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Combat Missions - Reality TV

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It had to happen....


"Tracy-Paul Warrington, a retired Special Forces warrant officer, has waged a campaign to stop production of the show — and has fired off several rounds of letters to military and police organizations urging them to forbid their members from participating. While he has several issues about the show, one of his primary concerns is that it will exploit violent military tactics for entertainment."

I guess this guy does not play Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Wilhammer (edited 03-09-2001).]

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Originally posted by Iraqi Tank Commander:

Fox is the King of Trash network. I have them deleted from my channel line up.

The article says the show will be on the USA NETWORK.

Actually, the show seems pretty entertaining. It may be the first reality TV I decide to watch.

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Not watching FOXNews is a misstep. It is decidedly "un-biased truthful conservative reporting (Rush Limbaugh)" smile.gif.

Really, it is terribly entertaining when put opposite the rest of the media.

You know, if this new show "Combat Missions" is succesful, I can see re-enactor TV, when a hobby becomes a job.

With the current political climate, a Blue vs Grey Reality TV show would be most controversial, thus widely watched.

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I would have to agree with Mr. Clark. I do not watch television at all, except for Red Wings games and X Files. But I might watch this.

More importantly, I assume BTS lawyers are looking at possible infringements (Combat Missions)? Or maybe free TV ad slots as a settlement? Obviously, the show's name is capitalizing on the success of the wildly popular 3D war game...

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In my opinion,

This is utter and complete crap. SF guys playin games for entertainment. Small step to send mini-Web cams with Delta guys to see the "take out the bad guys in real time". Hell let''s start a real war cause it is great for the ratings.

I don't mind documentary's which take a look at the job but this is ridiculous.

This show trivializes the profession of arms.

What is next "Dueling surgeons"? "The first one to remove that appendix wins". Battle of the Fire Depts?

As a professional soldier, I am offended. We train hard to do a job that nobody in their right mind would want to. We do it to defend our nations interests and better men than me have died to prove it. To take this and make it into a game show is evidence of just how low some people (even our own) will stoop for money.

What is the difference between that and gaming? Gaming is just that, a game. It doesn't equal reality. It is designed for "challenge" enjoyment and involves the players participation. In CM we send little pieces of code at each other, this is real people doing the real job to keep other people entertained. It is professional whoring.

The TV show has troops out as "dog and ponies". I guess I am just as angry at any soldier that would do this, it is a small step up from merc-ing.

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I'm not a professional soldier (though I do have some police and security experience), but I still totally disagree that this TV show is ANY different than us playing wargames.

As described, this TV show will re-enact situations that real life soldiers may have to face. Of course, just like CM, the show (game) can never completely recreate "real life" combat. It is a GAME, that can be won (just like CM, or any other WARGAME).

It closely resembles paintball, another "wargame." It also sounds like it will resemble Rainbow 6 and Rogue Spear... and even the Delta Force PC games... once again, all GAMES.

The show is stated as being a GAME. If you are going to say its wrong, then you may as well say that CM is wrong too...

So what if CM is only "pixels"... it still looks and plays as realistic as is possible on todays home PC technology. I would not say it, but some could easily say the same things about CM as The_Capt is saying about this TV show.

BTS sells CM to MAKE MONEY... the network does the same with this TV show.

The only difference with this show is that people can watch it on TV...

You cannot tell me that some of us would not watch a TV show where people played games of CM for cash prizes.

As an added bonus, this TV show may actually make some people go out and sign up for the police force or armed services.


"Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."

"They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."

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Mr. Clark, I must disagree (which is strange since I usually agree with you). If you read the article at the fox news site (link in first post, I believe) you will see that there is more to be concerned about than first meets the eye.

Some strategies employed by our troops are kept quiet so they can be used effectively - I'm assuming that vets appearing on the show will really want to win part of the $500,000 cash prize (or whatever it is) and so they will be using all that they know to go for the gold.

In addition, I agree very strongly with The Captain and his opinion that this is a load of crap - I also disagree that playing computer war games is the same as what this show proposes. Reality TV - and TV in general - is getting out of hand on a number of fronts these days. This may sound stupid but the youths of this country are watching all of this and it has to have an effect on them. Just ask the 15 year-old who was convicted and sentenced to life in prison for killing that little girl while doing his pro-wrestling moves.

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Hmmm.. I reread my last post and it sounded like a flame. This was not my intent... I only intended to disagree. I apologize for that and blame quitting smoking...

However, I STILL disagree that the TV show is ANY different than a video game. In fact, the TV show will more than likely have ZERO blood or other such "effect."

Certainly the TV show will not have real people actually being KILLED, which is something I probably would have a disagreement with.

I can understand the argument that real life "secret" tactics should probably not be displayed for all too see... I guess I agree there. But as to the content of the TV show, I still say its no worse than if a bunch of us sat around watching Fionn and MadMatt play a game of CM for a $500,000 prize. Its just a game, like paintball... which is also televised (but you have to search for it.)

I honestly see no difference between this and "Who Wants To Be a Millionare", except that I would actually WATCH this show.

Personally, I'd MUCH rather watch some good tactics in action, than watch some morons play with a ball... or puck... or anything else "professional" sports has to offer.


"Fear is for the enemy... Fear and Bullets."

"They didn't want to come... but I told em, by jeepers, it was an order."

[This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 03-09-2001).]

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I suppose it had to happen at some point, we have had just about every type of reality TV show going.

Here in the UK we have had reality TV concerned with the army, from shows concerning the Royal marines, platoon sergeant training, life in the glass house....we even had one where units had to perform combat missions for points, but i cannot remember the name of it.

I never felt the need for some of these shows, and was always wondering what the hell was going on with the brass, that they could not tell these producers to take a long walk off a short pier.

