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HO HO HO! Here comes Peng with his bag full of Challenges!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo:

Well, except for the fact that you are getting your arse kicked in one of those files by your very favorite guy to hate; <big>ME!</big>


What a coincidence, in his other file, Elvis is getting the 'Spanking'O'death' at my hand.

*giggle* Didn't Elvis once make a claim about being undefeatable?

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Dear Mr. Shaw,

The only thing that got me excited about your post was the mention of Emma. I would number files to play Emma.

Love and kisses,


P.S. LEON and Stupor...it is true that at one point I was close to unbeatable but the rest of the pack is starting to come up to speed. You are both beating me at this moment but it isn't over until Mace sings.

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PENG claims that I will be humilaited (again, and not just for my spelling) soon. He claims that the release of certain "whinniny emails," will be the source of my demise.... But it also seems to me, that I'm winning the current game: Perhaps a desperate attempt to save himself from destruction?

CHEF You are a slow, fetid, piece of zuccini. Send me a turn or die a thousand deaths!!! tongue.gif

EDIT: Me no shpell gud.

[ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: Lord General MB ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis:

P.S. LEON and Stupor...it is true that at one point I was close to unbeatable but the rest of the pack is starting to come up to speed. You are both beating me at this moment but it isn't over until Mace sings.<hr></blockquote>

To be fair, I have to admit that I seem to have been given divine advantage in our game, Ambusho of Shadows. However, My henceforth trashing of that Elvis bloke is not a unique occurence, for it seems that I have developed a habit of teaching him a lesson over our past few meetings. Fact be told, He beat me like a drum in our first outing (a result of my initial "PengChallenge"). Since then, I have bested him every time we met (which I reckon to be about 4).

I hate him, and I know he hates me like a brother, but it pains me some small bit, to have so utterly kicked the crap out of him, but what the hey! It's the HollyDays! I hate him too!!

Where was I? Ahh, it don't matter, as I am now off of the antibiotics, and now able to spew bile be-fitting a malt-liquor imbibing pustule.

Piss Off!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Leeo:

To be fair, I have to admit that I seem to have been given divine advantage in our game<hr></blockquote>

I must agree with you here, I am playing Andreas' 'last man standing' and it appears that I have lots more pointy, 'splodey stuff than he does. What armour he has left has been sniped at, shot at and generally herded into little corners where I'm sure they don't want to be.

I would almost feel sorry for him in his current predicament if I didn't think he was such a tosser.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

I would almost feel sorry for him in his current predicament if I didn't think he was such a tosser.<hr></blockquote>

Label given, label deserved. He's a tosser, to be sure. Oh yes, and I <big>Hates</big> him.

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A bluffer that PENG is. Will he not yeild to his inner desire of humility? He refuses to humilte me.... the fool! Am I not worth the humilty? The insults? Am I that low? Anyway, I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head.

Die alot now.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB:


A bluffer that PENG is. Will he not yeild to his inner desire of humility? He refuses to humilte me.... the fool! Am I not worth the humilty? The insults? Am I that low? Anyway, I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head.

Die alot now.<hr></blockquote>

Two things:

Zed. "I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head." was one of Meeks's. It was my sig line for a while because I loved and revered and emulated MrMeeks at all times.

plonk. "Die a lot now." (please note correct use of the phrase 'a lot' {"alot" not being a word}) was a bastardization of the line "Depart a lot now, or we make castinets out of your testicals already!" by the French Persons at the castle (maybe the castle ARRRGGGHHH!{?} I can't be bothered to look it up in the script at this juncture.) from the most holi of movies, Monti Python ich den Holi Grailen.

That's all I have to say about that except perhaps that I am curious as to what I would be doing to a particular person if I were to "humilte" him or her? Is that similar to gefilte? Would I be chopping him up mooshing him together with some matzoh and preserving him in a gelatinous fluid?

[old Jewish person's voice] Oy! ya meshugganah! Comovaheah, boy. Have a nice humilte its gud. The humilte at Murray's Deli is fackecht, ya'd havta be a putz to try. This humilte is not so bad like Murray's. Vat! Try it! Ungrateful kid. In my day we'd be happy, THRILLED fur zum nice humilte. Yeesh! [/old Jeswish person's voice]


Oh, and by the way, MrHumilte might not like so much the last movie?

Damn damn damn UBB

[ 12-24-2001: Message edited by: MrPeng ]</p>

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My "WILL" if you will, has come into seruis question. i'd like to take this moment to consider this strange notion. Okay done. I pray that some day this entire thread, and all its history, past, present, and future; not disclossing all possilbe kin-dead or living, be, in anywich way, ground up into zuccini paste, and covered in mild, "ranch" dressing. thenforth this tastless mix of diced clods, and wankers, shall be devoired. Of course no human could actually, devoir ranchy zuccini paste, so we shall supply this blend of ****e, to worthless three toed hill billies, who, I'm sure, will have no dissagreement to eating goo-worth less then the skunk, or pussum he ate that morning. He will then take it unto himself to SOD OFF.

