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Please, In all that is Holy, do not allow mouse to start a PENG CHALLENGE!!!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leeo:

...Edited because Malt Liquor is my friend, you pie-eyed excuses for warriors.


Another lace-pants pricky-**** that's never tamed the Cobe. Feh on you and your girly suburban malt liquors. Feh.

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You to sorry to even be considred a loser.

Yes, I will admit to having drunk my share of Malt Liquor when I was young( read to young to buy , so would settle for anything). I have indeed spent many a teenage weekend hung over on some cheep King Cobra and its ilk. But, when I grew old enough to buy for myself. I also had gotten old enough to know the diffrence between good and paint thinner. A diffrence you have yet to learn or accept.

So while most of us will admit drinking ****e when we were young. No one but a complete moron whould admit to choosing to buy and drink that ****e.

Hell even our homless winos around here have better taste than you are admitting.

Lorak the loathed

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Panty Liner wrote:

Emma you are so sweet.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Aaarrgh!! Now look what you've done! Rule no.1 of pathetic little whining gits: they will latch onto even the slightest indication that you sympathise with them. One minute they're nicely on the way to drinking themselves into a stupor, and then hopefully going for a stroll on a busy road, someone points out that they're maybe having a hard time, and then BANG! they go all sickly sweet on us.

Anyway, I shall return you all to your discussing about gin, which seems to have occupied the past 50+ posts almost without exception. Oops, I had to go and spoil it, didn't I? Well I'm British, what do you expect.

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Great Caesar's Ghost,

I would rather see a 40 page blubbering vomit pile by mouse than read the lusting, witless typings of a bunch of pathetic boozehounds, trying to shake off the Delerium Tremors while posting at work... Your breath smells like the bottle of BRUT your kids bought you last Christmas, and they always wondered why you never wear it at home...

At least that prick mouse didn't try to sound philosophical about the rotgut he was imbibing. News Flash: Your chemical dependancy doesnt make you distinguished or respectable. You are a drunk. And apparently a PICKY drunk. There's a dignity that even whinos have that the rest of you can't attain or understand. Its the honest pride in no longer wearing undergraments, the spartan practical efficiency of eating other people's cheese paper without regret. They know the truth about themselves.

So let's hear it. Who will be the next oaf to step up and claim entitlement to a Nobel Prize for having a penchant for Sikorsky's Siberian PotatoJuice circa 1979 or some ****e?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

So let's hear it. Who will be the next oaf to step up and claim entitlement to a Nobel Prize for having a penchant for Sikorsky's Siberian PotatoJuice circa 1979 or some ****e?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What? You still alive?!!!

I thought we gave you that quarter?!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

I'm rather partial to a mug of Aitken's Special Brew. Two thirds boiling water and one third milk. I sometimes even use a teabag when I'm in need of a real kick.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

David, you must lead such an exciting, fast paced life!

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Mace, do some bloody work ya bludger. Oops, Ah main, Mace ye back-sleedin Sassanach ferret doon ye trooser stuffer - will ye noo do some work an' stop bludgin' ain the tax payers poond?

Ah hate ye an' ye gamey artillery....


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Geez, if you're going for cheap adolescent thrills, then you've got to remember those nights where the boys drank Mad Dog 20/20 and the girls had their Strawberry Hill. Ahhhh...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is a myth. No actual human being ever drank either of these two piss beverages, except the first occassionaly on Holidays involving a deeply-rooted belief in Yaweh and the need to still git a buzz on.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

This is a myth. No actual human being ever drank either of these two piss beverages, except the first occassionaly on Holidays involving a deeply-rooted belief in Yaweh and the need to still git a buzz on.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's YHWH and watch how you use it.

Got that new setup done, btw? Playing two of you Venturans is two too many....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

Great Caesar's Ghost,

You are a PICKY drunk. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A larger pile of untruths and falsehoods have never been spoken of me. I'll not long endure your slanderous ways, oh Foobar, whose name most closely describes my continual state of conciousness. Piss Off!!

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Move along. Just a double post that I failed to address correctly(as witnessed by my next post, which was inadvertently a "quote" rather than an "edit".

Put a fork in me, I'm done. I'm spent. Sod Off.

[ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: Leeo ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

This is a myth. No actual human being ever drank either of these two piss beverages.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Who says teenagers are Human?


If you were human you'd know that humanity only evolves AFTER the age of 18/20/21 (depending on what the legal age for liquour purchas is where you are!). And your stupid name confirms it - that's obviously not designed for human vocal systems to pronounce!!

So what's your real purpose here? To examine Earth's tactical training systems prior to the invasion of the body snatchers??

[ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

I like my home brew.

Its cheap and effective, much like a Hetzer on a Sunday morning drive around some enemy held VL's eh Seanachai?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You are a low and vulgar fellow, but I forgive you. You may win this one, but from this game I don't doubt you've learned a certain honest respect for your betters, which is mainly myself. You have moved up in my affections to the point where I'd allow you to buff by shoes, and I would even tip you.

No, no, don't thank me. The disturbing look of wonder on your plain, simple, open, half-witted Aussie face as you're allowed to actually touch my footware is thanks enough. More than enough. Mind, I wouldn't allow Mace to touch my feet, even with my shoes on. There's something not quite right about Mace. After Goanna I'd come to believe that Australians were, well, regular blokes. Someone you could hate and despise, but have a certain fellowship with.

But you Aussies, you're a very mixed lot, arent' you? True, you're all despicable, and need crushing, and, true, you have a tendency to bear your young live and then keep them in a pouch because none of you arrives fully developed. But after that, it gets more mixed.

