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Peng has been challenged since birth, how about you?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

Bitchiness does not become you, Josie-Joe.

Don't make me get all TEUTONIC on yo' ass.<hr></blockquote>Stuka I want you to know that I am WITH YOU all the way on this one, shoulder to shoulder and all that. I don't know who this Josie-Joe character is but he/she best COOL IT with my buddy Stuka or there'll be hell to pay.


p.s. Did you say that I owed you a turn?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

The pressures build'in....the dummies gonna get spat....I...don't...how long....I can hold it!

Send the feck'in turn you rat bastiche!

Ugh...I'm turning...Japanese....I'm....getting all educated.......I can't edit...<hr></blockquote>RIGHT THAT'S IT THEN ... get my buddy Stuka all worked up will you ... I'll moidelate ya ... ya rotten bastiche ya, SEND STUKA HIS TURN!

There you go Stuka ... {dusts off hands}, you have the full weight and authority of the Justicariate with you on this one. And after you went to all the trouble of using his FULL AND CORRECT name too so he'd KNOW who you were talking to. Of course I don't recognize the names, you really SHOULD stick to playing 'poolers you know, but to each their own. Anything you need from me ... just let me know Stuka ... MATE!


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In the Pool's prior incarnation, Senility drooled:

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>I will suggest that you have carefully taken a screen-shot of every post Germanboy has ever made, printed it out on a top quality printer, lovingly snipped it to size, and pasted it in to some horrible book of CM memories.<hr></blockquote>

Now THAT is old-school taunting, the likes of which even Peng Itself would be envious of. Gojo Pshaw, you are hereby disbarred. Surrender your wand of orifice to Senility, the new JustFistingIt of the Cesspool.

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>I await your reply, and a setup. If you've the hair to have a go at it, I would prefer a QB of not more than 1500 base points.<hr></blockquote>

Reply? So it is to be brinksmanship, then? Skirting the ragged edge of TOS violations and permanent banning? Very well. I shall divulge the sordid details of your illicit, back-stairs affair with rexford. Your trolling in the outer boards is merely a cover for your playing of the trollop to the ultimate grog. I know how you eagerly lick up every gobbet he gushes forth on penetration, and how you wimper that your armor quality is inferior to his tumescent tungsten. And how afterwards, you lie awake reliving the experience of his all-powerful numbers taking you to new heights of ecstasty. There is more but, not being Bauhaus, I cannot bring myselt to utter it.

Expect your set-up with the morning post. Feel free to be as gamey as you want. We all know that's just the closet in which you hide your grog-hood.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>What Ho! Mullethead is STILL at it: Now THAT is old-school taunting, the likes of which even Peng Itself would be envious of. Gojo Pshaw, you are hereby disbarred. Surrender your wand of orifice to Senility, the new JustFistingIt of the Cesspool.<hr></blockquote> And again we see the wisdom of tightly restricting membership to the CessPool lads. There are, of course, two glaring errors here ... and I'm not counting the terminal "of", we're not schoolmarms here after all.

(`) What makes these SSNs think that because Peng has his name on the thread that he's the epitome of taunting ... or anything else for that matter? If they'd bothered to actually READ a few of the CessPool threads they'd know better. I'm thinking that any SSN should take a test before the first post. I have a few ideas of my own but perhaps the members of the CessPool can suggest questions for the test?

(AAAaiiiieeeee) Who does this THING imagine GAVE me the title of Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread ... not to mention CessPool Drain Commissioner ... so I won't, mention it that is. The Olde Ones in conclave (and likely convex too) appointed mine own humble yet worthy self to that great honor.

Oh, and Herr Oberst, in addition to the fact that your rendition of the RULZ was stupifyingly boring, it ommitted reference to our most important rule. Namely: Sound Off like ya got a pair but NOT about your pair.

SSNs, being childlike (okay, really obnoxious, spoiled, ill visaged and bearing faces ... it MUST be a face, it's in front of his head ... smeared with butter and ketchup ... at least I THINK that's what it is, I really don't want to get close enough to Mullethead to tell), may come here thinking that ANYTHING goes. It is OUR responsibility to remind them that we tolerate no religious, ethnic, political or sexual crusades. It is also our responsibility to remind them that BTS has rules which are ignored at peril.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

So, WANKERS, here it is.

yes, yes, the RULZ

In keeping with the times,

[ 11-20-2001: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]<hr></blockquote>

So, Lord Har!har! Oberst - I take it since Grogluddites are not mentioned in your RuleZZZZZ that they are henceforth allowed??? Pray tell???

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hanns:

Well, well, a whole spankin', shiny new thread without a single alliteration to the only commandment that this 'Pool has ever had. The shame of it really. So to correct this unbalance in the Farce I shall boldly proclaim:


There, I feel better already. If it's not too presumptuous of me, I feel that I should be promoted to Senior SSN to differentiate twixt myself and those [shudder]Aussies[/shudder] that have started sprouting like paternity suits against Mace after an all night bender.

