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Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, Play the Peng Challenge For Me

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hot Emma’s in the brasseries? Oh, hot embers in the braziers, my mistake.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> It's ... {sniff} ... it's just SO gratifying to see one's labors rewarded in such a wonderous manner. Well done Lars, well done indeed. As a reward for the above, your paper for tonight, "Berli, Crochety Old Fool or Just Fool.", is hereby cancelled and you shall receive an "A" for it.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Not only is Joe an idiot, but now we have proof that he is soft!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My methods, Berli, are my own. I don't hesitate to put the boot in when it's warranted, but I have raised two fine squires to Knighthood and am well on the well with the third. The ends justify the means. How many squires have YOU raised to Knighthood?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Jo you worthless nog. I always knew you were a coward at heart. Hiding behind your grandious titles of Persecutor of the Dead or Grand Incontinent Torpid Poobah or whatever, and hiding behind your Lackies

Lardass and MrSpkr (really MrSpnkr, how unseemly for a full fledged Knigget to be the toady of Comrade Xia). The Great Jo Xia has not the time for the killing and entrail ripping that are the reason for our very

existence.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>First, you silly little northern person, I do not have time for the killing of YOU. My time is full and more than full with the killing of the many others who have incurred my wrath. Second, the killing and entrail ripping you refer to is NOT found within the game of CM but rather here. I can make fun of you whether we play or not, though it really isn't very challenging. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Instead, you prance about like some la-dee-da poofta spouting off about red brassieres and stroking things and other such gibberish.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now this goes TOO far, I'll not have ANY member of the MBT making light of serious matters such as red brassiers and stroking ... you are periously close to blasphemy, Marlow. I'd make an appointment with the Father Confessor were I you ... {ugggghhh, THAT was a nasty thought}.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump:

{whining about scenario snipped here}<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>



























I guess it depends on your deployment, then. You have managed to whack several tank commanders, and the few times you have bothered to try an ambush, you have caused heavy casualties. Although you have yet to crunch a tank, my infantry is down to a little less than half strength -- and there weren't that many to begin with. Several of my 'squads' are just a couple of guys walking along, praying they don't run into any more trouble.

I do agree that a schreck or two, perhaps setup around the middle of the board, would make this a little more interesting; however, it is not incredibly out of balance right now.

I note with amusement that you fail to mention the two (three?) Flak guns and the AT gun you used to have. You were not totally berift of AT assets when the scenario started. Is it the designer's fault that you parked your guns in positions that were highly visible and easily overrun, or that you allowed my FO to spot from the top of a two story house without even shooting at him?

Anyway, as far as adjustments go, perhaps, in lieu of bunches of schrecks, some limits on my 25 pdr. ammunition would be in order?

[edited for inadvertent html problems]

[ 09-05-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars:

Oh lovely, MrSpkr, why don't you just take CMplayer by the hand and plot his moves for him too.

You did post a spoiler alert but we all know what that's worth around here.


As much as I hates you lots, Lars, I have to agree with you here. It's much more fun to rout your predictably set up excuses for troops without hints from the peanut gallery.

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My fellow 'pooligans , riff raff, scum and villany.....I step forward to acknowledge the Muse of History to add to Seanachai's baleful prose, concerning former days gone by....for an omission of facts deserves to be acknowledged and corrected. Hiram's Ghost walks these drab and lonely ramparts, his spirit haunting the moors, seeking eternal rest. He was man of infinite jest and a worthy opponent, not for the skill mind you, but of warm company and earnest desire. It is time to remember....

