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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

I wish to share a little story with you all...

once a pond a time there was a little dog.. his name was.. well it don't matter cuz he gets run over by a car anyhow.. anyhow this cat like to play with a ball.. and this ball was.. well not important because the cat ate it... causing it to panic because it blocked him from going to the washroom and run out on the street and get run over.. anyhow this ferret who ate this rock as so mentioned thought why do I have short legs and not long legs oh.. say like a horse.. but that would be silly seeing horse legs on a chicken... actually this is a stupid story and has no moral behind it... aside maybe don't make stupid stories like this.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ummm . . . Hey mensch - about that shock treatment you've been giving yourself . . .

Up the voltage.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DekeFentle:

SpeedBump I am saddened by the lack of your incoherent drivel of late<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Clearly someone of great taste...wait, did you say incoherent? Then obviously someone with good ears...

Real life - blah, blah, blah. No good excuse.

I note with interest Mr. Spkr roundly challenging anyone that will speak with him. {Note to Mr Spkr - send me a $#%^^^#$ turn!}

Iskander continues to proceed with his use of Sturmkompanie in a map with limited visibility (read heavy woods over half of the map). It seems BTS's FOW war settings are tricky. Early in the game, his forces were identified as "Cub Scouts?" Iskander himself was identified as "Troop Leader (Leering lustfully at own troops)?" Tricky, gamey bastiche.

As for you Deke Fentle, you are a harpsichord playing, Barbara Streisand listening, Tom Cruise fanclub member (not that there is anything wrong with that)! Now as I need another Pool match, I expect to see a setup in my inbox when I return home tonight!

Now back to my dreary existence that is refered to as Real Life...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

And Joe, thanks for the okra.


I am glad that you are making nice with my revered Knight, but hurry up and send me my turn so that I might stomp you like the Lake Erie Midge you are!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump:

incoherent ramblings conveniently snipped for your reading pleasure

I note with interest Mr. Spkr roundly challenging anyone that will speak with him. {Note to Mr Spkr - send me a $#%^^^#$ turn!}<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh dear. The troops haven't started moving in for the kill yet? I simply must talk with them; you see, when they heard they were going up against your "boys" (and I use that term very loosely), they immediately began planning their victory celebration.

I believe the party is scheduled to start about four or five minutes into the battle. Do you think they are being too pessimistic?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I might stomp you like the Lake Erie Midge you are!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

There you go again, delaying things. You'll just have to wait a bit now - some of my ubertruppen laughed so hard at that statement they ruptured their hernias. You really must be more considerate.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Now back to my dreary existence<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sigh. You can take care of that, you know. 40 cc's of pentobarbitol should do the trick nicely.


[Edited because speedbuggy is too dense to post everything at once]

[ 05-03-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Wait a minute, does a match with the "Whuppin' boy" count?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Absolutely lad, go to it, well thought out plan and I applaud your attitude and proactivity ... oh wait ... opps, sorry, thought you said SET a match to the "Whuppin'boy" ... my mistake.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedbump:

Iskander continues to proceed with his use of Sturmkompanie in a map with limited visibility (read heavy woods over half of the map)...


DryHump may just now be coming to the realisation that when someone sends you a Setup specifying "moderate hills" and "woods" (or whatever it's called), that maybe, just maybe, buying armor for offense and 'zooks for defence would be STUPID. This, coupled with a single axis of advance (but he does get partial credit for attempting to hug the map edge like that gamey lawyerslime, jd (please note absence of Squire-like deference)), has all but insured an unseemly, but timely, end.

You've been JABO'd and "Tree-bo'd", lint... whatcha gonna do now? Or rather: on what conditions are you going to lose?

The rest of my games involve winning and losing... keeping track seems pointless. Except for HerrPengenpod: it's easy to keep track of NO TURNS.

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The illustrious Meeks may be back soon...

We all wait with bated breath....

May his arrival hasten the destruction which you all so richly deserve, incompetent pig-monkeys.

[ 05-03-2001: Message edited by: harpooner ]

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

Denigrate tri-tip, will you, just because it's slow-roasted in a 55-gallon drum on a beach by a machinist or an agricultural laborer? Serve it in a French restaurant with some bearnaise and they'd call it Chateaubriand and hit you for $57 a plate. I've had Chateaubriand, I've had tri-tip (slow-roasted in a 55-gallon drum on a beach by a machinist who races hot-rodded Ford Pintos on the weekends), and you, sir, are no 55-gallon drum (except in terms of making a hollow "booonnngg" sound when struck on the head with a ball-peen hammer). Neither are you even a hot-rodded Ford Pinto (except for your reputed tendancy to burst into flame when rear-ended (Bauhaus! Put down that Chilton manual. No, it doesn't have a centerfold.)).

