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Everything posted by Skurg

  1. Godzilla vs The Japanese Army, Navy, Air Force. Enough said, Skurg
  2. It is Red (communist) meat after all. Thus the need for a fine bottle of 1939 Finland. If CM2 starts in '41, early-war equipment and units would be available for outside scenario designers. CM2 will be great even without David vs. Goliath. Skurg
  3. A large bottle of Finland 1939 would go very well with CM2. In my dreams, Skurg
  4. Fellow Soldiers, I have fired the .50 cal from an M1 Abrams. The first round is accurate because of lack of smoke and recoil. After the first round of a burst, an area is sprayed but without pin-point accuracy. The gunner then lets off the trigger to reacquire target, reaim, and fire another burst. The accuracy of the burst depends upon the stability of the firing platform and range. WWII tanks needed to stop to accurately fire the main gun (unless moving over a perfectly smooth surface or target is sufficiently close). The same difficulty would apply to a jeep or halftrack trying to hit a point target. And, of course, at greater range the burst will spread over a much larger area than close range. Half-tracks and jeeps had .50 cals mounted in anti-aircraft mounts. The bursts were less controllable since the gunner would absorb more of the recoil. Tripod-mounted MG's, with vertical and horizontal controls, are more controllable than anti-aircraft mounts. So the first round of a burst can be accurate. Subsequent rounds are mainly for area fire/suppression. In a single burst, you might acquire multiple hits if large target is close enough or through luck. Thanks, Skurg
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