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Best senarios?

Guest Rob/1

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I think we will certainly see a flood of scenarios being released within a few weeks of the game coming out, when people get their hands on the editor. From what i've read there seems to be quite a few people already drawing up battle plans and doing research on some of the encounters that took place.

Bridge and airfield defence and attack would be interesting. I'd like to see massive maps and lots of turns. I want to play engagements that last for days (and nights!!).

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Since scenarios last 30-60 minutes, it would be hard to go from day to night (or night to day). I would guess the weather could change as much as it can in that time period. Maybe operations will allow for greater change.

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

"Campaigns" are referred to as operations, and yes. You will have linked scenarios over the same ground, going from day-to-dusk-to-night-to-dawn, and so on.....

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I don't know the score on how the number turns are coded into the scenarios/operations. But it would be great if there was an option to switch turns off - i.e play until the scenario ojectives are either won or lost with no limit on the # of turns.

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I believe, the max for scenarios is 120 turns

so I imagen that an operation will have x

amount of scenarios at 120 per each or so.

I read this a long time ago, so I could be


good luck

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I would like to see a scenario that features a giant wooden rabbit, and maybe a giant peng-goo-in that shoots blood "pshssst!" like that in a great red arc when it gets killed. and maybe some dancing naked ladies with big boobs and a hundred king tigers all painted red and yellow with painted party hats and noisemakers. And I want it on the french riviera with boatloads of chanpagne and caviar and some nice dead rats dressed as dead chickens with bazookas for noses and and potato masher handgrenades for arms and everyone is dancing to a mix of "It might as well be spring" and "eaton rifles" while great fat brussles sprouts in butter and white wine are swirelled around in cocktail glasses by Robert Mitchum and Vanessa Redgrave and they make googlie eyes at each other while the Bismark sinks and mothra fights with Ultraman on a moonscape complete with a pit full of squid and the sweedish bikini team plays water polo against the mormon tabernacle chior and the last thing that anyone sees is a gigantic marlon brando sit on a melon with an APDS shell in it that goes right up his bum and into his head and explodes and there is a banner out of his neckbone that sez "War is Over if you want"

Now THAT, my friends is a scenario.



Peng sez "die a lot now."

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>white wine are swirelled around in cocktail glasses by Robert Mitchum and Vanessa Redgrave <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Like your "perfect" scenario could happen Peng ... sheesh ... don't be ridiculous ... Bob Mitchum is dead.



"I don't want them brave, I want them dead!"

Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson

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but if you have any, please send some my way, it might help keep the voices quiet.



Peng sez "die a lot now."

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:


but if you have any, please send some my way, it might help keep the voices quiet.



I'd still like to hear you (or Denis Leary) read that post out loud real fast and then do an mp3 of it.

That's what I want. And some illiterate substances. Also known as smilies.

And a comfy chair.


Geier, formerly Kettle Black.

"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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