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Ahh yes, one other update, omitted because it is so mindbogglingly dull it barely deserves mentioning:

Leee-oh! has decided to stand and fight at last. Perhaps the 105's falling to his rear helped convince him?

And to the Muthah-beautiful thread - Happy 500th Post!

The rest of you may continue buggering yourselves.


[ 05-06-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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you lot are suck. As the japanese might say if they ever were to foolishly plumet into the peng thread and ponder upon the piles of trash the files this festering hall.

Your posts are dull. And while I should, according to the peng epistemology, pick out one of you to abuse and taunt I shall not because you are all equally awful. Come on lads and ladettes, how about posts that last more than Hiram's winning streak or Meeks'.. well lets leave that between him and his girlfriend.

Anyway, I am here to berate you for your lack of common taunting and abusage. I think the problem comes down to a lack of wit or intelligence. Things just aren't the same as the good old days when taunts lasted pages and were filled with more bile than a Streisand recording. *sigh*

Perhaps what is missing is a purpose! We are Kinigits (and squires, although mine has been so slack it's about time he bought some 'depends' i think), we need..

a Crusade!

You heard me! As Kinigits we need to go out there and fight the holy battle! Choose your board and lets us spread The Word of Peng amongst the needy!

Maybe this will inspire you all to avoid your insipid little 'haw haw me to' type posts and return to the true realisation that the other people here are awful (except yours truely) and should be abused at each and every opportunity and in length

Yours pissed off


*(who has a lower number than you, except a cpl of you, so is therefore right, ta)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd:

True that is the measure of loss but methinks that for some one who....... SURRENDERED... your losses were about to be even greater...... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

sniffs air, realises lawyer is about...

Purely from a sense of obligation to my at-the-time liege (there's some kinda cheese eating surrender monkey term for that, but I'd hate to consume the bandwidth to find it) did I make the ultimate (glances at bauhaus), OK, next to ultimate sacrifice to be sure that you did not experience another black mark via my tender ministrations. I most certainly confess (have we appointed a confessor yet?) that since yours is smaller than mine -- oh, your NUMBER, that is -- you must be a far, far better player than I and I'd hate to have the world go spinning off its axis if I were to force you into a Draw (not a loss, 'cause I'm not as daft as SpeedBump plays).

So, I did the only thing I could: I went downstairs and mixed a Martini (did I mention the Leyden's gin?). Oh, yes, then I surrendered as well. For the good of the 'Pool and all that... either that or I'd have to pick up this MG and run up to Cincy and show MM that we can run... oh, wait... only guys with tiny dic--, er, numbers, can talk about that... ta!

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Well, it seems my overly wordy missive has gone and gotten misinterpreted. Drunken ramblings, etc. So, without further ado:

Mace! You simple minded poster boy for euthanasia. You are the reason for sheep dip. Drop your ewe, wool wanker. In the words of Yosemite Sam, "I'm a callin' you out, varmit." Are you kniggit enough to handle that?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>PeterNZer, apparently still under the influcence, stated:you lot are suck. As the japanese might say if they ever were to foolishly plumet into the peng thread and ponder upon the piles of trash the files

this festering hall. ... Your posts are dull.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Well they may be dull (though how YOU would know based upon your attendance is difficult to determine) but they are at least complete sentences and make some sort of grammatical sense. Good lord man, and you're supposed to be a Knight that sets an example! I've seen better efforts from PawBroon after he's been at the wine or OGSF when he's lost his English to Scottish dictionary.


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Did I mention that, while watching SPR again as per the little woman's request, she asks me "are those beach obstacles still there?"

"No, I'd say theyr'e all gone by now, honey" replies I.

"What about the concrete gun emplacements?" she enquires.

"Yes, I beleive some of them are still there' I reply.

"We should go visit them some day" she says.

Hows that for kewl eh guys 'n gals?

I just thought you'd like to share in my good fortune, as I know you all care, really you do.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by R_Leet:

Well, it seems my overly wordy missive has gone and gotten misinterpreted. Drunken ramblings, etc. So, without further ado:

Mace! You simple minded poster boy for euthanasia. You are the reason for sheep dip. Drop your ewe, wool wanker. In the words of Yosemite Sam, "I'm a callin' you out, varmit." Are you kniggit enough to handle that?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Cease and desist, already! This thread can't go any lower or get any worse than some lame R-Leet wetting his pants to impress Mace. And this Abbott saying he can't be mean, but he does want a good fight. *puke, vomit, expectorate*

This particular Peng challenge thread began with much rich witty repartee by Lawyer, but has now sunk below Joe Shaw's single-digit sperm count. I summon the Almighty Sword of MadMatt to end it NOW, before we all die of terminal embarrassment for those who are unable to be embarrassed for themselves.