I seem to have lost track of my point in all of this...

You are lame. Keep your silly drivel off the pages of my forum unless you have something useful to post.

dribble drabble drub drub drub

something smells bad around here...and it ain't no over-cooked filet mignon...phew!

Yeah, you too, mensch. And send me a goldang turn!!!! It's been a week already.

[ 05-03-2001: Message edited by: harpooner ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

PawBroon you magnificent, mad FROGman. How in the hell am I supposed to fail to mention you in a post if you call me out like that?

Damn you and your daffy French ways and your para-angliase writing and talking. You put to shame the armouredgonad and the abbess and the spanker and the wanker and the tinker too. but the shame must fall on you for your abcessent absence from the one and only thread in all the damned world that matters.

Not that it matters anymore since the old ones only post once in a hundred worthless posts.

I, like the The story teller, find that I must MUST read every last post, though my eyes bleed and my lower intestine peristalt-halts in a writhing deathdance with each 'new' 'taunt' by the likes of, oh hell someone who's name starts with a letter of the alphabet, pick one anyone they are all of them together not worth the snot gob on the end of Croda's inner croda's finger just as it meets his tongue.

So, Dear PawBroon, I will boldly and with malicious aforehand smite thee verily about the face and shoulders. I pick up your gauntlet and slip it into my haversack, it might be worth something at the fleamarket some day, and Accept your challenge.

I will wing a thing to you poste tardy that shall be have its particulars enumerated in a Pengish sort of way in the body of the missile while the attache bit will be a thing that we shall play.

I strongly urge you to begin dying a lot at this particular period in history.


Failing to fail to mention PawBroon at last.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

By the Reformed Church of Festering Boils!

I have tears flooding from my once clogged eyes.

Peng, the Tectonic Knight.

He who redefines slowness in the very same plodding way that EuroWarrior seems to think that having corn flakes for the breakfast makes him a Cereal Killer...

How could I fail noticing your failure at failing to notice me?

What kind of Catch 22 is that?!

Was I meant to be objurgated just for the schooling of newbies I hold in so high an esteem that they wouldn't scrap the sole of my boots if I were to tread on them?

I knew the jocularity of our vernacular imposed some sort of abuses but did you have to let those lice proliferate and bath in the wrongful knowledge that they were actually belonging here?

Peng, I'll have to spank you with the still limp limbs of everyone of those Courtesans whose value would be deemed so high that they wouldn't even have me peed on them for my prostatic pleasure.

Once bathed in the Blood of those smitten Unbelievers, you'll have the remaining few introduce themselves properly in the way of the Old Pool.

We have a Code, we have the PoolShido...

By the way Bauhaus, none of that self introducing since we've learned about your elasticity a wee whiley already!

And in the Spirit of the Story Teller, or maybe not actually, as much as I remember why BlowMouse is ask to sit, I thrive in that sudden use of Random Bold Lettering.

No the Frog is not dead yet eventhough still afflicted with a terrible priapism that seemed to be a mandatory [(and slightly {not in magnitude} impractical in nature)] cultural thing.

Feed my lust with a setup and feel my thrust under your parring.

Dead man walking! Dead man walking!

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"objurgated", huh? hmm lemmee see here.....

ummm...obliquity....obsequious....obscure.....oh, here it is.

It means, (1) pertaining to a self-defeating, unusually unpleasant moron who has delusions of grandeur associated with not recoginizing that not being recognized by the peng challenge namesake is a blessing to be savored for all it's worth.

Give the conductor your ticket and sit back down, Skippy. It's not your birthday, either.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by harpooner:

[Tepid, misformatted tripe.]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Will someone please change Hamsters'/Meeks' dosage to make this manifestation be more interesting? Even Wildman posts better stuff than this, plus he formats quotes correctly. (Speaking of which, where the feck's my setup that was supposedly "on the way" last night? Get cracking, junior bird-man.)

Agua Perdido

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

By the Reformed Church of Festering Boils!

I have tears flooding from my once clogged eyes. Peng, the Tectonic Knight...


Feed my lust with a setup and feel my thrust under your parring.

Dead man walking! Dead man walking!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Note to all: Do Not Try This At Home!

