanding Australians. The Silly Old Fart's forces are fading before my troops deadly onslaught. It just remains to see what remains of his inept attempt to dispute an Aussies obvious greatness. I also hear tell that his ineptitude extends to his battle with the 'pool Grog.

There really is no-one not Australian, in the 'pool of slack-jawed-faggots that can stand up and stay there for long enough to be counted. (Except as dead meat) It gets tiresome kicking the head of a 'pooler after a while. Still - It's a dirty job, and someone Australian has to do it.


[ 12-21-2001: Message edited by: Noba ]</p>

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Orginally posted by Nobody

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Still - It's a dirty job inseminating sheep, but someone Autralian has to try and improve our bloodline<hr></blockquote>

Mace! I believe one of your fellow 'Ozztralians is challenging your divine right to shag sheep! Bah (bah, bah, bah), I say let this 'strine grapple with the shaved haunches of his fellows, and allow his "swimmers" their chance at glory! For did not a famous man say "It is not the measure of a man's worth, the size of his flock but the tender nibbling of sheep at his nethers?". I think it was Winston Churchill (Mk VIII) that said "it". Bow not before the succulent altar of sheepish pleasure but find within' yourself the two pence of a paying customer! Pony up mates. I know you can pool your meager resources for one last fling (or spurt) at greatness. Don't delay! Only 3 E-Z payments of US$39.95! Sorry no CODs or 'strine addresses allowed.

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Hanns, I think you miss the point. Most likely, you sat on it as you mostly speak out of your nether regions.

THE POINT is that Seanachai is getting his Royals Kicked by every Australian he is playing. !!

You being a poster of no consequence, who is allowed to dribble onto the floor of the 'pool in lieu of relevant posts, have an icecubes hope in Australia (at any time) of beating any Australian at any attempt of a fair game.



[Edited all right...!]

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

And another thing... where the Hell did he get the username 'Yeknodathon'? Sounds like something that might get invented if H.P. Lovecraft and Jerry Lewis (sorry Pawbroon, no insult to your national hero intended) went out on a pub crawl together<hr></blockquote>

Maybe its code . . .

Hmmm . . .

"Yeknodathon" . . .

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . . .

I got it!

"Yeknodathon" is "Know the Donkey" spelled backwards!

So this pile of maggot droppings "knows" the donkey!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Not at all old boy. Would have much rather used your fine visage to make my point, but you seem to be one of those chaps who didn't have the yarbles to give Lorak a real picture<hr></blockquote>

HA! and, and a double HA! HA!HA! Yarbles have nothing to do with it.

Somehow I have never managed to acquire a scanning device for the home computer. So, believe it or not, I don't have an electronic image of myself to give to the deranged elf. I stole Werner's image for fun.

This technical issue will be corrected in about 4 days, at which time, I will have to see about accomodating your, how to put this delicately, desire. SIT DOWN BAUHAUS! It isn't that kind of accomodation.

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Its close to the end of this wretched incarnation of the Mutha Beautiful Thread (and it will always be there - see Kelly's Heroes). I have a game going because of my old friend in arms and idiocy. I'm grateful to each of you who saved your old games that we were playing. Grateful as in I abhor you for remembering my CM dysfuction and you want to hold me accoutable. I'd like to request that you delete that saved game alot. Really!! I know the sins of the father and all...but I'm not challenging anyone around here for quite some time. It would break my heart knowing that I'd fail to commit to some more games and then let you all down again. So, go ahead and mark that down as a win for yourself and yet another disastrous loss for me. I do hope to be available this holiday for some of that sweet TCPIP action. That way you can see me lose in real time.

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