....... Verily I shall take your [boots] in stride and I shall endeavor to stop the spread of this ozzies menace forthright.



Greetings HandsJobSolo! May the FARCE be within you!! (Then again, may a bunch of effeminate emus in tutus kick your dilapidated dunny door down - preferably while you are in the middle of relieving yourself of your gross need - to mindlessly taunt us gallant Aussies). I note that you use the term MENACE when referring to the superior Down Under race - does this indicate a pang of ..... FEAR: MUH-HA-HA-HAAAA!! If you promise to take back your mock whilst grovelling in the direction of our mighty island CONTINENT whilst mouthing three hail Aussies (note: for your edufeckashun ...... Orsbleedingstralia is NOT just a puny country, but a BLEEDING GREAT CONTINENT!) then I shall feign ignorance of your existence and consider merely to lurk at the fringes of this festering poop-Pool rather than diving in with Grogbootsandall!! Agreed??

Anyhoo, we all know that garbage (as defined so eloquently by the decrepit Mr RickSure) rises to the TOP of any Cesspool, right? Phew!!!... this thread is starting to STINK!! (BWAAA-EEECHH!! pukes XXXX all over PC screen in disgust at aforementioned Aussie-slandering)

Ahhh ..... that's better ..... hey, it's time to send Noba-wan another PBEM bullet ..... so, ADIEU MON SLIMECOVERED GROGPHILES!! Till the next time you throw an Ozziefied taunt my way ........

PS: Our great and wise leader "Little Johnny" - trusted accolyte of BIG BOY GEORGE - has just tightened immigration rules to include nuking any scumsucking boat people bobbing around out there in the Timor sea. So I'd suggest when you Northeners have had a gutful of your own lamentable lands, don't bother jumping in your fishing boats in a vain attempt to come to the land of milk and sun-tanned honeys ... he he.


[ 11-21-2001: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]</p>

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Oh, pray tell. It must be time for tea and rickets down under. Is it still daytime on your happy little ISLAND? Hmmm... NIST.gov shows that it still is. I'd suggest you little pale, scabby ozzies get outside and bask in it's rays before somefink bad happens. Like this:

Rickets \Rick"ets\, n. pl. [Of uncertain origin; but cf. AS. wrigian to bend, D. wrikken to shake, E. wriggle.] (Med.) A disease which affects children, and which is characterized by a bulky head, crooked spine and limbs, depressed ribs, enlarged and spongy articular epiphyses, tumid abdomen, and short stature, together with clear and often premature mental faculties. The essential cause of the disease appears to be the nondeposition of earthy salts in the osteoid tissues. Children afflicted with this malady stand and walk unsteadily. Called also rachitis.

I think this handily describes the deficiencies apparent in members of the genus Austaliopithidoltus and species OzzieJeff. Remember to not make fun of them too much fellow Cesspudlians, because they just can't help it. Seeing how this terrible plague (or is it plaque, like that nasty stuff on your teeth?) can be avoided in future generations with sufficient administration of hormones, corrective diet and selective sterilization I hereby demand that Sally Struthers be airlifted (err.... towed behind a bunch of boats) immediately to Ozztraulia where she can film touching commercials exposing the plight of these unfortunates. Please donate all you can to wipe out this scourge of mankind. Oh, and you ozzies, make sure to feed Sally at least 7.62^314159 times daily to ensure that she doesn't go on an eating rampage. She'd surely wipe out all your precious dingos, koalas, 'roos and Mace's beloved sheep. Cheers,


[ 11-21-2001: Message edited by: Hanns ]</p>

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Well Look what happens when you open the the door to the pool ! Interesting people turn up to post. GO JEFF !! (Even MACE sees the light).

Now where is that inconsequent with my turn ? Probably off buying extra velcro.


[ 11-21-2001: Message edited by: Noba ]</p>

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Heh heh ......

Look over there, me ol' mates Mace 'n Noba - see that frothing on the north horizon of the Cesspool?? Methinks 'tis a school of juvenile stunned North American mullets and Viennese sardines rising to take my trusty Aussie whitebait!! Quick!! Man the rods and start trolling ...... see how they leap, twist and turn, frothing at the mouth and trying to escape my sharp witted barbs - but alas they are like shorn&itchy sheep to the slaughter and are reeled in by the bucketload, flapping around and mouthing outraged indignities.

SO, WE WILL FEAST WELL TONIGHT, my fellow Aussies. Let's crack open a slab an' throw another one of those pallid, limp mullets on the barbie will ya'? An' make sure they're BLOODY WELL DONE before partaking of their flesh - that farkin' green ooze that they blubber while cooking can be poisonous!! hehe

Oh, and while ya's are at it mates, would ya' mind chuckin' that funny lookin' slimy sardine back in the poop-pool ....... it has a particularly malodorous pong about it!!

