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Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, Play the Peng Challenge For Me

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Cripes! You girls squeak like a bag of week-old kittens, it's so cute!

My great-great-great-great grand-something didn't put Von Steuben trained boot to Redcoat buns so we could end up arguing over titles of all things. Argue about how lame Panzer Leader's posts are, or how scary Berli thinks he is, or whether the recently-published findings that call for the venerable old speed of light "c" to actually be a variable over time instead of a constant are really true or will just end up being measurement errors from whatever the Hubble constant was set at during the experiment.

But titles? As Fat Albert was wont to say, "That's N.C., baby; No Class."

Besides, the only title worth bestowing is "He who is far better than the rest of you drunkard frog touchers", and that title is obviously already mine.

And oh yeah. I'm packing up a truck and moving to Minneapolis this weekend (gotta beat the first snow) so anyone suffering from a PBEM with me will experience something the professionals all call "lost turn time". I'll get back in the saddle ASAP and if my email address changes I might tell you.


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In other news, since cmPlayerhas risen to the vaunted pinnacle of "Squire", even if it is to a lawyering yahoo, I shall bless him with a gamey update.

He dies alot. Basically, as I defend grossdeutschland against the tyranny of the invaders, usieng only the most meager of weapons (including SMG hordes and an entire army's worth of 20mm flak guns) he tries to take ground, but only the flowers are victorious. Also of note, my secret weapon (known affectionately as "hetzer") has single-handedly decimated his armoured corps. He now attacks with deaf sherman crews.

Yes, cmPlayer got quite a shock from that "iron cockroach" as he calls it.

I am also playing the commie cock in two(!) games. Not much to speak of.

The rest of the games are mot memorable, except for a game I started with my former-former-liege, Pawbroon back in 1987. My troops are all wearing penny loafers and I am assaulting his leg-warmer wearing troops. The falling artillery whistles the tune "Flashdance" and I just witnessed the feared american commando "Patrick Swaze" unit, who beat up an entire beerhaus full of my troops before shouting "Wolverines!" and sinking into the earth.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'd like to apply for that position. Or if it's already taken, perhaps Justifier.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I read a wonderful book many years ago called "Master of the Etrax" by Robert Lory. In it the High Hodgepoker (King) had a kind of a cabinet composed of the Suggestor who ... suggested things, the However who acted as the loyal opposition, the Moreover who acted as a further support for the Suggestor and the Nonetheless who usually argued against the However. Why do I mention this ... I'm not sure. I AM sure ... HOWEVER ... that Panzer Leader is damned lucky to be a Knight and that he should not push his luck. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Seems like a more apt title for Ol' Joe would ve UN-Justicar, due to his frequent pogroms.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Pogroms? While we've become used to illogical and confusing statements from Panzer Leader ... this is a personal best.


[ 09-06-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

I have spent some time going thru my large collection of books and have hit upon an idea.

I should have seen this all along but I will throw it out here for discussion.

I Lorak feel that Joe Shaw should be given the title of Justicar.



- A Person that holds the power to punish transgressions of the Traditions, and one of the ultimate authorities in the organization. There is only one Justicar for each Clan at any one time, And all within the clan are subject to their authority, with the only exceptions being members of the Inner Circle.

Only Justicars can call a Conclave, where their judgements are dispensed. These are often harsh, as there are no written guidelines for penalties for specific crimes. And in addition, a Justicar's decisions may only be challenged by another Justicar or head Judge/enforcer.

So.... any thoughts?

Lorak the loathed

Paladin of Peng<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think, Lorak, that you may have achieved the solution.

This sounds right to me. I wasn't at all happy with the whole 'deputy' Inquisitor bit.

Oh, and Dalem, lad, no one's poncing around after titles. Occasionally, here in the Peng Challenge Thread, we feel the need to stir the brew, as it were. Just as the tree of liberty must be frequently watered with the blood of patriots (probably very frequently, should Shaw accept the title of Justicar), so here in the Peng Challenge Thread the Mythology must be renewed, the legend deepened and enriched, and sometimes, it's nice to put in sesame seeds. I just love those.

In any case, just as the Thread is revealed by the passage of the folk, constantly creating 'something' from the 'nothing' of the Wasteland, dragging the present into the future and arguing about it, so is it's very reality kept fixed by the connection to the past.

We could have just made this a generic 'Combat Mission Taunting Area'. It could have been the Velveeta of Taunting Theads. As such, it would have been a constantly renewed thread of useless tripe, with no special character, and where the worst and most imbecilic of newbie insults were constantly reiterated, until the only thing keeping it alive was the arrival of new half-wits keen to prove they were light enough to make the team.