In the days of the FIRST THREAD we were a-born, yet came that terrible moment of destruction and the painful schismatic, Meeks and the rebirth of the Mutha Beautiful Thread Meeks, taking his cue from Berli, cunningly sought rebellion against the Titans, refusing the Land of Milk and Honey offered him. Like an outcast he stole forth and set up his own cartel of opposition and sought to conjure and implore the breathern to support his infernal quest. One, and one only, truly stood by Meeks in those days, a lowly and newly arrived member, Hiram. Hiram who succoured the Meeksian Rebellion and nourished the pretensions of the usurper. Yet it was Hiram's unfailing loyalty and toadiness that was the hallmark of the anti-thread. Meeks, was always mad as a hatter, Hiram was transformed by the experience from one as slurry as CMPlayer to a nasty and brustish sort. I feel Hiram never recovered from that taste of Meek's vision, forever changed he lurched through the pool, with biting sarcasm, and bile.

Hiram I hope your spirit and shade ultimately finds rest, as I remember you in attestation in my sig.

[ 09-05-2001: Message edited by: jdmorse ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:






















I note with amusement that you fail to mention the two (three?) Flak guns and the AT gun you used to have. You were not totally berift of AT assets when the scenario started.

[ 09-05-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I note with further amusement that you failed to highlight that those flak guns were 20mm, which have a snowballs chance of defeating Shermies, while the AT gun was of 50mm caliber, which had a slightly higher chance than the snowball. In addition, the setup zones were limited if I remember correctly.

Truthfully, this scenario has a lot of promise. It wouldn't take much to balance it. I like the challenge of defending two possible approaches, as well as the challenge of defending with conscripts and greenies.

I made several key mistakes in my setup which have completely hampered me. So as much as you wish to think you are Patton's next-of-kin, I must disappoint you.


{edited 'cause you would miss it if I didn't}

[ 09-05-2001: Message edited by: Speedbump ]

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Greetings once again you unwashed, putrid, muggles.

Berli, Has succeeded once again in bringing hell to earth for me. I hate you all. But by God ,(sorry Berli), if one of you bastards was named Sara Lee I would split your head open with a rusty mallet and dance in the warm blood as it pooled around my feet.

Some of you are awaiting turns... well, tough ****e. Once I stop being abused like the change in Bauhaus's pocket, I get my turns out.

Tome update:















CMplayer is now listed as a squire to Marlow.... may Berli take his soul.

For some other news...

I am late saying some things and it is but one more reason to spit bile and blood at that fickle Bitche that is Sara Lee.

Geier, Just want to point out that Playing the game has very little to do with posting. Stop by once in a while to check in.

Hiram's Ghost, As bad as it is to say in here.... tis good to see you back.

What to say about Joe? Personaly I think that a title is a title. Meeks, although by now eaten by eskimos, or burnt for fuel in an igloo, will always claim his title.

As sad as it pains me to say this and bold his name.... I have to agree with PanzerLeader. I say give Joe Shaw the title of dementor. If any of you others know what it is, you would agree that it fits purfect. And it reminds us all that his illusions of granduer or just that...demented.

Lorak the loathed

Paladin of Peng

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>What to say about Joe? Personaly I think that a title is a title. Meeks,

although by now eaten by eskimos, or burnt for fuel in an igloo, will always claim his title. As sad as it pains me to say this and bold his name.... I have to agree with PanzerLeader. I say give Joe Shaw the title of dementor. If any of you others know what it is, you would agree that it fits purfect. And it reminds us all that his illusions of granduer or just that...demented.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hah! As if I'd stoop to accept the role of Dementor, yes, yes I know, but your average Dementor has ZERO personality and I think I've amply shown, if anything, an excess of personality.

Lorak I am especially disappointed in YOU. Who is this Meeks? He is the following:

(33 1/3 RPM) NOT HERE! That's right, here we have a Knight who is NOT HERE and is listed on YOUR page as MIA! I have been here through thick and thin, good and ill and THIS is how I'm treated? By having preference given to one who is NOT HERE!

(iiiiiii) An acknowledged and admitted SPLITTER! That's right, the only Knight who has attempted to take over the Pool is now being given preference over one who stood by her in her hour of need and who is now serving as The Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True CessPool.

