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Who was accepting bets on release dates? (My new bet is May 9th)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by icee93:

Man I hope BTS could tell us of a release date of sorts!


They HAVE told us the release date: When it is ready. smile.gif

Now when that is, I'm not sure anybody really knows.

But I am sure Steve & Charles will let us know as soon as it is ready to go out the door.

Until then, we just need to smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif.



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Guest BigAlMoho

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Eichmann2:

Nah,-it's got to be the 6th June smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey! I already picked June 6th in the other thread! wink.gif


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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

I really hate to keep harping on this, BUT...

the "When it's done" reason just doesn't get it in the high-paced world that we all live in now.

I mean, I have read the Battlefront.com Manifesto and believe in it 100%, but Geez! But what about, "When a point comes where we say, 'good enough'?"

Besides, there's nothing a patch can't fix or finish. In the meantime, if any of you have played Starfleet Command, then you probably know about Klingon Academy. It's demo is out as of Tuesday night. It's kinda hefty, 82 Meg. But if you're looking for a "cinematic-quality" space-combat simulator, Klingon Academy is your ticket.

You can download this demo at:


I'm plugging this to alleviate some of the wait for CM.

Oh, yeah! My NEW prediction for CM's Gold Demo release is late March.


"Cry Woe...Destruction...Ruin and Decay. The worst is Death...and Death will have His day."--Gen. Chang

[This message has been edited by Ol' Blood & Guts (edited 03-03-2000).]

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Guest Captain Foobar

My prediction is next Friday.

I have had that prediction EVERY WEEK, and I keep on kicking it back until the following Friday. I would certainly lose all hope if I thought it would be the end of summer. Stop talking about this. Its getting me depressed...hehe


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ol' Blood & Guts:

I really hate to keep harping on this, BUT...

the "When it's done" reason just doesn't get it in the high-paced world that we all live in now.


I am a software engineer and I have to say I agree.

In ideal world you could wait until it is done but it just does not work well in current situation...

But I am totally opposed to releasing unfinished, buggy product. "Features" could be sacrificed but it cannot be buggy

[This message has been edited by killmore (edited 03-03-2000).]

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Hi All!

Like most of you, I've been waiting for CM for close to 3 years now. I think 3 years is enough. Hell I would've been happy if the game was based on the beta demo. Come on BTS!

Enough, is enough, if you want to make improvements do it for CM2. Finish the remaining textures. Put together a manual that covers the game well (leave out the historical contexts please), and ship this puppy. I hope I've not insulted anyone. I've read this forum most everyday for years, and even though I rarely post, I've enjoyed reading what others have to say, and I've learned a LOT (except to not write run-on sentences of course!) This is just my two cents worth, nothing more.



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I'd guess Gold Demo by late April & shipped product on North American customer's doorsteps by late May.

Right now I believe Steve & Charles are working on new textures due to the increased texture sizes that they instituted awhile back. This is going to take some time to redo these, but it is necessary for the even appearance of quality (who wants a "chunky" AFV & a highly-defined bitmap of a building ?). Of course there are other things that they may be working on, but I assume this may be the major task that they are facing before release.

Although I'm as anxious as anyone to get my hands on the full version, I'm quite willing to wait while they finish it (though I'd probably get a little testy if they didn't finish it by this summer). I think it is an excellent product, from what I can see in the demo and screenshots, and it is quite remarkable that such a small developement team was able to produce it. Compare what BTS has done to any developement team at other game companies and you will realize just how much of a burden in finishing the product that Steve & Charles have to deal with. Diablo II anyone ? I'm sure Blizzard has a dozen or more people working directly on the product, but are they done yet ? How long has it been ? I think most people on this board are aware of Talonsoft and it's "patch it" system of getting their products to function. Not to slam them too hard, because they do make some fairly good games, but you can talk to most people on this board and they can relate to you their frustration in "waiting for the patch" to fix their particular pet-peeve about a game.

This sounds sychophantic, but I think we should be glad that Steve and Charles are dedicated to producing a quality product. Many people on this board keep on saying that "enough is enough" and just ship the product. Well, if we got a full product with all the minor bugs that the demo has, then Steve & Charles would probably be inundated with requests to fix this or that and be accused of crappy testing/programming. Of course a number of you have said "only ship it BUG FREE". Again, what they're doing right now (mostly) is bringing all the graphics up to par with what they've allowed the engine to handle. There very well may be patches in the future, but hopefully they won't be 50Mb patches that some users (timed internet access) will have a hard time downloading.