There's the brutally satirical Simon Fox, for example, who I feel should come in here, and demand membership. I mean, what has he to lose? He's already a member of the last, brutally euro-colonized nations on earth. He and all his countrymen are perceived as a nation of criminals. And he's not getting much help from either Speedy or Stuka to dispel that impression (and we won't even mention Mace again, which is getting to be quite normal).

And then there's Goanna, the Lizard King. He seems fairly allowable (I have it on good authority that he was partying in a most unseemly manner with Berli and his evil minions, Moriarity and Bauhaus...well, perhaps not true evil minions. More like henchmen. Half-witted. You know, Moriarity as Igor, and Bauhaus as Igor's Igor, or rather, Moriarity as Renquist, or whatever Peter Lorre's character was called, and Bauhaus as...oh, I don't know, 'Spot' or 'Percy' or whatever Evil Vampire Lords are calling pets that piss the rug these days...but I digress.

In any case, Goanna struck me as pretty much an acceptable lad; bit daft, mind. But then, consider. Why is it he's forced to travel to every hellhole on the planet? What could force a man to leave Australia, and go skipping about the global landscape to places that I wouldn't go to for a dare and large sums of money?

I'll tell you what. The man's deeply bent. Again, we run up against that cosmic Australian failing. Something not quite right.

Well, anyway, let me just leave you with a bit more singsong, jolly night, isnt' it? It's absolute ****e here in Minneapolis, Ninety-tumpty degrees, and who needs that, I ask you?

You can bugger a bat, using echolocation

You can bugger an heiress, using drunken persuassion

But even when using hundred proof alchohol

Well, the Hedgehog can never be buggered at all

Sing, you swine! You all know the chorus!

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Oh how your words wound me.

In the great tenets of discordia drink is among the better things in life.

I should know. I am the Lorak.


Watch for the sign. In the coming days look towards the east. At 33 degrees above the horizon I shall show you a star. This star shall be called Lorak. Fear all who understand these words and know the message of death and truth he shall bring. He is the wind that kills in storms. He is mothers arms that welcome you home. He is all things, and yet he is nothing. Fear the face of the Lorak. It is neither good nor evil. It is simply that of truth and justice. The Lorak is a scribe of the ages. He does not judge what he sees. He does not take pity on the babe lost, nor seek vengence on its killer. He watches. He watches and records these deeds. No instance, no matter how small or trivial,escapes his gaze.

In the end will come a time of great horror. Rocks will be torn asunder, releasing the ancent soul of the earth. Trees will wail in the wind,harking the downfall of man and the coming of the Lorak. Take heed my fellow man. The day will come when the earth strikes back for your impurity. The blood of the mother will no longer seek to feed you. It will seek only your distruction in its depths. These are the days when you must watch and seek out the Lorak. His vision is justice, yet he does not judge. His vision is truth. His vision is unclouded.

Look upon his visage with fear. For in him you shall see yourself.

His face twisted in pain, as your soul is twisted with guilt. His aura dark as night, as your past deeds have blinded you to right.

Know that the path your on is your choosing. The glass does not sweat. It weeps for the small piece of your soul you have deemed unnessasary in its drinking.

Drink is like a paved road in which grows a tree. During this time the rocks will sing and the sun will beckon. Look for these signs! For they fortail the end of days. The Lorak will walk upon the earth, and the pizza delivery guy will forget your soda.

Know this and be judged

Lorak the loathed

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I am pleased to see the thread taking a positive turn, and above all, irritating Aitken.

Despite the generally constructive nature of the more sophisticated members’ contributions, I do need to note that almost all of you are utterly, and perhaps deliberately, stupid.

So many of you were close to the Truth. Scotch is the only whiskey, but Martinis must have vermouth, as mercury must have its gold. An onion now and then is a naughty pleasure, but then it’s a Gibson, isn’t it? And the lemon peel isn’t MY cup of chai, Mr. Paneled Gentleman’s Club, but you were on the right track. Any foo knows that Sikorsky's Siberian PotatoJuice (sic) is what snickering locals actually poured for Mr. Bond, by the way. I have never heard of a use for angostura bitters that did not involve repelling snails from the garden, but perhaps I’ll try that thing once, so that I can hate the SSN with more than the routine motivation. Aquavit ice-cold is palatable, in the same sense that the flesh of all inedible creatures is good, smoked. Regular ouzo is the third or fourth worst thing I have ever imbibed, which includes virtually everything, including Croat–home-brewed slivovitz from my old black-market buddies in the FRG.

As usual, the only one to be near right, without being offensive (in itself offensive, given the environs) is Moriarty. Bombay is the right selection for mixed drinks, and acceptable neat. The Sapphire is a little perfumey, though. And for grapefruit mixes, Gilbey’s or plain rubbing alcohol works just as well. But then I suppose most of you don’t fish, or at least aren’t serious about it. At any rate he lapsed into the bourbon heresy and may be dismissed without further consideration.

Really, the only useful advice came from the Lawyer, but it can’t be accepted without being charged for it. So most of you lot will be cutting up limes with scissors until your fingers are down to the third knuckle. Then it’s a stiff milk and water and off to bed to bleed to death in your sleep.

PS: The discerning only drink their malt liquors from the “Motor City Coaster”, otherwise known as a brown paper bag, to hide their shame, cheapness, and most of all their largesse, from their neighbors.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Looks like Foobar's parole board has released him again. Why don't they enforce that "three strikes and yer out" law? He's like a perpetual SSN with his incoherent rants.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Foobar may be a git, but he's my git, so feel free to piss off. Scum sucking he is, but no newbie

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