PENG You worthless wanker. I'll staple your ears to my art deco wall, and nail your tounge to my toaster! I'll play darts with your eyes, and use your nose as a pencil holder, you stifhless Lenin zuccini!

I hope a bucket of nails falls on your head.

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Originally Posted By "That" Peng.


Yes, that's me. MrInconsequentialPeng.

I am so unrelentingly idiotic that I forgot I was posting to the "Look at me, I'm Noba and I'm really cool!" thread. [tugs forlock]My humblest apologies, MrNoba, sir.[/tugs forelock]

for forgetting my station.



Sorry M’lud, I was thinking of someone else. May I offer you my sincere appologies on my attempted trivialisation of your grate self. Maybe I can offer something ease your obviously troubled mind. You are utterly correct, I am less

than nothing. I will try to remember my place at the bottom

of the pool, your eminence.


Oh sure, you have made enough people sick, angry and confused to have your own unlimited series of threads named after you, right?


Well, I think I'm part way there !


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Can someone go over to Stuka's and bash him over the head with a Koala or a very unripe Mango? The scenario is called 'To the last man' for arse's feckin' sake, and has nowt to do with some abomination called 'Last man standing', which reminds me of a bad Bruce Willis movie.

Well, it seems that reading is not his strongest area (given that the name of the scenario is written in the interface screen), probably much like writing, thinking, taunting, common decency or any other positive attribute you care to mention. Oh well, what can one expect from a product of the Australian school system, where convicts are heros. I guess he has his personal Crocodile write his posts.

Anyways, merry sodding Christmas to you all, and remember, there is a special place in hell for those who have BBQs on Christmas or New Year.

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(strum, strum)

Twas the night of Christmas Eve


And the poooooool twas very wet


Good fellows there had no relieve


From yonder, faceleeeeess git

(twiddle, twang-de-twaddle, thump)

Twas the night of Christmas Eve


No voice..... (muscical pause highlighting drama of prose)..... for rancid cough

(twiddle, strum)

Farewell, Good Will and Merry Fare..... Now all SOD ORRRRRRF


[ 12-24-2001: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

(twang, snap)<hr></blockquote> Oh good, his A string broke, dare we hope that he won't be able to find another? Dare we hope that he'll be struck by a lorry whilst riding his motorcycle through the wilds of Reading? Dare we hope that he'll DIE and not be back to bother us? Well ... we can hope.

In the interim I'm pleased to note that he has updated his profile to include location and email ... I don't recall, has he bothered to ACTUALLY CHALLENGE SOMEONE!

I tell you lads, it wasn't like this in the OLD CessPool!

And lest I forget, may you all experience a Rollicking Ragnarok!


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

[QB]To everything, turn, turn, turn,

There is a season, turn, turn, turn,

And a time for every Tiger under the gun.

You're dead. Paraphrasing Da Byrds is MY turf.

Send me a setup. You horrible person.

(I rather liked the Tiger bit though)


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Geier:

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

[QB]To everything, turn, turn, turn,

There is a season, turn, turn, turn,

And a time for every Tiger under the gun.

You're dead. Paraphrasing Da Byrds is MY turf.

Send me a setup. You horrible person.

(I rather liked the Tiger bit though)

Johan<hr></blockquote>You wish! You:

(ii) Are a ferriner, and not even an Australian ferriner for whom I could work up a good, honest disgust, but some flavor of Scandahoovian ferriner who had descendants who colonized Minnesota.

(II) Haven't given me a good reason to challenge you since I quote whom I choose when I choose and how I choose.

(Aye Aye) Haven't given me a properly phrased challenge. For an example, please see the challenge I issued to that truly awful and horrid person Lawyer. I have taken it upon myself to improve the quality of the challenges and to bring them into accordance with the Code Duello! Your challenge is so lame that a Gentleman such as myself (added to forstall some SSN from replying with ... Oh yeah, but, but, but you Ain't one ... so there) wouldn't dream of accepting it.

(Hai Hai) Are correct in your admiration for the Tiger line ... it was true too, as Stuka lost a Tiger in the very turn he demanded. Yes, Stuka, your forces took out a Sherman II on the same turn, no need to pout. He is, I should point out, in deep doo-doo as I have him flanked and at short range with Shermans and every time one of his vehicles moves it dies.

But thanks for your interest and please be assured that your request and resume will be filed for future needs that may arise.


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