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CM:BO Invitational PBEM Tourney of "Stars" …. Part II

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SuperTed and I have concluded prehostility negotiations. He gets the guys with the shoulder-fired V2s. Mine have Pyecrete body armor to nullify their fiery blasts. Did I mention that we're fighting under no explicit rule other than reasonableness? I fear there will be no war, though, until my slow E-mail

delivers the all-important map.

This should be very interesting and may be brutally short for one or both of us. You see, we bought our troops blind. Finding out how well our forces work with the terrain we got will be anything but dull.

Will keep you posted.


John Kettler

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Just wanted to drop a quick note to everyone. A last minute trip has popped up, and I'll be out of town until August the 5th.

Also, my ISP has been having e-mail problems recently, so if anyone has sent a challange that I've flat out ignored (or it got bounced back to you) please resend it because I probably didn't get it... (well, maybe hold off a week). Thanks!

Ben Galanti


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Just a little status report

Moon and I are back into the swing of things. His tracks are still milling around on the far side of the crestline. He seems to have purchased an inordinate amount of armour considering the foggy evening we find ourselves in. Whatever infantry has come my way has been spanked but my zooks are having difficulties punishing his tanks.

Shandork and I find ourselves in a patchwork map of bocage and wheatfields. I've purchased potent tools but the short LOS is hampering my use of them. A bull rush up the middle seems to have met no resistance.

MrSpkr requested a redo on purchases after we started our game. There was confusion over whether the 100 pt deletion rule was in effect or not. Mike is still awaiting his new list...MrSpkr? Don't make me come back into the Pool in search of you!

On a related note Lady Seanachai took exception some time ago to my characterization of his/her appearance. We decided the only recourse was to meet in battle. I sent my files out some time ago, but have heard nothing. Again...I don't want to go back into the Pool in another quest for satisfaction. If any converse with this fellow prod him for me.

Fionn and I have decided on an Infantry only game w/o towed guns. I was hoping that Charles (TT) would have some success against him but it appears as though it was not to be. I have sent my list into Mike and he awaits Fionn's list. I really enjoy the infantry only battles, but 1500pts on maps this size are a little dense for my liking. No matter.

Jarmo and I are into it as well. We find ourselves on an undulating wooded plain fogged in with only 200m of visibility. Our purchases were without restriction and my forces have not yet met any resistance as they flood towards the three buildings surrounding the VL. As long as I can keep my Hetzer hordes with their 60/60 armour facing forwards things should go swimmingly.



[ 07-29-2001: Message edited by: Claymore ]

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The technoproblems have been resolved, the map has appeared, and SuperTed and I have found we're fighting--in Stalingrad West! Eeek!

The map is a major urban area set in a ring of

gentle slopes and low hills. Tree cover is in bands. The place looks to be an infantry eater of the first magnitude, with wide avenues permitting stunning fields of fire. The city proper has quite a few scattered trees. There's a major VL on either side of the central avenue, and smaller VLs on the flanks and entry ends of the city.

Should prove most interesting!


John Kettler

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My game with SuperTed has been strange so far, no doubt the result of the downpour, which I suspect is preventing lots of militarily useful things from being heard. Action so far has been limited to my H&I fires and his impressive smokescreen covering the entire left side of the town.

We've been on a major roll today, and have completed five full turns.


John Kettler

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The inevitable has occurred. "Contact left!" Too bad I got the short end!

The plan was sound, the code lacking. Was trying to move a unit from one building to another in a row. The movement is permitted during issuing of orders, but no warning is issued that the movement plot's going to be decidedly other than the commander's plan. I don't do much city fighting, so got reminded the hard way that the code doesn't permit movement from one building to the next when the walls are together. Grr.

The hint was when I watched the unit try to move through the wall, give up, step into the street, execute a smart left turn, march a few steps to the front of the adjacent building, then get gunned down. Yes, I was looking for the Germans; this wasn't the recon method I had in mind, though. I'm the British.

I hope BTS revisits this in CMBB and successors. IRL my unit could've gone across the roof with a good chance of avoiding becoming a casualty. A far better option than a leisurely stroll down a bullet laced boulevard.


John Kettler

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Claymore:

MrSpkr requested a redo on purchases after we started our game. There was confusion over whether the 100 pt deletion rule was in effect or not. Mike is still awaiting his new list...MrSpkr?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ack. My bad. I will try to get that to you tonight.

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Well, the only battles of major interest are my fights with Fionn and SuperTed.

Fionn: Like a champion prize fighter he has me against the ropes as he pounds away mercilessly on my kidneys. I am finally getting a few jabs in here and there but I will have to struggle mightily to pull out a draw.

