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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:

Hiram Sedai as playin' peek-aboo wi' his stupid Panthers. Mah TDs' lay shot tae hell in their hidey holes. Ah kin noo mak oot his tactics....they're certainly novel, and seem tae be based largely on lucky shots from far away.... Oh aye, his boys'll die....at's just curious tae observe his antics.



Okay. Color me stupid, but does hiding M10 Tank Destroyers on top of hills seem a bit silly? Wasn't one a Hellcat? I must have killed a Hellcat by now. Now, if they were hiding with an ambush set up or if you used them as bait, that would have been cool. I'll sacrifice all of my armor in a turn or two just to kill that gamey jeep and your equally gamey flamethrower. hehe

You are correct to identify them as antics instead of tactics.


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

LOL, That is too funny. Not to belittle Hiram.. But in this contest I would simply use my elven dexterity to not only carve out Hiram's liver..but make my wife some nice luggage at the same time.

Lorak the loathed


What you fail to realize is that my Solamnic Knight Armor (Knight of the Shrubbery) would be proof against your skinny little elven knife. Unless you were really a dark elf from Menzobarasaraean (spelling?)


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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More news that as exciting as Maximus making an ass of himself:

Shandorfffff was only able to eek out a pathetic little win in the little game, though crow like he did about how he was crushing me. As for the larger affair...he hides his infantry like a nun with a dildo. When he finally shows them, it ought to be some fun. For now our tanks trade long shots and smoke while my long, tan line advances.

The lawyer now trying to pass himself off as jd and I are going toe-to-toe. He opens fire and runs away. An obvious ploy to lead me into strongpoints and ambushes. Well, he'll get none of that from me. My advance pushes forward, unchecked by his little men. Prisoners have been taken, and they speak of sodomistic attrocities among the general officers.

Hiram's little stars stopped moving. He better hurry up, my men are quite hungry.

The rest of you bore me to death.

I am selling the paws from dalem's dog to anyone who want's a dalem trophy - not like you couldn't whip him yourself to get your own.

In other news, my new Home Theater System and DVD player kick ass. Gladiator never sounded so good.





Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

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Croda wrote:

> my new Home Theater System and DVD player kick ass. Gladiator never sounded so good.

Gladiator? How original... "hey, I've got a DVD player, what shall I do now...? I know, I'll watch Gladiator!

For heaven's sake, man, get a real film. A Bridge Too Far, The Thin Red Line, or even Being John Malkovitch. Gladiator is "Historical Epic + DVD for Newbies".

By the way, The Fall Of The Roman Empire covers similar ground to Gladiator and is a far better movie. =P

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

By the way, The Fall Of The Roman Empire covers similar ground to Gladiator and is a far better movie. =P<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Is not "a far better movie". Even if James Mason is in it. Gladiator is a "Let's make a fantasy hero movie with Romans in it and let Ridley direct it", FOTRP is a "Let's make a Really Really Big Roman Movie Again".

In fact, if Eddie Izzard had been cast in Gladiator with his James Mason act, Gladiator would have been a better movie than FOTRP. OTOH, if Robert Shaw had been in FOTRP it would have been a far better movie than Gladiator. It all evens out you see.

Ask me, I know these things. And I'm only semi-back, thanks for athskin.

Badda-bing badda-bom


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Joe, Joe, Joe. Isn't this a case of the pot calling the kettle black. After all in the Mortgage Banking industry you have your equivalent "pads" ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> They are NOT called "pads" ... actually we call them "junk fees", not that you'll ever see that on a closing statement. And I've never ONCE called you black ... or a kettle for that matter.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

Originally posted by David Aitken:

Ask me, I know these things. And I'm only semi-back, thanks for athskin.

Badda-bing badda-bom


What did you think of "Okalahoma"? Dontcha think Curly was a bit presumptuous?


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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On the movie front go get the directors cut of Das Boot..remastered and remixed (dolby-fied) and expanded....now there is a GREAT movie. Also has director commentary that really makes flm interesting. They did amazing things to make it realsitic. Compare it to that sucky (I like to use erudite pharsing doncha no) U-571.


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Guest Wildman

Why helllllloooooo there celler dwellers, cesspoolians, and other assorted low-life scum; with a special, I hope you get infected boils on your eyelids to the Mormon Wife poster for blinding me in my left eye.

As a lurker from way back, and having read as much of the original thread as humanly possible, I know feel ready for any torture test the VC can throw at me. Wait, wrong thread, I mean I have come to recap my view of the major pieces of dung that float here in the pool.

PENG: Although the thread has his name this one-time poster, now long-time poser has not been seen or heard from in ages. What has happened, is he spending this time one a better name? Because PENG sounds like someones term for shagging, scroging, rogering, slap & tickle, etc.

SEENAPIE: Originator of the thread, but lately seems to be dropping off, his recent posts lack the vitrol they once had.

