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Allow me a minute please to make a few brief comments! Madmatt...

Guest Madmatt

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Guest Madmatt


I have noticed a trend recently, which has me a little concerned. Not so much in the overall tone, that I can understand but in perhaps my lack of being clear on a few issues.

I can only speak from myself on this topic although I would have to believe that Fionn and BTS would concur that it is not our intent to 'Tease', or 'Frustrate' or in any way anger you the Combat Mission public.

When I or Fionn or any of the Beta guys mentions something cool we saw in CM or some new feature that was recently added we do so because of just that reason. It was COOL and we wanted to share it with you.

CMHQ exists solely for the promotion, appreciation and total enjoyment of Combat Mission and ALL of its wonderful facets. We don't post pictures to tick you guys off, we do it to SHOW you what we have seen and for the others that aren't familiar with the product, it gives them something to think about and plants that little seed of CM which, in us, has already grown to an obsession like fervor.

I know it's frustrating having to wait. I know you wanted CM last year and were disappointed when it didn't ship. I know you check this board daily several times to look for updates. How do I know this? Up until two weeks ago I WAS IN THE SAME BOAT! I was not a beta-tester for CM when I first came on this forum nor was I when I started working with Fionn on CMHQ. You wanna talk frustration? Imagine working day to day with Fionn when he has the latest build and can't talk about what he sees and you are still putzing around with the demo!

Now because of work I did that was totally separate from my connection with CMHQ or Fionn, I was added to the beta-team just recently. I have tried to take my extreme enthusiasm for CM and share with you what I can.

I don't know when CM is going to ship and if I did I couldn't BY LAW talk about it but I want you guys to see as much of it as I am allowed until that magic day arrives.

Everything that you have seen in the demo has changed and if Steve and Charles allow me I will write an article to be posted on CMHQ talking all about the changes and what it's like to take this baby out for a spin. It has to be obvious by now that I have a rather unique outlook on things and I don't jump on bandwagons without good reason, but let me tell you straight right now, You will be amazed at what you see.

Steve, Charles and the Entire BTS company have their names and reputation riding on this one and I applaud their desire to release a game that IS the new standard in wargaming but they aren't going to do so until it's ready.

CMHQ, Fionn and myself are committed to providing frequent, current, accurate and interesting features on Combat Mission until the day comes when they pull the plug on our server or some personal crisis comes along and does a little switch-and-move with our priorities.

Thank you for your time...


Matthew S. Faller


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 01-11-2000).]

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Guest L Tankersley

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>CMHQ, Fionn and myself are committed to providing frequent, current, accurate and interesting features on Combat Mission until the day comes when they pull the plug on our server or some personal crisis comes along and does a little switch-and-move with our priorities.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

OMG, how can you tease us like this? You cruel, cruel individuals ... you should be ashamed. And hey, where's the latest update to CMHQ??!! It hasn't changed in the past 3 hours, you slackers!

Leland J. Tankersley


Keep the faith, Matt!

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Guest John Maragoudakis

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Everything that you have seen in the demo has changed<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That much?

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Sorry to hear you feel this way. You take our posts too much to heart. We gripe because it makes the time go faster and our one-track minds happy - not because we feel anger or disrespect towards you in any way shape or form.

Most of us Alphas (hate to use "All") understand the situation you Betas are in, and can respect the aspects of the binding contract in force between you and BTS. But can you deny us the simple pleasures of whining like infants? Whining is like the * button on the telephone - it doesn't do anything, but pressing it during those damned automated menus sure makes you feel better biggrin.gif

Keep up the entertaining and informative work - it is greatly appreciated and respected.

CrapGame out...

(and getting off the top of the doghouse)

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I'm sure that many of the posters here are only "teasing" you in turn, and don't mean much to it. All the same, your comments & perspective above are appropriately stated and at the right time. I was a beta tester for one of TalonSoft's game expansion modules last year, and that was work enough for me. That's saying nothing to maintaining a game support site as you & Fionn are doing.


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Guest Madmatt

Ok, Matt has been put to beddy bye and now Madmatt has returned ahahah and now to tease and provoke some more! Bwahahahaaa..

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Sorry to hear you feel this way. You take our posts too much to heart. We gripe because it makes the time go faster and our one-track minds happy - not because we feel anger or disrespect towards you in any way shape or form. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh, I understand this perfectly well. My intent was to just show you guys that I feel your pai???? (oh God, I can't really use those words!) Feel your...umm well in fact I don't feel your pain, but I know where you are all coming from and I am not some heartless ghoul that likes to show off his new toys to the unfortunate slobs whoes parents don't love them, although in fact I WAS that same kid! biggrin.gif

No harm has EVER or could EVER be done to me on this forum, I just wanted everyone here to understand in some small way, what I am about and why things are this way..

