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Pacestick's Hetzer proves decidedly un-uber in the most recent update of our battle. While an uber-tank on my side falls victim to my forgetting that the bad guys have Pzfst-100 by now... In other news, a fierce infantry fight rages near the setup zones, and artillery continues to blanket the area...

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Hey, Mlapanzer -- I sent ya the file! And, for the record, I was camping and hugging trees two weeks ago -- this time I was in Vegas at a bachelor party which included a meal with twelve meat courses comprised of eight distinct species of animals, so, hey, I guess I swing both ways when it comes to nature. :D

The fight, Commissar, has continued to be brutal. In the most recent round his jeep MG (which has done truly gruesome, though still-classified damage to my forces) didn't, as I expected, rush and destroy my King Tiger. No, really, I really, really was concerned that the little bugger might. :eek: I'm scared of it. Nearby, my not-dead-yet panther managed to bounce multiple hits off a jumbo before finally getting it. That was scary. Hull hits, turret hits, pleasepleaseplease kill it! And a bunch more German infantry have crossed the rainbow bridge. And I keep running across these little para teams that survive just long enough to call down artillery on themselves. All in all, I think it's still pretty even and very, very gruesome.

[ 06-18-2001: Message edited by: Sock Monkey ]

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I've got a very strong feeling I'm going to waltz right into Round #3. Harpooner is without a doubt AWOL. He hasn't even sent in his force pick to Duke yet as far as I know. I hope he doesn't expect me to drop real life at the drop of a hat for an 11th hour TCP/IP game. I need a little notice before I can do that since I have company visiting from 2,000 miles away until the 25th. I'm willing to twist my schedule around for him as much as possible however.

OK, enough of my personal problems.

Are you out there Harpooner? Let's commence to kickin' each other's ass. I've got a gamey setup you're gonna love to hate.

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It's turn ten in Purgatory. The gamey little bastage has unleashed a rocket barrage. :D:D Don't you know Sock Monkey we Americans LOVE rockets and fireworks. It was fun watching them fly over the top of us. Got any more for us to watch it is getting close to the 4th of July. Thanks for celibrating our national day of independance you Germans are so nice. tongue.giftongue.gif . BTW I do some model rocketry it is so cool with the big engines sending up rockets.


It's good to be at the top of the food chain.

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I'm back in the game, for good this time.

It looks like our set ups are almost identical from what I've seen so far on our battle for the pit: Guns, troops & mortars, there's no room for vehicles in this map. (Although I was hopin recon wouldn't notice that ;) )


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Another turn in Purgatory and more flames. I lost a Hellcat and a Priest. Don't care much about loosing the Preist except for the points. :( . Sock monkey lost another Puma that was guarding his flank. Sock Monkey is keeping his guys on the edge of the map. So I expect another rocket barrage then a dash for the victory flag.This one is going down to the wire. Could be another draw. :rolleyes:


It's good to be at the top of the food chain.

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so far its come down to a point blank slug-fest between yanqui Paras and VG SMG's squads in the pines on the high ground, with a side show of attrition between

Gyrene's "light guns" (AA, Gyrene: got to be) and my own arty park.

Didn't you notice that each set-up quartile has one barely negotiable but just about usable vehicular path down to the base of the bowl? you didn't? oh-oh! just you wait till i bring my KT out. :D

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It's turn 12 in Purgatory. Another Puma dies. :D This time to a Zook. Funny thing was the Puma seen the zook fired at it and killed one of the team But Sgt. Rock loads the zook himself and under fire gets of a shot. One shot one kill. Thats the way I like it ahuh!! While on the other flank SS moterized infantry ran across another crew who radioed in and is bringing down arty on them. Don't ya just love those para teams and crews acting as spies Sock Monkey tongue.gif

Really a great game going on that still hasn't been decided. You should see the screen shot of this one. :cool:


It's good to be at the top of the food chain.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Didn't you notice that each set-up quartile has one barely negotiable but just about usable vehicular path down to the base of the bowl? you didn't? oh-oh! just you wait till i bring my KT out. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Please, please tell me you bought a KT, hopefully 5 :D It would make my day.


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The word for today is misery. That most evil and dastardly of milksops has in fact succeeded in knocking me out of the Tournament. But...he shall not have my scotch!

Win goes to Charles...Toasted Testis that is.



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Another tough match with Claymore...

My all-infantry force has prevailed in the battle for The Church. Some nice shooting by my bazooka teams got things going (I needed my four leaf clover, rabbit's foot, AND lucky underwear in this one). Then I just hunkered a few platoons down in the VL and moved everyone else in position to cover the approaches. The paras came in waves and were supported by devastating 150mm HE from Hummels, but the plucky GIs rebuffed all attacks. Here was the scene after a particularly intense firefight:


So, on to Round Three! Duke-picks?