GERMANBOY: No better name for the lack of testicular fortitude he has shown lately. Damnit! I want more posts, give me, give me, give me.

JD,jd,jdmorse: A lawyer. Enough said. I only hope he was not part of that blunder of an airdrop into West Palm Beach.

JOE SHAW: The most vile and hateful thought go in your direction. Only a twisted, sexual frustrated deviant, with a penchance for heinous dust bags would have ever started posting OLD MORMON WIFES. You foul, nasty man.

HYMAN SEDAI: I can only assume you picked your name from the girly witches in Robert Jordan's books. Which from the tone of the posts was the tactic you used to become a cesspoolian. "I don't know if I could ever be like you Peng, its an honor to be here Seenapie..." You make me want to hurl huge amounts of vomitous mass at you.

LORAK: An obvious fairy with delusions of grandeur.

OGSF: This mangy excuse for a William Wallace want-a-be, must have a radically different keyboard that me. I can't even find half of the letters he type. I had a lot of trouble reading his post, until I read them outloud in the worse Southern hillbilly accent I had. (hillbilly, Scottish what the difference really?)

GEIER: Really, with all the talk of gerbils and small furry creature, even I stay away from someone who so readily took his moniker from Richard Geer.

BEERLICKAROUNDTHEGLASS: I think he is really a closet GROG. I might just go do a search with the email address to prove my point. I mean really a GROG in the cesspool? Even the lumps of mushy troll flesh that call the pool home have some standards!

Well for all the other lurkers out there, I hope you find this recap entertaining and educational. Not that I really care one way or the other. I an work and bored silly, with several projects I need to push back for a couple of weeks and still look busy at my computer.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd:

On the movie front go get the directors cut of Das Boot..remastered and remixed (dolby-fied) and expanded....now there is a GREAT movie. Also has director commentary that really makes flm interesting. They did amazing things to make it realsitic. Compare it to that sucky (I like to use erudite pharsing doncha no) U-571. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Having a jd/1 moment?

I don't watch many war movies at all because Sci Fi is more my speed. Kelly's Heroes was my last movie.

I wish the local Blockbuster had the WWII movies together in one section. The prepubescent clerk usually gives me an odd look when I ask for a WWII flick.

Maybe its not the question.

Maybe its my malodorous stench and my propensity to scratch myself why bellowing "Oh yeah, Daddy likes a good scratchin!!"


Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>JOE SHAW: The most vile and hateful thought go in your direction. Only a twisted, sexual frustrated deviant, with a penchance for heinous dust bags would have ever started posting OLD MORMON WIFES. You foul, nasty man.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hmmm, while it's always nice to see new blood in the 'pool, there are certain standards which must be maintained. And while I certainly don't want to get carried away with grammatical corrections (...let he among you who is without sin ... etc.), there are errors in the above which cry out to be rectified (sit down Blousehouse). See you, it should be "thoughts", "sexually" and "penchant." Beyond that ... thanks for noticing ... it's all I've ever asked.

And we are pleased that your first ever post should be here in the one, the true CessPool ... now go away and play with your jets.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

What did you think of "Okalahoma"? Dontcha think Curly was a bit presumptuous?


No, I didn't think of it.

No man should ever sell his saddle. So yes.

Hope that doesn't help.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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Guest Wildman

WHAT!! WHAT!!! Joe Shaw attacking my grammar? What am I a college graduate?

Oh yea, I am aren't I. Do you thing English is my native tongue? OK, so it is. FINE!! I still reserve the right to butcher the language and berate you for your Martha Stewart assault on my post. Next thing you know I'll have to quilt a damn SS uniform before I'm allowed to post. Really!!!

I'm glad someone recognizes that their my jets, now if I can only get that point through to the thick-headed pilots that continually break my planes, I might catch-up on fixing them.


I mean really, attacking a man's grammer and not the content. HOW RUDE! Keep it up and I'll attach a smiley to hunt down your Martha personality.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wildman:

*GRUNT* *SNORT* *GRUNT GRUNT* Next thing you know I'll have to quilt a damn SS uniform before I'm allowed to *SQUEEL* post. Really!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Why dont you croche a noose, and hang yourself with it!

I think we Cesspoolers would be far more appreciative and supportive of your efforts if you did!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>*GRUNT* I'm glad someone recognizes that their my *GRRR* jets, now if I can only get that point through to the thick-headed pilots that continually break my planes, I might catch-up on fixing them.*SNORT* *GRUNT*<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Of course, your aircraft probably have the worse failure rating of all the fleet and drop out the sky regularly. May be your poor maintenance skills, or may simply be the pilots flying them into the ground to try to avoid your incessant grunting!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I mean *SQUEEL* really, attacking a man's grammer and not the *SNORT* content. HOW *GRUNT* RUDE!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not once did I attack your grammer. I think this more direct personal attack is far more enjoyable!


