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Future Combat Mission?

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Okay, I'm a newbie and have probably missed discussions on this before, but...

What is the future for CM? I've heard that there will be a CM2 on the Eastern Front and rumours about a CMII with improved engine.

What I want to know is:

Will the CM(II) engine be used for modern day warfare?

Just imagine seeing all your little men spew out of bradleys as atgms fly across the landscape and helos fly close support.

As much as I love the WW2 battles, I can't help but imagine what this would be like for modern day weaponry.

So, anyone know if this is going to happen/want this to happen?


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Okay, I'm a newbie and have probably missed discussions on this before, but...

Learn the ways of the SEARCH Luke.... smile.gif

What I want to know is:

Will the CM(II) engine be used for modern day warfare?

No chance.

Also, you should realize that while BTS said they MIGHT do a modern CM in the future, it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the line.

They are booked solid for several years with their first love, WWII.

I would think modern war games present all sorts of headaches for a CM arena. Helicopters have to be factored in, and in a MAJOR way. Dropping troops, attacking, etc etc. Not likely CMII will be designed to model missles or helo's.

[This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 03-16-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 03-16-2001).]

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BTS said that they didn't know what they would be doing after CM 2, 3, and 4. That means that they might do a modern edition, or the Pacific, Korea, the 6 day war (on my wish list), but they're keeping their options open.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

The Last Defense- Free hosting for your CM pictures!

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Guest KwazyDog

Hi Skorpion,

As phoenix metnioned, we do have our plate full in the short term with the WW2 theater, with the eastern front being next, then the desert and mediterranean and them the early years.

Also, we do need to wait for hardware to become more powerful to handle the larger battlefields that modern warfare would require. That being said though, we certainally arent ruling out a modern version of Combat Mission! smile.gif

In fact, Id love to see it myself, Ive always had a 'thing' for modern warfare (including Korea onwards) since I played an old game called Overrun on my C64, hehe.


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I would definitly prefer to see Pacific theatre of operations addressed before a modern version, in fact I would rather see it moved up to follow Eastern front or desert. My mouth waters at the thought of my Marines landing on Tarawa, Imagine the fun being the Japanese and setting up Cave complexes. A new "Command" for Bansai charges! Fanatic Anti tank Demo "Charges" a whole new flavor to CM! Let me know when I can defend "The Rock".


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I'm all for a Pacific theatre too. You'd have the opportunity to model Japan's invasion of China aswell as the slugfests in the jungles of Borneo and on the pacific islands.

Just think of the naval barrages you could deploy - and the amount of air power you could see. Woohoo!

If this ever does happen - PLEASE model ghurkas. MUahHAHAHAAHAHAHA!



That's my other dog impression.

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Originally posted by Soddball:

I'm all for a Pacific theatre too. You'd have the opportunity to model Japan's invasion of China aswell as the slugfests in the jungles of Borneo and on the pacific islands.

Just think of the naval barrages you could deploy - and the amount of air power you could see. Woohoo!

If this ever does happen - PLEASE model ghurkas. MUahHAHAHAAHAHAHA!

Hopefully the Ghurkas will be modelled in the CM3- Western Desert incarnation. Imagine one of those platoons against their equivalent Italian counterpaart... or even 3 of their Italian equivalent counterpart. The mouth waters at the thought.


Jim R.

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I would love to see one on the more recent "Mother of all Wars" desert storm, but I guess that would be a little one sided. But at least it wouldn't take long. They wouldn't really even have to show any Irag's just us bombing the carp out of them. I sure wish I knew how to make a smiley face so since I don;t here's a HA! HA! instead.

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Thanks for the replies everyone.

Seems I might have to wait awhile to see some apaches flying around in CM, but never mind.

I love the current game, and while the thought of the eastern front doesn't inspire me much, I'm looking forward to playing as Monty in North Africa (Can't you tell I prefer tanks).


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Being more of a tank enthusiast I hope the Pacific War is way way on the back burner, maybe out on the barbecue behind the garage. IMHO the most fun to be had will be the Western Desert, the Early Years - mid to late 30's and the Russian Front probably in that order.

