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Things you should not expect from CM

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37) A dwarfish "Master Rune of AFV Slaying" and a "Rune of Accuracy" inscripted on a gun barrel

38) secret code to activate "god mode". all units get 100mm armor and unlimited ammo.

39) you can produce new Volkssturm in town centers if you control some wheat-fields.

cost: 50 food.

40) produce new King Tigers in churches for

100 iron (hills)

41) US - troops buying away your last Tiger whith a huge sum of money (gold).

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WHAT???!!!! 1000 jeeps CAN'T kill 100 Tigers????!!!!! Geez, there goes my scenario plan to use 1000 jeeps, give them each a fanatical driver, and have each one ram a Tiger until the Tiger's suspension and treads bind up. (Even if it uses up 900+ jeeps in the process.) wink.gif

Ah, the glory days of TOAW. I suspect that Mr. Allen would get a rise from your comment above, Fionn.

Oops, better add something to the list...

46) Willie & Joe (for the US scenarios) calling out to their platoon leader who's trying to rally them, "Sir, do you have to draw fire while inspiring us?"

[This message has been edited by Spook (edited 01-14-2000).]

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I believe it is firing 2.5 metric tons of ammunition, firing 72 rockets from an ARMORED FORKLIFT, and destroying the better part of a Panzer Division's EQUIPMENT while incredibly notting hitting and injuring a single individual in the ranks. (Due to their amazing accuracy, of course...)

CrapGame out...

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Guest Zigster

47) Sgt. Rock singlhandedly loads and fires that bogged-in Calliope over open sights into the advancing close-packed ranks of dumb...(you know the word)...who don't know how to take cover, while in his LEFT hand lets rip a sustained burst with a .50 cal, ricocheting the rounds off the Tiger he blew up earlier with a firecracker tied to an ice cream cone, and into Hitler's bunker...

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I know it is fun to play with scrolling etc but I'm sure some people can't display scrolling text (we've run into that with CMHQ).

Also, I think it increases download time.. Just a word to the wise.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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48) IFTs

49) CCTs

50) DRMs

51) Table C7.346 DC placement va. AFV DR

52) RPh's, MPh's, DFPh's, AFPh's, RtPh's, APh's and CCPh's

You get the picture smile.gif

PS. Yep, I found that old Advanced Squad Leader booklet in the cellar the other day...

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Yea, what Moon said. Otherwise keep up the good work CCJ. Also, CCJ I think it might have been you who told me about this game one night at The Zone. Remember, we were comparing it to ASL and I was asking a bunch of Q's on how it compares. That night I checked Battlefront out and have never been back since (to the Zone). Was it you? My name on the Zone was SSTOTENKOPF41 but then changed to EVERYSOLDIER. I've never even played CC3 since then and dont miss it a bit. I do miss some of the people on their disscussion though. Like NicolusIII? He was from Germ and a great guy. I do hope he has made it here.

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I followed the link to the Haunted tank, and loved the caption:

"Memories of the Haunted Tank! (DC's most realistic war stories!, by Stephen Gentner)"

Yep... an M3 Stewart blasting three or four Tigers 1s per issue, using "hypervelocity" ammo for its deadly 37mm. While the comic did have great drawings of the Stuart and the Tigers, and once, I recall seeing the Stuart blasting a Sturmtiger (it missed by a few meters, and so the 380 mm shell caused no damage to the Stuart, the the 37 mm of the Stuart cut right through the front armour of the Sturmtiger), and another time, driving between two tigers and causing them to blast one another... As hungry ss I was for WWII tank stuff, I preferred Sgt. Fury back then. The last "Haunted Tank" story I picked up had the intrepid Sgt. having to go to a Tank Scrapheap (really...heaped in piles... acres of them), which seemed to contain no authentic WWII vehicles, and using a convenient crane to assemble something that looked vagely like an M47, which he estatically deemed "a fighting tank!." At last... after tanking out more Tigers than were built with an M3?

Sheesh... The one redeeming feature of the Haunted Tank stories were the authntic vehicle drawings, and after they dumped the Stuart, it had nothing.

But actually, there is one potential battlefield conversion that could have worked really well. In 1945, someone at Aberdeen figured out that if you raised an M36 TD turret basket 4 inches, you could drop it into an M18 Hellcat chassis. Without a muzzle break, the 90mm gun firing would knock the Super Hellcat back two feet, but it was fine with a muzzle break, and actually got better gas milage. Now, that would be cool... a 90mm TD that scoots at 50 mph. Just the ticket for Tiger Hunting.

Kevin Christensen

Lawrence, KS

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57) 'Easter Egg' codes:

a) Displays the sturmtroopen with big heads.

B) Legends mode which allows you to take on Ghengis Khan's horde or one of Caesar's Roman Legions.

58) Paint rounds and loudspeakers, a la 'Kelly's Heroes'.

59) Teleport gates

60) Lava

[This message has been edited by civdiv (edited 01-14-2000).]

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Sneaking your Zook team 19m from a JagdTiger perfect LOS on the rear and .........

Saving Ammo !

Saving Ammo !

JT turning.

first shoot of, miss by 11m(those small JTs are hard to hit at those extreme ranges.

JT turning.

World record in reloading the Zooka

Saving Ammo !

Saving Ammo !

Second Shoot of, miss by 11m(exact same spot).

JT stop.

World record AGAIN in reloading the Zooka

Zooka fires and SCOOOORRRREEEE.......a hit in the frontal armour leaving a ugly scratch mark in the paint.


End of Story(and Zooka team)

[This message has been edited by Bamse (edited 01-14-2000).]

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Wait a minute! I thought the haunted tank was one of them Lee jobbers. Is this another haunted tank or same series just upgraded? The one I read was from DC comics and could always be found next to Sgt Rock. I used to have a special series of Sgt Rock that was about their german counterpart, had about 6 issues following this german squad till they ran into Rock's easy company.

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?) The axis having the Death Star"Humm that moon on the horizon hasnt moved for 2 hours, Wait that isnt a small moon..."

?+1) Us bazookas develope wire guidence

?+2) Axis forces receive stinger missles from iran.

?+3) Us tanks start to be killed off be samll arms becouse they are imported and made from recycled soda cans.

?+4) a sherman aims at a stug and receives a "LOW POWER" wav

?+5) Muliple clicking on a unit causes the frase "I DONT KARE WHAT YOU LIKE" in rough german.

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Guest scurlock

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Zigster:

28) The A-Team. A single squad that fires 2.5 metric tons of ammunition, seventy-two rockets, and destroys the better part of a Panzer Division.

Axis Casualties: 0

Allied Casualties: 0

Axis surrender, Allied Total Victory.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's only becouse there's no Italian forces in CM1; wait, the Italians wouldn't expend that much ammo before surrendering, and they wouldn't have destroyed anything either.

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<marquee>67) Cause CoolColJ to stop using scrollies biggrin.gif</marquee>

Von Shrad - that was a long time ago, damn I had some good memories of that night. Yeah I was on-line just to talk! Because ever since the ZOne changed its software, I couldn't get CC3 to hook with anyone at the ZOne smile.gif SO that was the last time I was there too. I was preaching the CM gospel wink.gif

Yeah it was me under the name of BLITZ_Force, my online CC3, Half-life etc nick tongue.gif

Kinda makes me sad - sniff - nice memories, thanks for refreshing my memory smile.gif





My HomePage -----> www.geocities.com/coolcolj/

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