Even I, more conversant with language and more adept at writing than all but a handful of you, cannot reproduce Pawbroonian prose. In fact, several attempts have resulted in minor injuries. Unlike the words of Peng, which anyone can hammer together in a similar fashion, although such a mechanistic approach generally sheers away all the true venom, or the psychotic meanderings of Mensch, which can be achieved by anyone willing to imbibe a borderline overdose level of ketamine and Canadian lager, the prose of Pawbroon reaches a kind of 'meta-level' of meaning. Even those parts that I cannot help but feel are complete and utter gibberish, still lure me into reading them again and again.

Any who did not seek out his superb 'Letters to the Eurowarrior' (correctly pointed out by the scrofulous Lawyer as 'inspired' and 'high art') should read them now. The fact that the crude and scatologically obsessed brute 'Lawyer' found value in them gives me hope for his redemption.

All that said, Pawbroon remains French, of course, and lives in a nation that, against all logic, continues to find Jerry Lewis hilarious. This leads me to believe that in France, Armornut, Speedbump, and Harpooner would be considered 'comic geniuses'. Unfortunately for these three stooges, the written word and a finely turned taunt are also highly regarded, and would result in their immediate deportation.

Still, there is hope for all. Many another has entered the Peng Challenge Thread fixated upon bodily functions, the supposed transgressions of other people's relatives and significant others, and their own wee manhood. And many of them have undergone the burnishing process, tumbled and scoured by the finer wits and taunts around them, until they could offer forth a taunt more entertaining than 'mine's big, your's is small, and he got his cut off'.

Finally, let me just say, in summation:

Goddamnit, Pawbroon! Where's my turn?! Are you hoping to win by allowing my tanks to freeze up with rust?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

This however does not change the basic fact that I want your skull on my trophy wall. I have a nice place picked out... right next to Seanachai and just below Bauhaus<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Here, if his skull is to go next to mine, and below Bauhaus's, that would seem to indicate that, when you finally acquire my skull (you cannot think that having beaten me in one out of four games entitles you to it yet), it will be hung below Bauhaus's. Bloody cheek! I demand that, should you acquire my skull, it be hung above Bauhaus's (and in a well lit, climate controlled environment so I can see what the little sod is up to; he refuses to fight me in other than 'impaired visibility' conditions). Where the hell is Moriarity's skull in all this? And why isn't he returning my turns? If he needs his skull to process them, return it to him at once, sir, so that my men can stop shivering out there in the snow!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

Splendid idea. Though why you think the attack was unwarranted, is a mystery. Poking lamely and belatedly at a well-known oaf is hardly redemption for a village idiot.

Anyway, unwarranted attacks are what the Peng Thread is for... you idiot. Therefore, being an idiot, and the attack (which didn't really meet Peng Thread standards for an "attack" anyway, being a rather lame denunciation of the obvious) consisting of rightfully noting you as an idiot, you have provoked a warranted attack, upsetting our charter in a predictably small way.

Piss off. Have a slice of tri-tip on the way out, you deserve it. See the perdidiot by the door.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Standards? Hrrrpf! Coming from a guy who would idolize a choir boy fondling man of the cloth, I would claim you, sir, know nothing of standards.

Maybe that woman of yours can start teaching you how to dress right, THEN you might have a modicum of standards amounting to my right pinky.

And besides... I will not sully myself any further responding to you... you...goofy looking bastard.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Any who did not seek out his superb 'Letters to the Eurowarrior' (correctly pointed out by the scrofulous Lawyer as 'inspired' and 'high art') should read them now. The fact that the crude and scatologically obsessed brute 'Lawyer' found value in them gives me hope for his redemption.


I've just learned a new word "scrofulous". It's a real word, too. Who says you never learn anything in the Cesspool??

I stand by my exclusive revelation that PawBroon is indeed Hunter S. Thompson on the lam in France. Every word he writes proves it.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Maybe that woman of yours can start teaching you how to dress right, THEN you might have a modicum of standards amounting to my right pinky.

And besides... I will not sully myself any further responding to you... you...goofy looking bastard.


Sigh. Shandorf will also be barred from entering France. It's his great height, I believe, that leads to taunting like this. The blood simply can't be bothered to make the long hike up to his brain. And when it gets there, there's so little to nourish that you can hardly blame it for considering the trip wasted.

Really, Geoffrey. Attacking the man's wardrobe? Are you thinking, perhaps, of reincarnating as a teenage girl? I still can't believe you thrashed me in that game. Something will have to be done about that one of these days. In the meantime, try to raise your sights from the...er...sartorial, and attempt something in the satirical line.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Senility:

Sigh! Shandorf will also be barred from entering France.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And I didn't even say it.