SuperTed: So far during this battle he’s been anything but super. ;) I have decimated one platoon and I have another two fighting for their survival. He has managed a frickin lucky schreck shot at 160 meters during night but the trade off is acceptable.


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News from the front! MickOZ has defeated Bill Hardenberger 57-32. Congratulations, MickOZ, on your first tourney victory!!

Texas Toast has bounced back from his loss to Fionn with a win over Jarmo, 59-41. Congratulations, Texas Toast!!

Here's the updated standings sorted by average game score:





Texas Toast........158...3...52.67



M. Dorosh..........150...4...37.50

Bill Hardenberger...70...2...35.00


John Kettler........20...1...20.00


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My fight with Texas Toast is over.

I decided to not counterattack with my dead halfsquad on the left, so toast was able to hold the areas down there.

On my right my tank fleet advanced mercilessly, causing many casualties. I managed a 1 to 1 kill ratio in vehicles and caused over 100 infantry casualties while suffering much less. In the end I had Toast running away from my right flank assaulters. Despite that, he still managed to hang in to a few flags (five I believe).

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The battle for combat information continues. I find the price steep in light armor, but insight producing and incredibly exciting in terms of game play.

One of my vehicles pulled out from behind a building near the small left flank VL, darted forward at Fast and came under fire from a bloody great tank sitting way back near the German start line. Happily the beast missed. Unhappily the recon vehicle encountered what is believed to be a Panzerschreck team blessed with considerable deflection shooting talents.

This became a flaming datum.

Even more thrilling was a recon sweep up the left flank and then hooking right to snoop around the German rear. Not knowing what nastiness might be lurking about, I chose the familiar devil, the aforementioned tank, over the unfamiliar devil. I therefore targeted the unbuttoned King Tiger while still blocked by a small knoll, then ordered a Fast move around the knoll followed by a mad dash to nearby woods. That was the plan.

My recon vehicle did come charging down around the knoll and close behind the King Tiger, failed to shoot at the TC, which left him free to go through a cinematic slow turret traverse culminating in a last possible instant shot before the woods masked my doughty lads. One shot K-kill! The flaming carcass rolled to defilade, thus completing this superb CM vignette. May the next one star

SuperTed's troops as the recipients!

German troops have moved up in front of the main VL on my left and are also attempting to contest the left flank VL. Things are definitely warming up. The rain continues to pour.


John Kettler

[ 07-31-2001: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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Fionn: Like Rocky Balboa I have fended off the punishing blows of Fionn's assault across most of the bridges, but he continues to advance across the rest but in smaller numbers.

I have KOed his first Panther but in a clever move to KO the second Panther with a multiple pronged attack the Panther continues to shrug off round after round at close range while taking out one of my Shermans.

I have slaughtered numerous infantry while losing only 1 platoon and a half of another. I fear that after I have stalled his assault I will not have enough men and ammo to mount a successful counter-attack. I fear Fionn was right when he called this one a draw from the get go.

Super Ted: With the disrupting of his initial assault I think I have thrown him into a state of confusion. I control the field of battle and thus I am able to manuver and surround his units. All is going well.

Claymore: Damn I hate German tanks. I had an ass shot on a Tiger with my Stuart. In any game where I was the Germans I would have lost that Tiger, but noooooooo, the rounds just bounce off when I shoot him. Darn it.

Manpie: His uber stealth tank continues to pound away at my positions while I still CANNOT see the tank. This is unbelieveable. All I can see is a sound contact but this tank has KOed one Firefly and now proceeds to shell infantry. Very annoying.

Berli: Jim Morrison couldn't have put it better when he sang, "This is the end, my friend." I have smashed the platoon of US infantry that was trying to flank my left. That accounts for 2 platoons, 5 tanks. He still has to have some more men runnig around somewhere but he refuses to bring them out of hiding. Looks like it's rabbit season for me.

Texastoast: We think alike, that is, we both sent a platoon running up, my left, edge of the map. Needless to say they ran into each other going for the same patch of woods. My men prevailed. In the meantime he lurks in the fog and refuses to advance on any other axis.

Furte: We have just gotten to the setup stage.

Gotta run.


[ 08-01-2001: Message edited by: jshandorf ]

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A solar flare which wrecked communications (lost turn problems) temporarily imposed a lull on the fight for the town, but that has now been sorted out and a streetfight is in progress.

The situation is chaotic, with the leftmost small VL and the left large VL both contested.

German infantry is present in strength near the large left VL but is getting a warm reception both locally and from across the boulevard.

