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A question, a comment, perhaps all gobbledygook.

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I never bothered to ask this but, what game settings are the most popular when playing CMBO? Are there rules when playing TCP/IP such as no unit bases? The answer is probably no since it's impossible for one player to know what the other player is doing.

Myself, I keep bases on because frankly, I can't see anything that's going on when they are off. Also, my units scale is realistic which makes me wonder, does anyone play with larger unit scale (I hope not)?

That gets me thinking, if the majority of people do in fact have unit bases enabled, I would find it surprising if these are the same people that argue against "gamey" tactics. Doesn't having unit bases on somwhat contradict every argument against "gameyness" that they ever brought up? Specifically, isn't commanding your units from a birds eye view "gamey" in itself? I don't believe, during WWII, that the Germans had grey boxes around them, or the allies neon green boxes that practically sends out the message: LOOK OVER HERE. YES, AT THE NEON GREEN BOX, OKAY NOW SHOOT AT US, YES THAT'S IT, KEEP SHOOTING!'

Essentially, aren't we all playing a game? Last time I checked I wasn't playing real life, so I ask, what could be more "gamey" than Combat Mission, which is, dare I say, a game?

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I like your sig so here's what I hope is a more helpful answer.

About Unit Bases: The idea in CM is that you are a commander, not a gunner. So if your troops have spotted the enemy, they have reported that fact back to you. That is supposed to be available game information. Unit bases just enable you to access that information more quickly and easily. (as does using larger than realistic scale settings). The point is that you should not have to squint into the screen (and ruin your eyes) trying to see troops in the foliage. That is what your pixellated soldiers are doing. Unspotted enemy units don't show up on screen at all, so unit bases on or off won't make a difference there.

There is a set of optional rules, however, called 'Franko's Iron Man Ultra Fog of War Rules' which restrict what you are allowed to look at, and which camera views you can employ. I've tried it, and it makes playing against the AI _very_ challenging.

Gaminess: CM is definitely a game, but the term 'gamey' means exploiting a weakness in the ruleset to get an unrealistic result. For example, due to xtremely poor modelling of how buildings take damage, high rate of fire weapons like 20mm flak guns are among the best building destroyers in the game. A wirbelwind can take down a Large Heavy building in just over 2 minutes. So employing such a unit for the purpose of knocking down buildings would be a 'gamey' trick.



[ 09-29-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Amidst_Void:

Ahhh, very good, I understand now. Let me ask, are you and "Fairbairn-Sykes Trench Knife" from the Peng threads? I figure this because of the strange previous responces.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Me and Trenchfoot are soulmates trapped in utterly personality-incompatible bodies. We played a game, and when I saw his red devils getting mowed down by my HMG's I just knew that this was the opponent of my dreams, someone to really enjoy slaughtering. Our answers had nothing to do with the peng thread, though.

[ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by securityguard:

its funny, last time i remembered combat mission is a game<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I bleedin' know that, why don't ya take your head outta your arse an look at my post one more time, hmmm?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Vergeltungswaffe:

The one thing that no one addressed in response to your post is that only YOU see unit bases, whatever mods you use, etc. Your opponent only sees whatever settings he uses. So leaving unit bases on does not make your troops stand out to the opponent, or anything along those lines.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The example of the American Infantry (above) was used in the situation that, if I have unit bases on and I'm Axis then I would also be able to see unit bases on for my opponent, hence, it's as if my units are aiming for neon green boxes ect.

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Gamey bastard that I am, I have a mod that makes enemy Axis units pink tinted, and allied electric blue. Makes the enemy stand out ever so much better and my units easier to see. Then I have a grid layout for terrain, and woods with transparent trees. Allows me to keep track of the enemy that I can see, and I don't loose track of them so easy.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Amidst_Void:

The example of the American Infantry (above) was used in the situation that, if I have unit bases on and I'm Axis then I would also be able to see unit bases on for my opponent, hence, it's as if my units are aiming for neon green boxes ect.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Your units are aiming at the enemy units. Your units won't see the bases under the enemy units until the see the enemy units first. The bases don't help your units spot the enemy, they are only there to help you locate the units since they are tiny and blend into the terrain easily. Whether you have unit bases on or not has no effect on game play, only on your enjoyment of the game. It's the same with smoke or fog. Tunring them off doesn't increase the range of your units' visibility; it only helps you see things better. If the smoke or fog is there, it is there whether you turn the effects on or off.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

