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"Wild Bill's Rumblings Of War"- A Tournament

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A WineCape Production

Directed by Treeburst155

Featuring 8 new, never before seen, historical, attack/defend scenarios by:

Wild Bill Wilder!!!

Two-player testing coordinated by Keith Yeates

Here it is folks, "Wild Bill Wilder's Rumblings Of War" Tournament. No meeting engagements and no ahistorical force picking! You will face realistic tactical problems gleaned from the pages of WW II history. You will attack. You will defend. You may even get the opportunity to launch serious counterattacks or find yourself defending against such!

WineCape is providing six bottles of fine South African Wine for the winner's victory celebration! They will be shipped directly to the winner, postage paid. Thanks, WineCape! There will be no other prize donations accepted from the community or offered by me. Why? Just to play in this tourney is the real prize.

The tournament will begin no sooner than September 15. Wild Bill and his testers feel they can be done by then; BUT, if they need more time to do the job right the tourney will start later.

There will be nine players allowed into the tournament. Each will play every other participant one time using a different scenario for each game. Your points will be accumulated from game to game with the highest total at the end declared the winner. You will have no choice as to which side you play. I will be keeping track of how many games you have played as the attacker and TRY, as the tourney moves along, to distribute the attack/defend duties equally among players. This will not be easy to do (at least I haven't thought of any good way). It is possible that you may find yourself on the attack (or defense) five or even six times out of the eight games. The scenarios will be balanced so this is not really a problem. You take the hand that is dealt, just like real commanders.

Although open to the entire community, this tourney is for those who consider CM a hobby AND have the time to pursue the hobby actively. Players will have only 120 days to complete their eight games. The games can be played PBEM or TCP/IP but no player is required to agree to a TCP/IP game. You must be willing to PBEM if your opponent wishes.

You will arrange your matches amongst yourselves using a Contact List which I will provide. The tourney officially begins when the Contact Lists are sent out. When you have arranged a game, email me and I will send the scenario to the German player who will start the game.

There will be up to 10 bonus points given for AARs sent to WineCape and myself. Do not post them to the tourney thread as you will ruin the surprises for others (spoilers). This makes it possible to receive 80 bonus points during the tourney. "Grading" of these AARs will be done by WineCape and myself. The grading will be very liberal. You don't have to be a top notch writer to get the full 10 points. Give us a fairly detailed account of the game from your perspective and you've got the 10 points. Brief AARs will see less than 10 points awarded. All AARs are due no later than seven days after the official end of the tournament. AARs will be distributed by me to those who have finished that scenario. Please, no spoiler AARs/DARs on the thread!

How do you get into this tourney? The first thing you must do is email me at Mikeman@cablelynx.com. I will then send you an application with a few questions on it (nothing personal). Answer the questions and send the application back to me. WineCape and I will then choose nine people from the applications. The deadline for COMPLETED applications is September 7th. You should email me at least a few days before that time so you are not in a rush to make the deadline.

Take your time answering the questions. WineCape and I anticipate far more people will be interested in this tournament than the nine that can be admitted. Your answers to the questions are how we will decide who gets in. Wild Bill and his testers will have put in well over 100 hours designing and testing the scenarios for this tournament. You can put a little time and effort into getting into it. As I said earlier, the prize for this tournament is really just getting to take part in it.

A great big THANK YOU is owed to Wild Bill Wilder, Testing Coordinator Keith Yeates, his testers, and WineCape for providing the fine prize. Thanks,guys!!

I am now accepting requests for applications. My email again is: Mikeman@cablelynx.com

[ 08-02-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Just a quick bump, so all you tourney heads don't miss this...I've seen a few of the scenarios already, and have started testing two of them. They're going to be fun and challenging (no surprise with Wild Bill and Rune as scenario creators), and a great basis for a tournament! C'mon, join the fun!

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Response so far has been overwhelming. I'm getting six requests for applications per hour on average! If this keeps up I will launch up to three separate Wild Bill tourneys utilizing the same scenarios; with the winners of each to have a playoff at the end. WineCape's wine would go to the ultimate winner. It's gonna be good!!

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WWB, thanks for the offer. I think, but am not sure, that I have folks signed up for all the scenarios. I'll let you know if I need another tester.

Mike, sorry about the slip about Rune, and sorry to you, too, Rune. I thought WBW had already given me one by Rune, but I jumped the gun. My apologies.

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Richochet, of the two scenarios currently being tested, one is 25 turns and the other 30. Those of you who know Wild Bill's scenarios know he likes to get the action going quickly, and not to have battles drag out interminably.

Rommel, I don't want to speak for Wild Bill, but I'd be astounded if he doesn't release the scenarios to his adoring public once the tournament is over.

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I'm sure Wild Bill will make these scenarios available to the community when the tournament is over sometime in January.

Remember, these scenarios are being designed specifically for this tournament. To release them to the general public too soon would ruin the "new, never before seen" aspect of the tourney. AARs might start popping up and blow the surprises designed into the scenarios. The community would have all eight scenarios played in a matter of days between them. By the time the tourney participants got to their last 4 games the scenarios would be widely known and reported on. This would not be a good thing.

