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Is there a record for amounts of men killed by a single unit in a single battle? I was just wondering because I am in a PBEM right now and I have a single squad that has taken out 54 Americans all by himself in the space of a few minutes. There are still a few survivors, so I will post the screenshot of the kills when they all die or the game is over.


I just had an eight man team take out 30 americans, and I've had a panther take out five shermans and nine infantry, but I only have the demo.


Be nice to your panzershrecks. :)


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by howardb:

I had some evil FJ take out 44 infantry + a sherm and a HT and to top it off that team didn't lose a single man. Crazy luck I'll say.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah, but just wait 'til Nuremburg... biggrin.gif


Sounds like 100% weapons-grade bolonium to me.


While defending against the AI, I had a platoon of regular American infantry supported by an M3 halftrack wipe out a company of FJ (and assorted support teams) while only losing about 10 men. All three squads had in the low 20s on kills, and the M3 had 27. Considering the Sherman 105 nearby had 28 kills, and my 57mm AT gun popped two StuGs, it was not a good day for the FJs.


Humm 54 men one squad. How is it then that I have to play you in the so-called "lesser player tourney smile.gif"


As the victors define history, so does the majority define sanity...


While playing against Cubes (Who beats me 99% of the times) I had a StuartV scoring a whooping 10 Infantry, 1 Wespe and 1 PANTHER.

Yeah baby!



Either he's dead or my watch has stopped


In a scenerio battle vs Freyland I had a Pillbox MG get 32 confirmed kills and 2 mortars teams. Freyland never destroyed the pillbox the poor bastards RAN OUT OF AMMO and surrendered.

I had a US infantry squad get 32 kills


I had a German HMG team who killed 54 poor amis. I really wish we could get ALL the kills, not just the confirmed ones!




I had an infantry squad take out a king tiger , with a rifle grenade , when i had no armor in the scenario and had already used or lost all of my bazooka shots , that infantry squad was BIG TIME heroes to me.


I had a FJ Squad in a QB take out 54 Brit Inf 2 brens & a Sherman III, the next closest squads in the zug were 43 and 38 inf casualties + couple soft skins etc, their was literaly bodies & burnt out AFVs all around their positions.

Regards, John Waters


People who can smile when things go wrong

have found someone else to blame.


My best record is one German infantry platoon (31 men in total strength)scored :

7 kills for the HQ

24 kills for the #1 squad

86 kills for the #2 squad

61 kills for the #3 squad

The total kills for this damn platoon

is : 178

This was happened in a QB with the AI and

AI was the attacker.


Sgt. Huang

I LOVE my country, but my

government sucks.


Not sure if this is a record, but it's pretty damn impressive for a single *turn*(playing against the AI), and it just happened about 5 minutes ago. Not mentioning the map name, so as to avoid any spoilers.

Sgt. Dunning's Churchill Crocodile rushed to a two story heavy building that housed 7 infanty markers, most of whom hadn't seen much contact yet and were hiding for some reason. He sets the building on fire with the first shot of his flame thrower, then for the next 56 seconds toasted them as they poured out like rats, adding a bit of MG fire and main gun fire to the recipe for good measure. Total dead in one turn: 32 infanty, 2 mortars, with only 1 infantry captured. Not a single enemy unit even tried to target the Croc after the building caught fire.

It was an oddly beautiful thing to watch.


I had a MG pillbox take out 121 infantry and 2 mortars while I kept the AIs armour tied up on the other side of the map smile.gif


Walter R. Strapps


I only had once a US para killing some 21 krauts on Son bridge..

But I'm good with PIAT & bazookas :

PIAT Team at Pegasus Bridge: 1 pillbox and 2 Pz IVs (the only armored opposition !)

Para Bazooka team in Italy : 2 Tigers alone.

And the teams survived - they just had no ammo left...


I had a platoon of lemmings kill off 345 rabid hamsters, 95 chinchilla commandos and 85 volksgerbils. I would have had more but I moved a little too close to the edge of that cliff. AAAaaaa


Had a 105 VT take out 103 infantry. 2/3 of my total kills. Tree bursts rock!


Upon the fields of friendly strife, are sown the seeds of Victory.

---Douglas McArthur


Not a record by any means, but I had a GREEN German SMG squad take out 28 American inf, a Mortar Team, a HMG Team, and a Sherman Tank with their one and only Faust. I was pleased.


Von Brizee is this a tourney game. If so you can count on a good score I would think.

PawBroon, I guess you are glad that Cubes didn't make your group. Sounds like he has your number. smile.gif

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