Why? Lots of interesting units, different types of formations based on mostly experimental doctrines of the use of armor and infantry. I think it would be great to develop tactics for French forces (for instance) that would successfully counter the Germans. I see so many interesting possibilites.

Although beach landings might be fun, the rest of the Pacific Campaign in CM terms would end up as infantry slogging around in the jungle. You can do that now by playing QBs with lots of tree cover and no houses with rain turned on.


"Too much of a good thing...

is wonderful." -- Mae West

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Just wanted to add my 0.02 in favor of CM: Modern Battles before the Pacific Theater. Sorry boys, just can't get as worked up over infantry slugfests as I can over IFVs, MBTs, attack helos, MRLS, air assault troops, ATGMs, and all those other wild and wacky acronyms of modern land warfare.


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Well, IMO the most challenging and fun would be the desert campaigns of 1939-42. The manuevering that went on between Rommel and the allied forces was classic. In addition, there were a number of vehicle types, each with their own advantages. I've long thought that the Allies could have pushed the German's out of North Africa in the Autumn of 1941 before Rommel's offensive suffering only from their timidity and cautiousness (sp?). I'd like to prove it.

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WW I would be rather boring most of the time...

1. Arty barrage, two days long.

2. First wave... machinegunned...

3. Second wave... oh, look that one... he reached halfway....

4. Third wave... the arty barrage helping them falls short and kills everybody by "not so friendly fire"

5. Fourth wave... 200 m advance. Atack halts.

6. Counter attack... same positions....

Only in late 1917 and 1918 it will get quite fun. And in some of the Alpinian battles, with those ****ty italians. And BTW, I'd love seeing some so-called Italian tanks. Worse than a Sherman... how did they manage to do that?


"We do not retreat... we advance to the back of the formation..." (brave new soldier)

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Originally posted by KwazyDog:

As phoenix metnioned, we do have our plate full in the short term with the WW2 theater, with the eastern front being next, then the desert and mediterranean and them the early years.

Also, we do need to wait for hardware to become more powerful to handle the larger battlefields that modern warfare would require.


How about Viet Nam? I'd love to see a 'Nam version of CM sometime in the future. It would be interesting to see how you would handle helicopters, Agent orange and thick jungle warfare in general.

I imagine it would also be a challenge to accurately portray the Viet Cong and Viet Minh armies.



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Originally posted by Blenheim:

WW I would be rather boring most of the time...

...And in some of the Alpinian battles, with those ****ty italians. And BTW, I'd love seeing some so-called Italian tanks. Worse than a Sherman... how did they manage to do that?

So, Blenheim, is this how you would like YOUR kinsmen to be referred to? You, sir are an insensitive ethnocentric lout.

BTW, read a bit more history before referring to a people as "****ty."

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When did everyone become so damn sensitive? Does everything have to be a reason to get offended. People have been calling the Italians military crap for years, get used to it, move on and when CM3 comes out, kick his lily white fanny with those ****ty Italians.

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Originally posted by Blenheim:

WW I would be rather boring most of the time...

1. Arty barrage, two days long.

2. First wave... machinegunned...

3. Second wave... oh, look that one... he reached halfway....

4. Third wave... the arty barrage helping them falls short and kills everybody by "not so friendly fire"

5. Fourth wave... 200 m advance. Atack halts.

6. Counter attack... same positions....

Only in late 1917 and 1918 it will get quite fun. And in some of the Alpinian battles, with those ****ty italians. And BTW, I'd love seeing some so-called Italian tanks. Worse than a Sherman... how did they manage to do that?

