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Peng, Your Challenge Necessitates Gamey Manouvrouvrevoouvring!

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Oops, the rules:

Make it interesting but no vulgarities, you pissants!

Make sure to post stupid, stupid, 'Look at me, I'm posting in the Peng thread!' posts (This only applies to gits like The Commisar)

Respect Berli, for he is evil.

A little song, a little dance, Batman's head on a lance.

[This message has been edited by Hamsters (edited 03-14-2001).]

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Bloody git, shifting your infantry are you? And what's with that Inf Gun? Attirtionistia if I eversaw it!


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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Ahh a little tome update for the gits.









Smallish Game updates.

Iskander... Is correct in that I am killing myself. But only to deprive him of the pleasure. Have lost all hope since nothing larger than a rifle is destined to hit a target this game.

GiTom... too close to call. He is still a gamey bastage, But I'm making progress.

Hakko... Still in that turkish prison.

Moriarty... Can give an update, because even I have no idea whats going on.

Everyone else is a nonpooler/lurker? So you aren't worth mentioning.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Lorak, not so fast!

Meeks: Win

Mensch: Utter Defeat


Meeks: Win

Mensch: Utter Defeat

In what could be considered fate paying Mensch back for the wins given him, in the face of all reason, while fighting us some time back, was given the worst bend over and take it, painful CMing of his life. Twice. Not only did the computer figure that his Jagdpanther (Which bounced a Tungsten shell from my Sherman/76) should abandon after taking track and gun damage in the first battle, it later determined that Mensch deserved to pay penance for stealing candy from lepers or some other heinous crime by awarding him the following units for an attack:

1 Platoon of limeys

2 MMG Carriers

2 Extra Mortars

3 Cromwells.

Arrayed against him, the computer gave us 4(!) Hetzers, a Pak40 and a platoon of VGs. Mensch was dead in less time than it takes Stuka to whip out his pitifully sized thingie.

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Hamsters of all people!!!

Aww... come home to The One True Pool.

We've had our little diversions here and there around the globe, some bad (Down under anyone?), some good (Swedish blondes named Inga, hoot!).

But here we are home at last. Home to our distinctly non-nationalistic pile of slime and bile. No matter where you go, there you are.

So let me welcome all you muffin-munching, gap-toothed, lice-picking, toe-jam eatin', pretentious, arrogant little snots home.

Now sod off so I can go watch Stalingrad...


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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Jeeves, I say Jeeves!

Yes Sir, you called?

I say Jeeves, he's ... well he's at it again!

He, Sir? And who might that be, Sir?

Why this Hairy Obreast fellow, Jeeves, you recall, the chap you ran off some time ago, the cheeky bugger ...

Sir may I suggest that you moderate your language. Your aunt would be most upset Sir.

Oh well, righto Jeeves, quite correct and all that but still Jeeves ...

Yes Sir, Herr Oberst you say? And what has he done this time Sir?

Well just look at it Jeeves, HE'S welcoming US to the thread. As if it was his right or something, well Jeeves, I mean it puts a fellow's back up, what?

Indeed Sir, one does see your point. Shall I deal with him Sir?

Steady on Jeeves, this time I think it is I that shall take a stand. Rule Britannia and all that, eh?

Oh Sir, I don't believe I would recommend that course of action.

What say Jeeves? Surely you're not suggesting that I can't handle this situation adequately?

Never that Sir, but there are ... international issues involved that might mitigate against your course of action.

Oh, but blast it Jeeves, is the scoundrel to get off scott free?"

Never fear Sir, I shall diplomatically deal with the gentleman.

Aha, well, then ... play up Jeeves, hip hip and all that.

{Jeeves walks up to Herr Oberst and taps him on the shoulder. Herr Oberst turns, sees Jeeves and pales by several degrees. Jeeves whispers in his ear, Herr Oberst's eyes go wide and he bolts for that dark haven from whence he sprang.}

Oh I say Jeeves, well done again. But whatever did you say to him to have that effect?

One word Sir ... Bauhaus!

Ah ... Bauhaus.

Bauhaus Sir. Shall I lay out your tweeds Sir, I believe that Sir Berli will be by after the Opera?

Quite so Jeeves, the tweeds it shall be. And ... well done again Jeeves.

I endeavor to give satisfaction Sir.







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Originally posted by Hamsters:

Stuka, you imbecile, this is the new thread, keep your Hi Momming to yourself!

Well, slap me silly and call me Elijah!

Since when has this cockneyed excuse for a thread become the mutha thread, Hammy old fruitbat?

The Swedish thread is not locked, so I am forced to assume that you are attempting a manoeuveourist hijacking of the 'pool for your own egocentric concerns.

You really should keep a better control over your inner Croda. The little bugger is getting too big for his boots.

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Right then Elvish, you pointy-eared little piccolo-playing fairy. Stop prancing around between the mushrooms, gawking at farm animals from below and molesting rodents. I seem to remember you promising me a game a while ago (aha, bet you thought I'd forgotten – and no, any change in circumstances which has come about in the meantime does not absolve you of your duty). So stop quivering behind that cow pat and stand up so I can stomp you into the ground like similar pesky invertebrates (except that I tend to avoid unnecessarily harming spiders and such, treatment which I would not accord such lesser creatures as yourself). Send me a setup, and I shall punish you for living in Philadelphia, without actually telling you why.