(tata) A person of NO SPECIAL STATION! What's this you say? No special station? But is he NOT the Inquisitor General? NO! He is NOT! Look you to the ONLY true and complete record of the members of the CessPool. That's right Lorak, look you to YOUR OWN PAGE. We have a Lord of the CessPool, we have Knights, Squires, Serfs and Piss Boys. We have, specifically mentioned and listed as such, an Official CessPool Grog, the lovely Lady of the Pool, the vile CessPool Consigliori and we even have the odd and strangely ... strange Whuppin' boy. WHERE IS THE INQUISITOR GENERAL? HE IS NOT THERE! Therefore, by the force of simple logic, that post DOES NOT EXIST! And yet you accord him all the rights and privileges of a non-existant station. For shame Lorak, for shame.

As for me, my time in the CessPool has come to an end. All of my efforts on it's behalf, all of my striving to maintain the standards and all of the good and true honor that I've brought to the CessPool is now ... finished.

I will no longer return to a place where I am no longer wanted, to a place where a NON-person like Meeks is given preference over a good and honorable servant like myself. I do this not just for myself ... but for ALL OF YOU. For remember, if they (and you know who THEY are) can do this to ME ... they can do it to YOU!

Fare ye well fellow Knights and Squires of the CessPool, fare ye well.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Hah! I think I've amply shown, if anything, an excess of personality.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Let me explain somethinf Jaw Shoe (that was just too funny):

Some people HAVE character, and some people ARE a character. You sir have little of the former and too much of the latter.

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Ah. Joe...

Don't you see for yourself what is going on?

While you bring up valid points. down Bahaus

There is one flaw in your reasoning.

I will grant to you the fact that indeed Meeks is not here. Nor in fact is he listed with a title in the cesspool tome. An oversight... but facts is facts.

So I will admit that such title is not claimed or is only claimed by proxy.cesspool.net:666

BUT. One fact you bring up kills your case. You claim that Meeks should never have gotten the title because he was a splitter. This is failed logic. The reason he got the title was because he WAS a splitter. It was given to him because, who better to search out and destroy heritics than one who was a heritic? He would know first hand how they operate.

You on the other hand have tried to remain so pure, that we are not sure that you could unveil the evil in our midst(other than Berli). Also you have shown yourself to be a tad to emiotional. Bad thing for an Inquisiter.

You are good at finding the truth.

Looking up and presenting facts.

Making others hate you for your deligence and your snobbery.

This is all well and good if you are a lawyer or a Proseecutor.

While an Inquisitor...

Doesn't care about the truth.

Cares less about facts(unless he made them up)

People still hate him... but just because he likes going around killing and maiming for no good reason(other than ones he makes up).

So.. While you may claim that you are Prosecutor and protector. You are not an Inquisitor

** come to think of it.. by your own logic, your not even the Prosecutor and protector since it is not noted in the tome......**

Lorak the loathed

Paladin of Peng

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram's Ghost:

I also miss Meeks. He did not conform as most of you do... I noticed how Sir Seanachai did not mention my role in the Cesspool Schizm. I am forgotten once more. I was and am the outcast knight. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Because of the esteem I've always held you in, lad, I wished to gloss over your original participation in the Schism, when you, Pantaglossian Rebel that you are (now isn't that a contradiction in terms), bounded on to the Meeks bandwagon.

It is quite charming to see you posting again, and I whole-heartedly approve of the new screen name. That whole Phillies Phan thing was just too jejune. Too piddling. Too 'not Hiram'.

In a word, it wasn't French, yet seemed to bear an unnatural affinity to Jerry Lewis.