Ugh.. Ok, I'm done ranting biggrin.gif . I've just read too many requests from posters who want the game shipped "regardless" of its current state, which is just unrealistic in my opinion. Steve & Charles aren't just writing a database with the "default" front end nor are they just "painting little red-noses" on the grunts.

"Life's a piece of sh#t, when you look at it.." Sing a-long now ! tongue.gif

[This message has been edited by Schrullenhaft (edited 03-03-2000).]

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Guest Thumper


Several people have posted complaints about BTS's "when its done" reply to a release date, sounding for all the world as if BTS was somehow "cheating them" by not releasing CM RIGHT NOW. I won't speak for anyone else but I know they haven't charged my credit card yet so how can I complain if the game isn't ready. It is THEIR product, THEIR code, THEIR art work, their labor of love not OURS! I want to play the game as much as anyone and I have been waiting as long as many of you but hey, there are other things to do besides play CM!(sorry guys smile.gif ) Quit whining and opining about how BTS should quit tweaking and send it out. Like as not the same people would be complaining if the game had been sent early and had bugs. Sorry for the rant but enough is enough.

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Guest MantaRay

You also have to look at their compettition, NONE. That is usualy the biggest factor in a company rushing a product. With no compettition, they can afford to wait till they get it completed to their satisfaction. I for one am happy that they have taken this tactic, as a lot of companies really have no shame in their releasing of 60% completed products. Thanks BTS, but please get it out soon, or when it is finished. smile.gif




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Not trying to step on any toes here but... this is place is starting to sound like the back seat of the family car on summer vacation.


I expect Steve or Charles at any minute to turn around and say "Don't make me stop this car!"


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I'm kinda sitting on the fence...

On the one hand -- I want it now!

On the other hand -- I want it now! BUT, I'll use the lull to finish playing other games I haven't finished. I know when CM is released, all my so-called free time will evaporate overnight.

On the third hand (yes, I'm a mutant) -- There does come a time in development of any software that it must actually be released. wink.gif


Steve C.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Besides, there's nothing a patch can't fix or finish. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A patch can't "fix" bad reviews if the graphics don't meet a reviewers requirement or a bug slips through etc etc.

A patch can't "fix" the lost sales.

You gotta think large-scale here...

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As hardware improves, folks look for software to keep pace. This is an issue in the computer industry – has been and will continue to be. Software is damn hard the get right. Each day a programmer codes targeting current hardware is a day closer to obsolescence in a technical sense. That’s

why programmers often target their software in run on future platforms. MS Flight Sim 2000 is a prime example. It runs marginally on current (P3 500) systems and is aimed for new faster computers. I am sure BTS knows

what they are doing and that time is not on the side of the software developer technically. I have already have had 100’s of dollars of entertainment from the demo – sure others have too. I can wait. I am concerned some knuckleheads will put out a cheap imitation of what we are waiting for and steal CM’s thunder. So many software titles are purchased based on graphics. I hope this is not holding up CM because wargamers in general do not place as high an importance on graphics. Also, graphics become obsolete faster than just about any other software related item. I mention this because I read some posts about tweeking textures.

Having fun with the demo ...

- Kevin

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Woo hoo, yet another place for me to point out that CM1 is sub-titled "Beyond the Beachhead". smile.gif

All those years of waiting for Christmas as a kid did nothing to prepare me for this wait -- this wait is worse than all those combined. I'm a professional software developer, and I compose music as a hobby -- and oh, yeah, I'm somebody's husband and I've got two kids, but I'm still waiting. smile.gif

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: can somebody (perhaps the folks at CMHQ) set up a distribution list that simply e-mails us any important news (and news only -- jus' the facts, m'am, as they happen).

I mean, this is a forum, which is a place for discussion, and there seems to be so little to discuss right now. The e-mail approach would cut down on most of the noise because I'm sure I'm not the only who stops by everyday waiting for the one append that ends the wait. If I knew I'd get e-mail when the gold demo is out (or e-mail for any other similarly important event), I'd stop by here perhaps once a week, and I'd almost certainly not post stoopid appends like this one. wink.gif

(I've just e-mailed the good folks at TGN with this idea, since they already have support for mailing lists, so we'll see where this goes....)

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[This message has been edited by sbg2112 (edited 03-04-2000).]

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My bet is for June it hitting my HD I am afraid. frown.gif I hope I am wrong.

By the way the "bug free" argument diesnt hold much water. There are going to be bugs in it for sure. Its just whether its bug crippled not bug free IMHO.

Games nowadays are just so complex that even with large scale testing bugs emerge after release sometimes just due to the factors of scale (IE: you get many more combinations of machines hardware and some of them dont work).

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