All true Americans love to kill deer, wade into them, spill their guts, shoot them in the belly. When you put your hand into a gob of goo, that moments before was your best head of garden lettuce, well, you'll know what to do. – Bruno Weiss

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Stuka you twat, it seems that your brains have permanently migrated to your nether regions in the lee of recent events. If you were to attempt processing information using the grey stuff behind your eyeballs, you would understand that the Mad One has ordered the imminent closure of the current Peng Thread and the creation of a new one for reasons of Forum, Operation, Efficiency Thereof.


All true Americans love to kill deer, wade into them, spill their guts, shoot them in the belly. When you put your hand into a gob of goo, that moments before was your best head of garden lettuce, well, you'll know what to do. – Bruno Weiss

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Presumably you have forgotten how to navigate web pages, so I shall provide you with some assistance – if only to pre-empt further contributions along the line of "Hi Mom!". This will have the unfortunate side-effect of preventing you from making yourself look even sillier (if that were possible), although you are free to continue if you feel that strongly about it.

Madmatt wrote:

Okay, time to go somewhere else (getting over the reply limit here) and remember, I like catchy Thread titles.


All true Americans love to kill deer, wade into them, spill their guts, shoot them in the belly. When you put your hand into a gob of goo, that moments before was your best head of garden lettuce, well, you'll know what to do. – Bruno Weiss

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Expect no turns from Hammie tonight as now that he has started the infamous PENG thread he is now deep in preparation for the upcoming ritual suicide to take place. Please do not bother him further.



Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb

-Kryton of Red Dwarf

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Not another Peng thread!?

I am sick of these frigging things. Can't we start calling them the "Twig and Berry Show" or the "Drive-by Idiot Comment" thread, or the "Hamsters are a Bunch of Frigging Attritionista Bastards" thread?

Enough already. Seanachai and I never even finished the damn game that started this whole mess. Shut up already and leave me out of it.

Pack of ninnies...mutter mutter... why in my day...damn kids...tired all the time...mutter...hafta pee 60 times a day...mutter mutter...


That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable

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I request you record the following....

ME - Ultimate winner and nine time champion!

JD - Scum sucking loser, but mind you, scum comes in a close 3rd behind him.

Yes.. The Score was 60-something to 30-something. The score though does not reflect the sound thumping I gave JD. For I took my time and smelled the flowers and the burning corpses along the path to JD's humiliation and thus I was punished with not having enough time to take the last flag. I did take 4 of them... But who am I kidding JD knows I played him like a bustop whore.

Ahhh.. the joy....

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hmm reinforced Bn vs reinforced company and you manage ONLY a minor victory, I'd say that that's a victory for me Mrcan'tevenmanageto thumppondscum. That's pathetic, just like your tactics, even rolling up my flank you still could not take all the flags. What a doof. A 3-1 advantage and you squander it like a 2 bit whore squanders her viginity 4x a day.

Jefe, I thought you were supposed to be good? I guess in the venacular allegedly good. Well I haven't seen it. If I, off all people can hpold out against that tsunami of feldgrau you commanded, well the fault must lie at the top of the field command. Minor vic, jefe, minor vic.


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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Crodaburg... is... terrible... None must ever play Crodaburg. Its first turn was 1400k. There were bunkers and more bunkers and barbed wire and, oh the humanity! Turn two may be a little better.

David, your setup is a coming but there better be another panel in the All Your Cesspool Are Belong To Us strip (By the way, as a sage Babs pointed out to me, it's "Somebody set up us the bomb" not "Somebody set us up the bomb". Everyone else, eat hot death. Except for jd and shandorf, who are making us eat more than our fair share of hot death. A pox on both your houses.

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I have it on good authority that Goanna is making him his bitch

Ah, yes, and I have the pics to prove it. DKHolder is currently holding little else in our long awaited match. His plethora of green troops has been scattered like so much dust in the breeze as he learns the first lesson that the AI never taught him. Namely, that larger arty does not necessarily mean better arty. Mortars arrive on target far sooner than used VW Kombis, men have legs and it is possible to guess which way arty will be walked and run the other. Now if I can just catch his unsupported TD’s in the right spot, I will teach him not to go walkabout with your AFV’s where schrecky might me holed up. Really, what good would a bitch slap from me be without a couple of good schreck kills?

Bloody git, shifting your infantry are you? And what's with that Inf Gun? Attirtionistia if I eversaw it!

Although poorly targeted, I believe that this comment was directed for my response as well. Seems that jd is finding that recently acquired hilltop perhaps not quite the real estate buy he had hoped, especially since my SonderLizards have managed to get into his flank and are currently sorting through the goo that used to be his mortar support. What’s the total in reaching your goal of becoming my recently acquired silhouette, counsellor, 2 platoons or three?

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I have it on good authority that Goanna is making him his bitch

Ah, yes, and I have the pics to prove it. DKHolder is currently holding little else in our long awaited match. His plethora of green troops has been scattered like so much dust in the breeze as he learns the first lesson that the AI never taught him. Namely, that larger arty does not necessarily mean better arty. Mortars arrive on target far sooner than used VW Kombis, men have legs and it is possible to guess which way arty will be walked and run the other. Now if I can just catch his unsupported TD’s in the right spot, I will teach him not to go walkabout with your AFV’s where schrecky might me holed up. Really, what good would a bitch slap from me be without a couple of good schreck kills?

Bloody git, shifting your infantry are you? And what's with that Inf Gun? Attirtionistia if I eversaw it!

Although poorly targeted, I believe that this comment was directed for my response as well. Seems that jd is finding that recently acquired hilltop perhaps not quite the real estate buy he had hoped, especially since my SonderLizards have managed to get into his flank and are currently sorting through the goo that used to be his mortar support. What’s the total in reaching your goal of becoming my recently acquired silhouette, counsellor, 2 platoons or three?

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