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The Scene: A bleak and windswept castle battlement, the clouds and dark and roiling, a thin rain is beating upon the stones as the wind whistles between the stones. Upon the battlement stands ... a man. He is clad in a purple cloak with the legend "The Toledo Tiger" stitched into the back, upon his head is a crown of gold (oddly the gold seems to be turning his forehead green) and upon his feet are hip boots with the logo of "Wilson" proudly displayed. At his hip rests the ancient and feared blade known only as ... "Sword". The ancient and weather beaten door to the stairs opens and another man steps forth. He is less well dressed ... FAR less well dressed. He staggers beneath the burden of a manuscript that he attempts to shelter from the rain. He walks cautiously up to the erect figure of his liege lord.

Lars: Sire, I've completed the treatise you ordered me to write. Forty six pages on The Tyranny of Lorak the Loathed: Capricious is as Lorak Does.

Sir Joe Shaw, his mind on other issues, takes little notice at first but finally turns to his squire, Lars, as Lars begin to make plaintive whining noises.

Joe Shaw: Ah, good and loyal Lars, forgive me, I was woolgathering.

Lars: I thought that Mace ...

Joe Shaw: A special dispensation, young Lars. Ah yes, the paper, I'm sure you did your usual fine job. I'll review it later but I'm sure it's fine. {a large sigh escapes from Joe Shaw} Your time is nearly finished isn't it Lars. Soon you'll be a Knight in your own right. I've no doubt that you'll be an honorable Knight ... not like THAT IDIOT LOR ... forgive me lad.

{A single tear drags its way down the cheek of the squire}

Lars: It's not RIGHT sir, not right at all. After all you've done for the CessPool and to treat you in this shabby manner. And in favor of a creature like Meeks ... it's not right sir.

Joe Shaw: Ah Lars, if I've taught you nothing I've taught you that there is no "fair" in farewell ... or there is ... I forget. The POINT lad, is that LORAK, for reasons that we know not (or probably he either), choose to overlook my service and honor Meeks. I'd have ... liked ... to be Grand Inquisitor you know.

Lars: I also Sir Joe, I was just getting the hang of the stocks. They're not as simple as they appear you know, a lot of skill needed to do it right.

Joe Shaw: Well son, for like a son to me you have been, perhaps one day you may aspire to the position of Inquisitor. My day ... is done. It all seemed so ... right, doing the work of the CessPool, protecting it's heritage and standards. Now ... we'll likely be seeing more and more heresy and less and less of the OLD CESSPOOL.

Lars: Is there nothing that can be done Sire, perhaps an appeal to your friends who ...

Joe Shaw: No lad, Lorak was right in that at least. I AM a hated man, hated for doing my duty to the CessPool, hated for hewing to the line, hated for being true to the CessPool ... and a hated man has no friends. No lad, now the temporary duty assigned me as The Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True CessPool is coming to an end as well. How the CessPool will be regulated with the hand of a missing man at the helm of the ship of investigation ... I shudder at the prospect.

Lars: I am ... HONORED ... to be your squire Sire.

Joe Shaw: Yes lad, yes you are. Oh, do me the favor of delivering this gift to Lord Lorak will you. Be sure it gets there before 2:00 PM.

Lars: Certainly sire, is that ... ticking I hear?

Joe Shaw: Yes, it's a ... clock ... to show that I harbor no ill will. I'm sure it will ... BOOST ... his spirit ... I mean spirits.

Lars: You're the better man Sire, another might plot revenge.

Joe Shaw: Yes Lars, but without an Inquisitor or a Prosecutor and Protector ... who would there be to foil such a plot. But ... we have nothing to fear, all is well in the CessPool ... we are told.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow:

The best part, my faithful little Toady, [rubs hands gleefully] is that he has NO SAY. [HE HE HO HO] The only one that matters in these decisions is Sir Lorak the Loathed. .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh My Bleeding Peng On A Crutch! From the mouth of...er, I believe that came out of his mouth, Marlow, suddenly mine own errors are revealed to me!

I have been guilty of one of the most egregious errors in many incarnations of the Thread. Yea, hear it not, Heaven, thy Ministers have done it!