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It appears that the Toast is indeed mightier than the sword! A glorious victory on a difficult map. It seems to me that your early arrival at Die Kirche paid off for you Texas. Welcome to the 3rd and quarter final round.

One other announcement...I am sorry to say that Harpooner has decided to drop out of the tournament due to unforseen circumstances. I am happy to announce that Treeburst155 moves into the 3rd round by TKO. Welcome 155, perhaps this time off will payoff for you in the long run?

Please see updated bracket for details.










vs------------Senor Beef

Senor Beef














Sock Monkey





vs------------Texas Toast

Texas Toast


One last thing...five (5) days till the Due Date! Do Not Hold Us Up! :mad:


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Guest PondScum

Ok, of those through into the next round here's how I count the votes so far:

Duke picks: 2 (Treeburst155, Texas Toast)

Player picks: 2 (PondScum, Senor Beef)

No opinion so far: 1 (labappel)

And here's how the remaining three match-ups have voted:

Pacestick (Duke picks) vs mPisi (player picks)

Gyrene (Duke picks) vs boy_Recon (Duke picks?)

Sock Monkey (Player picks) vs Mlapanzer (don't mind)

So Duke will pick up at least one more vote from Gyrene/boy_Recon. That means both Sock Monkey and mPisi must win to ensure that we gamey ass-kickers get the choice we deserve. I'm counting on you guys :D

Of course, labappel could still express an opinion either way...

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I think that if the vote is being recast with different parameters that anyone should be able to revote since the first vote was thrown out. Of course what I say might not even matter since my game hasn't been decided yet. but it will be soon we're on turn 15 or 16 and Sock Monkey is making his move torward the VF. My Uber-jeep has finally succumbed to a King Tiger. He was almost out of ammo anyway. The crew survived and will be recieving Bronze Stars with clusters. :D


It's good to be at the top of the food chain.

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A small bump and report... A small turnabout in turn 17 as Pacestick's incredibly gamey Ostwind (I mean, an AA HT I could expect, but what a gamey unrealistic pick smile.gif ) dusts two of my hellkitties, who had missed the Ostwind at least 4 times combined...My men are arrayed around the flag/pond and withstanding his attack on the little pond...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mPisi:

A small bump and report... A small turnabout in turn 17 as Pacestick's incredibly gamey Ostwind (I mean, an AA HT I could expect, but what a gamey unrealistic pick smile.gif ) dusts two of my hellkitties, who had missed the Ostwind at least 4 times combined...My men are arrayed around the flag/pond and withstanding his attack on the little pond...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

mPisi I'm rootin for ya I LOVE those hell kitties.


It's goosd to be at the top of the food chain.

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Things have been real busy here. I come back to the board to face pages and pages of catch-up and a question as to what I prefer. This question eluded me for a bit, until I went back 4 pages. ;)

So, I would vote for player picks. I like to look over the terrain and determine what force would be useful. In my last battle with Stoffel, we were in a town with a Cathedral in the center. In this case infantry won the day. And a few wasps.

So, with these "unorthodox", but very enjoyable maps, I think player selection is key.

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Mlapanzer and I are playing with vigor, and the next 60 seconds of combat is going to hard on my nerves :eek:

He has a bunch of infantry hunkered down around the VF and I'm not sure how the heck I'm going to take it in the remaining time... or even, really, given infinite time :rolleyes: On the other hand, I've made his backfield a morgue for allied armor, giving me enough points to keep the game really, really tight coming down to the wire. Last turn, a panther of mine managed (after needing three or four shots to score a hit at 200M :mad: ) to get another Sherman Jumbo and this round is facing off against a hull-down M18 at 500M. On the other side of the board a KT and Panther are facing off against an immobile M18 that has pinged two successive shots off the KT. And my gunners, who are nothing if not consistent, have yet to score a hit on it. :rolleyes: So, if those two battles go my way I think all he has left is another Jumbo with a little pea-shooting 75... and about a million infantry. The forest are littered with little stars labelled "Antitank Team?".

So, hmm, it's looking draw here. What were the rules for that? Draws go to the Axis, right? ;)

[ 06-24-2001: Message edited by: Sock Monkey ]

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Had an unxepected trip to the beach for a few days. Can't pass up a free beach front room. :D Thats over $300 worth of room. I think Sock monkey and I can get the game finished by Monday night But it does look like another draw . Does the tie breaker have to be done by then? If so I guess instead of the Tie breaker we could do R/P/S if you want to keep the tournement rolling along.

Sock Monkeys last report is very accurate. :eek:

Question is does he have the balls to try and take the OB at the end. :D

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I just mailed my moves for turn #20 to Pacestick, waiting for the movie back. I seem to have stopped his main advance to the flag, but he had some infantry that I had bypassed, that are now making a run for the flag... Outcome in doubt.

In good news his Ostwind fell victim to a lone zook team, while my TDs and art combined to take out another PZIV/70 and some kind of SP gun. Another Wespe is immobilized, but I can't easily get to it...

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