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What's your favorite computer war game? (other than CM of course)

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While we're all killing time here, I am interested in knowing what some of the grognards here consider to be the best war game for the pc, and why.

There was a thread similar to this back in September, but many guys were making long lists of old board games and Amiga games. I'm interested in what is your favorite game released in the last 2-3 years, something I'd still be interested in playing.

Besides, many those guys posting back in September seem to be gone - if they aren't hanging around for the release of CM, they probably know squat about pc war games.


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No question, it's the HPS PITS/TOP2 series. Apart from being hex-based, lacking all sound, and having rather primitive graphics, these games are essentially what CM is: very realistic, squad-scaled, battalion level, simultaneous execution. Hell, these games even have a nifty LOS tool as good for boardgame-style maps as CM's is for 3D maps.

Plus, TOP2 has the Russian minedogs wink.gif


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First I'm not claiming grognard smile.gif games need to have some realism or I get disgusted but a game can overcome this through being fun.

I loved Close Combat 2. Seriously, my time at the zone playing CC2 was one of the best internet gaming I've had.

Lately I've been enjoying Chain of Command and Jagged Alliance 2.

As for all those guys not posting anymore, it's hard to stick around and talk about the same stuff we've gone over a zillion times already. I'm sure many have just gone lurker on us smile.gif

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I still play Microsofts CC2 from time to time. BTW I have officially purchased my last CC game with Battle of the Bulge...sheesh what a waste!

The first computer game I ever got was "Twilight 2000". Still one of my favs even though I havent had it for a few years.

Twilight was similiar to CM except for the 3D aspect. Small unit level combat using real weapons.

I have tried other war games, and can not find anything remotely interesting. I have tried some Talon Soft but didnt really enjiy it. East Front I think. Any ideas?


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CC2 has got to be my favorite game thus far. Playing against my friend has been my best gaming experience.

It was simply amazing seeing an MG 42 open up on his Rifle teams as they crossed the road. Then repostioning the team so it couldn't be assaulted. One time we spent almost an hour playing cat and mouse.

I remember I took out almost 30 troops in about a minute. He was trying to assault one of my postitions with almost his whole force I was scouting with a recon team and a schutzen team. He quickly overran my position and thinking that he had a clear march into the town. He failed to notice my Sturmgrenadier team supported by an MG42 and a Schweres MG team. He was crossing a hedgerow and I as I saw this coming I decided to drop some mortars on him. The first mortar took out the lead man and simultaniously my infantry opened up. With in a minute his forces were dead except for his mortars and I hadn't lost any troops. That delay offset the whole balance and the XXX corps had to wait for them to capture this. It was simply amazing. Not to mention breathtaking.


Visit my Combat Mission for Mac page! With all off CCJ's tweaked textures for Mac!


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Twilight 2000 was a computer game? I had no idea! I remember playing it as a pen and paper game when I was younger and that wasn't that long ago since I'm only 25(or maybe it was and I just I killed those brain cells in my extended stay in college) It is pretty much responcible for the knowledge of modern weapons that I have. If I remember right you play as survivors of the 5th US Armored Div. in the aftermath of WWIII. Hopeful I am remembering correctly and not making a fool out of myself! I kind of would like to check it out, so do you happen know the publisher?



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WiR has to be number one... I remember getting to the bar late becasue we had to play one more turn. Anything that can keep a college student from a bar with girls in it has to be a great game.

Also ahve to say that I loved Computer Ambush as my all time favorite board game for a long time was Sniper... It was like coming home (except for the delay as the computer crunched the turns... not sorry to see my Apple 2E relegated to the junkheap of history. 30 minutes turn resolution? You can have it...

[This message has been edited by Compassion (edited 01-23-2000).]

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Yeah, there was a computer version of Twilight2000. I never played it, so I'm not sure about the details. It was out in the days of EGA and 50MB hard drives.

PITS is Panters In The Shadows, a great game from HPS. TOP2 is Tigers On The Prowl 2, another great one. I never played them, so I'm not a real grog, but every grog has these games bronzed and hanging over the fireplace.


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I have to agree with Lokesa, my personal favorite was definitely cc2 on the zone (never been much for solo play). Would keep me up way too late, so i had to stop smile.gif. Nothing else I've seen so far has touched cc2 for excitement and play balance (except hopefully CM).

Tried cc3, but way too much armor, so it turned me off the cc series.

I think I might just dust off the old cc2 disc, and give it a try. I still see 25 or so playing it on the zone.

EF/WF was interesting, but I got a little bored with PBEM. I also enjoyed TOAW for a while, but way too much micro-management in mid- and large-scenario's.