I would not want army training turned into entertainment, I would not want it on TV at all. I would be appalled at the idea of how our armed forces; including our special forces, conduct certain operations, being broadcast on the goggle box for all to see.

There is also the problem with TV execs thinking product placement...it would not suprise me to learn that US version of these events are 'sponsored' by some company.

Whats next? Delta force going in with the Nike swoosh on the back of their uniforms.

Was it not embarresing enough for the US military command, to have their SEAL teams met on the beach by the worlds press?

I think it's time these shows were knocked on the head. I feel that lines should be drawn and TV companies made to understand this.



<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As always feel free to query, deride, or just nod knowingly<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Nah, the US Military is busy protesting black berets. They'd probably appreciate the press coverage. smile.gif


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open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

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As a member of the military I'm quite...leery... about this new show. First let me get it off that *reality* shows such as Survivor are a load of cr@#. You are NOT really trying to survive if there's a Hollywood filmcrew on the same island as you are. The blasted film crew probably is stacked with supplies when they get off filming and you can mooch off that. The thing is, there's still a link to civilization. They're not gonna let you rot on the vine which I know most people are incapable of surviving in, say, a bumf**k Egypt type of setting. Interservice rivalry is good in a way because of its competitiveness but I don't want Hollywood making a show out of it.

BTW, I never researched into it but how the hell did news teams from CNN know about those landings? Secondly, there's no better way to endanger a team's approach at night than casting a light on them and asking questions. Man, if there was some badguy nearby with a weapon... I wouldn't have minded if a shot "accidently" discharched to scatter the news crews like turning the kitchen light on and scattering the roaches.


"Uncommon valor was a common virtue"-Adm.Chester Nimitz of the Marines on Iwo Jima

[This message has been edited by Warmaker (edited 03-11-2001).]

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Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

Nah, the US Military is busy protesting black berets. They'd probably appreciate the press coverage. smile.gif

Not to mention the Navy, which is busy sinking boatloads of Japanese students.

The US Armed Forces could certainly use some good press!

I just DO NOT see what it would hurt. It would probably attract many more recruits than that stupid Army Of One slogan some Forrest Gump came up with.

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I find this particularly pathetic. I never watched any of the survival programs because this had nothing to do with survival. Maybe survival of tv/marketing ratings, but that's about it.

There's a big world of difference in this tv show and playing a game of CM. First, we are doing it for our own intellectual stimulation, not for money. Second, we are not playing war games before a tv "crowd". Only for our own enjoyment. Third, we are not making money playing these games whereas those producing this tv show are. Fourth, you'll never hear us complain about the first amendment of "free speech". Because if the heat is too hot on this tv program, you can bet this is what Fox will moan..."it's free speech". It has nothing to do with free speech, just a free for all for cash! Free speech basically is the ability to say "the King is a jerk" and not worrying about getting lynched for it.

Now I want to make it clear that I think capitalism is great, but I'm afraid we're are going to see even worse trash than this since there's too many other distractions competing for attention. What would you expect with over 100 cable channels? It's truly a pathetic age we are entering.

I'll get off my soap box now....


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I find this particulary amazing. Not any worse than paintball. Nobody is getting killed.

Only downside I see is that all that info will also be view by the foriegn threats. Like the article said, it's the operational art that will be revealed.

[This message has been edited by iggi (edited 03-11-2001).]

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I can't help but just say it again. The "Army Of One" thing has GOT TO GO. It just sends off the wrong message. Whatever idiot made this motto needs to be digging latrines or something.


"Uncommon valor was a common virtue"-Adm.Chester Nimitz of the Marines on Iwo Jima

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Hell, why not just put the show in Yugoslavia or Congo and have the tribes stalking and slaughtering one another for real for that $US 1 million prize (equal to the GDP of their entire provinces). They're doing it anyway-- why not do it for our amusement?

Have helmet and gunsight minicams and require that all action be captured live to count for the prizes. Bonus points for good slaughter footage of innocent civilians.

What the hell, lets just bring back gladiatorial combats or tournaments a la outrance for the entertainment of the masses. That's what the mob really wants to see, after all.... and how can that possibly be wrong????

Man is a wolf to man....

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Guest MantaRay

I dont see what the big deal is about this show. That, "revealing secrets" arguement is a crock. We train with or train many countries militaries. My wife saw that and asked why I wasnt going on, then looked at my gut and knew hehe.

But money makes the world go round, and if these guys want to go out and become celebraties, I say go for it. They are more deserving than most of the drug addict, "never done **** for the world" ones we have now.

And it will be a sad day in America when the military and police can stop a TV show. Grab your guns boys, cause dictatorship will be a comin.


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Originally posted by Forever Babra:

Yeah, well I need my Sunday NASCAR fix. They'll have to stay 'til the season's over...

They painted it white and they changed the number, but the spirit of the Intimidator rode with Kevin Harvick today - and after 500 grueling miles carried him over the line by 6/1000ths of a second over the favourite Jeff Gordon. Now THAT'S Reality TV. Thanks FOX biggrin.gif


"Za Rodentia!"

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Originally posted by MantaRay:

And it will be a sad day in America when the military and police can stop a TV show. Grab your guns boys, cause dictatorship will be a comin.

I am not saying that they should stop it, they should not take part.

As for the training, we may train their officers, we may train their infantry in basics, but I don't for one minute believe we have been training foreign special forces in our own techniques.

We also have to remember that this crap can be watched by terrorists as well. Do you want celebrity spec-op warriors who are in the public eye so often that we know what their kids names are and where they go to school?

There's a big difference between dictatorship and a measured commonsense approach.



<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As always feel free to query, deride, or just nod knowingly<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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