Your units are aiming at the enemy units. Your units won't see the bases under the enemy units until the see the enemy units first. The bases don't help your units spot the enemy, they are only there to help you locate the units since they are tiny and blend into the terrain easily. Whether you have unit bases on or not has no effect on game play, only on your enjoyment of the game. It's the same with smoke or fog. Tunring them off doesn't increase the range of your units' visibility; it only helps you see things better. If the smoke or fog is there, it is there whether you turn the effects on or off.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Are you bloody daft? You seem to be having the utmost difficulty understanding my post, should I baby sit you through its entirety? Am I, for some unexplicable reason, not making myself perfectly clear; not getting my point across, because I could have sworn the majority of people in here are not, in the slightest, confused by my wording.

Also, if you, sir Pvt. Ryan, (the originality of the name, wow) are in fact a member of the Peng team, I should tell you that they made a big mistake.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Amidst_Void:

Are you bloody daft? You seem to be having the utmost difficulty understanding my post, should I baby sit you through its entirety? Am I, for some unexplicable reason, not making myself perfectly clear; not getting my point across, because I could have sworn the majority of people in here are not, in the slightest, confused by my wording.

Also, if you, sir Pvt. Ryan, (the originality of the name, wow) are in fact a member of the Peng team, I should tell you that they made a big mistake.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Errr, Void.... uhhh. I thought you were kidding for most of this post. You do realize that the little sims you see, the mods that paint them, and the funny colored bases, are all elements of the interface and not elements of the engine. The engine parts affect combat,. the interface do not.

I predict Ryan has hit it right on thehead here. Gunny Bunny is gone, no need for a new Gunny Bunny.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fairbairn-Sykes Trench Knife:


Yep...i'm sitting comfortably and eagerly awaiting the BTS Tag-Team to enter the ring. I reckon the new guy could well put up a stiff fight, but in the end i can only see one result in this bout. Bye Bye Void! :D

[ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: Manx ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Manx:

Yep...i'm sitting comfortably and eagerly awaiting the BTS Tag-Team to enter the ring. I reckon the new guy could well put up a stiff fight, but in the end i can only see one result in this bout. Bye Bye Void! :D

[ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: Manx ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Void = Gunny Bunny


Misspelled name of own city in bio.

13 Posts and a member for 1 week, and knows Private Ryan is a Penger.

Word choice is, "similar".

Dissing game from the first post.

Combative when told may be banned.

Uses Juno e-mail address rather than AISF one.

Further Proof:

Anyone have any good observations that shoot my theory down?

Idiotic Attempt to Cut Down Rommel

Idiotic Comment on Mortars

A legitimate poster makes at least one real post in 14. Even Peng.

[ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Void = Gunny Bunny


Misspelled name of own city in bio.

13 Posts and a member for 1 week, and knows Private Ryan is a Penger.

Word choice is, "similar".

Dissing game from the first post.

Combative when told may be banned.

Uses Juno e-mail address rather than AISF one.

Further Proof:

Anyone have any good observations that shoot my theory down?

Idiotic Attempt to Cut Down Rommel

Idiotic Comment on Mortars

A legitimate poster makes at least one real post in 14. Even Peng.

[ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh my, beautifully executed, no comments other than that. Gunny Bunny, man I donno, still gotta figure it out, perhaps it means combative(?).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Void = Gunny Bunny


Anyone have any good observations that shoot my theory down?

Idiotic Attempt to Cut Down Rommel

Idiotic Comment on Mortars

A legitimate poster makes at least one real post in 14. Even Peng.

[ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

AV's not GB

I think you've forgotten (or repressed smile.gif) how illiterate and, well...spastic...GB was. AV has mastered the compound sentence and the comma, which GB could never quite master. I don't think that GB would use a sig from Blake, either.

I also get the impression that AV has played the game, which was never the case with GB.

The posts are different, too. The "tiger tank crews" thread was productive, and I found the 2" mortar comment to be funny.

GBs posts were things like how CM would be better if BTS sold out to MS (!), how he was being oppressed, and how CMBB would be worthless if it didn't have dynamic lighting.

The Rommel post was sort of bizarre, but wasn't in GB's style at all: GB would never claim to have a gay latino lover; GBs style was more along the lines of calling everyone who disagreed with him (i.e., everyone) gay. (There was an extensive "Fionn! That's a girl's name!" conversation on usenet).

So AV isn't GB. Also, he apologized, which denies him GBhood right there.

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