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The Twelve Step Program to the PENG Challenge!

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Please be aware I have two postings for you...

The losers

JD - Tried and failed. Not sure if it was better than not trying at all.

Bauhaus - His 105mm was as vicious as he rear probe attacks he is known for, but to no avail...

The winner

Why of coarse... me! Muahahaha! Die alot now.. gotta get my turns out and then hop onto WWII Online. I have found a new calling.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

I also expect the other aussies here to submit a title choice


"Get a Peng Challenge up ya, ya flam'in mongrels!"

Hows that?

[ 07-10-2001: Message lovingly crafted into a work of etherial beauty by: Stuka ]

[ 07-10-2001: Message edited by: Stuka ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

So let's just all calm down and get on with our pointless existences until we get the word.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What's this "our" business white man?

With only 23 posts left until the mystical, magical 300 mark it's positively criminal that there's so little interest by the low-life scum of this board in the title of the next one!

I mean 23 posts is barely enough to give Mouse the good thrashing he deserves, let alone have a peurile and senseless debate about something as pathetic as the title of the next thread!

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Hmmm. \\

Peng: A Challenged Man of infinite Jest

The Peng Challenge: Explaining the Inexplicable

The Soul of The Challenge, Peng Liege of all.

First thing we do is Kill the lawyers, then Challenge Peng

Lies, Dammed Lies and the Peng Challenge

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From "Out of the mouths of Babes" category, my son was watching Monty Python, and issued the following truism:

"What is up with those French anyway? How come they can talk so fast?"

Any-Hoo, I'm back from camping (which consisted primarily of me having a Pony Keg of Widmer Hefeweizen and lots of naps).

Aitken and I exchanged many turns, which apparently led him to believe that he was winning (those Brits are easily distracted by a flurry of activity).

jd and that spkr fellow have been afraid to return their turns. Typical of their type, really.

Oh, and in a quick shout-out to all the home-boys, "I despise you all."

[ 09-36-2045: Message edited to keep you all guessing]

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At this rate, we may as well start the next thread by launching the debate over the title of the one after. Maybe Matt fancies letting us go up to 500. As has been repeatedly observed, the shorter the threads, the less worth they have (if that were possible). The first half is fighting off Witless Newbies™ and the second half is choosing a new title.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Leeo wrote:

"What is up with those French anyway? How come they can talk so fast?"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The French are talking fast because they are trying to squeeze in as much quality time as possible before the next German invasion. That is if we don't get the buggers first (either of them, they're all bloody foreigners anyway).

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Hoo aboot...."Damn this Peng Challenge, Grace!"


"All Kiwis' are feckin' useless lumps o' stinkin' wet pyjama pants Peng Challenge"



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

The French are talking fast because they are trying to squeeze in as much quality time as possible before the next German invasion. That is if we don't get the buggers first (either of them, they're all bloody foreigners anyway).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As heard on NPR's All Things Considered the other day regarding a contest for ideas on new ways to store nuclear waste: One physicist's answer was apparently "Well, I don't know how it would work, but I definitely think that it should be built in France."

Now that is funny.

One thing about French drivers though - they are much better than us Yanks. I was freaking out in Normandy last Fall when I realized what was making me nervous was that all the French folk on the highway actually knew how to drive. No one was doing anything abysmally stupid (excepting myself probably) and it freaked me out.

Very refreshing.

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Since July 4th was such a big deal for us 'Murcans (at least the one's who learned history before it became illegal in this country), how's aboot:

Give Peng a Challenge, or give Him Death!

sorry for the interruption... who was it that owes me a beer? I took that quite seriously, by the by, ask the Fathead Confessor Himself....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

I'll go with Goanna here, even if he's a cold-blooded scaly life-form with large gnashing teeth.

It's time this thread was highjacked back to Australia, so how about:

Throw another PENG CHALLENGE on the barby.

I also expect the other aussies here to submit a title choice, so Speedy, Stuka, Goanna, OGBF, put your thinking caps on and come up with something will ya?


[ 07-10-2001: Message edited by: Mace ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ok, In honour of the great Australian Rolf Harris, how about TIE ME PENG CHALLENGE DOWN SPORT

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"Frankly my dear, I don't give a Peng Challenge"

"Operation Pengarossa, the push for Cesspool Lebensraum"

"The Peng Challenge, a thread that will live in infamy"

"Its a one for the Peng, a two for the challenge,a three for the Cesspool now go cat go"

"This is one step for man, one giant leap for the Peng Challenge"

"You can take our Peng Challenge, but you can never take our Freedom!"

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jd I liked the bit about the lawyers, but am coincerned some will take it a bit too literally.

stuka (and you have no idea how much it pains me to admit this), your suggestion of

"The Peng Challenge, a thread that will live in infamy"

does have a nice ring to it.

Now, to express my frustration at being forced to admit that, I shall go continue to grind a couple of hapless tournament players under my boot.

I loathe you all, Stuka and Joe Shaw most of all (even more than Mouse, who is beneath my contempt).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I loathe you all, Stuka and Joe Shaw most of all<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> {sniff} but ... but I've worked so hard, I've tried, I really have and NOW THIS {sob}! What do I have to do? You're just too mean damnit ... How come STUKA is Number ONE?


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Guest Babra

*Wiggles fingers threateningly*

Wololo - Hayoyoyo - Wololo...

Now that you've all been converted to my way of thinking:

The next thread shall be The Joy of Peng

Now, go gather some freakin' berries...

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Perhaps we should just call it and all future versions

The one true Holy and Apostolic Mutha Beautiful Peng Challenge Thread

and be done with it

[ 07-10-2001: Message edited by: jd ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

{sniff} but ... but I've worked so hard, I've tried, I really have and NOW THIS {sob}! What do I have to do? You're just too mean damnit ... How come STUKA is Number ONE?


But Joe, I did hate you first.

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An noo a wee tellin' aboot God's gaift tae music, tha bodhran (pronnonced "bohran" wha Ah come fraim). Af'n ye gather aboot at, sae, a stankin' "Folk Festival" tae plah a wee tune wi' pipes, or fiddle or guitar - afore an' instant tha waill bae a tremor underfoot. An' at waill groo tae be a rumblin' an' thain a wee rrroar - fer at's tha stampedin' arrival o' 843 snot gobblin' bodhran players. Tha' gaelic tambourine ain wun hand, an' their ain special sheeps bone ain tha other, they come doon fraim all aboot tah festerin' plaice - drummin' an' bangin' an' thumpin' their tuneless concussions fit tae droon oot tha anguished roar o' Cerberus aitsailf. Thumpiditty-bum-bum-bonk-bam-smacka-thicky-drum-drum! A skerrick later, tha original musicians, tha wun's wi some actual musical skill, ha tak their wee pipes, or faiddle, or guitar an slunk awah tae feend a quiet spot tae plah a weepy rendition o'"Tha Loch Tae Boat Song". Baheend thaim remains tha millin' throng o' droolin' folkies smackin' awah on their wee bodhran's an' imaginin' they kin still hear tha jaunty notes o' tha pipes, long gone tho tha' may be.

Sae, whah as at tha' tha bodhran as "God's gift tae music"? Cos withoot at, tha vast majority o' attendees at Folk Festivals widnae ha' a legitimate instrument tae plah, an' wid noo doobt nae bother tae show oop. An' wi' tha attaindance doon, tha Festivals wid dwindle an' dee. Sae tha useless bollocks wi' bodhran's are necessary tae subsidize tha attendance an' jammin' o' tha *real* musicians.

An' tha as tha beautiful tale o' tha stinkin' bodhran.



PS Ah hate ye all.

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