Obviously spoken by someone who hasn't learned the whole history of the war. Two fronts tended to stabilize in trench warfare, the French and the Turkish. With better leadership, both of those could have avoided the stalemate also. The first month or so of the war was proceeding quite quickly until the German mistakes in strategy caught up with them. The Russian Front was definitely not trench warfare, the spaces involved made this nearly impossible. The Balkan front and Italian front were both fairly mobile, more restricted by the terrain than by trenches (With a few notable exceptions) Besides in the scale involved, even the French front could have some interesting battles, since on the small unit scale away from the real meat grinders like Ypres, there were some good actions fought. I think it would be easier and more interesting to regress this engine to previous wars than to advance into modern warfare. Hell, I'm still waiting for a good American Civil War game to come out...been about 12 years since the last one I enjoyed. Anyone remember No Greater Glory?


Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.

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Originally posted by Hamsters:

When did everyone become so damn sensitive? Does everything have to be a reason to get offended. People have been calling the Italians military crap for years, get used to it, move on and when CM3 comes out, kick his lily white fanny with those ****ty Italians.

Ah, another crude idiot raises his arrogant head. Thanks for proving that "****ty" (as you put it) people are not restricted to one nationality.

BTW, those are MY so-called "****ty" peole, including a grandfather who suffered greatly serving his country.

This is not about juvenile grognard humor, this is about civility in a public forum. Figure it out.

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Originally posted by Skorpion:

Thanks for the replies everyone.

Seems I might have to wait awhile to see some apaches flying around in CM, but never mind.

I love the current game, and while the thought of the eastern front doesn't inspire me much, I'm looking forward to playing as Monty in North Africa (Can't you tell I prefer tanks).


If you are a tank person, then an eastern front edition would be right up your alley. Imagine modelling the battle of Kursk -- the largest tank battle of the war. the eastern front involved more tanks, more men, and more artillery than any other front of the war. Let's see the Eastern front released first!!

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Originally posted by gunnergoz:

Ah, another crude idiot raises his arrogant head. Thanks for proving that "****ty" (as you put it) people are not restricted to one nationality.

BTW, those are MY so-called "****ty" peole, including a grandfather who suffered greatly serving his country.

This is not about juvenile grognard humor, this is about civility in a public forum. Figure it out.

Crude idiot? That insult is just silly. What I pointed out was that if you want to prove his estimation of your countrymen's military skill to be wrong, prove it wrong. Otherwise, Italy has such a poor track record that the adjective '****ty' can be used quite accurately. This being a military oriented forum and this being a very specifically military oriented thread, it is safe to assume he was calling the Italian military ****ty and not the entire Italian race ****ty, which would also be silly.

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Hamsters you miss my point.

Derogatory statements specifying and disrespecting a discrete nationality or race, using profane language, are not acceptable in any context outside of mutually consentual conversation held between individuals, in privacy.

This is not about negative and descriptive comments about equipment, tactics or specific leaders. What is being propagated is a negative stereotype of a culture and it's people. This is not permitted in the workplace or in the media, by law for crying out loud. That being the case, why should this forum decend to the level of a red-neck locker room full of good-old-boy hackneyed prejudice?

Sorry, but to defend such terminology or the so-called right to assert it, is not flattering to your reputation as even an amateur historian or gamer.

The only thing less appealing than ignorance is the defense of same.

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Guest Mirage2k

Originally posted by Hamsters:

Crude idiot? That insult is just silly. What I pointed out was that if you want to prove his estimation of your countrymen's military skill to be wrong, prove it wrong. Otherwise, Italy has such a poor track record that the adjective '****ty' can be used quite accurately. This being a military oriented forum and this being a very specifically military oriented thread, it is safe to assume he was calling the Italian military ****ty and not the entire Italian race ****ty, which would also be silly.

Since you seem to be trying to use some sort of logic, let's see if you can understand this. Who are in the Italian military? Italians. Who makes decisions in the Italian military? Why, hey, they're Italians! Who died fighting for their country in the Italian military? I think you can guess.

So whether the nature of the insult was intended (and I don't really think it was) or not, you did just insult someone's country. And even if you don't feel like gunnergoz was slighted, he did. An insult does not have to be intentional to have the same effect.



"No, it's not that kind of relationship. We're just friends. We are together all the time, but I never touch her porcelain skin, her soft, red lips, like rose petals from the emperor's bathwater! Bathwater, I tell you, bathwateeeeeeer!"

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