So keep those jabs coming people! I can take it! I love um' rolleyes.gif

Madmatt out...Hmmm I guess I should post some new pics tonight! wink.gif

Madmatt:Big tough exterior, soft mushy inside..YEAH RIGHT!!!!! eek.gif


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 01-11-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 01-11-2000).]

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So you know, the use of Alpha is incorrect. There actually is an alpha tester, which is generally defined as someone who gets the chance to test before the game even goes to beta. Having tested several games in alpha, I know what I am talking about.

Hmm...anyone have another suggestion? [Not giving mine, since I am a beta tester]

Tim 'Tiger' Orosz, Raider

Combat Mission Raider Team

Wild Bill's Raiders

The Gamers Net: http://www.thegamers.net

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Yes Madmatt, we appreciate your work. ( well maybe not work, but whatever it is you do... smile.gif )

Now if you want to talk delay: I'm an old (well, not that old) submarine sailor who has been waiting for the release of Silent Hunter II; the demo was slated for last Fall. But they don't even have a Beta out yet, ( and maybe won't release one as BTS has done). Now they say the Demo may not be out until NEXT FALL. Geez.

I Planted the Combat Mission seed on their forum, but I dunno; most of those guys have their heads underwater or something. smile.gif

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Release the game NOW !

Braveheart was released before completion and look what an excellent game that is !


Björn "Sorry he ever bought Braveheart" Elfström.

Den som väntar på något gott, väntar aldrig för länge !

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Guest Madmatt


That * button doesn't do anything? confused.gif

Nothing at all? frown.gif

Ummm errr are you sure? redface.gif

Oh noooooooo..... eek.gif

Madmatt out and feeling suddenly very very emotey inside...


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 01-11-2000).]

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Wow eek.gif he signed with his full name. He must have been serious! p: (I love smilies!)

IN all honestly, while knowing that a select few get to play CM right now makes waiting all that much harder, it's better than knowing NOTHING about the game. When they relate these experiences, it proves that the game is, indeed, moving ahead. They've shown results of many changes/additions lately (Transwhatever Walls, new AirAttack stuff, revamped AI, fog) that let us out here know that the stuff does, indeed, work. I would be MORE worried if all testers suddenly stopped relating any new stuff at all; that would mean that BTS was forced to redo old work (I learned that from my job; it's better to have ANYthing new to do/new info rather than having to deal with old issues)


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rune -

I know the Alpha role in software testing - I actually had a very small input in the Alpha version of Mosaic - remember that program??? I was referring to the meaning of Alpha in the book "Brave New World" or Alpha Males in the animal world - that is, sort of a jab at the Beta testers due to serious case of CM jealousy on my part. smile.gif

CrapGame out...

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Guest Madmatt

Dang! And I thought it was a reference to Return to the Planet of the Apes! You know Alpha and Omega and all that...Hmmm or was Buried Civilazation With a Thermonuclear Device on the Planet of the Apes?

Hmmm...Soylent Green is People!!! err no thats not it either confused.gif

tdmaMat uot dan lal xmide pu... tongue.gif


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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OK Faller, I just want to state right now for the record that when I called you a cruel, heartless, maniacal, teasing bastard on that other thread I meant it in the best of possible ways. tongue.gif

You only have to worry when a grunt stops bitching.


desert rat wannabe

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Guest Madmatt

Hmmm? Whats that guys? I can't hear you over the noise of this NON-DEMO version of Combat Mission!

Now THATS teasing! Heheheee and you guys thought I was gonna change! Bwahahahahahha NEVER!!!

Madmatt out...And now with 20% more Evil!!!

p.s. And the update is already up...Monkey Boy! biggrin.gif


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 01-11-2000).]

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Well as GS Patton said:

and I paraphrase

- A good plan executed today is better than

the perfect plan executed tomorrow.-

... his quote seems to fit the tone of this

thread for some reason.

I can wait - learned of CM in early December.

But the guys from this past spring must be pulling the roots out of their bald heads.

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Hey Matt,

You might be thinking of things other than teasing with your privates stapled to your forhead. wink.gif

As to people waiting since spring... I've been watching this one since I saw the first post at bigtimesoftware ('97 ???). I remember seeing something on computer ASL (beyond ASL at the time?? or was that Close Combat's first name?) and the potential release which was some godforsaken ways off. Achtung Spitfire was but a twinkle in the eye as we were all enjoying Over the Reich at the time. Fortunately the medication regimine they have me on has made the years pass quickly. smile.gif

Justin out... and searching for that high-powered staple-gun! tongue.gif

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I know you put a ton of effort into keeping us all updated. Thank you!!!

I haven't looked foreward to a game like this since I saw my first Steel Panthers ad, so I guess I can keep waiting. You know they say that the anticipation is often the most fun. Just don't keep us anticipating too long <BG>.


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