I wonder how HPS games and TacOps compare to these. I never tried HPS games though since they look butt-ugly. How do they compare for complexity and learning curve?


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My favorite wargame will have to be Pacific War, then War In Russia.

I never tried the Close Combat games other than one demo, didn't like it. Tried the Panzer General stuff, but, didn't take to well to it either.

Combat Mission is the first Wargame I tried where one is a tactical squad commander over that of a divisional/Corps/Army commander.

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Guest Captain Foobar

( Captain Foobar donning asbestos blanket )

I am currently playing Panzer General 2, started a new campaign next week. Sure, my German Division starts in Spain in '38, waltzes thru Windsor in '44, and ends up in Nort Africa, but hey, I'm having fun. The maps look cool, the music is neeto, and it gets my imagination going.

I started in my youth with Risk, Axis & Allies, but eventually cut my teeth on 3rd Reich by Avalon Hill.

I still get a kick out of simple games though. It's just important to differentiate between realistic games, and...creative ones... smile.gif


"when in doubt, run in circles"

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Without a doubt it was CC2. I must of played over 250 ladder games alone! Never reached number 1 but had great satifaction playing and sometimes beating the best players in classic head-to-head matches. Joined a Clan for CC3 and had more fun talking strategy and such with other clan players than playing the game as their was so many problems with online play. The number of disconnected games was staggering and although Real Red improved the game from being too much a tank game the lousy connection problem was too much to take: and of course the AI wasn't very good. I am waiting for Atomic to make vast improvments to CC4 before I will take that game seriously. All other games will gather dust when CM is released, no doubt in my mind smile.gif

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Mine Dog said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I never tried HPS games though since they look butt-ugly. How do they compare for complexity and learning curve?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The HPS game PITS models the same theater, scale of units, and size of battles CM does in very much the same type of game, so I'll compare it to what I know of CM from the demo and this board.


PITS models a few things CM (apparently) doesn't, such as dust kicked up by vehicles, breaching obstacles under fire, carpet bombing the whole damn map, and amphibious landings. The latter 2 things don't really add much to the game, but the obstacle breaching and dust LOS problems sure do. Being a 2D game, however, PITS can't touch the 3D armor hit location system that CM has, but it does as well as a 2D game can, and smallarms and arty fire is about the same. Also, the basic vehicle unit in PITS is the platoon. But while the map is 2D hexes, it's actually treated in the game as rolling 3D like in CM, and there's a cool LOS tool that gives you a side view of the LOS. As far as realistic modeling goes, the games are very close on the balance.

Learning Curve:

The interface of PITS isn't as user-friendly as CM's. While you can click on units on the map, it's often better to give orders off the drop-down menues. These have a lot of cool features but take some getting used to for non-grogs because the commands and reports are grouped by staff function (and these have their German names if you're the Germans). Thus, getting comfortable with issuing orders and reading reports takes longer than with CM. However, if you know your tactics for battles of this scale, you already basically know what orders to give, so there's no learning curve there.


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Guest MantaRay

Well, mine is Panzer General. I know it is kind of watered down, but I plopped down $5000 to play it while in the Army, so I must have liked it.

Now-a-days if I am playing a wargame(I am usually playing Rogue Spear) I like Hidden and Dangerous and TOAW.



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Guest Tom punkrawk

I remember Risk, I loved that game for a board game(someone mentioned it earlier),but my brother lost it.I played Axis and Allies once, this was all before I knew anything about strategy.

Computer war games...uh, if I had the full version of CC2 I'd probaby say that, but I'm a poor bastard.

I'll have to say either West Front or Soldiers at War(it's the only wargames i own..*sniff sniff*)

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Id say cc2 got up to 8th in ladder ranking. have to be my favouite of all time

then War in russia by gary grigsby ssi

Then pacific war by QQP i think great game.

hey what ever happened to those blokes at QQP biggrin.gif



New Zealand

Superpower waiting to happen

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Guest GriffinCheng

ToP = Tiger on the Prowl

PitS = Panther in the Shadow

DitM = Dragon in the Mist

Company level simulation. ToP/ToP2 inculdes WW2 warfare in the East, PitS models the Western / Mediterrian fronts and DitM models the Pacific war against Imperial Japanese.

Dated graphics (who cares) and is extremely hard core. Realistic ballistic effects (only Panzer Elite comes close now) and best implementation of command and control to date.


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Another for CC2, although, in many ways CC1 was better. If it wouldn't have the stupid random ending, but similar one to CC2, it would definitely be the better one.

Hey! I just realized Civilization is kind of a wargame, I loved it! And Civ2.

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