If the Peng fits, wear it. You smell worse than Mensch's underwear at the bottom of the stack. I've seen more stimulating intellect at Wal-Mart on Saturday mornings.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>This particular Peng challenge thread began with much rich witty repartee by Lawyer, but has now sunk below Joe Shaw's single-digit sperm count.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Give me a break you, you ... Government Lawyer, I've seen unused postit notes with more wit, though I don't doubt the rich part considering your motto of "Steal From the Poor and Give to ME!" <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I summon the Almighty Sword of MadMatt to end it NOW, before we all die of terminal embarrassment for those who are unable to be embarrassed for themselves.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now that IS rich, that you, of all people, would claim that OTHERS are unable to be embarrassed for themselves. And just what is it that you wish to end? This thread? Surely not, we will not allow that to happen. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If the Peng fits, wear it. You smell worse than Mensch's underwear at the bottom of the stack. I've seen more stimulating intellect at Wal-Mart on Saturday mornings.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Look, spend your Saturday mornings however you want, no doubt wandering the lingerie aisles pretended to look for the "little lady." We shall continue the high tone of this The One The True CessPool.


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Greetings all. I know that there has got to be a limit for postings. I feel that it is near. From my essence...I post a hearty "hi mom". Both Croda and I state that we created the phenomenom that is the "hi mom" but I cannot prove that he is a boldface liar and that he should be put to sleep like a dirty dog. Even if this thread should continue, I can only hope that Joe Shaw should be gang raped by lesbians and thrown into the nearest river. We all have our hopes and dreams in this lifetime.

PS Naomi says Hi and Go Phillies.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

This particular Peng challenge thread began with much rich witty repartee by Lawyer, but has now sunk below Joe Shaw's single-digit sperm count.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Give me a break you, you ... Government Lawyer, I've seen unused postit notes with more wit, though I don't doubt the rich part considering your motto of "Steal From the Poor and Give to ME!" <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I summon the Almighty Sword of MadMatt to end it NOW, before we all die of terminal embarrassment for those who are unable to be embarrassed for themselves.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now that IS rich, that you, of all people, would claim that OTHERS are unable to be embarrassed for themselves. And just what is it that you wish to end? This thread? Surely not, we will not allow that to happen. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If the Peng fits, wear it. You smell worse than Mensch's underwear at the bottom of the stack. I've seen more stimulating intellect at Wal-Mart on Saturday mornings.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Look, spend your Saturday mornings however you want, no doubt wandering the lingerie aisles pretended to look for the "little lady." We shall continue the high tone of this The One The True CessPool.


Joey, Joey, Joey, you disturbed twin of Donny Osmond.

I didn't mean "kill the Peng thread" forever. I said to kill this increasingly deviated iteration of it and move to the next one, so someone other than me can have their name attached to the twaddle displayed for the past several pages.

Joe, I know you have been playing hide and seek with me, hoping that you won't be called upon to face your inevitable death at the Hands of the Law. Like the unprepared student you are, you hope the Professor of Pain will inadvertently pass you by when calling the roll of death.

So be it, for now. Like a noisy little reptile dining on mites lodged in the skin of the Lion, you survive safely until one day the Lion tires of your annoying bites on his hide. I have the Battle of Washington to fight with Marlow and your former boy, Frito Perdido. Both of them at least have the balls to come out and give it a shot, even if they must die for the Greater Glory of Lawyer's Blood Lust.

You, puny and inflated with gas though you are, have always worked with wry wit rather than the "girly" insults slung by low-life pretenders with disconnected brainstems like "Mr Spkr", whom I see you are now promoting as your next "boy". However, instead of raising him up to your level of cleverness (which is six leagues below joke night at a Cub Scout camp), you have sunk to the Texas chainsaw's predictable and boring babble of trite gay-baiting trashtalk. You're slipping badly, Joe.

So use your own pair to express yourself before you suck poor Mr Spkr's vacant nuts completely dry and make yourself into the wit-eunuch that he already is, spouting Texas gay-taunts to feint for your manhood which never was. Do you really want to be a cheap faux George W. at a frat party??

Surely, the Mormons have taught you to aim higher...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Did I mention that, while watching SPR again as per the little woman's request, she asks me "are those beach obstacles still there?"

"No, I'd say theyr'e all gone by now, honey" replies I.

"What about the concrete gun emplacements?" she enquires.

"Yes, I beleive some of them are still there' I reply.

"We should go visit them some day" she says.

Hows that for kewl eh guys 'n gals?

I just thought you'd like to share in my good fortune, as I know you all care, really you do.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You, sir, are truly a bastard.

BTW Fillies, I believe Sir Shaw would enjoy being gang raped by a pack of lesbians. smile.gif (smiley provided for Peng's sake).