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Fellow 'poolers, let this be yet another example (Hiram would be the first) of the damage that can be done by trying to be polite within the confines of The One The True Cesspool. In my attempt to ease the poor chap into the modus operandi of the 'pool by pointing out (Hah! He called THAT an Attack!) the most obvious errors in his post, I apparently and unwitingly gave him the impression that his post was of 'pool quality! As to the content of his post ... I found nothing worthy of comment. He will, obviously, have to do FAR better to gain more attention from THIS group.


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Wildman wrote:

> I shall now proceed to tell you all who you are. In case you didn't know.

See, there really is no point in going to college. Considering the effects of three years of sex and drugs, you might as well never have gone to high school either. As Placidboy ably exemplifies.

Geier wrote:

> In fact, if Eddie Izzard had been cast in Gladiator with his James Mason act, Gladiator would have been a better movie than FOTRP.


> OTOH, if Robert Shaw had been in FOTRP it would have been a far better movie than Gladiator. It all evens out you see.

But... but... okay, I've got nothing against Joaquin Phoenix (he was half of the reason I bought 8MM, even though I didn't like him in Gladiator and hadn't seen him anywhere else – the other half being Nicholas Cage and the remaining three-quarters being Catherine Keener), but Christopher Plummer was the ideal Commodus, and you can't shake a stick at Alec Guinness.

By the way, don't you mean FOTRE?

Oh! oh! while I'm on the subject... a great example I saw a few days ago of the rule "think of a good acronym first and then fill in the words". It was VOTE, Voters Organised Towards Empowerment or something. But nothing beats FIST – Future Infantry Soldier Technology. =)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

Gladiator? How original... "hey, I've got a DVD player, what shall I do now...? I know, I'll watch Gladiator!

For heaven's sake, man, get a real film. A Bridge Too Far, The Thin Red Line, or even Being John Malkovitch. Gladiator is "Historical Epic + DVD for Newbies".

By the way, The Fall Of The Roman Empire covers similar ground to Gladiator and is a far better movie. =P<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So they have good drugs in your corner of the world, eh David? If not, then you must be (god forbid) eclectic. Either way, your opinion on movies is equally as crappy as your opinion on what country to call home.

Thin Red Line? What a horrendous sack of rat crap that movie was. Characters sucked. Storyline was buried with Hoffa. I've seen more intriguing coloring books.

As for Gladiator, it was a great movie, even if it was too mainstream for you.

Want to hear more? I also have The Patriot(oh no!), and Top Gun, and I'm going to get The Matrix. Yup, pure Hollywood all around. Feel like I'm using magic markers to color on "David's Holier Than Thou Movie List?" Tough titty. The fact that you'd even mention Thin Red Line as a great movie renders all of your opinions past and future Null and Void. By enjoying that movie you have forfeited your right to ever again give movie advice. Go judge a dog show or something.





Damn Croda. That is one funny sig!!!

must suck to be you - Hiram Sedai

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Mensch I await the return file with baited breath, after all its only been 3 weeks since the last move.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

well you stinking sod! I am naturaly on holidays ..and before I left I tried the file... guess what! its in version 1.05.. so bugger me loading down that "old update" and get the round off before I left.. lucky people like senachai or mace or some other people whos names fail me because they have no importance in my life so why bother remembering thier names I got the rounds of since they updated to the new 1.24.... while I am away nuffelhead you can updated it and send it again.

whos this new git that came in.. Bugger off you stinking sod of a snail mollester!

things doing good here.. I gave the RCMP the slip at the airport so no jail for me here.. the bloody CISIS almost took my head off with some sharp shooter! And I am eating donuts to my hearts content and drinking Labatts 50.... yer all hosers eh!

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 01-04-2001).]

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Guest Wildman

Please Mace don't take the laptop into the bathroom with you, the cesspool smells bad enough without you trying to add the better part of your *place any anatomy here* for all to see.

As for my planes falling out of the air, I shall not respond, none of the eight planes that crashed last year were mine, they were that other saps in the other squadrons. And we won't even touch the Awesome *snigger*, tremendous *chuckle*, great *snort* Aussie Air Farce.

Joe, good Gawd man, I certainly hope that wasn't an attack by you, I've seen you do better. Whew, that butt-kissing is over now. Thank goodness, there was no substance to the post, if there was I would have to take it out of the cesspool. One of the unwritten rules for newbies was "No substance!", or was that "No flatulence!"...I forget.

I finally realized why my grammar sucked, I graduated from Kearns H.S. in SLC,UT. No wonder!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

I gave the RCMP the slip at the airport so no jail for me here<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Damn, and I thought the Mounties were made of sterner stuff.

Oh well, if you give us your current address we can rectify this little problem quite quickly!

And remember, it is for the good of the Canadian community. wink.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

Oh well, if you give us your current address we can rectify this little problem quite quickly!


ya its


Idiot Drive 4



c/o funnyguy with a sheep wrapped around his waist.

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