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CM:BO Invitational PBEM Tourney of "Stars" …. Part II

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Im posting this on behalf of WInecape who cannot access the forum:

*This* is as NEWS to me as to you and the rest of the WineCape/Invitational participants, no doubt! And I have not

the slightest clue as what might have happened, obviously via some email exchanges between Treeburst and participant(s). Though I could most probably guess as to why he wants/did pull out, I am out of the guessing/assuming game with *this* Forum for sure!

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Wild Bill,

Thanks for the update from WineCape, to whom greetings and appreciation from all of us. I really hope we can get this mess sorted out somehow. At the very least, I hope we can resurrect your tourney, which many of us have been dying to play. I still have vivid memories of my failed attempt at "Rescuing the Rangers." Who says one can't rewrite history, however badly?


John Kettler

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Dear Mike and "Stars" participants as well as WineCape Tourney I&II Participants ,

Finally got some access to this forum, here is my e-mail in full send via Wild Bill:

I came back today (Sunday), just officiated a gruelling professional soccer match near Johannesburg (1,200km from home), feeling drained emotionally as well as physically, to find that everything has collapsed in the mean time!! :-/

I heard the news via 2 emails from some caring folk earlier today. Though of late I'm also receiving emails intermittently, no doubt being in Africa is of no top priority for any company organising internet networks/cables to this continent. Therefor, I might have missed crucial emails from Mike and others as to this current state of affairs.

*This* is as NEWS to me as to you and the rest of the WineCape/Invitational participants, no doubt! And I have not the slightest clue as what might have happened, obviously via some email exchanges between Treeburst and participant(s). Though I could most probably guess as to why he wants/did pull out, I am out of the guessing/assuming game with *this* Forum for sure!

I have not as of yet received any word from Treeburst, and await his version of what transpired. (I've emailed him today)

I might persuade him to re-consider, which I'll certainly try to do. I would hate to loose Treeburst in a personal as well CM capacity. Mike Meinecke (Treeburst155) is a boon to this CM forum, FULLSTOP!

Rest assured, I'm still fully committed to all the current Tourney's and their prizes as well as your Rumblings of War tourney to-be Bill. You/current participants have my word. As to the future of the Invitational, please all, just be at "standby" for the time being until I've spoken to Treeburst. Finish your games that are already underway.

Now lets see if I can play the referee again in a non-outdoor activity ...

Regards from Africa and stay well all,

Charl Theron (WineCape)

Stellenbosch, RSA.


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I'm in pretty much the same position as John Kettler. I've had a fairly 'sheltered' PBEM experience. That was my primary reason for joining the tourney. I wanted a chance to play other folks as a learning experience (fully expecting to get my head handed to me).

I had only played pre-made scenarios before this, so the negotiations and force selection thing was new to me. It wasn't too bad, though, and I have a couple of interesting games going ( MrSpkr, I hope your surprise is actually revealing some of your dang troops ;) ) Not having picked forces before, I tried not to be intentionally unhistorical or gamey, but my limited knowledge on force makeups made it mostly guessing at best.

I'm truly sorry that TreeBurst has decided to pull out, but it's understandable. This is a massive undertaking, especially with several other tourneys running at once. I think this was a great idea, and I was looking forward to being exposed to various types of play. I know, however, that two peoples definition of 'fun' can vary greatly, even in as simple of a context as a computer game. When this happens, there can be a lot of grating, and TreeBurst most likely got caught in the middle of it all.

Mike, I hope you change your mind, but if you don't, I just want to say thank you for all of your hard work. I appreciate the invitation and the opportunity to play in this tourney. Thanks again.

Ben Galanti

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ben Galanti:

MrSpkr, I hope your surprise is actually revealing some of your dang troops ;)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hah! Shows what you know! My men all left for a three day pass in Paris just before you arrived! That one guy you saw was Corporal Gomer - he never could read a map properly!

In all seriousness, I have already gotten one email from an opponent who didn't want to continue because the match was over. If the Tournament is indeed finished (please Please PLEASE don't let it be finished), several of you can expect messages from me desiring to continue our games or begin new ones as I did want the experience the Tournament had to offer.

Mike, I wish you all the best. You have done good things for this board and I hope you have not gone forever.


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OK, I've had time to cool off now. Here's the deal. I can continue to run this tournament as long as there are some new rules which are listed below.

1) Gamey TACTICS will not be tolerated. Who determines what is gamey? I, the right honorable Judge Treeburst155 determine what is gamey.

2) How do you sue a player for gamey play? You describe the problem briefly and you send me movie files with your password. If I agree with you then the offending player will be found guilty and sentenced.

3) The sentence? An automatic 80-20 loss for that game.

This will virtually insure that the game engine is not taken advantage of and will protect historical players so they can enjoy their games. I should warn everyone that I am very strict on what I consider gamey, but I will not make rash judgements. I will look hard at as many movie files as necessary from both players before I pass judgement. If you don't think you know a gamey tactic when you see one or order one you will probably learn the hard way. Ignorance of "the law" is no excuse. On the other hand, there should be no hard feelings directed at someone convicted of gamey play. Everyone has different views on what is gamey. If you are the victim of gamey play you will get your 80 point victory. Don't be unkind to the convict. He paid the price with his Major Defeat.