Support fires from both sides are falling, making it difficult to spot and adjust fires.

Everything the manuals say about the difficulties of conducting proper fire support in urban areas has been borne out so far.

The King Tiger is apparently resting on its paws and awaits developments.


John Kettler

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SuperTed is applying terrific pressure using infantry, artillery and what appear to be two

Tiger tanks, a I and a II. The Tiger I is down at the German end of the central boulevard and has made life most unpleasant for some of my infantry in heavy buildings. The II somehow managed to heave its formidable bulk forward

undetected (all that thunder and artillery fire, I guess) and is now parallel to the large left VL and almost even with it, but on the next road over. I've got German infantry

in front of and to the left of the big VL. An envelopment and advance attempt is in progress further to my left. For a while there, all the VLs I held were contested but one. I just got one back, though.

The good news is that the RA types finally got the finger out, aided no doubt by a royally POed RSM, and are giving Jerry what for with a deluge of 25 pdr. fire. Reports from the front suggest that it's getting Jerry's attention. There seems to be a pronounced increase in Earth worship among SuperTed's men. Either that, or they think gravity's failed and they need to hang on lest they float away.

Stay tuned for further developments.


John Kettler

[ 08-03-2001: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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Just to prove that I am not at fault for the low turn rate here is another update:

Fionn- still awaiting his purchase list

Jarmo- still awaiting his turn file

Moon - came awake for one turn then he slipped back into slumber

MrSpkr- finally came through with a purchase list. Mike sent me the map. I sent the first file out within the hour....result: de nada

Shandorf- the only fellow with a respectable turn rate. A skeleton crew protecting against a flanking maneuver on his right has spanked down an M4 and at least a half a platoon of infantry. My Hetzer hordes bearing down on his left flank will crush the remainder very soon!

Anyone out there want to start a game? Prerequisite: Currently not in or planning on being in a coma for at least the next two weeks. No narcoleptics or catatonics considered. Must own a stable connection to an ISP.



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Fighting around the large left VL has become a confused swirl of explosions, MG bursts, men screaming, running, and sometimes dying. The VL is contested, but German infantry is swarming throughout the vicinity.

SuperTed does have a new factor to contend with, for my mechanized attack has arrived by

the small German entry VL. The good news is that I've got his Tiger I cornered. The bad news is that I've got his Tiger cornered and that he's apparently been able to divert his reserve, which was evidently advancing into town, to meet my attack.

Worse, several of the nearby buildings seem to have unhappy, active occupants. A very hot fight is in progress, with added confusion from all the screening smoke I dropped. One of my tanks took 8.8cm PzGr 39 in the face and didn't enjoy it a bit.

The flank attack is meeting much worse resistance than expected, but this fight is far from over. Action front!


John Kettler

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The meatgrinder vs. SuperTed continues.

The Germans now evidently control the large VL on the left and are threatening its twin across the wide boulevard. They've also advanced the King Tiger a bit to threaten my surviving positions near the first large VL. My artillery continues to rain down, but I don't see any Germans breaking and running. They continue to commune with Mother Earth.

The real story of the last few turns is over near his entry VL. Mortar smoke I put down to screen my advance allowed a German squad to sneak up and nail one of my tanks with a Panzerfaust, knocking out half of the pincer intended to fork his Tiger I. Said Tiger then trundled forward and cut a left around the building it was next to. This took it out of LOS. The other half of the pincer, another Cromwell, was thus left in a fruitless, foolish looking tail chase.

The infantry assault, suppported by halftrack MG fires, fared better, ultimately clearing the building being attacked (three away from the VL) by destroying two HMG 42s. These are the first confirmed German casualties I've seen. I took a few lumps in the process but gave better than I got.

But wait. There's more!

I took what precautions I could to protect my force against the Tiger tank's advance and plotted a fast attack against its rear, intending to catch it hard at work against my troops. Such was the plan.

The command delays count down, my tank starts its fast move to get into tail shot position after clearing the corner. Cut to a Tiger tank in what looked like fast reverse going between

two widely separated buildings. My guy spots him, tracks and fires. Miss! Tiger is now masked behind second building. Enter stupid AI.

The AI doesn't like a German MG? on the building across the street from the gap through which a TIGER tank has just passed. This MG? threat is assessed as being so serious the AI decides to engage it forthwith.

Guess what my Cromwell's doing when the Tiger I, still reversing at speed, emerges from the far side of the second building and we see each other? Would you believe a first round snap shot kill from a tank in reverse against a tank moving fast? I'd rather be lucky than good, and this guy was no better than regular.