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

(Typical annoying and pointless government drivel snipped for everyone's sanity, such as it is)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm sorry, did you think you were saying something even vaguely important, let alone intelligent or witty?

Next time, try removing your mouth from the government teat before you talk. Maybe you won't mumble so unintelligently (though, being a D.C. lawyer type, I doubt it).


[ 05-06-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Guest Babra

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

BTW Fillies, I believe Sir Shaw would enjoy being gang raped by a pack of lesbians...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Geez, you make that sound like a bad thing.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

I'm sorry, did you think you were saying something even vaguely important, let alone intelligent or witty?

Next time, try removing your mouth from the government teat before you talk. Maybe you won't mumble so unintelligently (though, being a D.C. lawyer type, I doubt it).


[ 05-06-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Res ipsa loquitur...

[ 05-06-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Joey, Joey, Joey, you disturbed twin of Donny Osmond.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Say what you will about Donny (and I've said plenty, it ain't easy being a non-Mormon Democrat in this state), he certainly did attract the babes in his day ... not that he did anything with them, the twit. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I didn't mean "kill the Peng thread" forever. I said to kill this increasingly deviated iteration of it and move to the next one <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> And if YOU'D been paying attention instead of paying effusive compliments to our elected "public servants" so that your pork o' the month" project would get funded you'd have noticed that the Mad Bald One himself stated that there were to be no further incarnations of the Peng Thread. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Joe, I know you have been playing hide and seek with me, hoping that you won't be called upon to face your inevitable death <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>You know that's about the fourth time you've THREATENED a challenge only to back off at the last moment. A typical attorney trick. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You, puny and inflated with gas though you are, have always worked with wry wit rather than the "girly" insults slung by low-life pretenders with disconnected brainstems like "Mr Spkr", whom I see you are now promoting as your next "boy".<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> {sigh}, I fear that you have some of the right about you on this one. MrSpkr, among others, is guilty of ... going a bit far in my humble but correct opinion. If MadMatt doesn't care, however, who am I to throw stones. My suggestion for MrSpkr was only that he be listed as Serf, certainly not as Squire nor do I have any plans to take an additional squire at this time, as young Speedbump is performing adequately. MrSpkr has, however, shown admirable fortitude and a semblance of wit and perhaps we can, with patience and the odd brick, ween him away from his anti-social ways ... and he likes fried okra. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>So use your own pair to express yourself before you ... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Now this goes too far, first you berate MrSpkr for his posts and you follow your rebuke with this? I have lost all respect for you ... oh wait I didn't have any to start ... never mind.


p.s. As to the Lesbians and the River ... where do I sign up, hell I'll tag along just to take the pictures.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Did I mention that, while watching SPR again as per the little woman's request, she asks me "are those beach obstacles still there?"

"No, I'd say theyr'e all gone by now, honey" replies I.

"What about the concrete gun emplacements?" she enquires.

"Yes, I beleive some of them are still there' I reply.

"We should go visit them some day" she says.

Hows that for kewl eh guys 'n gals?

I just thought you'd like to share in my good fortune, as I know you all care, really you do.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The mad Frenchman PushBroom didn't have anything to do with this, did he?

Stuka, me boy, beware the "You go ahead and look at the concrete thingies ... I'll go to town and do a little shopping" ploy.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Did I mention that, while watching SPR again as per the little woman's request, she asks me "are those beach obstacles still there?"

"No, I'd say theyr'e all gone by now, honey" replies I.

"What about the concrete gun emplacements?" she enquires.

"Yes, I beleive some of them are still there' I reply.

"We should go visit them some day" she says.


She's got you pegged!

I'll bet it'll be at most a 5 minute stand on Omaha Beach, then she'll say "We've seen enough, let's got to Paris!"


PS Did some one call me out?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by R_Leet:

So, without further ado:

Mace! You simple minded poster boy for euthanasia. You are the reason for sheep dip. Drop your ewe, wool wanker. In the words of Yosemite Sam, "I'm a callin' you out, varmit." Are you kniggit enough to handle that?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Who do you think I am, some CM slut who puts out for all the newbies? Someone who's good for a quick bang (in a CM sense)?

I have certain standards to maintain. Prove yourself against someone at your level first (ie. maggot, snail or slug) or one of our many squires, then I may consider it!

Otherwise, "go away boy, you bother me"! tongue.gif


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A repeat from the Witty challenged..

In the interest of playing another game in this despicable place I call you out Agua Perdido . As I am sure you already know, I do not posses the ability (yet) to write to you a fitting “Peng” challenge. However I do say sir that I would enjoy very much adding you to my growing list of helpless victims.

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Wow. That was close.

I almost broke the thread again.

I got some sort of weird server error when I hit the "add reply" button.

I fear the end is nigh, and we must again move this pit to some other thread and begin again.

Has anybody seen Eddy?

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