I have recently offered the position of 'Herald of the Peng Challenge Thread' to Joe Shaw, in a moment of, most likely, advanced DTs. I did so because of Shaw's concern with tradition, precedence, 'what's proper'.

What a pillock I was. I imagine it's the influence and constant exposure to the rest of you that's to blame.

Obviously, the Peng Challenge Thread has had a Herald now for uncounted posts, in the form of Lorak.

Although it's not normally done, and I certainly don't feel any real need for it, normally, I tender a deserved Apology to the Lorak. I abase myself in my contrition.

I think it will have to be 'Inquisitor General' for Joe, then, even if pro-tem.

I don't know that the Peng Challenge Thread needs an official 'guy who runs up to your car while you're locked in to a light under the overpass, sprays some foul smelling and oddly colored fluid on to your windshield from a bottle and you can only pray that it's some sort of 'cleaning fluid' rather than something he's created himself by internal organic means, while rubbing and smearing it around directly in front of your field of vision with something that looks like it might be someone's well-worn underwear, while grinning a gap toothed smile and bobbing his head and asking for change', and I don't know that Joe has any other skills besides that, Mortgage Banking, and a serious desire to harrow the heretic.

Mind, if we ever create such a position, he's on the short list, but he's rather further down than not from slot one. I mean, there are people posting here who aren't even capable of Mortgage Banking.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Perhaps that would work... he should have to answer to the Father Confessor until the Inquisitor General returns<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Of course. Everyone must answer to the Old Ones, eventually.

I mean, when the moment comes to stand before the Spirits in the Wasteland (or, in your case, the Spirit in the Desert), they will all have to give an accounting.

Oh, and eventually every one of the useless little sods will have to learn to play the digeridoo.

I like that part most of all. It's so incomprehensibly heartless and annoying.

One of your bettter bits, really.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

NONSENSE ... who ever heard of a Grand Inquisitor reporting to a simple (and I MEAN simple) parish priest.


Peng hears even the confessions of the Old Ones, Shaw. Well, in Berli's case, they're more like boisterous, drunken confidences exchanged about the nature of the War with Heaven.

He's not a simple parish priest.

He's more like a Jesuit.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

I can identify MarkIV as the man on the grassy knoll.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And it wasn't any Eye-talian Carcano, either...

Wherefore does someone whose future involves mysterious cargoes of 18-year-old girls wish the earth hurled into the sun? Or is this like Meeks' secret mission to the South Pole?

It appears that very soon now, I will be moving... Schloss IV takes shape dimly in the swirling mists of southern Kalifornia... oh wait, those are loan origination fees.

I was just wondering what kind of idiots would lend ME that kind of money. Then I thought, who do I know that's a mortgage banker... oh, THAT kind of idiot.

If this deal happens, there will be major distractions and delays. Some of you must accelerate the pace of dying-a-lot. In fact, ALL of you would do well to heed this. Why not step on something poisonous right now?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd:

Seanachai Quit yer prattling and choose your doom...the futility of your position is obvious, the files lie before you


Weighty matters in hand, lad, weighty matters in hand.

Bauhaus, what? You're tired, you're exhausted, you are busy daydreaming? You no longer even make the effort to leap to your feet and make a smirking reference to 'thingies', playing on the concept of 'double entendres' which you cannot even spell correctly, let alone define, and yet by your actions you constantly define the concept for the Peng Challenge Thread? Hmm? What's that? You never understand anything I say? I see. Well, let's see then...er, Bauhaus? Would you like some cheese?

That got through, did it? Good. No, I don't actually have any cheese, be quiet. I offered it merely as a test of your cognitive abilities. I mean your ability to recognize and understand simple concepts. Goddamn it , Bauhaus, it means I offered you some cheese to see if you would say yes or no.

No, for Christ's sake, I don't have any cheese for you! Yes, I do understand you'd like some sodding cheese, but I don't have any, as I told you, it was merely a test to see if you could understand very, very simple things I say to you.