I now know why he's called SuperTed. His luck makes Kingfish's look merely mortal, and Kingfish kiddingly admits to having sold his wife's soul, his own long since having been deeded over for CM gains.

Using typical stiff-lipped British understatement I'd have to characterize myself

at this point as being "a trifle perturbed."

(Screams until lungs fall out into open paper bag, seals it, then runs over hill and dale at high speed. Opens bag. Resulting scream knocks birds from the sky and deafens the cicadas. Denudes tree branches of leaves, wilts flowers and causes milk to sour--in the cows.)

That's all for now.


John Kettler

[ 08-04-2001: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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I've had several concerns expressed regarding some of my maps. After considering them I have come to the conclusion that they are valid concerns.

Map E is VERY draw prone. Since there are only two games passed out so far that use map E this is a minor problem. Map E has been fixed. The Fionn/Shandorf and Berlichtingen/Moon games can be restarted if there is mutual agreement to do so.

The other map problem concerns draws also. In my zeal to minimize the importance of VLs and the resultant flag rushes I have, on many maps, limited total VL points to 300. This is low for a 1,500 point battle. Unfortunately, doing this has made possession of the VLs not necessary if one is willing to settle for 40 points against an opponent one feels is likely much more skilled than one's self.

Here's how it works. The player shooting for the 40 pts. simply sets up a defense well back from the VLs. Even though his opponent occupies all the VLs the score will be 61-39 as long as both sides suffer 1/3 casualties (500 pts.). The more casualties, the better the score for the passive player as long as a 1:1 ratio is maintained. Getting the 500 in casualties at 1:1 is not all that difficult to do. Heavy arty exchanges can take care of much of that. Allowing a couple platoons to mix it up with the VL holder early on can take care of the rest. The more troops that are exchanged at 1:1 the lower the winner's score becomes.

If the player with the VLs actually moves forward and attacks the defenders line the defender will kill many troops and probably do better than a 1:1 kill ratio too. IOW, for the VL owner to do anything aggressive (except arty)would not be wise as he would be attacking a somewhat prepared defense at one to one odds. The MEETING ENGAGEMENT has now become a 1:1 attack/defend scenario with the passive player's score increasing with every casualty since he can easily expect a 1:1 casualty ratio while on the defense.

What this does IMO is defeat the whole spirit of a meeting engagement. What you really have is an attack/defend scenario at 1:1 odds without foxholes. The passive player is going on defense from the outset, without making significant contact; and will probably score AT LEAST 35 points for doing so as long as he buys a decent amount of arty and sends a couple platoons to scrap with the enemy until death.

The passive player has no incentive to attack (he just wants 40 pts.), nor does the VL holder since it would be an attack against a hasty defense at 1:1. The passive player has no incentive to call for or accept a ceasefire since he wants the VL holder to attack. What you have is a very boring game where one player will most likely get a 60-40 minor victory IF he sits on the VLs without attacking the enemy for 15-20 turns (arty excepted). This is not a meeting engagement IMO.

In order to prevent the passive tactics described above, thereby increasing the enjoyment and excitement of the tourney games, I have increased the value of VLs on many maps by doubling up the flags. Unfortunately, there are probably a dozen games going on these maps right now. If you feel your opponent is using these passive tactics intentionally I would like to know about it. Send me the latest game file that will open with your password. If I feel these passive tactics are indeed being employed (it is fairly obvious IMO) I will declare the game null and void and it must begin again using the repaired map. If you are playing on a map with 300-400 VL points make sure you are trying to win, rather than squeak out 40 points. That's all I ask. You will see no more maps with less than 600 VL points in central locations. Now you can deal with flag rushes, which are preferable IMO. These can be countered by using the Badco Endgame Randomizer (BER) which I highly recommend. I've had some really tense QBs as a result of the BER.

This situation is my fault for not thinking in gamey enough terms while making the maps. To those of you who would NOT take advantage of my lack of foresight, and are playing on the problem maps, I apologize. As long as both players on these maps make an honest effort to WIN the game there will be no problem and the game will be exciting and enjoyable, as it should be.

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I am in Claymore's camp on this one. VL are simply gravy.

Now, for some serious business:


Since those pillocks at AT&T can't seem to figure out how to install the digital wireless at our new home, turns will be late. How late? Well, First I have to wait the requisite 48 hours for their 'engineers' to figure out that the dish is not installed correctly, then an additional 5 - 7 working days for them to get some feeb out to the house to take care of it. In the mean time, I might see if I can dig up one of my old coffee coasters, er, AOL Free disks and get back on temporarily. Until then, sod off.

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