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A Little Story

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Once upon a time…

It seems such a long time ago now, but it has been less than three years. In that time, so much has happened that it is hard to remember it all. One story, however, really stands out from the others. It is a story of perseverance, hard work, and a common goal. This story has two beginnings, one middle, and the ending has yet to be written.

Let's start with the first beginning. We find ourselves in Ohio about three years ago watching a figure perched over his computer keyboard typing feverishly and laughing maniacally at what he types for others to read. This four-hour ritual is performed almost every night for many months and changes the mad typist in horrifying ways. Once a "normal," hard-working, productive member of society, he has slowly spiraled down into the depths of madness. On his way, he has caught the attention of the wardens of a facility that "helps" others of his kind. These wardens decide that, in the interest of protecting the general populace, it would be best to "invite" this madman to join them.

Without hesitation, he accepts the offer from these friendly strangers. He looks forward to meeting others like him and sharing stories of life on "the outside." The mad typist takes little time adjusting to his new surroundings and decides he would like to stay as long as he can. There is talk of a twelve-year plan for him and he agrees (after the initial shock wears off) that it would be best for all if he was in a safe place.

As the months pass, the madman slowly forgets how much his nightly typing ritual meant to him. Occasionally he is granted permission to do limited typing, but these sessions become fewer and fewer.

Meanwhile, the other beginning to the story is unfolding on a small island halfway around the world from the madman. There is another man who spends time typing on his keyboard and enjoys sharing his work with others. Unfortunately for this island man, he does not have as much time as he would like to spend doing what gives him so much pleasure. Further, it seems the madman is getting all the attention of the adoring public. So, the island man decides to bide his time and wait for an opportunity to present itself.

Well, that opportunity came shortly after the madman entered Big Top Sanitarium. Gradually, the island man received more and more material that he could use. This, combined with the extra time he was able to spend typing, garners him more of the attention that was once reserved only for the madman. As things continued to get better and better for the island man, there were a few bumps along the way. These never amounted to much more than a nuisance and he was able to carry on as usual.

Unfortunately for the island man, just as things were looking as good as could be, a disaster befell him and he was forced to weigh his options and make a very difficult decision. As painful as it was, the island man decided that he was no longer able to continue his typing and resigned himself to a fate of aimless wandering.

Well, about the time the madman entered the sanitarium (which was about the time the island man was becoming busier) a third character entered the picture. A man from the Land of Cheese, seeing a need in the community, decided to set up a service that would help unite typists of all lands. Both the madman and the island man (along with many others) happily joined this new club. Things went so smoothly that the madman asked the cheese man to join forces with him. This partnership allowed the madman's work to receive some attention, albeit a far cry from what it once received.

This arrangement worked well for all three characters. The madman busied himself chasing butterflies on the grounds of Big Top Sanitarium, the island man kept typing away, and the cheese man was reaching a larger audience. This was the time that the disaster struck for the island man. Reacting swiftly (and visiting the madman at the sanitarium, despite risk of great bodily harm), the cheese man devised a plan that would put everything right again.

After many discussions and much begging and pleading, the madman finally agreed to hear the cheese man's idea. Through the drug-induced haze, the madman saw the beauty of the plan. It could...no, it WOULD work! Now, the only thing left to do was convince the island man of the merits of the plan. This was much easier to do than expected and it was settled. All three men agreed on what needed to be done:

Manx is taking over as Director of Content (a.k.a. Mod Bitch) at CMHQ, effective immediately! Also, new stuff on CMHQ should be appearing within a week.

And they all lived happily ever after???

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A veteran of one and a half years -- i thought i'd seen it all. I'd fought alongside some of the best of em'. I was there with Clubfoot as we made it ashore onto Omaha Beach; i've battled through the bocage with Rune; saved some guy called Ryan with Wild Bill, and toughed it out in the Ardennes with Franko. Hell, i'd even come up against the infamous Kampfgruppe "Panzerman" and it's illuminous Green Stugs, but nothing could prepare me for what was to come next.

You see, my old unit got shaken up pretty badly and could no longer mount effective operations, and so a spot of R n'R back in dear old Blighty looked on the cards. My luck was out! I gets these orders to report to some "HQ" unit or something. Never mind i thought; a post to some god-forsaken, rear-area Command/Supply unit; some place where i could "brew-up" in peace and hopefully see out this stinking war and still be around to tell the tale. I shoulda known better. Turns out that this so-called "HQ" unit is operating right on the frontline (and most often behind it!), taking on missions that other, more sane men, fear to get involved in.

It got worse...i then hears it's lead by a couple of the meanest, toughest, baddest mothers on the whole of the Western Front. There's the guy they call "MadMatt", the CnC, who's seen so much action he's rumoured not to wear a helmet in combat -- he just camoes his shaven head. Then there's his 2nd in Command -- "SuperTed" - They say this guy never sleeps; a nasty piece of work by all accounts. You know what...something tells me this posting ain't gonna be no picnic, and to top it all off -- Rumour has it we're being transferred to the Russian Front soon. Talk about "outta the frying pan..."

Yours, Living in fox-hole -- Manx -- CMHQ (Somewhere behind enemy lines) :(

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

This is news? :D

Congrats to Manx and BTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No where's that bone you promised?<hr></blockquote>

First things first. After this new arrangement is solidified, we'll get back to the business at hand. Don't be surprised if there's more of the good stuff as early as next week.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Gyrene:

Congrats on your new gig Manx!!!!

Maybe CMHQ will have some class now :D


Their ammo was almost out and Kolobanov got congratulations via the radio and an order to pull back. Already three other KVs were on the way to the battlefield, and they killed 20 more German tanks. There were 42 German tanks and two guns destroyed. Kolobanov's tank received 135 hits, but none penetrated. Kolobanov was awarded the Order of Lenin and Usov (the driver) was awarded the Order of the Red Banner."

From Combat Mission HQ


I like your signature. I was afraid nobody read those little tidbits. smile.gif

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Manx was on the point of receiving some wine - him being in a drunken stupor was the only way I could see that the good work, started @ Combat Missions, continued!

Congratulations friend.

Charl Theron



Excellent wine generates enthusiasm. And whatever you do with enthusiasm is generally successful.

-- Baron Philippe de Rothschild

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by WineCape:

Manx was on the point of receiving some wine - him being in a drunken stupor was the only way I could see that the good work, started @ Combat Missions, continued!

Congratulations friend.

Charl Theron



Excellent wine generates enthusiasm. And whatever you do with enthusiasm is generally successful.

-- Baron Philippe de Rothschild<hr></blockquote>

CMHQ will be BETTER! ;)

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed:

Don't be surprised if there's more of the good stuff as early as next week.<hr></blockquote>

Please, don't dissapoint us with this schedule. smile.gif We're dying out there for any news on CMBB.

And congratulations for you, Manx. Right man on a right place! And I hope your sig will soon look like this:

Resources for Big Time Software's "COMBAT MISSION: Beyond Overlord and COMBAT MISSION: Barbarossa to Berlin"


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by SuperTed:

First things first. After this new arrangement is solidified, we'll get back to the business at hand. Don't be surprised if there's more of the good stuff as early as next week.<hr></blockquote>

You mean this weekend, not next week, this weekend. That's what you mean right?

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