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Everything posted by LarryWR400

  1. I guess that is another thing, I too like to analyze, Before CM my ASL opponents feared me, not so much because I beat them consistently but because I took FOREVER to to play, I also watch the movie several time's per turn.
  2. "Tim", I play a lot, its just much easier to get turns in here or there, then to find 2-3 hours for tcp, not that I wouldnt if I could I just cant, So I too, but Not by choice "PBEM only". Larry/ "Havok"
  3. I would definitly prefer to see Pacific theatre of operations addressed before a modern version, in fact I would rather see it moved up to follow Eastern front or desert. My mouth waters at the thought of my Marines landing on Tarawa, Imagine the fun being the Japanese and setting up Cave complexes. A new "Command" for Bansai charges! Fanatic Anti tank Demo "Charges" a whole new flavor to CM! Let me know when I can defend "The Rock". Larry
  4. 4 Years USMC 79-83 Air Traffic Control MATCS38 MCAS (H) Tustin MCAF Camp Pendleton MCAS El Toro MCAF Futenma Okinawa
  5. Do vehicles offer any defensive "Cover" for infantry? Can you hide behind a Pillbox? speaking of pill box's why cant they be captured or used for protection by infantry or MG units? Also I see a lot on "Mods" are these easy to install? will my opponent see them or does he need them too?
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