No partial deletions of units. Learn to use your 2" mortars and rest assured your opponent is having to do likewise.

Any other restrictions MUST be negotiated. If you don't negotiate then be prepared to take on a platoon of KTs. Anything that is not specifically negotiated is acceptable. If you forget to talk about Sdkfz's with your opponent, don't be surprised when you face a convoy of the buggers.

You may edit experience levels freely as you pay for this.

So, buy whatever you want based on your agreement with your opponent, BUT, don't use them in a gamey way. If you buy 4 Wasps don't area fire the whole map. You'll lose 80-20 if your opponent sues you for gameyness. Area denial by FT is a pet peeve of mine.

If the rules above are unacceptable there are two courses of action you can take.

1) You can drop out of the tournament now.

2) You can volunteer to run it yourself or find someone who will. I will be more than happy to provide the stats sheet and maps if someone else wants to run this thing. The stats are on a Microsoft Works spreadsheet.

I'm open to any questions, and I need to know what you nineteen guys want to do.

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Trreeburst -

Thanks for your decision to return and renew the tournament. I think we all recognize how much time and effort you put into this and appreciate your works.

Now, as to the new regulations, could you please clarify something for me regarding force picks - as I understand it, if I buy a veteran FJ platoon now for an infantry only engagement - then I am stuck with the panzerschrecks as I may not eliminate them. I may, however, lower the panzerschreck's experience level to conscript and elevate the HQ's experience level to crack, correct?

I mean, that appears to be what you are saying. However, if you are (understandably)trying to cut down on the workload for yourself, then I for one would be perfectly willing to accept a policy of being required to take all units 'as-is' and not allowing any small unit modification, whether experience level amongst the organic parts or otherwise.

[edited for clarification]

[ 08-13-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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The new rule of "gamey tactics will not be tolerated" is a very bad thing IMO. This is a game after all. If something is possible in the game, then it should be allowed to happen. Blame the game, not the players.

Don't understand me wrong, I probably wouldn't have used any gamey tactics, but the fact that there is such a rule restricts thinking a lot. When you make your moves, you have to consider if it is gamey or not. And if you think that it could happen in real life, your opponent might not agree. Then Treeburst starts viewing the game recordings, etc. This all just makes this tournament more difficult to manage, and play.

The original rule of "there are no rules" was much better.

So I am ready to withdraw from this tournament, I only have two games going, both in the beginning, none finished, so it really is no big deal, and it makes the tournament faster to the rest of you.

And I'm afraid that I don't know about history enough to play 100% correctly all the time...

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Mucho gratis mon amigo.

I'd continue the Tournament regardless of what rules were decided...it's the PLAY not the winning that matters here.

That being said though I always play to win. Most of my opponents are represented by small effigies which are hung upon my wall, taken down in moments of picque. The eldritch and arcane rituals intoned over these figures ensures the loss of my opponent and the eventual withering of their manly parts.

Obviously the closer the effigy resembles the actual player the more effective these incantations. Having played Fionn previously I have all the necessary informantion for his twisted and deformed shape, but if the following players could furnish me with the hair colour and any distinguishing marks I would be very appreciative: Jarmo, MrSpkr, and especially Moon.

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Treeburst -

I never got to participate in any of your tourneys as I suppose "tcp/ip only" tourney was the only one that never filled out. :(

But for GOODNESS SAKES, screw the tourney, but DON'T LEAVE THE FORUM man... for the Lord's sake, DON'T. You've been here long before I ever came on board, and your enthusiasm is greatly needed in the community. You just bit off a bit more than you could chew dealing with organizing your first tourney, and unexpected clashes between types of gamers just arose. Just walk away from the tournies and let them go (easy for me to say ... he he he), but DON'T leave man.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Claymore:

but if the following players could furnish me with the hair colour and any distinguishing marks I would be very appreciative: Jarmo, MrSpkr, and especially Moon.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm a thin, big breasted blode girl, barely of legal age. I always wear skimpy pink leather miniskirt and nothing else.

Good luck with the voodoo-doll. :D

Oh yeah, there are flowers growing from my forehead...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarmo:

I'm a thin, big breasted blode girl, barely of legal age. I always wear skimpy pink leather miniskirt and nothing else.

Good luck with the voodoo-doll. :D

Oh yeah, there are flowers growing from my forehead...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, with stats like that, Claymore will probably build a different kind of doll :D

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OK, Fuerte has dropped out and SuperTed has dropped out. If you have finished a game with these guys then it won't count. Fuerte, if you would still like to play your game with Jarmo for fun just send me your purchases and I will place them on the map for you. I understand that some will not wish to play under the new rules. I expect more to drop out and I harbor no ill will.

Other loose ends:

I am unsure of the CapDog/Kettler final score. Could one of you two help me out here?

Several games were initiated, but I had not received the force picks from one or both players. The folder containing these games was deleted accidentally so I need picks from BOTH players for the following games:


Fionn/Mr Spkr


RobertH/Texas Toast

Sorry to those of you above who already sent your picks in for the above games.

Mr. Spkr,

You understand the new rules correctly. Experience levels can be changed however you want, just no deleting. BTW, don't bother messing with Ammo levels, leader bonuses etc. as I ALWAYS repurchase your forces on a different map so those will go back to random/default.

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