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Worst war movies of all time

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Not only was the Green Berets bad but it has one of the all time movie mistakes. At the end of the flick (which is also the end of the day) John Wayne stands on the beach with the little Viet Namese waif and gives his "moral" (or morale as the case may be) speach as the sun goes down! WAIT, I guess they were on South Viet Nam's west coast! I went to school with several guys who were extras in the movie (action shots done at Fort Benning) and I saw the movie with one of them. He was used as ARVIN, VC and NVA and pointed out a sequence where he was battleing himself!! And they call me....Goofy

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The Conqueror -- The Duke as Genghis Khan; 'nuff said. Interesting fact, it was shot in the area where the first A-Bombs were tested, got a real sweet deal on the lease to film there! If you see the movie look at all the dust from riding those horses around. "Oddly enough" John Wayne, Susan Haworth, Thelma Ritter and other principal actors and untold numbers of extras (mostly indians) died of lung cancer. Go figure.

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Any Godzilla movie is an instant classic! He is so cooooool! There has never been a bad Godzilla movie (not counting that last movie where he was a big lizard with a bunch of babies, that was awful). The Japanese Godzilla is the best! smile.gif


To conquer others is to have power,

To conquer yourself is to have strength.

-Lao Tzu

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TP_Bomber:

This one doesnt qualify as a war movie but how about Tank Girl?

No, I havent seen it. Just curious if anyone had. I saw the title and just had to wonder.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Tank Girl Is an excellent piece, I highly recommend it.

Truly some awful movies have been mentioned but how can you guys pick on stuff like Red Dawn when there are the made for tv afternoon special rescue the mia's type warfilms that just blow. And the low budget Rutger Whore stuff... (godawful)

My number one recomendation for worst war movie ever is THE PATRIOT. (or at least the most recently endured)

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Im rushing to the video store right now to rent it! Im sure I will learn much about tank tactics in it so I use what I learn in CM.

Tank Girl Is an excellent piece, I highly recommend it.

Truly some awful movies have been mentioned but how can you guys pick on stuff like Red Dawn when there are the made for tv afternoon special rescue the mia's type warfilms that just blow. And the low budget Rutger Whore stuff... (godawful)

My number one recomendation for worst war movie ever is THE PATRIOT. (or at least the most recently endured)

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Whoop's I almost forgot this one...an it's a dusy!...anyone remember "fireball forward?"

this one was like a west front t.v show done into a movie format....YUCK!..the same actoe that did away all boat's..another lack luster

pile of crap!

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My worst war movie vote goes to the Battle of the Bulge.

Quite apart from the fact that the story and the characters are mostly nonsense the tanks battle scene in the desert really blows it. It might not be so bad for non-Europeans, but NOWHERE in Europe is a landscape even remotely like it, and certainly not in Belgium.

I think one of the better war movies I saw was Kagemusha from Kurosawa. Now this was quite another war, but hey, if we can vote for The Patriot this is rather close in time smile.gif. (The other Kurosawa Samurai films are good viewing to, pity I never saw them anywhere on vid.).


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TP_Bomber:

Im rushing to the video store right now to rent it! Im sure I will learn much about tank tactics in it so I use what I learn in CM.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm assuming you're referring to "Tank Girl." I really hope your comments above were tongue-in-cheek. If they were serious, hoo boy, are you in for a shock. I'm still mad that I paid money to see that piece of sh*%. Biggest movie disappointment I've ever had, because the comic books were really cool, and it got one good local review (I should have listened to the other local review).

It's not a war movie. It's not about tank tactics. It's not about tanks. It's about Lori Petty destroying her career in a really bad sci-fi flick. Pure MST3K fodder. I only hope that you read this warning before it's too late.

-- Mike Zeares

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For a truly surreal effect, try "The North Star" aka "Armored Attack".

It's just about the only Hollywood movie ever made that portrays communism as a noble cause. Valiant Soviet peasants throwing back barbarous fascists who want to drain their children of blood (yes, literally).

I particularly liked the scene where a convoy of five (or so) trucks and a motorcycle drove in a circle portraying the advance of a motorized division.

- Tommi

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Guys, guys, guys... everyone knows what the worst WW2 movie ever is... Battle Of The Bulge<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ditto. I own it so I should know...



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Why didnt they drop bombs on the stupid bug planets on starship trooper. Every squad/platoon/centurion (lol) had a mini nuke launcher, but the Fleet has no bombs at all.

Also how come in that movie they could travel accross the galaxy, but they dont have any type of 'vehicle' (except inter galactic starships) I thought they were the 'Mobile Infantry' IMHO if the troops are expected to walk around an entire planet they aint very mobile. Maybe Napolean was in command of them.

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Many of the movies mentioned are truly bad, but my pick for worst is "No Trupets No Drum" staring Martin Sheen.

It is about an American Civil War draft doger living in a cave in West Virginia. When he's not talking to himself in the cave he his hidden in bushes while we see passing troops and people from the knees down.

"Hell is for Heroes" was mentioned not great but very entertaining. Has this great clerk typest with a jeep load of typewriters in it.

But for major pics I have to back the "Battle of the Bulge" and "Midway" picks. The start of "Midway" with the sepiatone Dolittle raid is good though.


Hiya Fellas!