Seriously, every idiots can come to France as long as they go elsewhere.

If our latest bunch is indicative in any way of what the average Pooler is, then they might as well go in New Orleans and believe it to be Paris...

Don't frown on cheap thrills PembleMan, Idiots will wear us down.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Ooooo... I'm make comment on his superior genes which give him his chiseled looks and tall lean stature.


Why... I am surprise to hear such drivel spill from the lips of one sooooo small. Seanachai, you can take your Muchkinland ass back to that hippie commune you wander out of naked and drugged up on tree bark, or whatever it is you hippies chew today.

And at least blood reaches the top of my head to feed my hair. No doubt it has been your voracious appetite of drugs and carnal pleasures, with unmentionables, which has parted you with your hair, or at least just the very top part.

Seanchai, you look like a troll doll in bad need of Rogaine treatments. Go play in the street or some fink.


P.S. Anytime you want me to hand you your hairy ass (maybe that is where the hair has gone?) just send me a setup.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Why... I am surprise to hear such drivel spill from the lips of one sooooo small. Seanachai, you can take your Muchkinland ass back to that hippie commune you wander out of naked and drugged up on tree bark, or whatever it is you hippies chew today.

And at least blood reaches the top of my head to feed my hair. No doubt it has been your voracious appetite of drugs and carnal pleasures, with unmentionables, which has parted you with your hair, or at least just the very top part.

Seanchai, you look like a troll doll in bad need of Rogaine treatments. Go play in the street or some fink.


P.S. Anytime you want me to hand you your hairy ass (maybe that is where the hair has gone?) just send me a setup.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

P.S.S. Oh.. and BTW Mark IV DOES dress funny! Just look at his damn picture!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DerKinkyFerkle:

Any Kinnegit worthy of the title would leap to defend his good/bad name and Stuka you are definitely NOT worthy.


Good Peng man!

That has to earn you the Cesspool award for "weakest taunt since Abbott said bumpity".

Not worthy, NOT worthy?, oh my good sir, you wound me mortally.

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or be called 'not worthy', I'll take a sling to the eustachian tubes and an arrow to the pituitary gland ahead of your, *Sniff*, most vicious and hurtful taunts.

You snivelling microbe!

Best you have your wrists set in plaster as with your foppish delivery of *giggle* 'taunts', the limp little things may well simply drop off.

My erstwhile squire has squeezed pimples with more zest and verve than you my lad.

May I suggest you find yourself a mirror and take a good, hard look at yourself. The question you need to ask here is, "do I have what it takes?"

My vote is in the negative.

Try to prove me wrong, Fishlips.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DekeFentle:

Mace if that really is a Pershing rolling down my right flank and not the gross exaggeration of my trembling horde, I would like to direct you to the words “Fionn’s rules of 76 in effect” in the setup e-mail for this game. I have been wondering about that arty too? It seems bigger than 155mm but I guess it always does when you’re on the receiving end. Please note this is not an accusation as I have no proof to offer other than to point to your well known gameyness<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Dear name-who-sounds-like-a-bowel-medical-condition,

I cannot recall any discussion regarding the Fionn's rule of 76mm in our discourse. This is because either:

i) It never eventuated;

ii) It eventuated but I chose to not to notice it (something about my eyes glazing over when I read your e-mails)

iii) It eventuated, I noticed it, I ignored it, and then I catagorically denied it (this of course being standard form for we public servants, where accountability is quickly redirected elsewhere when a fault occurs, but praise gladly accepted, along with the yearly bonus).

I leave it for you to decide.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

...or the psychotic meanderings of Mensch, which can be achieved by anyone willing to imbibe a borderline overdose level of ketamine and Canadian lager<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I for one am happy that Mensch's frontal lobotomy appears successful, as his latest contribution to the pool was much more coherent than normal.


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PushBroom, or shall it be El Dudereno, your challenge is accepted ... although with certain obvious misgivings and trepidations. An armor battle you say, and only armor, and you have the unmitigated gall to deny my fearless feldgraus the pride of the German tank fleet : the invincible PzIIL.

You, sir, have no couth.

[ 05-03-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

[ 05-03-2001: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

opps, sorry, thought you said SET a match to the "Whuppin'boy" ... my mistake.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't think this was a mistake.

Yesterday you set your backside alite, today you set Whuppin boy alite (not that there's any thing wrong with that).

Joe, I must inquire.

Are you a pyromaniac?


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