[ 08-02-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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I've discovered a flaw in my carefully thought out plan!! AARs by participants should NOT be posted to the tournament thread. I forgot all about the SPOILER aspect of doing this. It works with QBs but not designed scenarios.

All AARs should be sent directly to WineCape and myself. They will then be distributed by me to each participant who has completed that scenario. Once you complete a scenario you will receive all the AARs I have for that scenario, plus any more that come in later. My original post to this thread has been edited to reflect this change in procedure.

[ 08-02-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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It is my privilege to be able to participate in Treeburst's efforts for great gaming for all of you fellow warriors!

We are going to do our best for you. At least I know you'll like the variety. You're gonna get a real good luck at the war in Western Europe out of different eyes.

You could be Brits, Canucks, French, German, or even a band of brothers as you take your tour of the conflict.

Sadly, Rune is unable to join us in the design aspects with other commitments.

But have no fear, we will get it done

The sad part is that I cannot this time get the chance to meet some of you on the battlefield.

Keith Yeates is heading up a special design team to help make sure these are playable and balanced. I'm hoping old Super Ted Quincey will also give us a hand as well as a few of the Boots N' Tracks Team.

We'll do our best for you guys. And thanks to Treeburst for the invite. Its an honor!

Wild Bill

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Hello all,

I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to the following people:

<LI> Wild Bill -- for the time, effort and sheer willingness for designing as well as researching the scenario's to be used in this historical tourney;

<LI> Treeburst155 -- idea hatcher for this historical tourney, always patient, fair, reasonable, courteous, in short he possess all attributes necessary for managing/running any tourney. Thank you very much, Mike.

<LI> Keith Yeates et al. -- scenario testers of Wild Bill's craftsmanship. My thanks also to Timothy Orosz (Rune) for his willingness to submit his scenario's for this tourney. Whether they are going to be used or not, I don't know yet. Doesn't matter. "Good goal mate!" ;)

<LI> Participants to be and interested parties -- Hopefully you all like wine as a prize. If not, then still enter as this will be sheer fun. Wild Bill's historical scenario's should be tested thoroughly in combat Now is your chance to "combat certify" them before everyone else. We will only select a few players for this tourney solely based on certain answers put to you in the application letter. *Read* those questions and reply carefully, gentleman.

<LI> Charles + Steve -- I have only one word to be said to both of you: PROST!

I'll put the 6-bottle wine prize description here on this thread. Will no be able to do it just yet - soccer duties are taking up a lot of my free time @ the moment here in South Africa.

Kind regards,

Charl Theron


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Actually folks, it was SuperTed who got my brain going on this tourney. Without his encouragement it probably would not have happened. Thanks, SuperTed!

I would also like the community to know that Rune has a standing offer to create the scenarios for a "Rune's Tournament of Evil" should he find the time, and wish to do so.

At this time I have 48 requests for applications. I will wait until Sunday night to send out the applications so I can catch the weekend forum browsers in the "mass mailing". Even after this "mass mailing I will continue to accept application requests for another week. I want everyone to have a chance to apply who is interested.

I've decided I WILL hold three simultaneous Wild Bill tournaments. That's all I can manage unfortunately. This means there will be 27 fortunate people. The three winners will have a playoff mini-tourney utilizing the same round robin format. Scenarios for this playoff are yet to be determined.

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Wild Bill and Treeburst155,

I think the idea is absolutely stellar, but I wonder whether, in the interest of fairness to those who wanted to be in a tourney before and couldn't because of severe slot limits, those already in Tournament of the Stars or WineCape's Wine Tourney, etc., shouldn't be last chosen to play this one.

I have completed one game in Stars and have two more in play at present. I'd love to play in the new tournament (right down my alley), but I don't wish to deprive others, and I want to make sure I meet my current obligations. Unlike some here, I can't commit to fighting five or six battles at once.

Please let me know your thoughts, either here or privately.


John Kettler

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I have given this issue some thought and have decided that the 17 people playing in WineCape I and WineCape II would not be discriminated against if they apply since those tourneys should be over by the time Wild Bill's begins. The exception to this would be those who don't at least come close to making the deadline for their tournaments.

This would tell me that they really don't have the time to participate in tourneys.

The Invitational was designed to be a very long and leisurely event to make it attractive to invitees who might enjoy some competition with nice prizes but can't deal with deadlines due to frequent work related travel and/or real life responsibilities in general.

Since the Invitational will be going for a long time I will definitely take into consideration the CM workload of any member of that tourney who applies for the Wild Bill tourney. If they are making good progress in their Invitational games I will not hold participation in that tourney against them. If they are struggling to finish their Invitational games I would assume their plate is full.

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If no one is slighted thereby and there's a slot open still in "Rumblings of War," I'd love to participate. The format strikes me as a much better test of tactical skill than the present slate of meeting engagements. You already know where to find me.


John Kettler

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Wild Bill posted the following to the wrong tournament thread. The poor guy is working so hard on this tournament he didn't even notice. Here's what he said:

"The battles will be mixed, a combination of forces which is realistic and historical.

There will be some infantry heavy battles. CM is, after all, primarily a tactical infantry game.

Your skills will be needed as a commander, much more than weapon size. You will be pushed hard to make the right choices that will lead to victory.

And victory will not come easily!

Wild Bill "

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