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Any war film where grenades explode by someone and they the proceed to do a triple somersault with an axle twist thrown in,or killing like 20 soldiers while running and shooting from the hip while being shot at by the classic bad guys with terrible aim.These same guys have also been seen sneaking up on the good guy,shooting at him,missing,thus allowing the good guy to spin around and kill him first shot and maybe shoot him a couple more times as he flies backwards through a window.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JAZZA:

Any war film where grenades explode by someone and they the proceed to do a triple somersault with an axle twist thrown in,or killing like 20 soldiers while running and shooting from the hip while being shot at by the classic bad guys with terrible aim.These same guys have also been seen sneaking up on the good guy,shooting at him,missing,thus allowing the good guy to spin around and kill him first shot and maybe shoot him a couple more times as he flies backwards through a window.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Your obviously talking about "Commando" starring Ahhnold Schwarzenegger. Since he plays a One Man Army Corp (OMAC ) I guess it qualifies as a war movie.

"Sully, remember how I promised I'd kill you last?"

"Yeah, Matrix, that's right, you promised."

"I lied."




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Midnight Warrior:

There was old made during the war movie called Bataan with Robert tailor that you have to see to believe.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I have to disagree on this. I've seen Bataan and I still don't believe it. What an utter pile of bollocks! I still haven't managed to figure out why the Japanese were disguised as haystacks. Bloody stupid film.

Whats that WW2 film with John Lennon in it? It's set in North Africa and when anyone is killed they stay in the movie but are all in one colour like blue or yellow. I don't know what it's called but it's crap.

And the Green Berets is a load of tosh too.

What's the film of the Naked and the Dead like? I've read the book but never seen the film. I can't see a movie of it made in 1958 being any good. They should have made a proper movie of that book instead of the Thin Red Line although you wouldn't get to see Woody Harrelson blow his own arse up with a grenade. Best bit in the film, that was.


All the world's problems are caused by people who take themselves too seriously.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pfc Driscole James E:

"Hell is for Heroes" was mentioned not great but very entertaining. Has this great clerk typest with a jeep load of typewriters in it.


The clerk typist was Bob Newhart......


Land Soft--Kill Quiet

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On the Thin Red Line. I have to admit that this film is pretty uneven and at times an exercise in pretentiousness. But there were many parts in this that were absolutely beautiful not only in look but in character exploration.

I suspect that many went looking for a battle epic so soon after overdosing with Saving Private Ryan. Whoever scheduled TRL so soon after that film was a masochist and a fool.

It's too bad because Terence Malick (who made Badlands and Days of Heaven) probably won't make another film for some time. Some may applaud this but he is definitely a director who doesn't make films just to please an audience. Before you jump all over this comment, I'll answer that some films are difficult to watch but are rewarding once you spend the time to explore it. Good literature is like this and it is content you return to again and again.

I felt negatively toward the movie after I saw it in the theatres but after sitting down and watching it on DVD (while working on a drawing project) I put down my pencil and found myself totally engrossed with the characters and their meditations. This is a meditative film about psychology, not about battles. If you want SPR in the Pacific Theatre, then Spielberg will have to be convinced that this is even a good idea for a film (I suspect he would say no).

I should also say that TRL is speculative fiction; it certainly isn't about wartime reality or a bare in-your-face docudrama that SPR was. It's someone (more Malick himself) imagining what these men might be thinking in their own private worlds. Any comments about whether this was accurate as to the memories of veterans is off the mark. Malick himself never said that he was making a historical document. If you want to blame anyone that would be the marketing people. Again, it was unfortunate that comparisons between TRL and SPR were made at the time. Bad timing.

Seen as a movie TRL has quite a few faults. It could have been edited down surely, I didn't particularly care for most of the music, and the dialogue was too loose. However, it contains many gems of meaning and truths that make it one of the better movies of that year and worthy filmmaking. It does NOT deserve to be a worst film of any genre. Anything made with such brave intent is far above the other movies suggested in this thread.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

The Green Berets ... gotta be the worst.


I don't think they come any worse than this one. I've never been able to sit all the way through it...you're forgiven one Morman Wife Photo posting, Joe.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Has anyone here seen the old version of The Thin Red Line. It is nothing like the new one. It is really cool. About how one young soldier loses his innocence when he finally learns to kill and starts to enjoy it. Terrance Malick's new one is based on it. It has this awesome final scene where the Americans assault this Japanese network of caves called "The Honeycomb"

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Guest Der Unbekannte Jäger

Thin Red Line

That movie was the best! By the end I felt like I had just gone through the whole film with the protagonist (the one that actually lived through the first 15min) I was extremely weary and wanted nothing more than to go home ... I think I even fell asleep acouple times and woke up in a complete daze...where am I, oh still here, and why am I still here at this pathetic movie....

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I loved Starship Troopers smile.gif - Nuclear hand grenades - nuff said biggrin.gif

Oh and Starships flying in close formation using steering wheels to turn them - cannot beat that for a true depiction of future technology - but the female pilots - well I'd sign up 8).

Seriously - worst war movie - Battle of the Bulge followed by that piece of **** - U571 - and the best - well Das Boot it has to be smile.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Disaster@work:

On the Thin Red Line. I have to admit that this film is pretty uneven and at times an exercise in pretentiousness. But there were many parts in this that were absolutely beautiful not only in look but in character exploration.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm glad I'm not alone with my opinion on TRL, which I stated earlier in this thread. I really liked the overall mood of this film and visually, like Disaster@work says, some scenes were absolutely stunning.

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