Alright, look. I'll get you some cheese in a while. Yes, a nice sharp flavoured one. No, I don't care how you eat it, as long as it's out of my sight. Now shut up.

As I was saying to JD...what now, Bauhaus? Oh for the love...yes, an orangey coloured cheese it is. No, there'll be no nasty vegetables mixed in...sod this for a lark, I'm starting a new post.

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Now, as I was saying before that gibbering descendant of rats...SIT DOWN AND BE QUIET, BAUHAUS! NO, I KNOW I DIDN'T MAKE A DOUBLE ENTENDRE, BUT YOU WERE GETTING UP TO ASK ABOUT THE F'ING CHEESE AGAIN, WEREN'T YOU? I thought so. Now be quiet.

In any case, no turns went out tonight, nor a number of personal emails, because my bloody ISP is simply not allowing access to email. I'd be more angry, but my friends with DSL connection from the same load of pillocks tell me they can't get online at all, so at least the fast access people paying more money are even more screwed, and that's enough for me.

Turns for everyone tomorrow night, 'Useless Parasites' willing.

We must achieve some sort of resolution regarding Shaw. Well, that doesn't involve his execution, which is illegal even in Utah and Texas unless sanctioned by the State.

Perhaps Inquisitor Lieutenant General? Or Inquisitorial Proconsul? I mean, doing all the busy work of fact gathering, prying, harassing, torturing, accusing, and then endlessly compiling his information for presentation to some higher authority, someday.

This would leave Meeks as "The Once and Future Inquisitor", safely interned on a mystical Isle somewhere, or under a mound, in righteous keeping with Myth and Legend, both of which rate high in the Peng Challenge Thread, while allowing Shaw to get busy with ferreting out the tedious details of wrong-doing that he's so obsessed with, and which do, of course, bear ferreting out, as long as it's done by odd people who take a certain delight in the whole process, leaving the Old Ones free to sit quietly in the Wasteland, having a few quiet drinks and discussing which of the new arrivals is the least evolved.

I imagine we can easily resolve this in time to get everyone home for Christmas.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:


Speaking of which where is Bauhaus? I build a house once, not like todays houses you see. The hardest part was getting the gum between the bricks not to melt in the sun.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Old Ones free to sit quietly in the Wasteland, having a few quiet drinks and discussing which of the new arrivals is the least evolved..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't know there are alot of Deathclaws, Raiders and Australians out in that Wasteland. Of course these new Wastelands today are nothing like we had when I was a young lad, back then we had REAL Wastelands where you died just thinking of the heat and background radiation.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

While an Inquisitor...

Doesn't care about the truth.

Cares less about facts(unless he made them up)

People still hate him... but just because he likes going around killing and maiming for no good reason(other than ones he makes up).


S'right. Did you want anything?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>We must achieve some sort of resolution regarding Shaw. Well, that doesn't involve his execution, which is illegal even in Utah and Texas unless sanctioned by the State. Perhaps Inquisitor Lieutenant General? Or Inquisitorial Proconsul? I mean, doing all the busy work of fact gathering, prying, harassing, torturing, accusing, and then endlessly compiling his information for

presentation to some higher authority, someday.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Let's make this simple ... "If nominated I will not run, if elected I will not serve." Gen. W.T. Sherman ... and me.

I'll not be the lackey of some pretender who hasn't been here for ages but apparently has "the goods" on SOMEONE (really Lorak, as long as the goat was consenting, who cares ... what's that ... oh ... well I guess the beard threw me. I just ASSUMED that being on all fours, with the collar, horns and beard, it added up to ... but please offer my apologies to ... uh ... hmmm.)

So, thanks to Seanachai for the effort to validate the much needed enforcement of this bunch of slackers but obviously anarchy is preferred to order. I plan to bring this up OFTEN in the future.


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