But the Peng Challenge Thread is beyond that. And one of the reasons is that it has proved itself capable of not only moving forward into the future, but of returning to the past. It grows, it evolves, it, apparently, Blames The Damn Dog!

It doesn't matter if all the rank and file 'get it'. It doesn't matter if every post is pithy, pungent, and well-larded with sparkle, wit, and reference.

It only matters that an undefined but significant 'proportion' of posts be such. And that the goal of being so is held in honour by the participants.

To that end, heirarchies have been suggested. Titles have been handed out. Standards suggested, embraced, and fiercely rejected. Warfare is rampant, agreement is non-existant, and consensus is general.

We must do more than create reality from the Wasteland. We must also go Walkabout to renew creation, revisiting and reaffirming what has come out of chaos. For this, certain elders are chosen. They are given titles.

In one mythology, it might be 'Old Man Kangaroo', in another, 'Coyote', or in another 'Justicar'.

They have duties. They have a world they must help define, by ever renewing the roots that it sprang from.

Call them shamans, priests, lunatics, or 'Ole Foul Joe Shaw', but called they must be.

Would you want a world brought into being by the most recent post of the SSNs, nurtured by nothing more than their stupidity, and with no more purpose to it than a good piss?

The time will come, Dalem, oh 'he of the earless dog', when you will realize that you are awash in a sea beyond your present self. You will lie on your back, lapped by the 'Pool, gazing at the posts of brilliance and wit, like stars shining in the firmament above the Wasteland. You will raise up one finger to trace the constellations of the Peng Challenge Thread. Those posts there, you'll murmur, they trace the outline of 'Meeks, Apostate and Defender'. That Triad forms 'the Old Ones'. That bright star, centered amongst the others, is 'the Lorak'.

And so, born up by the 'Pool, redeemed from chaos, and filled with an understanding of the need for creation, you will finally understand.

Oh, and you'll take care to remember that the water's always a little unnaturally warm near the SSNs.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

And so, born up by the 'Pool, redeemed from chaos, and filled with an understanding of the need for creation, you will finally understand.

Oh, and you'll take care to remember that the water's always a little unnaturally warm near the SSNs.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hmm. I don't know what any of that means, but it sure is purty. It stirs me to.. to...


Seanachai types much

His words fit together like

Buxom twin redheads

look away, Dixieland!

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Seanachai that ... that was ... brilliant! If any of the 'pool have done as I usually do and skip over the vast majority of The Bard's posts, DON'T skip this one. Why it practically sings of the soul of the CessPool.

After that ... how could I refuse! Should the position be offered, I SHALL accept and I can only hope to do justice to the awesome responsibility YOU have deliniated.

Of course it's STILL sick to blame it on the DOG!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

I think, Lorak, that you may have achieved the solution.

This sounds right to me. I wasn't at all happy with . . .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> . . . unnaturally warm near the SSNs.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

ZZZZzzzz . . snnnnnkkk, snnnk .. . Hrm, is it over?

[edited for zzzzzznnnnkzzz]

[ 09-07-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Seanachai that ... that was ... brilliant! If any of the 'pool have done as I usually do and skip over the vast majority of The Bard's posts, DON'T skip this one. Why it practically sings of the soul of the CessPool.


Goood, I'm glad it doesn't have M&M in it. Justicar (similar to Juardis I might add), is a brilliant word juxtaposed upon the innocent and unwary. i PArticlaryly like the part about not having to splain yuerself. And it's much more fearsome than PaPoTOTC (which kinda sounds like something from Idaho, if y9u nnooo what imeans) - ssooorry, too muchhh to drink and too late to correct.

NCSU-35, pooor pathetic bit 10 school (that owuld be IU)-14). HA! HOWWWWWWLLLLLLLL. go PACK! as a PS i'd like to thank MRSPKR'S 0U bouyz for curhsing the likes of chapel hill beneathe their clod encrusted heels.

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Oh, that's just GREAT!

SHAW! Tell your boy Lars that he is supposed to LOCK UP the wine cellar in the evening!

Lars is cleaning this mess up if he hurls.

And where the heck are the detailed AARs, Squire Juardis? All you ahve to do is hurl, err, toss, err throw, umm lob, yes lob artillery at Lars then come back and give us details in all their pixelated, crunchy glory. Are there any fires? What do you see? Answer, Squire!

What's that?

No, you can't use it, Squire, I'm afraid it is, err, occupied. Check with Berli, he might have an open loo.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars:

I’ve been upped to Squire, please increase your level of scorn accordingly. Thanks for your support.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No one likes a taddle-tale, but since you're a [correction]Squire[/correction] you're probably well used to being unliked (and scorned, and despised, etc etc etc) anyhow.


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