AussieRulez - Of Course :D

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While North America sleeps, the cockroaches dance on the table. The trick is to NOT turn on the light or come stomping in . Then they scatter. Sneak in in the dark, in soft slippers, can of WD-40® in one hand, zippo lighter in the other, point and SWOOOSH! SSN infestation be gone.

[ 11-21-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]</p>

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Aha! I spy me ol' mate CDplayer frolicking from Cess-pit to Poop-pit. Poor bugger ...... you got a cockroach problem too? You really should pick up and wash all those funny looking y-front brown stained underdaks of yours - it's just not healthy having them lying all over the place, ma-a-a-a-te. Not healthy at all ..... oh and while I'm at it, learned Health Authorities recently declared that Swish people should not attempt to eat too many Big Macs. Apparently the Swish have a tendency to gulp down too many at once, thus choking on their own vomit when it all comes back up!

Instead, try a healthy dose of unadulterated Aussie red beef - it is undoubtedly much better for you.



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

It appears that Jar-Jar Binks moved to Oz, and is now posting as "AussieJeff". Or Mace is now letting his high-strung pre-teen nephew use the computer.

Either way, it's a turn for the worse. Gaaghh!<hr></blockquote>

Oh come now Mr Lawman!! You wouldn't by any chance be a yodeller in the Canadian Mounties would you?? Oh, of course not - you claim your occupation as "PARASITE" ........ hmmm ...... methinks YOU are the cockroach being bandied about this pathetic excuse for a thread.

You mock my good ma-a-ate Mace but know ye not that I am of sage age - and probably many moons past yoursimpleself. Come, come .. respect for your ELDERS is a GOOD thing.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer:

PAH!! So what ..... I mate with that haery Scot OGSF on a regular basis end aet nae'er stunted mae grewth et aell..et aell!<hr></blockquote>

Oh really Swishy??? How daer ye slandaer tha ewnly aether Groggyperson aen theis fewl thraed tha ken be claerly undaerstewd!! I hope OGSF pulls your puny middle laeg orf at ye naext maetin!!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer:

Making up fake quotations? Juveniles will be puerile as they say. Now scamper off to bed.<hr></blockquote>

Is that all Swishy?? IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE LEFT???

Grogshame be upon you child!! To capitulate so flaccidly.....

However limp this surrender by you is, the Rulez bade that I accept your cede. So, having accepted this victory I bade thee little one ........ run along now before your big sister tells mummy you've been playing with your pee-pee again!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by CMplayer:

Some people couch everything in terms of penises. I guess in early puberty that's a fascinating subject.<hr></blockquote>

My dear Swishythingy, as a Professor of Sexology I can see instantly that you are nervous about discussing such a natural part of the human anatomy. Fear not - such phobias are usually overcome with progressing years and usually are resolved by the age of ten. So that would make you about ...err ....5 years old??

Fear not ..... one day you may yet become a MAN. In the meantime plpease realise that swimming in Cesspools way out of your depth may inhibit your growth. Chin up.....

Oh and I forgot ....... since I have already accepted your surrender in another place, I have no further need to respond to your piffling pseudo-taunts. It's decided ..... you are the Weakest Link ...... GOODBYE!!


[ 11-21-2001: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]</p>

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as a Professor of Sexology I can see instantly <hr></blockquote>

Oh baloney. How many people's naughty bits do you have to play with to get to be a sex perfessor? Answer quick!

Ha. See, you don't know sheeyt.

Now if you'll excuse me I'll just get back to earning the equivalent of 30 bucks an hour (and I don't mean those flacid Ozzie dollars) while you wait up all night thinking you are participating in some initiation ritual, you complete wanker.

And I'm not kidding around either, I truly think you just plain suck. Now do us a favor and go for a swim on the great barrier reef with a burlap sack of turkey giblets tied to your ankle.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MrPeng:


Uh, hardly seems fair that I risk my name, which is by far more well known, disrespected, loathed even, than your modest moniker, while you risk NOTHING. Let's instead put a bottle of Laphroaig on the line, shall we? If I win you owe me a bottle of Scotch, and if you win you owe me a bottle of Scotch. Now THAT, sounds like a fair challenge.

The Gates-Slut Formerly Known as Peng.<hr></blockquote>

Pffft. yes, Pffft. That's what I say to you, you pustulent little gates-slut. I made you a perfectly fair offer, in which I was risking a large amount of my time looking at poorly executed turns that you sent, and the possibility of having to poke a stick in my own eye rather that look at one of your moves, while all you risked is your overused name that you are already prepared to disown (you've lost control of the trademark, you know, you're like kleenex, and in more ways than I really care to enumerate here) in favor of the far more appropriate "gates-slut". It's what you really want, you know, and I was just helping to give you an excuse to change it. Who knows, we might even let you back into the pool as a squire with the new moniker.

(edited to annoy Andreas and because my typos were starting to make me sound like OGSF)

[ 11-21-2001: Message edited by: chrisl ]</p>

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